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Annoying Driving Habits

Created by Adriano > 9 months ago, 22 Jan 2016
11206 posts
22 Jan 2016 12:32PM
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Yes but if you're going straight through the roundabout at 60km/h when do you indicate? Just kidding.

461 posts
22 Jan 2016 12:34PM
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Buster fin said..

dan111984 said...
People who drive erratically, speed, tail gate, swerve in and out of lanes without indicating. I don't see it too often, maybe once a fortnight on average but it gives me the ****s..

Also road ragers.. I've seen people swerving at other drivers on busy freeways.. intimidating and screaming at women.. Brain dead losers..

Not a sandgroper then?

Only on Wednesdays.. :S

WA, 949 posts
22 Jan 2016 12:52PM
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Mark _australia said..

My big whinge is turning at traffic lights - some people leave a 4 car length gap and that is 4 cars that don't get thru the lights on the turn arrow. Happy to sit 2 carlengths behind someone on the freeway but have to leave a big gap at 20kph WTF? Selfish inconsiderate grrrr

That makes me want to strangle kittens, they are just oblivious of other road users.

Mark _australia
WA, 22377 posts
22 Jan 2016 1:02PM
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^^ Yup that is what sh!ts me, the rudeness or inconsiderate nature. I can't fathom somebody who either does not notice or does not care how their actions affect others. Surely once they saw the above scenario and they were the one who didn't make it through the lights..... so then they think 'gee I won't do that anymore cos I am holding up others' ? Seemingly not...
Or is there actually that many dumb / plain rude people around?

WA, 3028 posts
22 Jan 2016 1:15PM
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Rex said..

Mark _australia said..

My big whinge is turning at traffic lights - some people leave a 4 car length gap and that is 4 cars that don't get thru the lights on the turn arrow. Happy to sit 2 carlengths behind someone on the freeway but have to leave a big gap at 20kph WTF? Selfish inconsiderate grrrr

That makes me want to strangle kittens, they are just oblivious of other road users.

Or doing it as you approach a green light

VIC, 4982 posts
22 Jan 2016 4:48PM
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Mark _australia said..
^^ Yup that is what sh!ts me, the rudeness or inconsiderate nature. I can't fathom somebody who either does not notice or does not care how their actions affect others. Surely once they saw the above scenario and they were the one who didn't make it through the lights..... so then they think 'gee I won't do that anymore cos I am holding up others' ? Seemingly not...
Or is there actually that many dumb / plain rude people around?

Can you explain a little? I assume we are talking about standard traffic lights and people moving into the intersection to turn right.

In my experience most people squash up into the intersection, nose to tail, and the bunch goes around when there's a gap or on the yellow light (provided no bastard is running the yellow light to go through - another super annoying thing).

The problem with that is if you're a tailender then you're likely to get booked on a red light camera. That happens all the time here. (One local intersection is constantly mentioned in stories in the local newspapers.) Unfortunately "the guy in front moved off too slow" is not a defence when it comes time to pay the fine.

While we're at it, I have been approaching a yellow light as it is about to turn red and stopped easily and comfortably. On more than one occasion the car behind me has changed lanes and floored it through the intersection.

Honestly, the cause of the most aggro and annoyance on the roads is the attitude of "I must get where I am going as quickly as possible and anything that gets in my way will feel my anger." A far more relaxed and considerate attitude makes the vast majority of road stresses disappear. I have mastered this, to an extent. Still working on it.

NSW, 3075 posts
22 Jan 2016 5:18PM
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Just be careful who you flash your lights/ beep your horn or make rude hand signals at!!!
I was coming home from windsurfing up the coast on the M1 (old F3) when I came upon a stock standard Mitsy Magna sitting in the fast lane doing 100kmh.
No traffic in middle lane so sat behind him to see if he would move over. Nothing. So finally flashed my lights and about 10 seconds later these nice red and blue flashing bright lights came on on the back of the car. WTF???
I put my hands up in exasperation/capitulation and back off. The two cops stayed there until a black HSV went past the lot of us doing 140 plus. All the lights came on and off they went.
Entrapment or just being dicks???
What about the new trend of coming out of side streets, driveways etc aggressively as if to say "You better let me in". Dumb arses and mostly dummy mummy's in 4wd's or SUV's.

