Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Windsurfer hit by jetski Monday 3pm Gold Coast

Created by sonic > 9 months ago, 1 Mar 2011
QLD, 110 posts
5 Mar 2011 11:12AM
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May be we should have as much consideration for those idiot Jet Ski ridders on the gold cost as they have for everybody else none.

They just don't care, they are ment to avoid sail powered vessels, they all forget the 6 knots rule, I see them all over the coast, coming within meters of surfers windsurfers and even swimmers, 6knts ha more like they have their own rule of speed speed speed, they like coming close to people because they like to show off.

Last time there was a group of three idiot Jet Ski ridders out at the bin, launching off the top of waves landing only meters sometimes feet beside surfers and windsurfers who were sitting in the ine up behind the waves or even ridding the waves.

It's not a wonder that they have been banned in Sydney Harbour, that was a great step forward, QLD should look at that and follow in their footsteps.

Jet Ski's can be great fun but the problem is that the idiot people who ride them, they just don't jive a f------ about anybody but themselves.

There is nothing like being on a wave and then getting cut off by an idiot on a jet ski not watching where they are driving the stupid thing, or the tow ridder without a look out, who is more interested in his partner than the person he is about to hit.

I would love to see them banned all over the coast they are a pain, and should be gone.

QLD, 2314 posts
5 Mar 2011 12:39PM
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Training & awareness & enforcement not banning.

I'm not into jetski's but they have their right to enjoy their chosen activity & im sure there are many responsible riders.

Banning is used by a system that cannot manage in many ways.

QLD, 277 posts
5 Mar 2011 1:02PM
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They scare all the wildlife
and the F**#ING jet boats

Dr Gas
QLD, 143 posts
5 Mar 2011 1:08PM
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The entire Northern Californian Coastline, 600kms or so, is now an exclusion zone for jet skis - period. The Californians were king at Big Wave tow ins - think Mavericks and Todos, but were cool enough to realise dickheads on jet skis with no water skills were killing the sport. They are now gone and the surfers themselves are all on side. Dreams do come true.

QLD, 2314 posts
5 Mar 2011 1:31PM
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garyk said...

They scare all the wildlife
and the F**#ING jet boats

Fair point, but that is where legislation should be used to require fitment of further sound reduction devices for the new sale of all jetski's. All boats have been shocking with this anyway.

QLD, 277 posts
5 Mar 2011 1:48PM
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Its the unpredictable nature of this type of vessel

QLD, 397 posts
7 Mar 2011 8:28AM
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Was talking to a gentlemen yesterday while I was unrigging. He said he had
spent the day on a charter boat with a M.S rep and that they have just put
forward new legislation to government banning windsurfing and kitesurfing in
all main boating channels on the Boardwater. Not sure if he was full of it but
looks like we may have a battle on our hands
He did mention Shearwater and the Main channel where Linda was hit.
So maybe M.S are doing something about the Jetski problem. Please dont
let this all be true.

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
7 Mar 2011 12:06PM
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That would be a very big problem for us. Is there anywhere on the Broadwater where you can sail without crossing a channel?

You didn't happen to get his name or number?

NSW, 9202 posts
7 Mar 2011 1:17PM
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My people are looking into the above, if true or not. As revenge or preemptive move it would be easy to get petition signed by everyone that lives along broadwater to ban jetskis and jetboats. But who has the time? - sent from my iToaster.

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
7 Mar 2011 7:45PM
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Hi Brendan, dunno if it's true or not, but we mainly sail in the western channel which in my opinion is not the main channel so I reckon we are probably ok. Stranger things have happened .
Remember last year some of the guys sailing off the Spit were told by the water police to get off the water. Don't think there would be any legislative requirements for them to have that authority yet!!!!

NSW, 9202 posts
7 Mar 2011 10:20PM
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^ that's why we ignored them. That was strange.

