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Annoying Driving Habits

Created by Adriano > 9 months ago, 22 Jan 2016
NSW, 6451 posts
25 Jan 2016 12:34AM
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All in good fun dude, sorry to upset you.
Enjoy your ice cream

WA, 541 posts
24 Jan 2016 10:00PM
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SandS said...
Kozzie said..

im choofing on victory, its no wonder you dont recognise the smell

go do a defensive driving course

you hazard.

Are you for real !!!! ................... You want me to do a defensive driving course !!!!! When you prefer to make decisions based open a little flashing light !!! instead of watching the path of the vehicle that you are defending against

Now have you read and understood the rules cut and pasted by Chris yet ?

Is this what you say to the cops when they ask you why you didnt pull over? ARE YOU FOR REAL!?!? YOUR FLASHY LIGHTS CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! a boohoohoo

WA, 3271 posts
24 Jan 2016 10:40PM
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Kozzie said..

VicRoads Regulation 567.

Houses shall indicate their intention to turn where practicable.

WA, 1675 posts
24 Jan 2016 10:43PM
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we don't have any roundabouts or traffic lights but people stopping in floodways or blind corners on the highway to take a photo of a flower pisses me off when I have 50 ton behind me doing 100k.

WA, 296 posts
24 Jan 2016 11:39PM
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Just wait until they put traffic lights on the roundabout here like they have in the UK, maybe then drivers who believe indicating when going straight ahead is essential for safe traffic flow will realise that lane selection is the primary indactor of of a drivers intention to exit.

It could be argued due to law interpreation that some people believe they have to indicate right when entering the roundabout and then indicate left when exiting even though they are traveling straight over.. That doesnt confuse anybody now does it!!

No indaction is safe due to not sending mixed signals in error.

Turning left at the first exit, you should be in lane 1 the left hand lane.. Please indicate Only left. If leaving on the 3rd exit indicate right on entry and go in the right hand lane and indicate left when leaving everybody now knows what your doing. No indicators is a signal in itself.

Clearly people are watching those lane splitting motorcycle riders driving in a straight line blinking left then right with out actualy changing direction.

866 posts
25 Jan 2016 2:12AM
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DaylightDebt said..
..... No indicators is a signal in itself.

That's right! Perfectly explained.

11206 posts
25 Jan 2016 5:02AM
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^^ Exceedingly poetic.

If only all things were so simple. It's like standing stationary in a busy mall reading a phone. The accepted reading is "I'm minding my own business and not affecting you so go about your business". The angry roundabout user expecting to see a disco of flashing lights would think "why are you just standing there, indicate your purpose to me please".

VIC, 5904 posts
25 Jan 2016 10:21AM
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Oh Chris you have disappointed me , I thought for a moment there you had seen the light . [ that was for kozzie ]

I will finish on this note . In Victoria, NOBODY indicates to go straight through a round about [ or take the second exit what ever you like to call it ]

There is no problem with roundabouts here at all .

Over the years I have had Police follow me through second exits , happily indication free

The traffic flows perfectly , people are happy .

Maybe if you and kozzie prefer to bitch and moan about people sailing through roundabouts ,taking the 2nd exit flasher free , then you should move here .
you will have plenty to moan and bash your steering wheel [ lotofwind painted a perfect picture with that phrase ]

No hang on, thats what started this RB bitch session , NO ONE INDICATES TO GO STRAIGHT THROUGH A ROUND A BOUT over there either , so you should be able to stay there happily moaning and thumping.


WA, 949 posts
25 Jan 2016 8:13AM
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In WA you could be forgiven for believing that indicator use is optional.

WA, 516 posts
25 Jan 2016 9:16AM
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I get annoyed with people who get annoyed for not racing to the get to the maximum speed limit and trying to save every second to and from getting to work. Remember this is the limit and not what you must do, and a few ks over it and you get a hefty fine. I pretty happy cruising along. Often with some tunes, just enjoying not being in a rush. I not worried that I am extra minute or 2 longer to get to my desk. I bet half the people racing along trying to save every second, are the same ones that then blow 20 minutes at work getting a latte or on facebook. Each to their own I guess. But anyway, seen as you asked, that's what annoys me.