NSW, 4521 posts
22 Jan 2016 5:40PM
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My most hated...

Used to own a 1.6 litre Corolla. Would often get stuck behind somone in, lets say a Falcon or Commodore. Sure their car was more powerful, but they would be driving a lot slower than I wanted on a curvy coastal road, and I'd be stuck behind them for miles. Then comes the overtaking lane that is always on an uphill grade because of the slow trucks. I'd try to overtake, but the Falcon or Commodore could power up the hill, and I wouldn't get past them. Then back into the windy road again, and I'm stuck on their tail for another 10 km until it happens again. And again. The solution was to drop back when the passing lane was 1km away, and then floor it and pass them at full speed at the beginning of the overtaking lane. But if it was a long uphill passing lane, they'd often overtake me at the top of the hill, and so I'd be stuck behind them for another 10km. No thinking "Gee, I've been holding that car up for the last 30 minutes, maybe I should let them pass me."

When the next overtaking lane approached, I'd try to give them the message by sitting about 2 meters off their tail, flashing high beam, and beeping my horn. No idea.

Buster fin
WA, 2576 posts
22 Jan 2016 3:12PM
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Roundabout numpties.


Arsehats that will pull in between cars with only the room for a shopping trolley.

Leave a 3 second buffer in Perth and you'll forever be a victim.

WA, 154 posts
22 Jan 2016 3:28PM
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What about when you(in a sedan) are turning left at a "T" junction and a big four wheel drive is turning right .They drive right up to the line and block your vision of traffic coming toward you,rather than sitting back a bit(from there elevated position they still have a clear view) so you can safely see whats coming toward you.Next you have to wait till both lines of traffic are clear and they cross giving you clear vision.

WA, 6650 posts
22 Jan 2016 4:26PM
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Most annoying driving habit is everybody thinking they drive correctly and that everyone else is a driving numpty

I am pretty sure 99.9% of motorists would claim that they drive better than 99.9% of other motorists.

Or in the case of this thread 100%.

WA, 1089 posts
22 Jan 2016 4:59PM
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Chris6791 said..
Turkeys that don't know how to indicate on a roundabout. You can't get off a roundabout without indicating, even if you're going 'straight through'.

Edit - you beat me to it Kozzie.

True... back when roundabouts were of a reasonable size that you could indicate 90 degrees before your exit. You're also supposed to indicate onto the roundabout. ie treat it as a new road, which for big roundabouts, they are.

As most roundabouts are now no more than a bump in a normal cross road or T junction, and everyone can see everyone else, how can you indicate onto and off in such a small space? you cant!
It make more sense to treat it as a normal junction and indicate before you get there, where youre going.
Turning Left, Indicate Left before the roundabout.
Turning Right Indicate Right before the roundabout. Flick your left on if time at 90 degrees before hand
Straight on, no indication beforehand, Flick your left on if time at 90 degrees.

We've recently had a roundabout added at a normal suburban T junction - for the sole reason that it gave busses priority to pull out turning left (rather than waiting for both directions to be clear) Its tiny.

WA, 2775 posts
22 Jan 2016 5:18PM
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myusernam said..
I hate speed limited truckies who overtake in their semi even though I am on cruise at 100
crawl past painfully slow and then try and merge with heaps of trailer behind. forcing you to slow down to let the fkkrs in.

those "speed limited" stickers dont work very well.

I lost count of the amount of times I have been passed by big rigs when I was @ 110kph - and they didnt just crawl past either!


WA, 2775 posts
22 Jan 2016 5:23PM
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Gorgo said..
Can you explain a little? I assume we are talking about standard traffic lights and people moving into the intersection to turn right.

