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Annoying Driving Habits

Created by Adriano > 9 months ago, 22 Jan 2016
VIC, 5904 posts
23 Jan 2016 9:26PM
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Rex said..

SandS said..

rex think about it !!!! indicating is the correct thing to do if you are turning left or right . but if you are going STRAIGHT A ****INNG HEAD what the point ! ?

The point is, you are letting everyone know what your intentions are. If I'm at the opposite side of the roundabout waiting to get on, I don't know if you are going straight through or continuing around because of the haphazard way people use their indicators. If you indicate your intentions then everyone knows. What's the pushback about some common courtesy? It's so easy.

rex , if i was turning right i would have my right indicator on ! if im going straight there wont be an indicator how ****ing hard is it !!!!

also if i was turning right . my car would be pointing at YOU ! and if i,m going straight ahead my car is pointing towards the road out side the godamm round about ...... that's a good INDICATION isn't it ?

if you are so trusting that you will believe that a car is going a certain direction on the sighting of a little flashing light ..... then you have rocks in your head !!!

you need to look at the position and speed of the car and which way its pointing . forget about trusting the little lights .

take my advice and you may have less problems !!

QLD, 1451 posts
23 Jan 2016 11:37PM
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SandS said..

Rex said..

SandS said..

rex think about it !!!! indicating is the correct thing to do if you are turning left or right . but if you are going STRAIGHT A ****INNG HEAD what the point ! ?

The point is, you are letting everyone know what your intentions are. If I'm at the opposite side of the roundabout waiting to get on, I don't know if you are going straight through or continuing around because of the haphazard way people use their indicators. If you indicate your intentions then everyone knows. What's the pushback about some common courtesy? It's so easy.

rex , if i was turning right i would have my right indicator on ! if im going straight there wont be an indicator how ****ing hard is it !!!!

also if i was turning right . my car would be pointing at YOU ! and if i,m going straight ahead my car is pointing towards the road out side the godamm round about ...... that's a good INDICATION isn't it ?

if you are so trusting that you will believe that a car is going a certain direction on the sighting of a little flashing light ..... then you have rocks in your head !!!

you need to look at the position and speed of the car and which way its pointing . forget about trusting the little lights .

take my advice and you may have less problems !!

or you could just indicate when you leave a roundabout

QLD, 6493 posts
23 Jan 2016 11:46PM
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Kozzie said..

SandS said..

Rex said..

SandS said..

rex think about it !!!! indicating is the correct thing to do if you are turning left or right . but if you are going STRAIGHT A ****INNG HEAD what the point ! ?

The point is, you are letting everyone know what your intentions are. If I'm at the opposite side of the roundabout waiting to get on, I don't know if you are going straight through or continuing around because of the haphazard way people use their indicators. If you indicate your intentions then everyone knows. What's the pushback about some common courtesy? It's so easy.

rex , if i was turning right i would have my right indicator on ! if im going straight there wont be an indicator how ****ing hard is it !!!!

also if i was turning right . my car would be pointing at YOU ! and if i,m going straight ahead my car is pointing towards the road out side the godamm round about ...... that's a good INDICATION isn't it ?

if you are so trusting that you will believe that a car is going a certain direction on the sighting of a little flashing light ..... then you have rocks in your head !!!

you need to look at the position and speed of the car and which way its pointing . forget about trusting the little lights .

take my advice and you may have less problems !!

or you could just indicate when you leave a roundabout

Do a lot of indicating when you're driving straight ahead, do you? No wonder you're all confused over there....

QLD, 12326 posts
24 Jan 2016 12:22AM
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Kamikuza said..

Do a lot of indicating when you're driving straight ahead, do you? No wonder you're all confused over there....

Road rules in Queensland say that you must indicate left when exiting a roundabout. That becomes a bit ridiculous when the island in the roundabout is only 4 m in diameter.

WA, 3271 posts
24 Jan 2016 4:09AM
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People seem to lose sight of the fact that a roundabout doesn't belong to the road that's going straight through, it's a stand alone entity. That argument falls over when there is more than one entry and one exit, then It's not a roundabout it's a traffic island...

The argument that I'm going straight through I shouldn't need to indicate also falls over when the roundabout is a big one and you can't see every vehicle, or there are shrubs in the middle obscuring vision.

I never rely on indicators, or common sense and logic on what they should be doing, or what the vehicle looks like it's doing to figure out where it's going, I rely on all three plus a look at the driver to see where their attention is at.

Probably the the worst case scenario at a roundabout is bowling over a pedestrian, good luck using the defence 'I'm going straight through, I shouldn't have to indicate' if the regulations stipulate you were supposed to and it contributed to the crash.

