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Annoying Driving Habits

Created by Adriano > 9 months ago, 22 Jan 2016
11206 posts
22 Jan 2016 5:59AM
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I thought about whether this would be a waste of time posting, but I'm interested in other people's perspective on this.

OK so here is one of my main issues:

1. Drivers who travel 25-35km/h under the speed limit on a good single lane 100km/h road and then when they get to a built up area where the speed limit is 60km/h they drive at the same speed, namely 65-75km/h.

Now I have a few problems with this. First, whether one is pressed for time or not, driving 25-35km/h under the limit is tiresome and leads to driver frustration and risk taking (I'm guilty-especially in the Occy VRS). Second, after 10-20 minutes of this tiresome driving, frustration shifts to the drivers immediately behind the offending vehicle up front who are too timid to overtake. Third and most important, driving up to 15km/h over the limit in a built up area is far more dangerous than driving at or near the limit in a 100km/h zone, whether you're a senior or timid driver or not.

So, there's my gripe on this windless day.

WA, 444 posts
22 Jan 2016 6:15AM
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People who sit in the right lane when not passing and there's room in a lane to their left. This describes 80% of drivers on Perth's freeways.

11206 posts
22 Jan 2016 6:40AM
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Yes selfish and against the road rules. This happened to me the other day except it went for about five minutes. The Audi Q7 in front just sat there at 90km/h with no one in sight ahead of him and a clear left lane just a few metres in front of him. He was driving right next to a car in the left lane and travelling at exactly the same speed - for over five minutes so I couldn't pass.

I flashed the lights, I flashed them again, I beeped. I flashed and beeped. I pulled back to give them room to slow down and duck in. I gave them time to speed up a little and merge over. Nothing.

In the end, five minutes of this seemed extraordinarily long and he excruciatingly pulled just far enough in front of the car in the left lane and I fired up the turbo. I kid you not, he must have passed the car on the left about half a kilometre an hour faster. The driver in the left lane seemed oblivious also. If that car had slowed even a few km/h I could have passed on the left after 20 seconds.

The Q7 driver appeared to be upset when I overtook him on the left. Go figure.

It's astounding the level of selfishness and ignorance on the roads. It's like some drivers think "Keep left unless overtaking" is just friendly advice instead of a rule.

NSW, 120 posts
22 Jan 2016 9:46AM
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Drivers who deliberately speed up to block you out when you indicate to change lanes or merge. ACT drivers are the worst!

461 posts
22 Jan 2016 7:12AM
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People who drive erratically, speed, tail gate, swerve in and out of lanes without indicating. I don't see it too often, maybe once a fortnight on average but it gives me the ****s..

Also road ragers.. I've seen people swerving at other drivers on busy freeways.. intimidating and screaming at women.. Brain dead losers..

VIC, 4982 posts
22 Jan 2016 10:20AM
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dirtyharry said..
People who sit in the right lane when not passing and there's room in a lane to their left. This describes 80% of drivers on Perth's freeways.

People who sit in the right lane and do 1-2-3 kph over the speed the other cars are doing and "push" the cars in front who are passing the slower traffic. You have to sit there on the nose of their car, or speed up to get away. They speed up more and you risk getting booked, or end up going faster and faster.

When you get past the slower cars if you pull over you get blocked by the next bunch of slow cars. Meanwhile right lane hog just rolls along in the right lane.

Buster fin
WA, 2576 posts
22 Jan 2016 8:48AM
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dan111984 said...
People who drive erratically, speed, tail gate, swerve in and out of lanes without indicating. I don't see it too often, maybe once a fortnight on average but it gives me the ****s..

Also road ragers.. I've seen people swerving at other drivers on busy freeways.. intimidating and screaming at women.. Brain dead losers..

Not a sandgroper then?

WA, 1089 posts
22 Jan 2016 9:07AM
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Adriano said..
It's astounding the level of selfishness and ignorance on the roads. It's like some drivers think "Keep left unless overtaking" is just friendly advice instead of THE LAW.

In WA, 90 and above you may not drive in the right lane unless overtaking or turning right.

Cant say that I have ever heard of anyone getting booked for this... speed cameras cant pick it up obviously.

da vecta
QLD, 2512 posts
22 Jan 2016 11:15AM
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When you're entering a motorway at an appropriate speed and the car from behind comes up and then sits in the lane you are about to enter as if they're the only one in the friggin world that wants to enter the motorway.

