Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Windsurfer hit by jetski Monday 3pm Gold Coast

Created by sonic > 9 months ago, 1 Mar 2011
QLD, 756 posts
1 Mar 2011 6:37AM
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One of our collegues was hit yesterday and details are sketchy but she is in the Gold Coast Hospital with serious knee injury,leg and some other damage. I dont think she will mind me using her name Linda. As it happens the ambo was Rod who has been sailing for years, i believe some details will be in the bulletin today.As we know more i will let you know.
Maybe now is not the time but it was only a matter of who and when.
Take care Linda rest up see you soon

NSW, 119 posts
1 Mar 2011 8:41AM
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Unfortunately was out at the train yesterday when it happened. Linda was pretty shaken up with blood all over her face. Asked what happened and she said "they just ran over me"
I am not sure which group of hire operators were to blame. They had the operator leading and in this case 1 jetski with 2 people following off to the side of the main channel.
As a group we really need to complain and complain LOUDLY!
I cannot understand how the waterways authority can allow just anyone to hop on a high powered jet ski and go tearing about the Broadwater risking everyones lives!
The fact that they have an escort to follow dosent help. I have seen 8 plus jetskis following behind and escort- due to their inexperience they only look infront where they are going and not aware of other craft.
We all have stories of near misses! I was bumped by a guy on a hire jetski. I could see him coming downwind at full speed and expected him to change direction but he just did not see me until the last moment when he spun the jetski around and fell off.

I am going to complaint to the relevent authorites and request as many sailboarders to complain as well before someone dies!!!
But who to complain to?
Does anyone have some contacts of the best people to complain to?

QLD, 673 posts
1 Mar 2011 8:37AM
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I think this is a traffic accident so I would notify the police. I would also assume the jet ski operator is insured so should pay for damage etc.

QLD, 492 posts
1 Mar 2011 8:42AM
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The water Police might be a start. (or whoever polices the waters down there) This should be something they are likely to investigate, I would think.
I haven't sailed down there, so are the incidents happening when you are sailing or when in the water trrying to waterstart, resting etc. - not good if its happening when you are on the move. video footage might be the way to go, from your helmet cams etc.

hope Linda is doing ok and recovers quickly to sail another day.

QLD, 5610 posts
1 Mar 2011 9:07AM
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Whats the legal loophole that allows unlincensed people to drive such fast powerful vessels ? You cant do that with normal speedboats. Is there some local council bylaw that overrides state law ??? How can that be possible ???

QLD, 144 posts
1 Mar 2011 9:33AM
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the legal loophole is called "the gold coast" - people do stuff down here without a clue what thier legal responsibilities are - after they have done it for a while they say - we have always done this why are you complaining now ? - & so on

QLD, 756 posts
1 Mar 2011 9:47AM
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Channel 9 will be down the Broawater KFC area this afternoon told them dont bother until after 2pm as it will not be windy, they are really intersted especially as lots of things were recommended when that Doctor got killed a couple of years ago and nothing seems to have changed.
I believe someone has been arrested.

Did she get her kit back etc?

Reporters will try to interview in hospital today, i know the reporter and i am sure Linda is more than capable of getting her story over

Might be a seabreeze this arvo

QLD, 397 posts
1 Mar 2011 10:19AM
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Onya Paul. Phill said he helped get her gear back, said it was trashed.

QLD, 246 posts
1 Mar 2011 10:39AM
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Gees poor Linda - not good at all.

there was a small article in the Bulletin today saying she had surgery last night to repair her damaged knee.

Take care Linda and heres hoping for a speedy recovery.

QLD, 144 posts
1 Mar 2011 10:41AM
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I wish linda the best - tell me more about the Dr killed??? - had not heard of it - I will look it up on the internet, which year? - i am a lawyer - would like to look up the cornoners recommendations etc

QLD, 1241 posts
1 Mar 2011 11:43AM
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Man, this is bad news. I used to sail with Linda when I was learning and spent a lot of time at the train. I really hope the incident does not turn her off the sport or worse her injuries stop her from being able to sail. I remember she was a really good sailor and loved the sport.

If you are checking SeaBreeze (Linda) or if anyone sees her let her know the whole windsurfing community will be wishing her a speedy recovery and a quick return to the water.