All I can find containing "windsurf" is legislation around the Barrier Reef. These are bills "already introduced" to Parliament, not 100% on what that means although it would seem to indicate passed, ie post proposed.

You can go to your member's office and ask for any proposed legislation.

I'm sure it's bull**** though Tell you what, it'd be nice if all powered craft were banned from the Broadwater. Imagine that.

QLD, 123 posts
10 Mar 2011 8:12AM
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tonyd said...

Was talking to a gentlemen yesterday while I was unrigging. He said he had
spent the day on a charter boat with a M.S rep and that they have just put
forward new legislation to government banning windsurfing and kitesurfing in
all main boating channels on the Boardwater. Not sure if he was full of it but
looks like we may have a battle on our hands
He did mention Shearwater and the Main channel where Linda was hit.
So maybe M.S are doing something about the Jetski problem. Please dont
let this all be true.

I dont think it really matters if is true or not. If too much noise is made about it then the authorities will prob side with business owners i.e jet ski hire and just ban windsurfing. Face it we are a minority.
Just my two cents.

QLD, 756 posts
12 Mar 2011 5:43PM
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I bet most locals would rather have the noiseless windsurfers to jet ski or boats.

It was i who the cops pulled over and told me not to sail in the channel but it was the main one over the dredge/seaworld side(winter area/direction) not sure if it was an order, damand or request, to noisey to really know.

Wet Willy
TAS, 2316 posts
15 Mar 2011 4:28AM
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When I tried a jetski 10 years ago, I thought it was the bee's knees. What a feeling of freedom and exhilarating speed on the water!

4 years later, I took up windsurfing. And just a few months ago, I tried a jetski for the second time. The verdict?

Those things handle like pigs. I'd rather ride a bus. You don't get the feeling of a fin digging in; the damn thing will slide all over the place, and it feels like it weighs 2 tons! The only thing worse on a plane is a Kona, in my opinion. And of course they are so easy to operate, so everywhere you see them available, it's the same thing - the hire guys just tell you briefly what to do, and off you go! No need to understand any kind of rules...jeez! (it's surprising to see the same standards applied in Australia as in, say, Thailand or Vietnam!)
I say ban the bloody things! Tell the tourists to go surfing instead - away from the locals, of course!

Wishing Linda a fast recovery - and appropriate compensation!

QLD, 1451 posts
15 Mar 2011 7:47AM
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Any news how Linda is going ?

NSW, 106 posts
16 Mar 2011 12:36PM
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I spoke to Linda last night and she's happy for me to pass this on- she's had the operation to rebuild her shattered leg and it seems to have been successful - she's still really sore but champing at the bit to get out of hospital. She's not sure when she'll be released but will have a 'halo' on her leg for at least two months and then it'll be a case of rehab (she's fit though so that'll help)

QLD, 1241 posts
16 Mar 2011 9:35PM
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Thanks for the update 2Rundave, that sounds like some really serious bone damage if she needs a halo. Keep us up to speed on the recovery.

1 posts
28 Mar 2011 3:54PM
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Sorry to here about Linda, But seriously are you lot THICK! What sort of dumb idiot rides there Sailboard infront of some wanker from Melborne on a Hire Jet Ski. Could you not see it comming? You all winge and bitch about everone out there having a bit of fun, then go crash into them. The poor guy trying to make a living working for a Hire Jet Ski business, and at a good gess i would say he is doing his best to keep it safe.(I am sure he didn't tell the hire jet ski rider to run linda over) He looked after Linda the best way he could untill help arrived. HATS OFF TO HIM! I Sailboard and love the sport, Keep it safe guys before somthing worse happens. Collision Regulation say Sail might have right of way but we ALL have to Avoid a Collison. I Sailboard at The Train and don't have a problem with any of these JetBoats Or Jet Ski's. I certainly wouldn't sail infront of a Jet Ski. Maybe just stay away from them and you will have more fun and be a bit safer. Get well soon Linda

QLD, 6481 posts
28 Mar 2011 10:30PM
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saw linda thursday week ago, she was talking about possibly being moved out of hospital by last wednesday to try and recoup at home. does anyone know if she is back home?

