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Gay Marriage

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 16 Mar 2012
This topic has been locked
WA, 2371 posts
22 Mar 2012 2:38PM
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2 cents worth:-

Point :-
1. Heterosexuals can have a defacto and this person can talk for them at a lot of legal you can give them as next of kin

2. Gay relationships have no right legally to talk on one anothers behalf....

Point 2 I feel is the biggest issue for most gay couples...

If they were legally married...they can make choices for their spouse just like any other couple...

I feel sure it is not about the church wedding but having the same rights as anyone in a long term relationship...

QLD, 12327 posts
22 Mar 2012 4:38PM
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Ados said...

cisco said...

log man said...

Unbelievable how many god botherers are on this forum!

Not really. This nation was founded on Christian principles such as equality, tolerance and forgiveness inspired by meaningful religious convictions.

Yes we know communism/socialism is founded on equality too, just so long as some are more equal than the rest.

These are not purely Christian principles. This is a classic argument which obviously is underpinned by the erroneous notion that one cannot be moral unless they adhere to a particular religion such as Christianity. This is a very weak argument especially considering the Christian churches stance on homosexuality, gay marriage, anti-ordaining of women priests etc etc. the list could go on but I haven't the time.

There. Fixed it for ya!!

QLD, 12327 posts
22 Mar 2012 4:42PM
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doggie said...

cisco said...

log man said...

cisco said...

log man said...

Unbelievable how many god botherers are on this forum!

Not really. This nation was founded on Christian principles such as equality, tolerance and forgiveness.

Yes we know communism/socialism is founded on equality too, just so long as some are more equal than the rest.

So wrong, on so many levels

Care to expand on that??

Why? I agree with soggy on this one..

So that makes it indisputable truth does it??

NSW, 9202 posts
22 Mar 2012 5:43PM
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cisco said...
Not really. This nation was founded on Christian principles such as equality, tolerance and forgiveness.

(does that include killing the natives?)

They sounds like principles from every religion, and athiesm too. Why is it always Christian, Christian, Christian? Seriously.

As for gay MARRIAGE: Marriage does not belong to Christians, Hindus, Communists, whatever. Leave religion and even politics (if possible because we are talking about law, which is what, essentially, politics is) out of the argument, completely.

NSW, 9202 posts
22 Mar 2012 5:49PM
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...I mean correct me if I'm wrong here, but the main argument against gay marriage seems to be purely because of religious reasons. Which brings into question the separation of church and state. [cough cough]

NSW, 9202 posts
22 Mar 2012 5:57PM
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Before this thread gets too hot.

Sorry ladies, I really am, but let's face it this forum is going to stay a bloke's forum for a long time. Besides, we really like ladies. We really, really do. Especially smart ones, whatever that means... i'll dig my way out of this PC hole yet.

QLD, 32 posts
22 Mar 2012 4:58PM
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I agree with Adolf.

And also with fly surfer in a sense

Just quickly marriage was around before the state and it is till today (although recognised by the state in any which way that it wants) a religious ceremony.

It's true stitch how does it affect me if they want to get married? well it does, they are wanting to change a religious ceremony to make it there way. And therefore destroying its natural status (being a man and a woman) Why cant i marry a dog? or Three women and a snake? They are all out of the boundaries.

They want us to accept gay marriage without accepting what marriage is :s

And i do care what is happening in society. Marriage is a building block of society. Families are built and come from a natrul normal marriage. Have some respect for the people who cherish marriage and leave ur fetish in ur bedroom.

QLD, 12327 posts
22 Mar 2012 4:59PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

2 cents worth:-

Point :-
1. Heterosexuals can have a defacto and this person can talk for them at a lot of legal you can give them as next of kin

2. Gay relationships have no right legally to talk on one anothers behalf....

Point 2 I feel is the biggest issue for most gay couples...

If they were legally married...they can make choices for their spouse just like any other couple...

I feel sure it is not about the church wedding but having the same rights as anyone in a long term relationship...

If that is truly what the "Gay Rights Groups' Agenda" is really all about, the simple and economical fix is a visit to a solicitor's office to get wills and enduring powers of attorney drawn up. Cost about $500.

I believe their agenda is far more sinister and aimed squarely at breaking down the moral fibre of our society.

In today's society anybody of legal age may practise whatever sexual perversion they like in private, short of bestiality or bodily harm, so why are they still making a big noise, song and dance about it??

QLD, 12327 posts
22 Mar 2012 5:04PM
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Adziz said...

Have some respect for the people who cherish marriage and leave ur fetish in ur bedroom.

Absoluckingfoootly!!! You have it in a nut shell there.

NSW, 6451 posts
22 Mar 2012 6:09PM
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cisco said...
I believe their agenda is far more sinister and aimed squarely at breaking down the moral fibre of our society.

Yes, Im sure their main aim is to break down the moral fibre of society???
Your haven a joke,,arent you?

Look out cisco, them sinister gay folk are out to destroy your

WA, 6658 posts
22 Mar 2012 3:09PM
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I have decided to believe in equality for all.

I now believe in so much equality I don't even think homosexuals should be called something different to hetrosexuals. I think homosexuals should be called hetrosexuals so they are equal.