In my experience most people squash up into the intersection, nose to tail,

In W.A., only one right turning vehicle is allowed to enter the intersection at a time, and wait for a space in oncoming traffic.


QLD, 6481 posts
22 Jan 2016 7:26PM
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years ago in vic i did some work at a volvo truck sales centre. the truckies buying a new truck would get all excited and boast about how the mechanics were going to"fiddle" with the speed limiter so it would let them do 110-120. oooh those rascals

gone are the days of a considerate sensible truck driver waving you on so you could overtake safely, now they are trying to overtake you going up hill, even when there's no way they could do it without you slowing down considerably to let them in

must be a lot of pressure on them to get the goods to their destination on time?

have encountered some oldschool truck driver etiquette when driving over into WA which was a nice surprise

WA, 2775 posts
22 Jan 2016 5:30PM
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My pet hates........

- Cars with dodgy indicators, brake lights and tail lights - or stuck on high beam in broad daylight.

- The little Chinese [ish?] joker in the grubby white Camry that insists on driving through Girrawheen at between 10 and 20 klicks around 0630 every morning, where there is a string of roundabouts, traffic islands and stop signs - leaving no way of getting past.


VIC, 5904 posts
22 Jan 2016 8:35PM
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Kozzie said..
not indicating off the roundabout when they are going in a straight line.

it is the law to allways indicate when leaving the roundabout so if your one of i swear ****ing everyone, who just drives straight thru then you can be booked for that.
other road users need to know what the **** you are doing. (if i see you indicate off the roundabout even if you are going in a allmost straight line i can then safely enter the roundabout from one of the other exits without wondering if your going to stay ON the roundabout and tbone me

its really ****ing annoying and dangerous i swear it must not have been the law 30 years ago or something because its seriously not a minority of drivers doing this

bull shiiit , what does it ****ing matter , if im on the round about first on your right, if you are comming in at 90 deg to me you stay of it !! if im comming from oposite you and going to where you have come from . if you are on the roundabout first , there no ****ing problem is there?

****ing sooks .............. just get on the ****ing round about first and go where you want to ****ing go !!! and if im there first i go where i want to ****ing go and there is no need for any indication

QLD, 6481 posts
22 Jan 2016 7:36PM
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imo - the roudabout rule should be altered to "if you are entering - you must give way to vehicles already on the roundabout, AND, give way to those entering on the right"

on some small single lane roundabouts, if two vehicles enter at the same time, and vehicle A enters at 5kph, and vehicle B on the right enters at 30 kph, what happens? I've seen that insurance can't sort it out and both are at fault as far as both the police and insurance are concerned. If both entered at 5kph it would be perfectly safe

most drivers seem to have accepted that it's safer to let the right hand enterers have right of way already

something i've only seen in qld - on a dual lane roundabout, when you are in the left lane going straight through, if you don't put your right indicator on, some people entering at the first exit think you're turning left and start to enter (and understandably, people in the right lane see your indicator and start to panic). so i now see people just give a few flicks of the flasher to warn those entering (i'm now doing the same). a funny old place is SE queensland

WA, 4564 posts
22 Jan 2016 5:39PM
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Haircut said..
years ago in vic i did some work at a volvo truck sales centre. the truckies buying a new truck would get all excited and boast about how the mechanics were going to"fiddle" with the speed limiter so it would let them do 110-120. oooh those rascals

gone are the days of a considerate sensible truck driver waving you on so you could ovetake safely, now they are trying to overtake you going up hill, even when there's no way they could do it without you slowing down considerably to let them in

must be a lot of pressure on them to get the goods to their destination on time?