QLD, 397 posts
29 Mar 2011 7:54AM
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NixoNs said...

Sorry to here about Linda, But seriously are you lot THICK! What sort of dumb idiot rides there Sailboard infront of some wanker from Melborne on a Hire Jet Ski. Could you not see it comming? You all winge and bitch about everone out there having a bit of fun, then go crash into them. The poor guy trying to make a living working for a Hire Jet Ski business, and at a good gess i would say he is doing his best to keep it safe.(I am sure he didn't tell the hire jet ski rider to run linda over) He looked after Linda the best way he could untill help arrived. HATS OFF TO HIM! I Sailboard and love the sport, Keep it safe guys before somthing worse happens. Collision Regulation say Sail might have right of way but we ALL have to Avoid a Collison. I Sailboard at The Train and don't have a problem with any of these JetBoats Or Jet Ski's. I certainly wouldn't sail infront of a Jet Ski. Maybe just stay away from them and you will have more fun and be a bit safer. Get well soon Linda

How long have you been windsurfing for on the coast and what gear do you you also own alot of jetskis?

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
29 Mar 2011 9:04AM
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NixoNs said...

Sorry to here about Linda, But seriously are you lot THICK! What sort of dumb idiot rides there Sailboard infront of some wanker from Melborne on a Hire Jet Ski. Could you not see it comming? You all winge and bitch about everone out there having a bit of fun, then go crash into them. The poor guy trying to make a living working for a Hire Jet Ski business, and at a good gess i would say he is doing his best to keep it safe.(I am sure he didn't tell the hire jet ski rider to run linda over) He looked after Linda the best way he could untill help arrived. HATS OFF TO HIM! I Sailboard and love the sport, Keep it safe guys before somthing worse happens. Collision Regulation say Sail might have right of way but we ALL have to Avoid a Collison. I Sailboard at The Train and don't have a problem with any of these JetBoats Or Jet Ski's. I certainly wouldn't sail infront of a Jet Ski. Maybe just stay away from them and you will have more fun and be a bit safer. Get well soon Linda

Great first ever post buddy!

QLD, 673 posts
29 Mar 2011 9:42AM
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NixoNs said...

Sorry to here about Linda, But seriously are you lot THICK! What sort of dumb idiot rides there Sailboard infront of some wanker from Melborne on a Hire Jet Ski. Could you not see it comming? You all winge and bitch about everone out there having a bit of fun, then go crash into them. The poor guy trying to make a living working for a Hire Jet Ski business, and at a good gess i would say he is doing his best to keep it safe.(I am sure he didn't tell the hire jet ski rider to run linda over) He looked after Linda the best way he could untill help arrived. HATS OFF TO HIM! I Sailboard and love the sport, Keep it safe guys before somthing worse happens. Collision Regulation say Sail might have right of way but we ALL have to Avoid a Collison. I Sailboard at The Train and don't have a problem with any of these JetBoats Or Jet Ski's. I certainly wouldn't sail infront of a Jet Ski. Maybe just stay away from them and you will have more fun and be a bit safer. Get well soon Linda

You seem to be accusing Linda of deliberately sailing in front of the Jet Ski. I assume you have some evidence to back this up or is the Jet Ski guy a friend of yours ?

QLD, 5610 posts
29 Mar 2011 9:58AM
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If they made them look like this .people would know who to be extra careful of !!!
(and maybe matching caps with a protruberance on the forehead?)

NSW, 4188 posts
29 Mar 2011 11:55AM
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NixoNs said...

You all winge and bitch about everone out there having a bit of fun, then go crash into them.


Just wow.

QLD, 1241 posts
29 Mar 2011 6:04PM
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NixoNs a post like this has the ability to inflame an already sensitive issue. From what I have seen, all of the posts from the windsurfers here have shown great restraint given that one of their friends has been seriously injured through no fault of her own.

