This should work, failing that FaceBook Hervey Bay Stand Up Paddle and Or Windwanderes FB both have the vid on them
Left Ray with some shots from Sat arvo when it blew up on scan disc for him to post, not sure of names or quality
Now that i am home and somewhat recovered after full on week at Windfest thought I would post some pics of the Wednesday night lucky draw winners. I would also like to thank all those hard working volunteers who helped out during Windfest and behind the scenes prior to and now post event to make it such a succeess and also a big thankyou to the generous sponsors we had this year.
Big congrats to Josh in his WOD win. And Dennis in the raceboard class. I don't have the one design and raceboard results to hand maybe someone else can post them?
Heres a couple of WOD and Course pics I took on the second day of racing, unfortunately some from the first day could not race.