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Flat Earthers

Created by remery > 9 months ago, 28 Oct 2023
WA, 1562 posts
3 Sep 2024 11:48AM
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Well the Master of Misinterpretation has advised us there is no such thing as gravity. Stuff just falls down because that's what stuff does. So it follows that water just bends because water is bendy.

WA, 998 posts
3 Sep 2024 12:12PM
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As far as I can observe, while the ball is spinning, the water at the top is stationary relative to the balls surface.

WA, 14666 posts
3 Sep 2024 2:23PM
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D3 said..
As far as I can observe, while the ball is spinning, the water at the top is stationary relative to the balls surface.

I was so worried about the whole flat-earth theory that I went and visited the granite-ball-thingy in the Perth CBD today. I can confirm that it is covered by water, and somehow magically it is all over it. Even on the top. If it were running to the bottom, it was too slow to be perceived, so I would say it wasn't.

Whether it was moving with the ball or not, I cannot say.

I really expected to see PM33 there taking photos and marvelling at the wonders of science, but no, I am pretty sure he wasn't.

I have to say I have walked past this thing heaps of times and never even taken any notice of it. Now I know it is planted by the Illuminati as an 'up yours' to the people that think they are in charge.

WA, 1562 posts
3 Sep 2024 2:37PM
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Did you happen to notice whether there was a turtle, tortoise and/or elephants underneath? I feel I would have noticed myself, but same as you, with all this bendy water stuff, I am starting to second guess myself.

WA, 1562 posts
3 Sep 2024 2:37PM
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Did you happen to notice whether there was a turtle, tortoise and/or elephants underneath? I feel I would have noticed myself, but same as you, with all this bendy water stuff, I am starting to second guess myself.

WA, 14666 posts
3 Sep 2024 4:39PM
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fangman said..
Did you happen to notice whether there was a turtle, tortoise and/or elephants underneath? I feel I would have noticed myself, but same as you, with all this bendy water stuff, I am starting to second guess myself.

You are taking the piss right? This is not the earth, this is a ball of granite. The ball only has very small elephants and very small turtles. How is one supposed to see them?

They are turtles though, not tortoises. How else would they fly through space without flippers?

WA, 1562 posts
3 Sep 2024 5:08PM
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FormulaNova said..

fangman said..
Did you happen to notice whether there was a turtle, tortoise and/or elephants underneath? I feel I would have noticed myself, but same as you, with all this bendy water stuff, I am starting to second guess myself.

You are taking the piss right? This is not the earth, this is a ball of granite. The ball only has very small elephants and very small turtles. How is one supposed to see them?

They are turtles though, not tortoises. How else would they fly through space without flippers?

Settle down Boomer.
I asked that ball of granite on Saturday what it identified as,
and the answer was a pretty clear,
So you can take your Earthest attitude and
smack it flat,
into a pat
and spirit level that.
Bam.(insert break dance here)

Oh and thanks for clearing up the turtle vs tortoise thing.

WA, 1434 posts
3 Sep 2024 5:11PM
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FormulaNova said..

D3 said..
As far as I can observe, while the ball is spinning, the water at the top is stationary relative to the balls surface.

I was so worried about the whole flat-earth theory that I went and visited the granite-ball-thingy in the Perth CBD today. I can confirm that it is covered by water, and somehow magically it is all over it. Even on the top. If it were running to the bottom, it was too slow to be perceived, so I would say it wasn't.

Whether it was moving with the ball or not, I cannot say.

I really expected to see PM33 there taking photos and marvelling at the wonders of science, but no, I am pretty sure he wasn't.

I have to say I have walked past this thing heaps of times and never even taken any notice of it. Now I know it is planted by the Illuminati as an 'up yours' to the people that think they are in charge.

There is no science to water staying on top of a ball - period.

They might be using a pump or something to get the water there but then it will drop to its lowest level as it always does.

Brent in Qld
WA, 1029 posts
3 Sep 2024 6:07PM
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WA, 1562 posts
3 Sep 2024 7:25PM
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WA, 1434 posts
3 Sep 2024 7:34PM
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Has anyone filmed water magically sticking to a ball without falling to its lowest point?

Perhaps japie can contact his buddies at NASA /Hollywood to see if they can mock something up for the public

WA, 998 posts
3 Sep 2024 8:56PM
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Why don't you go have a look?

WA, 14666 posts
4 Sep 2024 6:20AM
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fangman said..

hey, this is very concerning. There must be hot singles in my area because it even comes up with my suburb name. Well, sort of. It comes up with a suburb name near where I live, which sort of aligns with my theory that there are always hot singles anywhere I am not.