I dont one see what's so hard about sharing your intentions with other road users?

11206 posts
24 Jan 2016 6:12AM
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Except that it's perfectly legal to drive straight through in some states like Victoria...who have other excellent rules that don't treat drivers as mugs - like u-turns allowed at traffic lights.

If leaving by the first, third or subsequent exits sure, indicate your intention to "leave" the roundabout.

In other states where it's the law, just be a good citizen.

VIC, 5904 posts
24 Jan 2016 10:04AM
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Oh here we go again , one last effort to convince kozzie and chris that what they are doing is more dangerous than just taking the second exit with out indicating .

People are stupid , we all agree on that don't we ?

Stupid people , can't be trusted to do even simple tasks .

So how do you expect these same stupid people to wait that split second until after passing the car waiting to enter on the left, before putting the indicator on to go straight out the second exit ? as others have said , this gets more critical on smallish RBs .

That car approaching the first exit ,has a stupid person behind the wheel as well ! if they see the left indicator the may think that you are taking the first exit . And like you, actually believe the little lights indication !!! .......and pull out in front of you .... crash ...

Even if you get the timing spot on and manage to indicate after passing the first exit , the car about to enter from the opposite side of the RB wont see your little flashing light because its on the left side of the car ,he can only see the right side as hes about to enter the RB.

conclusion : indicating to go straight through a roundabout is more dangerous than not indicating . And is of no benefit to people entering from the opposite direction,

26 posts
24 Jan 2016 7:16AM
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SandS said..

Oh here we go again , one last effort to convince kozzie and chris that what they are doing is more dangerous than just taking the second exit with out indicating .

People are stupid , we all agree on that don't we ?

Stupid people , can't be trusted to do even simple tasks .

So how do you expect these same stupid people to wait that split second until after passing the car waiting to enter on the left, before putting the indicator on to go straight out the second exit ? as others have said , this gets more critical on smallish RBs .

That approaching the first exit ,has a stupid person behind the wheel as well ! if they see the left indicator the may think that you are taking the first exit . And like you, actually believe the little lights indication !!! .......and pull out in front of you .... crash ...

Even if you get the timing spot on and manage to indicate after passing the first exit , the car about to enter from the opposite side of the RB wont see your little flashing light because its on the left side of the car ,he can only see the right side as hes about to enter the RB.

conclusion : indicating to go straight through a roundabout is more dangerous than not indicating . And is of no benefit to people entering from the opposite direction,

You are direct proof about how hard stupid people find indicating correctly at roundabouts

Your basically saying you find it too difficult to come to a roundabout, indicate right, pass first exit, then indicate left if your exiting......

This doesn't require perfect timing, and is not hard at all

If your indicating that your gunna turn left at the first exit but went straight, then yes, you caused the accident, you should have indicated right, when exiting the roundabout, indicate left as a curtsey to others

it really is quite simple....................................

QLD, 1211 posts
24 Jan 2016 9:19AM
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Thats right everyones to stupid to manage the indicator at the roundabout, cant be trusted to flick that lever.
Especially kiwis who dont have roundabouts because they get stuck on them.

QLD, 1451 posts
24 Jan 2016 9:40AM
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13+ roundabouts in this small area. i drive thru about 30 roundabouts a DAY

half the people know how to drive and indicate when leaving a roundabout the other half dont.

your excuse sands that you are to incompetent with your timing to indicate off a roundabout is a huge red flag to me. maybe you should head to the dmv get a defensive driving course done or enroll in a learners course.

ive delivered pizzas delivered produce in fuso's and watertrucked a year

im not saying cause i got a hr im more correct or aware then anyone else but its a very VERY simple rule. and if you thought about just for 1 minute WHY we have road rules (to prevent accidents) then you would understand WHY indicateing off a roundabout will mean OTHER ROAD USERS will know what **** your doing and can act accordingly.

look where the cars pointed? what are you a ****ing idiot? ohhhh but the timeing involved to indicate BETWEEN THE FIRST EXIT AND THE SECOND EXIT WHICH IM TAKEING IS TO HARD!!! jesus ****ing christ! you can not be serious! if you are going the reccomended speed on a roundabout there is ****loads of time. it takes half a second to move your hand THATS ALLREADY ON THE FLIPPIN WHEEL down to activate the indicator.

the whole procedure of indicating off a roundabout shouldnt even require a thought process. the fact that you need to think about it and run out of time is a serious worry sands and it might be time to get your grandkids or whoever your responsible guardian is to pop you in and hand over your licence

WA, 296 posts
24 Jan 2016 7:53AM
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Are you suggesting that you should now indicate Right when entering the rounabout if you intend to go straight ahead?