As a windsurfer you would realise that there is a huge blind spot while you are sailing and when a boat / jetski approaches you at speed on that angle you are at their mercy to avoid you as they should by law.

As a sailor and Jet Ski rider perhaps you could offer something that could help avoid the situation happening again.

Scot Farley
(Pesident Windsurfing Queensland)

NSW, 9202 posts
29 Mar 2011 10:41PM
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NixoNs said...
I Sailboard at The Train...

It's like that scene in Inglorious Basterds where he is talking to ze germans and he counts on his fingers the wrong way.

QLD, 103 posts
29 Mar 2011 10:15PM
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NixoNs said...

Sorry to here about Linda, But seriously are you lot THICK! What sort of dumb idiot rides there Sailboard infront of some wanker from Melborne on a Hire Jet Ski. Could you not see it comming? You all winge and bitch about everone out there having a bit of fun, then go crash into them. The poor guy trying to make a living working for a Hire Jet Ski business, and at a good gess i would say he is doing his best to keep it safe.(I am sure he didn't tell the hire jet ski rider to run linda over) He looked after Linda the best way he could untill help arrived. HATS OFF TO HIM! I Sailboard and love the sport, Keep it safe guys before somthing worse happens. Collision Regulation say Sail might have right of way but we ALL have to Avoid a Collison. I Sailboard at The Train and don't have a problem with any of these JetBoats Or Jet Ski's. I certainly wouldn't sail infront of a Jet Ski. Maybe just stay away from them and you will have more fun and be a bit safer. Get well soon Linda

I owned a jet ski few a few years back in the late 90's when 80-100kph was considered fast. Now a days it seems the jet ski rental fleet is probably governed down to these sorts of speeds which is obviously unsafe for anyone not experienced.

While i always launched my ski in the broadwater over on the spit side i soon realized that i wasn't safe with several near misses. These occured when i was about 10m of the beach sitting on the ski with the engine turned off and once i saw a jet ski without a rider on it travelling at about 80kph that just missed several people as it LAUNCHED up the beach about 10-20 metres.

I considered the broadwater as an unsuitable place to ride a jet ski at high speed and chose to go out through the seaway.


QLD, 144 posts
30 Mar 2011 12:37PM
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"Never had a problem with Jet Boats & Jet skis" - U wouldnt if you dont go out. You seriously think linda would have crashed if she had seen him and could avoid it??? you are a tool. Powered vessells can go in any direction. Windpowered craft cannot and are hard to control. Hence the law. The issue for windsurfers is why a vessell under power - that can go anywhere it wants, any direction - wants to have priority over the unpowered vessell blown about by natures forces? Surely it could stop or slow until the unpowered vessel passes?? change direction, go somewhere else entirely etc?. Commercial operators appear to believe that thier right to use waterspace is paramount over noncommercial users. I am making a living thus we suspend maritime laws, we suspend proper seamanship, and suspend common decency and normal rules of reasonable behaviour. Facts are that an operator of said skis has equiped a novice with a dangerous peice of equipment. he/it is liable to ensure compliance with law. Sadly the legal system takes a while to grind up and spit out such negligent and foolish fellows - but it will happen. - Bit like what happened to richard nixon!!!

QLD, 756 posts
30 Mar 2011 3:44PM
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Like everything else its the rider not the jet ski that has done the damage, lack of training and supervision on a very powerful machine, Mr Nixon doesnt seem to be known by any of the regulars so i assume he has some interst in the jet ski business, mate i think we all love to hear the views from all sides but have the decency to say who you are and who you represent

Mistral Nick
QLD, 370 posts
31 Mar 2011 6:30PM
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Oh dear, if that comment indicates the intelligence of our powered brethren what hope to we have! May the gods of wind remove him from the broadwater.
I've never seen him either.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Windsurfer hit by jetski Monday 3pm Gold Coast" started by sonic