VIC, 5000 posts
22 Jan 2016 12:16PM
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I sat at a 'self-serve' fuel pump last night for about 5mins behind a (P-plater) girl who sat in the driver's seat talking on her phone, glancing at her rear-view mirror every now and then - prob just to make sure I was still there.

She eventually got out, went to the pump and tried to get fuel, before realising that she had to use her card first. Another 5 mins passed before she finally worked out how to use the self-serve after swiping, frowning, swiping, trying the pump, swiping, etc.etc. She put about $10 (petrol, so right mix) in - smiled and got back in her car, only to move about 5m forward and got back on her phone. I was then able to move forward to the diesel pump and took about 3mins to swipe, fill my tank from empty, jumped back in and sat for another 5mins whilst she chatted on her phone (still checking to see if I was behind her). She had no one in front of her and I would have reversed, but there was a car behind me filling up.

Eventually, the car behind me finished, reversed and left, so I reversed also and left...she gave me a nice smile and wave as I drove away too.

If I was in a hurry I would have cracked, but I was in one of those weird mellow moods where I was using it as an experiment in social behavior and interested to see at what point her manners would kick in - the result of the experiment - apparently she had none!

WA, 444 posts
22 Jan 2016 9:19AM
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Gorgo said..

dirtyharry said..
People who sit in the right lane when not passing and there's room in a lane to their left. This describes 80% of drivers on Perth's freeways.

People who sit in the right lane and do 1-2-3 kph over the speed the other cars are doing and "push" the cars in front who are passing the slower traffic. You have to sit there on the nose of their car, or speed up to get away. They speed up more and you risk getting booked.

When you get past the slower cars if you pull over you get blocked by the next bunch of slow cars. Meanwhile right lane hog just rolls along in the right lane.

Why did you quote me?

VIC, 1040 posts
22 Jan 2016 12:24PM
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Seen many times this one thing some people do -

driving 10 Ks under the limit and when approaching to the intersection where the light about to change to red speeding up and go through the red.

I really don't get it. May be its just some weird cult

WA, 344 posts
22 Jan 2016 9:29AM
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People who have their right hand indicator on when going straight through a round-about.

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
22 Jan 2016 9:32AM
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Not gripe but one I am curious about - if anyone can tell me the rationale I'd love to know.

Two lanes in each direction, 70 zone. I have to turn left into my suburb. I have an old fourby so make the left turn a bit slower than most.
People behind me don't move the right to pass me.... the right lane is almost always clear...... rather they are content to slow down to almost nothing then accelerate again. Changing lanes would save fuel, brakes, time etc.

Not annoying I just don't understand why they don't move over to avoid me holding them up. Weird. I reckon about 60 - 75% of people don't move over.

Agree with above - the Perth freeway makes my blood boil, 3 lanes across doing 90kpm, and often when you do finally get to pass they speed up like they just realised they can go faster!
My big whinge is turning at traffic lights - some people leave a 4 car length gap and that is 4 cars that don't get thru the lights on the turn arrow. Happy to sit 2 carlengths behind someone on the freeway but have to leave a big gap at 20kph WTF? Selfish inconsiderate grrrr

WA, 57 posts
22 Jan 2016 9:32AM
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Gorgo said..

dirtyharry said..
People who sit in the right lane when not passing and there's room in a lane to their left. This describes 80% of drivers on Perth's freeways.

People who sit in the right lane and do 1-2-3 kph over the speed the other cars are doing and "push" the cars in front who are passing the slower traffic. You have to sit there on the nose of their car, or speed up to get away. They speed up more and you risk getting booked, or end up going faster and faster.

When you get past the slower cars if you pull over you get blocked by the next bunch of slow cars. Meanwhile right lane hog just rolls along in the right lane.

I dont think you belong in the right hand lane; get over in the left lane grandma

QLD, 6123 posts
22 Jan 2016 11:35AM
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I hate speed limited truckies who overtake in their semi even though I am on cruise at 100
crawl past painfully slow and then try and merge with heaps of trailer behind. forcing you to slow down to let the fkkrs in.

VIC, 4982 posts
22 Jan 2016 12:35PM
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dirtyharry said..


Why did you quote me?

Because the conventional wisdom is that people who sit in the right lane going slow are road hogs and dangerous. I agree with this to an extent. But I think people who sit in the right lane and rage about the slower cars are the dangerous drivers and much worse.

I do a lot of long distance driving on freeways and I would guess maybe one in ten drivers camps out in the right lane and does less than the speed limit. Usually it's a truck that has started a passing manouver and lost momentum.

There are a lot more drivers who drive fast in the right lane, push the cars in front of them, then keep right on going in the right lane until they get to the next clump of traffic. I think they are the really dangerous and bad drivers.