QLD, 1451 posts
24 Jan 2016 11:03AM
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DaylightDebt said..
Are you suggesting that you should now indicate Right when entering the rounabout if you intend to go straight ahead?

DaylightDebt said..

Are you suggesting that you should now indicate Right when entering the rounabout if you intend to go straight ahead?

how hard is it to watch a video. go to the 44 second mark and see what you are supposed to do. if theres any further questions anyone has on how to drive on a roundabout watch the video in its entirety.

QLD, 6493 posts
24 Jan 2016 1:02PM
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DaylightDebt said..
Are you suggesting that you should now indicate Right when entering the rounabout if you intend to go straight ahead?

You should probably indicate when you got around bends too, especially hair pins.

WA, 3271 posts
24 Jan 2016 11:05AM
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Adriano said..
Except that it's perfectly legal to drive straight through in some states like Victoria...who have other excellent rules that don't treat drivers as mugs - like u-turns allowed at traffic lights.

If leaving by the first, third or subsequent exits sure, indicate your intention to "leave" the roundabout.

In other states where it's the law, just be a good citizen.

The funny thing is that both you and Sands wrong, and your regs are actually more archaic than WA, you have to indicate both right and left if 'turning right'.

You do have a little leeway in the 'If practicable' in 118 which might apply to the stupid little roundabouts but your regs clearly state to indicate left to get off a roundabout, regardless of which exit you're taking.

Straight off your Vic Govt website...

112 Giving a left change of direction signal when entering a roundabout

(1) This rule applies to a driver entering a roundabout if—
(a) the driver is to leave the roundabout at the first exit after entering the roundabout; and
(b) the exit is less than halfway around the roundabout.

113 Giving a right change of direction signal when entering a roundabout
(1) This rule applies to a driver entering a roundabout if the driver is to leave the roundabout more than halfway around it.
(2) Before entering the roundabout, the driver must give a right change of direction signal for long enough to give sufficient warning to other drivers and pedestrians.

118 Giving a left change of direction signal when leaving a roundabout (1)
If practicable, a driver driving in a roundabout must give a left change of direction signal when leaving the roundabout.

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
24 Jan 2016 1:00PM
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And really how hard is it!!???
Treat it like any other intersection:

Turning left indicate left.
Turning right indicate right ..... but 90deg before the exit you want you indicate left to show you are leaving the roundabout.
Going straight ahead - do nothing......... but 90deg before the exit you want you indicate left to show you are leaving the roundabout.

Then as you approach the roundabout everyone knows what you are going to do. Why is that so difficult?

The law does account for the piddly little roundabouts where it is impossible to indicate left when exiting so no need to get knickers in a twist about indicating left when leaving the roundabout.

The main thing I see is the logical way is also the most courteous and also what the law says. So where da problem at?

QLD, 6493 posts
24 Jan 2016 3:13PM
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Mark _australia said..

And really how hard is it!!???
Treat it like any other intersection:

Turning left indicate left.
Turning right indicate right ..... but 90deg before the exit you want you indicate left to show you are leaving the roundabout.
Going straight ahead - do nothing......... but 90deg before the exit you want you indicate left to show you are leaving the roundabout.

Then as you approach the roundabout everyone knows what you are going to do. Why is that so difficult?

The law does account for the piddly little roundabouts where it is impossible to indicate left when exiting so no need to get knickers in a twist about indicating left when leaving the roundabout.

The main thing I see is the logical way is also the most courteous and also what the law says. So where da problem at?

But but but . . . There are bendy bits in the middle! It's so hard!

VIC, 5904 posts
24 Jan 2016 7:49PM
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Chris6791 said..

Adriano said..
Except that it's perfectly legal to drive straight through in some states like Victoria...who have other excellent rules that don't treat drivers as mugs - like u-turns allowed at traffic lights.

If leaving by the first, third or subsequent exits sure, indicate your intention to "leave" the roundabout.

In other states where it's the law, just be a good citizen.

The funny thing is that both you and Sands wrong, and your regs are actually more archaic than WA, you have to indicate both right and left if 'turning right'.

You do have a little leeway in the 'If practicable' in 118 which might apply to the stupid little roundabouts but your regs clearly state to indicate left to get off a roundabout, regardless of which exit you're taking.

Straight off your Vic Govt website...

112 Giving a left change of direction signal when entering a roundabout

(1) This rule applies to a driver entering a roundabout if—
(a) the driver is to leave the roundabout at the first exit after entering the roundabout; and
(b) the exit is less than halfway around the roundabout.