But alas, to me it is clear that they use connection information to come up with the suburb name and I just need to move to a suburb with more hot singles.

WA, 14666 posts
4 Sep 2024 6:29AM
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fangman said..
FormulaNova said..

fangman said..
Did you happen to notice whether there was a turtle, tortoise and/or elephants underneath? I feel I would have noticed myself, but same as you, with all this bendy water stuff, I am starting to second guess myself.

You are taking the piss right? This is not the earth, this is a ball of granite. The ball only has very small elephants and very small turtles. How is one supposed to see them?

They are turtles though, not tortoises. How else would they fly through space without flippers?

Settle down Boomer.
I asked that ball of granite on Saturday what it identified as,
and the answer was a pretty clear,
So you can take your Earthest attitude and
smack it flat,
into a pat
and spirit level that.
Bam.(insert break dance here)

Oh and thanks for clearing up the turtle vs tortoise thing.

Hey, I wish I was a boomer. I could be sitting back from (one of) my mansion(s) wondering why all the young people are so lazy these days while I eat my avocado on toast wondering why other people have to go out for avocado on toast.

You do raise an interesting point about the spirit level test. I placed one (*) on the granite ball and there was only one location it was showing a true level. Conspiracy! Surely it has been gotten to. Why only one location and who got to choose that location?

I was a bit annoyed yesterday that I finally found this floating granite ball thing and I wanted to spin it around to see how fast I could spin it and see if all the water on it would start flying off. Unfortunately there were a few tourists around it and I felt it would be bad PR to run up and spin the granite ball up to speed.

*Actual implementation of the thought idea was simulated and no level was placed in or around the granite ball or on the airplane.

WA, 14666 posts
4 Sep 2024 6:31AM
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D3 said..
Why don't you go have a look?

Are you kidding me??? Take a look? You mean look at things in real life instead of someone else's viewpoint from a youtube video?

You are crazy!

WA, 14666 posts
4 Sep 2024 6:35AM
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Pcdefender said..
FormulaNova said..

D3 said..
As far as I can observe, while the ball is spinning, the water at the top is stationary relative to the balls surface.

I was so worried about the whole flat-earth theory that I went and visited the granite-ball-thingy in the Perth CBD today. I can confirm that it is covered by water, and somehow magically it is all over it. Even on the top. If it were running to the bottom, it was too slow to be perceived, so I would say it wasn't.

Whether it was moving with the ball or not, I cannot say.

I really expected to see PM33 there taking photos and marvelling at the wonders of science, but no, I am pretty sure he wasn't.

I have to say I have walked past this thing heaps of times and never even taken any notice of it. Now I know it is planted by the Illuminati as an 'up yours' to the people that think they are in charge.

There is no science to water staying on top of a ball - period.

They might be using a pump or something to get the water there but then it will drop to its lowest level as it always does.

Well, to copy D3; "why don't you go have a look?". From what you are saying you don't even know what this particular contraption is and how it works.

It's easily observed and a very simple scientific explanation which pretty much everyone agrees with.

Maybe you can go into the CBD at night and coat the granite ball with a bit of RainX? I am not endorsing this of course.

WA, 1562 posts
4 Sep 2024 9:12AM
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FormulaNova said..

fangman said..

FormulaNova said..

fangman said..
Did you happen to notice whether there was a turtle, tortoise and/or elephants underneath? I feel I would have noticed myself, but same as you, with all this bendy water stuff, I am starting to second guess myself.

You are taking the piss right? This is not the earth, this is a ball of granite. The ball only has very small elephants and very small turtles. How is one supposed to see them?

They are turtles though, not tortoises. How else would they fly through space without flippers?

Settle down Boomer.
I asked that ball of granite on Saturday what it identified as,
and the answer was a pretty clear,
So you can take your Earthest attitude and
smack it flat,
into a pat
and spirit level that.
Bam.(insert break dance here)

Oh and thanks for clearing up the turtle vs tortoise thing.

Hey, I wish I was a boomer. I could be sitting back from (one of) my mansion(s) wondering why all the young people are so lazy these days while I eat my avocado on toast wondering why other people have to go out for avocado on toast.

You do raise an interesting point about the spirit level test. I placed one (*) on the granite ball and there was only one location it was showing a true level. Conspiracy! Surely it has been gotten to. Why only one location and who got to choose that location?

I was a bit annoyed yesterday that I finally found this floating granite ball thing and I wanted to spin it around to see how fast I could spin it and see if all the water on it would start flying off. Unfortunately there were a few tourists around it and I felt it would be bad PR to run up and spin the granite ball up to speed.