WA, 1134 posts
25 Jan 2016 9:43AM
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I get annoyed with city drivers thinking that everyone they are sharing their roads is as familiar with the road as they are. Some of us country visitors actually need to read the signs, and sometimes that might slow us down slightly.

They're the types who will definitely struggle with these:

11206 posts
25 Jan 2016 10:05AM
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City drivers annoy me full stop. That's another reason I don't live in the city!

I live in a gorgeous area that has weekend tourists mainly from the city. Wineries, restaurants and beaches. Even accounting for unfamiliarity and often an unknown destination, that's no excuse for driving at 60km/h in a 90 or 100km/h open road zone. If you know there's a turn coming soon, pull over, study your route first, get someone to navigate, switch on your sat nav or whatever. Driving constantly up to 40km/h under the limit because your turn is somewhere in the next 10 km is just selfish and bordering on triggering the obstruction rule.

So yes, we all need to show tolerance for drivers not local to the area but sometimes driving styles are rude and ridiculous.

Mark _australia
WA, 22394 posts
25 Jan 2016 10:14AM
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^^^ Nah the country ones are just as bad. Farmer in Landcruiser ute, only going 5km down to the neighbours place so does 60kph.... on the damn highway.

11206 posts
25 Jan 2016 10:15AM
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True, but there's far less of them. Actually newer Landcruiser drivers are some of the slowest around - even V8 model drivers. Must be the crap truck-like handling or something.

VIC, 4982 posts
25 Jan 2016 2:04PM
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Mark _australia said..
^^^ Nah the country ones are just as bad. Farmer in Landcruiser ute, only going 5km down to the neighbours place so does 60kph.... on the damn highway.

... and you expect that. It's their local neighbourhood and they're just pottering about. It's perfectly fine. You use your skills as a competent driver, your brakes and your steering wheel and your eyes and your brain, and you deal with it.

I was in the bush recently (paragliding and landed in a random paddock). A codger drove his ute off the road, through a couple of gates and along an irrigation embankment and picked me up and drove me back to the launch paddock. Very nice of him and a pleasant experience.

VIC, 4982 posts
25 Jan 2016 2:14PM
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Annoying stuff:

- People who assume high performance moves and skill are the essence of good driving. If you need more than the basic skills you're doing it wrong.

- People who push and push to get past even though there are more packs of traffic ahead and everybody is driving in a tidy fashion on the speed limit.

- People in the right lane who don't look ahead for obstacles on the left (cyclists, parked cars, merging lanes on the freeway) and just keep on coming so that they block the traffic in the left lane (otherwise known as driving with your head up your arse.)

- People who swoosh along in their fancy cars and think that it makes a difference. In the old days if you wanted a fancy/hot car you had to build it or track one down from a custom builder. Now all you have to do is go to a shop and sign a lease. Get over it.

- People using mobile phones (including at traffic lights).

- People who get irate that you're doing 80 kph in the left lane on the freeway ... when it's Easter and everybody is driving home and all the cars in front are doing 80 kph in both lanes.

- People who fang through residential streets.

- People who whinge about speed cameras and think it is impossible to not speed. It's easy to not speed. You're just being a whiny dick.

- People who don't use cruise control on the freeway. You catch them. Start to pass in the right lane, and they speed up. Then dickhead behind you in the right lane starts to push!

QLD, 1451 posts
25 Jan 2016 1:58PM
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Gorgo said..

Mark _australia said..
^^^ Nah the country ones are just as bad. Farmer in Landcruiser ute, only going 5km down to the neighbours place so does 60kph.... on the damn highway.

... and you expect that. It's their local neighbourhood and they're just pottering about. It's perfectly fine. You use your skills as a competent driver, your brakes and your steering wheel and your eyes and your brain, and you deal with it.