113 Giving a right change of direction signal when entering a roundabout
(1) This rule applies to a driver entering a roundabout if the driver is to leave the roundabout more than halfway around it.
(2) Before entering the roundabout, the driver must give a right change of direction signal for long enough to give sufficient warning to other drivers and pedestrians.

118 Giving a left change of direction signal when leaving a roundabout (1)
If practicable, a driver driving in a roundabout must give a left change of direction signal when leaving the roundabout.

well done Chris you have at least found the rules . Now you just need to be able to read them .

that says : if turning left INDICATE

: if turning right INDICATE

: if going straight through if practicable indicate when leaving . ITS NOT PRACTICABLE so not required or needed

i dont know how you get that I m wrong from that !!!

Chris, when you work it out , I will accept your apology .

But Kozzie ........ you can stick your mates cut and paste in your pipe and smoke it along with what ever else your choofing on , from your last post it looks like you may be some kind of ice head or something !!!

QLD, 1451 posts
24 Jan 2016 6:59PM
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im choofing on victory, its no wonder you dont recognise the smell

go do a defensive driving course

you hazard.

VIC, 5904 posts
24 Jan 2016 8:19PM
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Kozzie said..

im choofing on victory, its no wonder you dont recognise the smell

go do a defensive driving course

you hazard.

Are you for real !!!! ................... You want me to do a defensive driving course !!!!! When you prefer to make decisions based open a little flashing light !!! instead of watching the path of the vehicle that you are defending against

Now have you read and understood the rules cut and pasted by Chris yet ?

QLD, 6493 posts
24 Jan 2016 7:26PM
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Been there, done those. Keep on indicating for the bends, everyone appreciates it.

NSW, 6451 posts
24 Jan 2016 9:49PM
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Yes its a major problem,
people leaving too bigger gaps at the lights or roundabouts
Having to wait 50 seconds for the lights to change.....gets me sooooo angry,, lol.
Cuts into my seabreezing/facbooking/twittering time lol
You metrosexual city dwellers live a hard life. Must suck getting so stressed out having to wait a few minutes on the way to your back,sack and crack waxings at the day spa.
Surely you guys have more important things to whinge about than someone making you wait a few seconds before you can turn????
1st world problems are funny.

QLD, 6493 posts
24 Jan 2016 9:00PM
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lotofwind said..
Yes its a major problem,
people leaving too bigger gaps at the lights or roundabouts
Having to wait 50 seconds for the lights to change.....gets me sooooo angry,, lol.
Cuts into my seabreezing/facbooking/twittering time lol
You metrosexual city dwellers live a hard life. Must suck getting so stressed out having to wait a few minutes on the way to your back,sack and crack waxings at the day spa.
Surely you guys have more important things to whinge about than someone making you wait a few seconds before you can turn????
1st world problems are funny.

Just imagine if you didn't have to wait "a few" seconds for every car in front of you... how many hours of your life would you have back?

NSW, 6451 posts
24 Jan 2016 10:15PM
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Kamikuza said..

lotofwind said..
Yes its a major problem,
people leaving too bigger gaps at the lights or roundabouts
Having to wait 50 seconds for the lights to change.....gets me sooooo angry,, lol.
Cuts into my seabreezing/facbooking/twittering time lol
You metrosexual city dwellers live a hard life. Must suck getting so stressed out having to wait a few minutes on the way to your back,sack and crack waxings at the day spa.
Surely you guys have more important things to whinge about than someone making you wait a few seconds before you can turn????
1st world problems are funny.

Just imagine if you didn't have to wait "a few" seconds for every car in front of you... how many hours of your life would you have back?

Yes, your right, that time saved you could have time for a manicure as well.

VIC, 4982 posts
24 Jan 2016 10:29PM
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lotofwind said..
...Cuts into my seabreezing/facbooking/twittering time lol

Why don't you do it while you're waiting at the lights like everybody else?

NSW, 6451 posts
24 Jan 2016 10:40PM
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I already do. Im posting this from my phone at the traffic lights that have changed twice so far.
Then I waited till the light turned orange and quickly drove through, laughing looking in my rearview mirror at you punching the steering wheel.
I dont really, just find it funny as, how people stress out and lose their sh!t if they have to brake or slow down a its the end of the world that they lost major important seconds of their life, but then spend 3 times as much time whinging on seabreezebook complaining about it. lol
Cracks me up.

QLD, 1211 posts
24 Jan 2016 9:57PM
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I now just get on the horn like a ****ing mad thing hoping on reincarnation

11206 posts
24 Jan 2016 8:17PM
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It's not a question of spending more time on the road, although if it's bad then yes I'd rather have spent that five or ten minutes doing something else - even enjoying driving. I always leave plenty of time to reach a destination.