I can assure one and all, that any truck involved in an accident, will have (if fitted, and most new do) the on-board monitoring system data logger download copy, seized by the relevant authorities.
First time this happened at our workshop a few years back, transport authorities showed up demanding data, we declined and sent them packing, with the approval of the truck owner.
They returned 24 hours later with a court order
From then on, we would call truck owner, tell them the score, explain that they wouldn't be able to refuse the information, and 99% would agree to this data being made available. Those that refused still, with some level of thoughts being its private information, soon came to conclusion that a court order would be supplied within 24 hours, and they had to hand it over.
However, we know even to this day,that there are on the market, override ECM's to get around the on-board system. Fitting one is easy to do. Big problem is, it leaves a signature on the standard ECM, so the system will show a pirate system was/had been installed, with time and date stamp fitted and removed.

Ben 555
NSW, 453 posts
22 Jan 2016 8:56PM
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My wife thinks that when making any left or right hand turn she should drift in the opposite direction slightly to make the radius larger - ala the scandanavian flick from 70's rally drivers

bloody dangerous - but can't break the habit so I keep buying her smaller and smaller cars

even got her great lessons from a top professional driver trainer and still does it

VIC, 5904 posts
22 Jan 2016 9:12PM
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Chris6791 said..
Turkeys that don't know how to indicate on a roundabout. You can't get off a roundabout without indicating, even if you're going 'straight through'.

Edit - you beat me to it Kozzie.

thats crap, you only have to indicate going straight though " if practical " ITS NOT NEEDED OR ****ING PRACTICAL"

QLD, 1451 posts
22 Jan 2016 8:15PM
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SandS said..

Kozzie said..
not indicating off the roundabout when they are going in a straight line.

it is the law to allways indicate when leaving the roundabout so if your one of i swear ****ing everyone, who just drives straight thru then you can be booked for that.
other road users need to know what the **** you are doing. (if i see you indicate off the roundabout even if you are going in a allmost straight line i can then safely enter the roundabout from one of the other exits without wondering if your going to stay ON the roundabout and tbone me

its really ****ing annoying and dangerous i swear it must not have been the law 30 years ago or something because its seriously not a minority of drivers doing this

bull shiiit , what does it ****ing matter , if im on the round about first on your right, if you are comming in at 90 deg to me you stay of it !! if im comming from oposite you and going to where you have come from . if you are on the roundabout first , there no ****ing problem is there?

****ing sooks .............. just get on the ****ing round about first and go where you want to ****ing go !!! and if im there first i go where i want to ****ing go and there is no need for any indication



watch 45 seconds ya peanut

VIC, 5904 posts
22 Jan 2016 9:22PM
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Kozzie said..

SandS said..

Kozzie said..
not indicating off the roundabout when they are going in a straight line.

it is the law to allways indicate when leaving the roundabout so if your one of i swear ****ing everyone, who just drives straight thru then you can be booked for that.
other road users need to know what the **** you are doing. (if i see you indicate off the roundabout even if you are going in a allmost straight line i can then safely enter the roundabout from one of the other exits without wondering if your going to stay ON the roundabout and tbone me

its really ****ing annoying and dangerous i swear it must not have been the law 30 years ago or something because its seriously not a minority of drivers doing this

bull shiiit , what does it ****ing matter , if im on the round about first on your right, if you are comming in at 90 deg to me you stay of it !! if im comming from oposite you and going to where you have come from . if you are on the roundabout first , there no ****ing problem is there?

****ing sooks .............. just get on the ****ing round about first and go where you want to ****ing go !!! and if im there first i go where i want to ****ing go and there is no need for any indication


watch 45 seconds ya peanut

just drive your car and if you are on a RB and i,m not i will give way to you YOU DROPKICK . and i hope you do the same for me !

QLD, 1451 posts
22 Jan 2016 8:29PM
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SandS said..

Kozzie said..

SandS said..