*Actual implementation of the thought idea was simulated and no level was placed in or around the granite ball or on the airplane.

I think you have Spirit Flask and Spirit Level confused. Easy mistake to make as both can be involved in things looking lopsided.
Next time take the garden hose, fill it with bendy water and drape that over Earth II. However you will need to take the time to be standing still on Earth II when you measure.
I can confess that I did get roped-in by a group of little peeps to see how fast we could spin Earth II. Not very fast at all. Inertia and that bendy water makes it hard to get a grip and let it rip. I am feeling bad for the turtles, they had to really scramble to keep the whole thing balanced.

WA, 6650 posts
4 Sep 2024 10:31AM
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If water can't stay on a ball-earth and must simply fall off the globe then how does water stay on a flat earth and not simply fall off the edge ?

WA, 998 posts
4 Sep 2024 12:11PM
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Magic, of course. At least Flat Earth doesn't have to rely on a science based answer.

Unlike any claim about a globe earth, that has to adhere the laws of physics and known science (despite those laws and rules being irrelevant on a flat earth)

WA, 1562 posts
7 Sep 2024 5:36PM
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In commiseration for his time in the sin-bin, I thought I would post something Remery would be proud of:

NSW, 6868 posts
7 Sep 2024 7:58PM
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Do you think Remery is ruminating on his sins in the bin?

He spends an awful lot of time communicating with someone he insists is an idiot.

Can't be healthy!

1604 posts
7 Sep 2024 6:11PM
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japie said..
Do you think Remery is ruminating on his sins in the bin?

He spends an awful lot of time communicating with someone he insists is an idiot.

Can't be healthy!

Yup, bizarre behavior. Makes me wonder if he'll come back after this stint in there. Do you think Pete dobs him in, when his feelings are hurt?

WA, 1434 posts
7 Sep 2024 6:27PM
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I had to goggle the word ruminating - to think deeply.

Absolutely not as he will justify to himself its for the greater good / safety of the public that the scientific narrative be accepted especially regarding public health and the need to take all these vaccines.

He will likely believe till the end that there was a need for all the measures such as lockdowns, vaccines, social distancing and isolation that were in breach of our basic rights as human beings.

Were we to have another 'pandemic' he will again defend the narrative to the letter based on his absolute faith in the system.

A system that increasingly large numbers are starting to question.

WA, 998 posts
7 Sep 2024 6:54PM
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When we have another pandemic, because there will be one, will you campaign that we do nothing to mitigate its impact so as to protect your basic human rights?

WA, 1434 posts
7 Sep 2024 7:27PM
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The measures only resulted in harm as if you were not aware.

The long term harm only time will tell.

NSW, 6868 posts
7 Sep 2024 9:41PM
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myscreenname said..

japie said..
Do you think Remery is ruminating on his sins in the bin?

He spends an awful lot of time communicating with someone he insists is an idiot.

Can't be healthy!

Yup, bizarre behavior. Makes me wonder if he'll come back after this stint in there. Do you think Pete dobs him in, when his feelings are hurt?

I think he admitted to it

WA, 14666 posts
7 Sep 2024 8:32PM
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Pcdefender said..
The measures only resulted in harm as if you were not aware.

The long term harm only time will tell.

What do you think would have been the harm if there were no measures to limit interaction with people?

I think you can see the early case loads in China and Italy to see what would have happened.

But we don't seem to think about those, only looking at it as if it were not an issue and looking only at the negatives of the approach and ignoring what would happen if it ran rampant through the community.

I thought this was the flat-earth thread, not the PM33 any CT will do thread.

WA, 998 posts
7 Sep 2024 8:35PM
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I personally like the juxtaposition of:
It was a weapon, deliberately released from China to cripple the West
It was essentially harmless, the pandemic control measures did more damage, all orchestrated by elites to grab more power.

811 posts
8 Sep 2024 2:26AM
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D3 said..
When we have another pandemic, because there will be one, will you campaign that we do nothing to mitigate its impact so as to protect your basic human rights?

I'm in favor of a large scale Darwin Award experiment next time.

WA, 14666 posts
8 Sep 2024 6:01AM
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philn said..
D3 said..
When we have another pandemic, because there will be one, will you campaign that we do nothing to mitigate its impact so as to protect your basic human rights?

I'm in favor of a large scale Darwin Award experiment next time.

I was in favor of it at the time. They could have had their own commune and be free to mix with each other.

It would have been a good experiment to see if masks and social distancing worked.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Flat Earthers" started by remery