It's about stupid drivers who don't care about other drivers, like sitting in the right lane for miles on end next to another car in the left when they have the opportunity to drive courteously. I love driving and incompetent selfish drivers spoil the fun. They might think that they are being safe but realistically they are being insufferable to confident drivers.

Here's another one for single lane roads - pulling out from the lights with decent acceleration instead of taking a whole minute to reach a reasonable speed. Just use the damn accelerator. If you're too much of a tight arse to use some fuel, catch a bus. Accelerating is not dangerous nor illegal. It shouldn't take more than 10 seconds to reach 50-60km/h - not a kilometre!

Also on multi lane roads when the lights go orange, unless you do plan to accelerate from the lights at a decent rate, don't effing change lanes at the last moment just to be at the front of the lights and then dawdle off at the same speed as the car you just parked your miserable arse next to.

WA, 3271 posts
24 Jan 2016 8:27PM
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SandS said..

Chris6791 said..

Adriano said.. Except that it's perfectly legal to drive straight through in some states like Victoria...who have other excellent rules that don't treat drivers as mugs - like u-turns allowed at traffic lights. If leaving by the first, third or subsequent exits sure, indicate your intention to "leave" the roundabout. In other states where it's the law, just be a good citizen.

The funny thing is that both you and Sands wrong, and your regs are actually more archaic than WA, you have to indicate both right and left if 'turning right'. You do have a little leeway in the 'If practicable' in 118 which might apply to the stupid little roundabouts but your regs clearly state to indicate left to get off a roundabout, regardless of which exit you're taking. Straight off your Vic Govt website... 112 Giving a left change of direction signal when entering a roundabout (1) This rule applies to a driver entering a roundabout if— (a) the driver is to leave the roundabout at the first exit after entering the roundabout; and (b) the exit is less than halfway around the roundabout. 113 Giving a right change of direction signal when entering a roundabout (1) This rule applies to a driver entering a roundabout if the driver is to leave the roundabout more than halfway around it. (2) Before entering the roundabout, the driver must give a right change of direction signal for long enough to give sufficient warning to other drivers and pedestrians. 118 Giving a left change of direction signal when leaving a roundabout (1) If practicable, a driver driving in a roundabout must give a left change of direction signal when leaving the roundabout.

well done Chris you have at least found the rules . Now you just need to be able to read them . that says : if turning left INDICATE : if turning right INDICATE : if going straight through if practicable indicate when leaving . ITS NOT PRACTICABLE so not required or needed i dont know how you get that I m wrong from that !!! Chris, when you work it out , I will accept your apology . But Kozzie ........ you can stick your mates cut and paste in your pipe and smoke it along with what ever else your choofing on , from your last post it looks like you may be some kind of ice head or something !!!

Umm, where does it say 'if going straight through indicate if practicable when leaving'?

118 is a blanket, if practible when leaving a roundabout indicate, it makes no reference to whick exit you're taking. Where is the confusion? Your regs say stuff all about going straight through. 112 and 113 simply add another layer on top of 118 giving a better indication of your intentions.

You still have the option of not indicating left to get off a roundabout if you deem it not practical, but that my friend will depend on the time place and circumstances as to whether your justification and obvious disdain towards an understanding of, general adherence to the road rules and common road courtesy are reasonable.

Quite possibly you're the one smoking the choof that you suggested Kozzie is.

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Jan 2016 12:08AM
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^^^lol, seabreezebook rage

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
24 Jan 2016 9:12PM
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^^^ +1 Chris

Loto - the thread is about things that we dislike on the roads. EG: I am not a big fan of neopolitan icecream, but don't mind the vanilla or chocolate by themselves. OTOH I could eat all three colours if I had to. Don't like it, but I don't get worked up about it either. See how we can talk about something we don't like, but does not mean we are angry and consumed by it? Deep breathe mate. Go on, have a relax now.

NOBODY here has mentioned punching the steering wheel, early coronary atherosclerosis or any of these road issues keeping them awake at night. But you do like to start having a crack and asserting that we are all taking things too seriously huh.
Chill out, it is a lighthearted discussion about things others do that makes us shake our heads. Not go homicidal, just shake our heads. See, grown ups discuss things that annoy us without getting all angry and stuff.

So now you are done being all holier-than-thou as if nothing ever pissed you off in your whole life, go have a lie down and cool off a bit huh. Its only a forum dude.
Maybe ponder that this thread is all about courtesy, but for one who comes here only to stir sh!t maybe you don't understand courtesy at all?



Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Annoying Driving Habits" started by Adriano