Kozzie said..
not indicating off the roundabout when they are going in a straight line.

it is the law to allways indicate when leaving the roundabout so if your one of i swear ****ing everyone, who just drives straight thru then you can be booked for that.
other road users need to know what the **** you are doing. (if i see you indicate off the roundabout even if you are going in a allmost straight line i can then safely enter the roundabout from one of the other exits without wondering if your going to stay ON the roundabout and tbone me

its really ****ing annoying and dangerous i swear it must not have been the law 30 years ago or something because its seriously not a minority of drivers doing this

bull shiiit , what does it ****ing matter , if im on the round about first on your right, if you are comming in at 90 deg to me you stay of it !! if im comming from oposite you and going to where you have come from . if you are on the roundabout first , there no ****ing problem is there?

****ing sooks .............. just get on the ****ing round about first and go where you want to ****ing go !!! and if im there first i go where i want to ****ing go and there is no need for any indication


watch 45 seconds ya peanut

just drive your car and if you are on a RB and i,m not i will give way to you YOU DROPKICK . and i hope you do the same for me !

watch the video dickhead your endangering lives when you fail to indicate off a roundabout even if your going straight

WA, 14670 posts
22 Jan 2016 6:29PM
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Harrow said..
My most hated...

Used to own a 1.6 litre Corolla. Would often get stuck behind somone in, lets say a Falcon or Commodore. Sure their car was more powerful, but they would be driving a lot slower than I wanted on a curvy coastal road, and I'd be stuck behind them for miles. Then comes the overtaking lane that is always on an uphill grade because of the slow trucks. I'd try to overtake, but the Falcon or Commodore could power up the hill, and I wouldn't get past them. Then back into the windy road again, and I'm stuck on their tail for another 10 km until it happens again. And again. The solution was to drop back when the passing lane was 1km away, and then floor it and pass them at full speed at the beginning of the overtaking lane. But if it was a long uphill passing lane, they'd often overtake me at the top of the hill, and so I'd be stuck behind them for another 10km. No thinking "Gee, I've been holding that car up for the last 30 minutes, maybe I should let them pass me."

When the next overtaking lane approached, I'd try to give them the message by sitting about 2 meters off their tail, flashing high beam, and beeping my horn. No idea.

I had almost the reverse. Coming down the coast, around Coffs Harbour I think, I had two guys that were driving a VW Beetle. They would wring the guts out of it on the flat to overtake at every cost, and when it came back to one one in the windy bits, they would slow down to 80kmh. Aggh! I would overtake them at the next overtaking lane like they were standing still, and then they would screw the Beetle to get past at whatever speed they could muster up.

I was driving a 5 speed VN commodore, with a cam and chip kit, and with decent suspension, so it went fast and did corners too.

I finally figured out that if I held them up a little bit at one overtaking lane by sitting in front of them, they would not keep up around the twisty bits. What do you know, after them doing this for ages, I never saw them again for the rest of the trip.

QLD, 1451 posts
22 Jan 2016 8:32PM
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if you still cant handle the basic rules of driving on the road sands even tho theres a clear video explaining the exact situation at 45 seconds as i posted before heres some more videos for you mate

VIC, 5904 posts
22 Jan 2016 9:39PM
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Kozzie said..

SandS said..

Kozzie said..

SandS said..

Kozzie said..
not indicating off the roundabout when they are going in a straight line.

it is the law to allways indicate when leaving the roundabout so if your one of i swear ****ing everyone, who just drives straight thru then you can be booked for that.
other road users need to know what the **** you are doing. (if i see you indicate off the roundabout even if you are going in a allmost straight line i can then safely enter the roundabout from one of the other exits without wondering if your going to stay ON the roundabout and tbone me

its really ****ing annoying and dangerous i swear it must not have been the law 30 years ago or something because its seriously not a minority of drivers doing this

bull shiiit , what does it ****ing matter , if im on the round about first on your right, if you are comming in at 90 deg to me you stay of it !! if im comming from oposite you and going to where you have come from . if you are on the roundabout first , there no ****ing problem is there?