I was in the bush recently (paragliding and landed in a random paddock). A codger drove his ute off the road, through a couple of gates and along an irrigation embankment and picked me up and drove me back to the launch paddock. Very nice of him and a pleasant experience.

i hope you married him, retrieve drivers like that dont come along everyday! (offtopic 2 days till xc camp at manilla yeooooo then im hopeing to enter nz nationals the following week cause still in nzhpa)

WA, 1134 posts
25 Jan 2016 12:43PM
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Adriano said..
City drivers annoy me full stop. That's another reason I don't live in the city!

I live in a gorgeous area that has weekend tourists mainly from the city. Wineries, restaurants and beaches. Even accounting for unfamiliarity and often an unknown destination, that's no excuse for driving at 60km/h in a 90 or 100km/h open road zone. If you know there's a turn coming soon, pull over, study your route first, get someone to navigate, switch on your sat nav or whatever. Driving constantly up to 40km/h under the limit because your turn is somewhere in the next 10 km is just selfish and bordering on triggering the obstruction rule.

So yes, we all need to show tolerance for drivers not local to the area but sometimes driving styles are rude and ridiculous.

We get those here too, although mostly 10- 20 under, not 40... I think they're rubbernecking at the scenery we mostly take for granted. On the bright side I feel safer sharing the road with slow rubberneckers than speeding ones.

Mark _australia
WA, 22394 posts
25 Jan 2016 1:01PM
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Gorgo said..

Mark _australia said..
^^^ Nah the country ones are just as bad. Farmer in Landcruiser ute, only going 5km down to the neighbours place so does 60kph.... on the damn highway.

... and you expect that. It's their local neighbourhood and they're just pottering about. It's perfectly fine. You use your skills as a competent driver, your brakes and your steering wheel and your eyes and your brain, and you deal with it.

I was in the bush recently (paragliding and landed in a random paddock). A codger drove his ute off the road, through a couple of gates and along an irrigation embankment and picked me up and drove me back to the launch paddock. Very nice of him and a pleasant experience.

No it is bloody dangerous for trucks coming around a bend to find a slowpoke. Pottering is fine but when capable of doing 100 why do 60?
Yes I deal with it - but overtaking is a dangerous move so why contribute to the number of overtakes required? I'm sure you know what I mean we have all seen the idiot overtaking moves in the bush that are downright dangerous - so again, why create more overtakes?

461 posts
25 Jan 2016 2:05PM
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Gorgo said..

- People who don't use cruise control on the freeway. You catch them. Start to pass in the right lane, and they speed up. Then dickhead behind you in the right lane starts to push!


Also, the guy today who kept speeding up as I was trying to merge, had a bit of a hissy fit when I cut him off, and then felt the need to overtake me on the freeway ramp.. I hope he saw me clapping in his rear view mirror..

11206 posts
25 Jan 2016 5:32PM
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ThinkaBowtit said..

Adriano said..
City drivers annoy me full stop. That's another reason I don't live in the city!

I live in a gorgeous area that has weekend tourists mainly from the city. Wineries, restaurants and beaches. Even accounting for unfamiliarity and often an unknown destination, that's no excuse for driving at 60km/h in a 90 or 100km/h open road zone. If you know there's a turn coming soon, pull over, study your route first, get someone to navigate, switch on your sat nav or whatever. Driving constantly up to 40km/h under the limit because your turn is somewhere in the next 10 km is just selfish and bordering on triggering the obstruction rule.

So yes, we all need to show tolerance for drivers not local to the area but sometimes driving styles are rude and ridiculous.

We get those here too, although mostly 10- 20 under, not 40... I think they're rubbernecking at the scenery we mostly take for granted. On the bright side I feel safer sharing the road with slow rubberneckers than speeding ones.

