Hope they all had their weetbix.....Wednesday morning the Windfest crew are being treated to light paddle!
Day 3 starts with free breaky provided by local Progress assoc. Yum ! Optional outrigger paddling. Then later One design windsurfer racing. Then back on the speed course this arvo...(plus a couple of shots of yesterday)
Missed you today mate! Had an awesome 3hrs unregistered session out on the water. Toured the area and felt the bank under the board. the one design goes ok on the flat stuff ??
Those One Design Windsurfers are a true hazard on any waterway in the modern world, and an immediate ban should be placed on them on any watercourse used by performance speed athletes who are superior and do not need obstacles to their supreme quest for a PB....that is all
Windfest day 1
Arrive tue afternoon - looked at the low tide desert landscape and friendly meet and greet decided I would come back for an incoming tide late afternoon get the board wet settle the new venue nerves
Low wind went out with the JP Slw and 8.5 sail and gingerly sailed across the mouth of the river depth sounding with the 56 fin ;-)
All was clear but couldn't get on the plane in late afternoon breezes and couldn't point high enough to overcome the incoming tidal flow.
I'm thinking to myself this is going to have an interesting conclusion?? Long story short - aimed for the boat ramp and finally made it ashore 3 boat ramps further down the river.
WALK OF SHAME. Passing the grey nomads having their cheese and bickies beer o'clock saying that looked like fun :-). Maybe I'm ready for this level of activity?
Wednesday Great social start to the day at the morning breakfast BBQ - thanks to the progress association. Discussed my plan of attack -
'keen beginner takes on Burrum Speed Flats'
Decided big safe reliable board JPslw with Ezzy 8.5 try to sail out on outgoing tide
With my 56 fin -OMG- the offer to sail out with Andy freaked me out a little so I decided to walk out along the edge of the banks. Didn't account for the rocky outcrops ;-(
After what felt like kms of traversing an underwater desert - endless submerged sanddunes. Thinking to myself 1. Never complain about the walk at Elanda Point again. 2.Risk smaller board and fin combo next time
Found some clear water and onto the plane - oops what's that swooosh noise - something wrong with the fin? Hop off and check all is ok - just wasn't ready for the lack off chatter on flat water.
Well did I get to enjoy the SWOOOOOSH sound?
You bet - long long planing runs of shear exhilaration :-) just didn't want to stop. Sailed till I was legless and delirious.
Over the handlebars twice running aground - oops.
A new PB for the Morg and Jeff team 22.99knts
Hero to zero....
My mate richard turned up from Bundaberg to show me the speed of his BIC 133 - ended up staying out a little late enjoying a few more runs. Looked around after a protracted water start and everybody was gone - OMG. This better end well??
Planed in until I ran aground - started walking in from what felt like a km out. Made a stupid decision to disconnect and place the rig on the upturned board to ease the walk in, as is common practice at Elanda - WRONG!!!!!!
After a while of relaxed easy walk in I found the main channel - oops! Struggled unsuccessfully to reconnect my rig and was adrift in the bloody current again. That's when I recalled my next pensioner moment - went down to sign in and got distracted - didn't sign in - WRONG!!!
So out with the rescue whistle (thank you for the safety instructions) I alerted Ray on the beach and Col the fisherman and was great full to be ferried back to shore.
What an adventure. Certainly feeling very raw and humble about the mistakes I'm making.
Later at the Bowls club meet up (great meal) found out that plenty of sailers had their eye out for me and my progress was being monitored from a few balconies - I wasn't going to die.
So am I in over my head as a 'keen beginner'??
Back for more today.
Cheers Jeff
This is what makes you a better sailor in the long run!
Learn by the mistakes then let the good times roll (or plane)!
I think by Saturday you will be a kid in a candy store!
Have a blast and enjoy having time with some awesome sailors!
Wish I was there!
Nice pics Dave, thanks for taking the time out for us all ! How much did Rob pay you ;-)
its been a great event so far, great organisation and very laid back thanks
Fantastic pics Dave. Great to see the big smiles continuing at Windfest. Winds just come up the strongest its been all week. Bring on day 4 !
I've been thinking of coming up and sailing the bank on the weekend with you but have just read the courses close to unregistered sailors while you are sailing is this true?
Windfest day 3
A successful day - wahoo
I arrived at the rigging area and lamented with the others the lack of wind but the was enough encouragement looking out at sailers on the speed runs to rig and have a go
With the wind looking very light I decided to go safe and take the raceboard and 9.5 out
Again the walk out at low tide is epic - at one stage as I was dragging my gear through shallow water that felt like a km from shore with a km to go I was questioned my state of mind.
While this was happening I chatted with a windsurfer who was on the way in to change down to smaller gear saying the wind had come in. OOPS. Do I push in with the 9.5 he had a 8??
Having faith in the raceboard I thought it'll be manageable and if it goes pear shaped I'll sit and wait for the drop in the evening breeze
So yes a handful at the start - lots of little adjustments to get comfortable. Did find it challenging to stay on course at first - bearing away on the downwind was challenging initially with the raceboard.
Wahoo!!! :-). 18.9knts fastest raceboard on the course
Highlight/relief made it back to shore in one piece without being rescued :-).
A lady watching me as I dragged my kit up onto the beach and witnessed my exclamations of utter relief, commented - 'absolute Kodak moment!!'
At one stage as we were dragging back over the submerged dunes I asked a sailer behind me was it safe to remount and sail in?? 'I'm following you??? I have no idea'. A leader at last?
Just updated my gps data - not coming last!!
Feeling really juiced now ;-)
Cheers Jeff
Ps remembered to sign on and off - another win ;-)