It's even more complicated in that there is usually a 10% (roughly at 100-110) difference between the speedo and the more accurate GPS speed. I can come up to a driver passing in the right lane and you can see that they are driving to their speedo and not the actual speed. The right lane "pushers" will use their righteous indignation and their GPS speed to harass the slower car in front even though they are passing the cars in the left lane (albeit quite slowly).

WA, 444 posts
22 Jan 2016 9:41AM
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Gorgo said..

dirtyharry said..


Why did you quote me?

Because the conventional wisdom is that people who sit in the right lane going slow are road hogs and dangerous. I agree with this to an extent. But I think people who sit in the right lane and rage about the slower cars are the dangerous drivers and much worse.

I do a lot of long distance driving on freeways and I would guess maybe one in ten drivers camps out in the right lane and does less than the speed limit. Usually it's a truck that has started a passing manouver and lost momentum.

There are a lot more drivers who drive fast in the right lane, push the cars in front of them, then keep right on going in the right lane until they get to the next clump of traffic. I think they are the really dangerous and bad drivers.

It's even more complicated in that there is usually a 10% difference between the speedo and the more accurate GPS speed. I can come up to a driver passing in the right lane and you can see that they are driving to their speedo and not the actual speed. The right lane "pushers" will use their righteous indignation and their GPS speed to harass the slower car in front even though they are passing the cars in the left lane (albeit quite slowly).

Didn't you see this part "when not passing and there's room in a lane to their left"? It wasn't a long post so should have been pretty hard to miss.

If you think it's ok to sit in the right hand lane when not passing and there's room in a lane to your left, then I'm afraid you suck.

WA, 4564 posts
22 Jan 2016 10:07AM
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Mark _australia said..
Not gripe but one I am curious about - if anyone can tell me the rationale I'd love to know.

Two lanes in each direction, 70 zone. I have to turn left into my suburb. I have an old fourby so make the left turn a bit slower than most.
People behind me don't move the right to pass me.... the right lane is almost always clear...... rather they are content to slow down to almost nothing then accelerate again. Changing lanes would save fuel, brakes, time etc.

Not annoying I just don't understand why they don't move over to avoid me holding them up. Weird. I reckon about 60 - 75% of people don't move over.

Agree with above - the Perth freeway makes my blood boil, 3 lanes across doing 90kpm, and often when you do finally get to pass they speed up like they just realised they can go faster!
My big whinge is turning at traffic lights - some people leave a 4 car length gap and that is 4 cars that don't get thru the lights on the turn arrow. Happy to sit 2 carlengths behind someone on the freeway but have to leave a big gap at 20kph WTF? Selfish inconsiderate grrrr

To add to Mark's curious question:
What's with the trend of drivers stopping sometimes up to two car lengths back from a set of traffic lights on a red light. Why stop so far back from the white lines on the road? I did think maybe it was nervous drivers, but of late, have spotted two learner drivers under driver instructors doing exactly this.
Are they being coached/encouraged to stay so far back from the intersection, and if so why?
One could understand a one or two meters, but up to two car lengths back. Very strange

WA, 1134 posts
22 Jan 2016 10:33AM
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Tailgaters. Lots of roos around my place, does my head in the possibility of some idiot smacking into the back of me when I brake for a roo.

Oh yeah, and the ones who slow down to 80-90 around bendy hilly bits you can safely take at 110, then go flat out on the straights so you're stuck behind them unable to pass.


QLD, 12326 posts
22 Jan 2016 12:33PM
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People who drive AT roundabouts showing no caution and think that the give way to the right rule applies.

I have had half of my car into the roundabout and cars from my right still cut in front of me.

The rule is "Give way to traffic on the roundabout." for those that don't know it, and there are many here among us that think life is but a joke. Whoops, lapsed into Hendrix mode.

WA, 97 posts
22 Jan 2016 10:47AM
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Agreed keep left and pass right is the rule sensible people use. Dont camp in the right lane and whine about tailgaters especially if the left is free.

11206 posts
22 Jan 2016 10:59AM
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Driving 20km/h+ under the speed limit on a single lane freeway and then speeding up to the speed limit or even faster in an overtaking lane. So a queue builds up when the driver drives slow in the single lane and then you can't overtake them legally because they've just sped up 20Km/h


The texting thing reminded me of an idiot at the petrol bowser. She pulled out her phone, started to make a call, lifted the petrol bowser hose, dropped the hose, dropped the phone on the concrete right next to the hose nozzle. I started yelling at her to end the call, put the damn phone away, telling her what she was doing was not only stupid but downright dangerous and against the rules. She called me an "authoritarian". I called her a fool and backed away, preferring life over a flaming inferno death.

