Can we challenge Pete to try this?
I think not!
From Nature Breifing.
AI can pop conspiracy-thinking bubble.
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems could give us a way out of our least favourite pastime: arguing with conspiracy theorists. Researchers paid participants to spend a few minutes interacting with a chatbot designed to debunk false information, and found that the bot's detailed responses shifted people's thinking, a change that lasted for several months. "[AI models] have been trained on the Internet, they know all the conspiracies and they know all the rebuttals, and so it seemed like a really natural fit," says psychology researcher and co-author Thomas Costello. The hard part might be convincing people who are deeply entrenched in conspiracy theories to engage with systems designed to contradict them.
Just like with japie you have never observed curvature across land or sea.
Your opinion is based purely on faith.
If the earth was flat and it was midday at the location at the centre, then the sun should be seen from all location on the disc.
Or is the sun flat too?
Here you go I will chivvy it along a bit. it would appear that the majority of the flat red argument is the fact that you cannot see the curvature of the Earth when you're looking across water.
I've just spent the whole day on those Macleay river flats that you can't see from Nambucca preparing a shed slab. I was on laser duty for hours and I couldn't help thinking how handy it would have been to have Peter's expertise on hand to help get the thing flat. After we had done the earth works it sure looked flat! We know from experience however that if it's not checked by laser level it plays havoc with the concrete quantity required.
Can also have a significantly embarrassing outcome when the people who erect the shed turn up!
well I'm going to take an uneducated guess and say "perspective".
But there's probably a bigger chance he'll just ignore it completely
The pic is not what you see when you are standing on the beach - about as fake as those 'pics' from NASA an organisation that many including japie hold dear to their heart