****ing sooks .............. just get on the ****ing round about first and go where you want to ****ing go !!! and if im there first i go where i want to ****ing go and there is no need for any indication


watch 45 seconds ya peanut

just drive your car and if you are on a RB and i,m not i will give way to you YOU DROPKICK . and i hope you do the same for me !

watch the video dickhead your endangering lives when you fail to indicate off a roundabout even if your going straight

you are some kind of fruitcake !! the only time its necessary to indicate is if your going left as your are approaching so the driver approaching on your left can enter as you turn left .

tell me how i have endangered your pitiful life by not indicating as im going straight though a RB ?

WA, 14670 posts
22 Jan 2016 6:41PM
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Mark _australia said..
Not gripe but one I am curious about - if anyone can tell me the rationale I'd love to know.

Two lanes in each direction, 70 zone. I have to turn left into my suburb. I have an old fourby so make the left turn a bit slower than most.
People behind me don't move the right to pass me.... the right lane is almost always clear...... rather they are content to slow down to almost nothing then accelerate again. Changing lanes would save fuel, brakes, time etc.

Not annoying I just don't understand why they don't move over to avoid me holding them up. Weird. I reckon about 60 - 75% of people don't move over.

Agree with above - the Perth freeway makes my blood boil, 3 lanes across doing 90kpm, and often when you do finally get to pass they speed up like they just realised they can go faster!
My big whinge is turning at traffic lights - some people leave a 4 car length gap and that is 4 cars that don't get thru the lights on the turn arrow. Happy to sit 2 carlengths behind someone on the freeway but have to leave a big gap at 20kph WTF? Selfish inconsiderate grrrr

Its because people are afraid of changing lanes. Some people hate having to look over their shoulder and instead will do whatever it takes not to. I think in your case they are not wanting to look and will almost stop to avoid it.

These same people will sit in the right hand lane at whatever speed it takes, to avoid having to go left and then back into the right hand lane. Over here in NSW, on the F3 north of Sydney, hundreds of people will sit in the right hand lane and vary their speed from 80kmh to 140kmh to avoid changing lanes.

I must admit, I have that practice of leaving a gap at the lights. Not 4 car lengths, but probably 1. People assume that I am leaving it because I am slow. I am not. I am guilty of driving faster than most people. In my case, that gap is so that the second the light turns green I can move off, instead of waiting for the numpty in front of me to move off first. The idea is that the person behind me can move off after I move, and as a result you get MORE people through the intersection.

It sounds wrong, but it actually works that way. The reason people are slow through intersections is because they sit too close to each other, so they are locked and can't move until the person infront has already started moving. Using a gap, you move off straight away, and only have to brake if the person infront of you is asleep.

Of course, there actually are people that leave gaps at intersections because they are slow.... tar and feather 'em I say!

WA, 296 posts
22 Jan 2016 6:42PM
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Have to disagree, it may be the law however very flawed!

It is safe to assume people do not know how to indicate. Taking this as the premise indicating incorectly is far more dangerous. As far as I am aware it is only Australia that has this ridiculous rule.

I have almost been cleaned up a few times due to confusion on behalf of other drivers indicating incorrectly.

In my opinion no indicators when traveling straight ahead is the safest rule.

Indicating early for straight ahead is very dangerous ( this happens a lot) for trafic entering at the next point.

VIC, 5904 posts
22 Jan 2016 9:49PM
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DaylightDebt said..
Have to disagree, it may be the law however very flawed!

It is safe to assume people do not know how to indicate. Taking this as the premise indicating incorectly is far more dangerous. As far as I am aware it is only Australia that has this ridiculous rule.

I have almost been cleaned up a few times due to confusion on behalf of other drivers indicating incorrectly.

In my opinion no indicators when traveling straight ahead is the safest rule.

Indicating early for straight ahead is very dangerous ( this happens a lot) for trafic entering at the next point.

spot on . its simple, approach with caution and the car on the RB has right of way especially if that car is on your right.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Annoying Driving Habits" started by Adriano