VIC, 4982 posts
22 Jan 2016 2:07PM
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dirtyharry said..


Didn't you see this part "when not passing and there's room in a lane to their left"? It wasn't a long post so should have been pretty hard to miss.

If you think it's ok to sit in the right hand lane when not passing and there's room in a lane to your left, then I'm afraid you suck.

There might be room in the left lane to move over, but you're passing all those cars and the guy behind is tailgating because he wants to go faster. If you pull into the left lane you get stuck behind the slower cars. You have to slow down and there's no way to speed up and safely get back into the right lane until all the other traffic has gone past. All this because some clown is driving along pushing cars in the right lane.

It's not black and white. There's speed limits. There's traffic flow. There's up to 10kph difference between actual speed and the speed on the speedo. Just because a car is slower than you in the right lane doesn't mean they're doing the wrong thing.

In my experience, the slow vehicle in the right lane is annoying. The fast, pushy vehicle in the right lane is aggressive and verging on criminal, and there's more of them because they think they're in the right.

PS I have worked out avoidance is perferrable to competition or confrontation. If I catch up to a pack and there is no easy way to overtake, I pull in to the left lane at the back of the pack, and drop back to 90-100 kph. Within a few minutes the pack has disappeared into the distance and I can go back to 110 and cruise along in peace.

WA, 1134 posts
22 Jan 2016 11:09AM
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Um, Adriano, you might want to watch this...

VIC, 4982 posts
22 Jan 2016 2:32PM
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Other annoying habit, the traffic is coming to a halt due to a bottleneck and everybody is waiting their turn in the right lane.

A bunch of cars dive into the right lane, zoom up to the bottleneck, then force their way back into the right lane.

Absolutely let people in if an obstruction appears and someone needs to change lanes. Wait your turn if a queue has formed and you're just to push to the front.

WA, 3271 posts
22 Jan 2016 11:34AM
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Mark _australia said..
Not gripe but one I am curious about - if anyone can tell me the rationale I'd love to know.

Two lanes in each direction, 70 zone. I have to turn left into my suburb. I have an old fourby so make the left turn a bit slower than most.
People behind me don't move the right to pass me.... the right lane is almost always clear...... rather they are content to slow down to almost nothing then accelerate again. Changing lanes would save fuel, brakes, time etc.

Not annoying I just don't understand why they don't move over to avoid me holding them up. Weird. I reckon about 60 - 75% of people don't move over.

Lack of situational awareness and scared they won't get back into the left lane before the next turn left. Then throw a merge point right after that second left turn in and it confuses the **** out of them, too many decisions to make all within 150 metres.

11206 posts
22 Jan 2016 11:36AM
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Did they test a faulty cell phone, or when that phone is dropped onto concrete right next to a hose nozzle? Did they rule out a dropped phone or faulty phone will not spark?

I've learned not to trust Mythbusters - it's just an American TV show after all.

The law is still the law, even for a minor risk. Aside from that fact, making a call while filling up just slows you down and annoys other people at the servo.

QLD, 1451 posts
22 Jan 2016 1:39PM
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not indicating off the roundabout when they are going in a straight line.

it is the law to allways indicate when leaving the roundabout so if your one of i swear ****ing everyone, who just drives straight thru then you can be booked for that.
other road users need to know what the **** you are doing. (if i see you indicate off the roundabout even if you are going in a allmost straight line i can then safely enter the roundabout from one of the other exits without wondering if your going to stay ON the roundabout and tbone me

its really ****ing annoying and dangerous i swear it must not have been the law 30 years ago or something because its seriously not a minority of drivers doing this

VIC, 4982 posts
22 Jan 2016 2:47PM
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JoeMc said..
Agreed keep left and pass right is the rule sensible people use. Dont camp in the right lane and whine about tailgaters especially if the left is free.

That seems to be the problem. I completely agree with the first half. What I don't agree with is the sense of entitlement and agression that results in right lane road hogs harassing people. You're just as much as road hog if you're speeding in the right lane and more criminal than someone going a little slower than you.

WA, 3271 posts
22 Jan 2016 11:49AM
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Turkeys that don't know how to indicate on a roundabout. You can't get off a roundabout without indicating, even if you're going 'straight through'.

Edit - you beat me to it Kozzie.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Annoying Driving Habits" started by Adriano