I am not really aware of the situation with the jetski's down there but I am the president of Windsurfing Queensland so if I can add any weight to the argument to regulate their activities/license requirements let me know and I will see what I can do.

QLD, 39 posts
1 Mar 2011 11:48AM
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The Water police and Maritime Services were contacted and interviewed the rider of the jet ski not long after the incident occurred.
The employees of the rental company and local fishos were very cooperative and helpful during Linda's ordeal.
Linda was incredibly brave and managed to laugh joke and talk about windsurfing despite her serious injuries during her treatment, extrication and transport to hospital.
She is an amazing person and I know we will see her back on the water ripping, when she has recovered.

QLD, 673 posts
1 Mar 2011 12:12PM
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Hey, how about we have a fund raiser to help her buy some new equipment so she can get back out there when she feels up to it.

Maybe we can ask for donations at the up and coming Windsurfing Extravaganza ?

QLD, 756 posts
1 Mar 2011 1:47PM
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NSW, 660 posts
1 Mar 2011 3:55PM
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sonic said...



Dr Gas
QLD, 143 posts
1 Mar 2011 5:13PM
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This is really bad. That poor girl.
Jet skis and any other water users just do not mix. They have no idea about wind, tide, tack lines etc. Something had to give and this is the tragic result. They need to be cordoned off to a couple of restricted areas if they want to race around like maniacs.
There is actually an anti-jet ski political party in Perth. Would do pretty well here I reckon.

NSW, 304 posts
1 Mar 2011 7:28PM
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Philnott said...

Unfortunately was out at the train yesterday when it happened. Linda was pretty shaken up with blood all over her face. Asked what happened and she said "they just ran over me"
I am not sure which group of hire operators were to blame. They had the operator leading and in this case 1 jetski with 2 people following off to the side of the main channel.
As a group we really need to complain and complain LOUDLY!
I cannot understand how the waterways authority can allow just anyone to hop on a high powered jet ski and go tearing about the Broadwater risking everyones lives!
The fact that they have an escort to follow dosent help. I have seen 8 plus jetskis following behind and escort- due to their inexperience they only look infront where they are going and not aware of other craft.
We all have stories of near misses! I was bumped by a guy on a hire jetski. I could see him coming downwind at full speed and expected him to change direction but he just did not see me until the last moment when he spun the jetski around and fell off.

I am going to complaint to the relevent authorites and request as many sailboarders to complain as well before someone dies!!!
But who to complain to?
Does anyone have some contacts of the best people to complain to?

G'day Phil long time no hear.Disappointing to read the Gold Coast is just as bad as Kyeemah where its now out of control over weekends.Its a good idea to get the media involved and raise the profile of the problem.Its probably just a matter of time
before someone gets hurt down here too.

SA, 59 posts
1 Mar 2011 7:01PM
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whoa! Linda was the first person i sailed with after a 12 year hiatus and made me realise why I love this sport so much! Shes just amped!!!!. My thoughts go out!!. Get well soon!!! As for unlicenced jet skis!!! You must have a p.w.c. licence to use.To tow surf we must have one and when you tow there aint many around!

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
1 Mar 2011 6:55PM
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Man alive, this was always going to happen. Get well quick Linda, attention seeking again ha ha.
I emailed MSQ or whatever last year. They said they were hoping for a passive water sport area and what do we get, Jet ski tours , jet boats and a virtual marina off the Train complete with a floating " Knock Shop " and associated discharges . Yuck.
I emailed again about two weeks ago and complained about the buoy alignment at the southern end of the channel but they really don't give a toss.
It's time people to make some noise.
Cheers Nick

QLD, 6481 posts
1 Mar 2011 8:07PM
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Yep, hope you get on the mend quick Linda

hitch said...

the legal loophole is called "the gold coast"

x 2

on the gc there's some obvious laziness by those responsible for monitoring things like road safety, marine safety and roadwork signage. this might have been ok in 1975 with 1/5th of the population, but do they really expect it to work now that it's practically a major city in itself? why can't they even manage to do something as simple as move a jet ski marker 20 metres away from a sand bank, to stop potential collisions?

i've never seen marine authorities pull up next to a boat to check that they were carrying flares, lifejackets, etc. i witnessed this regularly in victoria, even with only 1/2 the boating users that the gc has

i guess the positive side of this attitude are things like being able to park all over the place at the train cul de sac without getting a ticket