Yeah good point. Still, the road is not for sightseeing. Stop the car, get out and walk. If you're driving - drive. I had a girlfriend once who had this annoying habit of pointing at something at 90 degrees to where I'm focussing my vision while I was driving and say "wow, look at that". I'd say "look at what, darling - I'm looking at the road ahead?" She'd get annoyed as though she thought I didn't care. Sheesh.

QLD, 1451 posts
25 Jan 2016 9:37PM
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Adriano said..
True, but there's far less of them. Actually newer Landcruiser drivers are some of the slowest around - even V8 model drivers. Must be the crap truck-like handling or something.

i got a landcruiser,
its the cost of petrol

i drive much faster in my commy

WA, 2775 posts
25 Jan 2016 10:19PM
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After seeing this, I reckon our roundabouts are easy.............

AUS 808
WA, 456 posts
25 Jan 2016 10:19PM
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2 things in WA stand out.

1. The driver has to look the passenger in the eye when talking, maybe the passenger is deaf.
2. Country folk insist on driving with one wheel in the gravel trying to temp you to have a head-on trying to pass them, fkn teasers.

Sorry, 3rd one, they have to stop at the roundabout & look to the right (only), plain stupid.


I feel better now

505 posts
26 Jan 2016 6:50PM
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Khunts on phones whilst driving. Seems to be the entire population demographic who are guilty of this as well.
Khunts who slow down to rubberneck at accidents, in particular on freeways and highways. Emergency lanes are for emergencies dhickheads so you can still drive past at 80-90% of the speed limit without risk of mowing anyone down.

505 posts
27 Jan 2016 4:36AM
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When I used to play Golf at Hamersley, I'd tee off and frequently slice the ball off the toe of my driver over the additional safety fence and out onto Marmion Avenue. I'd always sort of **** myself that my driving could possibly put a ball through some innocent motorists windscreen.

11206 posts
27 Jan 2016 6:13AM
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Hamsta said..
Khunts on phones whilst driving. Seems to be the entire population demographic who are guilty of this as well.
Khunts who slow down to rubberneck at accidents, in particular on freeways and highways. Emergency lanes are for emergencies dhickheads so you can still drive past at 80-90% of the speed limit without risk of mowing anyone down.

I was stuck in an hour long freeway lineup in Melbourne around Christmas - all caused by the police attending an 'incident' on the side of the road. The journey should have taken 10 minutes.

There was plenty of space for them to pull vehicles clear of the freeway but instead the cop cars all pulled up wherever they wanted; on the inside lane and surrounding this single civilian car. No warning signs, no traffic cop to direct traffic on and rubberneckers making things worse. Stupid, selfish behaviour and dangerous from the police.

VIC, 8020 posts
27 Jan 2016 4:59PM
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I hate this one;

I'm sitting on 78-81 in an 80 Zone... Then someone behind is doing 83, but also insists on overtaking.
The pass, then back off to 78, so as not to get booked...

There's no need to overtake... It's moderately dangerous, with cyclists, lots of side roads, and no safety shoulders / safety run off...

Just be patient, and sit behind, and we will all get there together anyway!

VIC, 5904 posts
27 Jan 2016 8:21PM
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I,ve noticed in recent years , people use there cruise control too much , me included and some tend to be too frightened to override it .

And all these CC are varying by 1- 2 ks . So on freeways the cars are creeping up on others and crawling past , then propping in front by about two car lengths . so they CRUISE around doing 1 or 2 k under or over the limit and everyone stays bunched up

I wish people would keep a safe distance away from the car in front . and when they overtake do it properly and get way out in front .say 15 car lengths at least before pulling in front


WA, 598 posts
27 Jan 2016 6:27PM
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SandS said..

I wish people would keep a safe distance away from the car in front . and when they overtake do it properly and get way out in front .say 15 car lengths at least before pulling in front

Yeah, that one gives me the irrits too. People that overtake you at 100km/h and think its fine to pull infront of you with a space of one car length... and then to compound the problem, they slow down!


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Annoying Driving Habits" started by Adriano