QLD, 756 posts
1 Mar 2011 8:32PM
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Phil and a few of the lads asked what can be done?
Greg Turner has been made aware of the situation on many occasions as below

Maritime Regional Office Gold Coast
40-44 Seaworld Drive, Main Beach, Southport, Qld 4215
PO Box 107, Southport, Qld 4215
Regional Manager Russell Witt 553 97300 phone
553 97388 fax

Area Manager (Gold Coast) Greg Turner 553 97314 phone
553 97388 fax

QLD, 756 posts
2 Mar 2011 9:48AM
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Looks like all those comments about legal use of that area was rubbish, its a main channel, at lease they are being audited now. Very intersting reading i am sure there is a court case somewhere going on.

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
2 Mar 2011 9:59AM
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Get well soon Linda. I hope to see you soon.

QLD, 580 posts
2 Mar 2011 2:26PM
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Hope you make a speedy recovery Linda and can get back on the water soon.

QLD, 2314 posts
2 Mar 2011 3:04PM
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So everyone has to get a licence to use a jetski, yet if you hire one you get a 5min safety lecture and no licence is required but you are limited to a mere 52 knots?

Where is the duty of care on behalf of whichever government body on that? May as well replace those hire scooters with sports bikes but limit them to a mere 200kph.

How about yer you can hire one but it has a remote turn off feature controlled by the hire operator or better still instructor is on the ski at all times with you.

You guys have it tough down there, when I sailed there last week that big bloody red jet boat was a bit of a worry and didnt have any issues with keeping on the power within close proximity of sailboards.

Best regards for Linda.

QLD, 381 posts
2 Mar 2011 4:04PM
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get well soon hope to see you on the water soon

amagine what guilt the person on the jetskii is felling

QLD, 701 posts
3 Mar 2011 9:16AM
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Not here usally but get well linda this is bad . I couldnt amagine what it would be like to be hit buy a stink boat hope the insurence replaces ya gear and medical .A plus (if there is any) at lest ya get a whole new kit to get back out there .
swich101 said amagine what guilt he is in We Can Only Hope He Is .

QLD, 756 posts
3 Mar 2011 9:51AM
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Think it was a girl driving anyone hear that?

QLD, 1241 posts
3 Mar 2011 9:51AM
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I hired a jet ski on the Noosa river and it was pretty well controlled. I've got my boat licence but not the jet ski one but had been riding jet ski's a lot before the new rules came in.

The thing that catches a lot of people out with jet ski's is that you lose the ability to steer the craft once you take the power off. Your turn comes from the swivel in the jet outlet so if there is no water going through it you can't steer. It is the same as locking your front wheels in a car and not being able to steer.

The hire company I used had a marked area you had to stay within and this was well away from any other traffic. We also went out to sea but were followed by an instructor and had a 6 knot limit until in open ocean. The one thing that struck me as strange was that there was no real instruction on the use of the ski. I would think the first thing they would demonstrate to you is the steering issue.

This same issue became very obvious a few years back when someone ran full bore into a pylon, I can only imagine he got close, de-powered and tried to turn but had no steering. I think he died in the incident. This was also on the coast from memory and I would have thought this may have stirred the authorities into action.

QLD, 144 posts
3 Mar 2011 11:01AM
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eek I just read the coroners report into the death of Dr in 2008 - I hadnt realised how slack the training is - I had thought they would get on the ski with the hirer & demonstrate how they work??? minimum? - the Dr walked up signed the paper - & was on the water within 10 minutes - he was hopeless and couldnt operate or control it, they called him in & told him to go faster/more power - there was a boat mored nearby. they went & spoke to the guy in the boat & said "some of these guys dont drive too good can you move the boat" - & guess what happened next!!! - fark - they didnt pull the guy off the ski & show him what to do - Man we seriously have to look out for these guys

QLD, 169 posts
3 Mar 2011 12:02PM
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I sometimes go on the river and even though power must give way to sail, I give way
(or at least watch their every move).
Especially the hire boats/jet skis. I know the rules but I bet most of them don't.
I would be very surprised if the hire operators even tell them to give way to kayaks let alone sail craft!


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Windsurfer hit by jetski Monday 3pm Gold Coast" started by sonic