Or is it OK to have a sexual orientation that is called something different, but not OK to have a partnership that is called something different ?

Now it all just seems too confusing to me. I might just go back to calling 'em all homos.

WA, 6658 posts
22 Mar 2012 3:12PM
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lotofwind said...

cisco said...
I believe their agenda is far more sinister and aimed squarely at breaking down the moral fibre of our society.

Yes, Im sure their main aim is to break down the moral fibre of society???
Your haven a joke,,arent you?

I had always believe that was what kiters were trying to do

NSW, 1143 posts
22 Mar 2012 6:18PM
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evlPanda said...

cisco said...
Not really. This nation was founded on Christian principles such as equality, tolerance and forgiveness.

(does that include killing the natives?)

They sounds like principles from every religion, and athiesm too. Why is it always Christian, Christian, Christian? Seriously.

As for gay MARRIAGE: Marriage does not belong to Christians, Hindus, Communists, whatever. Leave religion and even politics (if possible because we are talking about law, which is what, essentially, politics is) out of the argument, completely.

true. why are we talking about religion here?? the last five marriage ceremonies i went to were not religous. i learnt my morrals and ethics from my athiest parents.

NSW, 1143 posts
22 Mar 2012 6:24PM
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actually the last wedding i went to two brides maides were a male gay couple. the grooms grandmother didn't quite understand. everyone else couldn't give a sh!t and why would you.

NSW, 5780 posts
22 Mar 2012 6:36PM
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Cause I only go to weddings to Get royally drunk for free and to hit on the bridesmaids..

And my reach around is a little out of practice

NSW, 1143 posts
22 Mar 2012 6:42PM
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theDoctor said...

Cause I only go to weddings to Get royally drunk for free and to hit on the bridesmaids..

And my reach around is a little out of practice

but you have practiced

WA, 304 posts
22 Mar 2012 3:44PM
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cisco said...

d1 said...

cisco said...
Not really. This nation was founded on Christian principles such as equality, tolerance and forgiveness.

Oh... and I read somewhere that it started out as a penal colony

No. Brush up on your history. The colony of NSW and Van Diemens Land were penal colonies in the 1770s which did not include WA,SA or NT.
Nationhood did not happen until 120 odd years later. The founding fathers wrote our constitution which the corrupt British Aristocracy found necessary to edit in subtle ways to ensure their control and influence which continues to this day.
The founding fathers had the highest moral intent and where influenced by Americans in Australia and the American model of a democratic republic.

Thanks for the explanation, I get it now. You are of course totally correct - one could argue successfully that the correct "foundation" timepoint is not 1770's but 1901. That's the time of Federation, which came with the introduction of the "White Australia" policy. So, I guess the principle of "equality" you are talking about is the one explained in "Animal Farm"?

QLD, 32 posts
22 Mar 2012 5:46PM
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I say we settle this over a kitesurfing comp?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
22 Mar 2012 7:58PM
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"I believe their agenda is far more sinister and aimed squarely at breaking down the moral fibre of our society." ???? OOOOHHH YEAHHHH! the gaypocalypse, HA HA!

QLD, 12327 posts
22 Mar 2012 7:19PM
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d1 said...

So, I guess the principle of "equality" you are talking about is the one explained in "Animal Farm"?

No. That concept of equality belongs to loggy's mob.

If you read it you didn't get it as it was an expose of the morals, or lack of, and self contradictions in communism/socialism.

VIC, 415 posts
22 Mar 2012 8:21PM
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i can't believe how many people are against same sex marriage and parenting.

it wont effect YOU in any way. simple as that

WA, 15849 posts
22 Mar 2012 5:24PM
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Adziz said...

I say we settle this over a kitesurfing comp?


QLD, 12327 posts
22 Mar 2012 7:30PM
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log man said...

"I believe their agenda is far more sinister and aimed squarely at breaking down the moral fibre of our society." ???? OOOOHHH YEAHHHH! the gaypocalypse, HA HA!

You are big on ridicule and inference loggy but lacking even mildly intelligent argument.

I am thinking you were the schoolyard bully but more than likely just his yapping offsider.

WA, 304 posts
22 Mar 2012 5:34PM
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cisco said...

d1 said...

So, I guess the principle of "equality" you are talking about is the one explained in "Animal Farm"?

No. That concept of equality belongs to loggy's mob.

If you read it you didn't get it as it was an expose of the morals, or lack of, and self contradictions in communism/socialism.

Nonsense, the communist principles (outlined in Das Kapital, and the manifesto) were sound. You have communism in your family, unless of course it is dysfunctional. It is the implementation that sucked.

QLD, 12327 posts
22 Mar 2012 7:36PM
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Sham1984 said...

i can't believe how many people are against same sex marriage and parenting.

it wont effect YOU in any way. simple as that

Not quite so. At the very least my children will be effected by interaction with children of same sex couples at school. Not so simple.

QLD, 12327 posts
22 Mar 2012 7:47PM
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d1 said...
Nonsense, the communist principles (outlined in Das Kapital, and the manifesto) were sound.

Really?? Seems it hasn't worked for the former USSR or China and looks to be falling apart in Cuba.

Then again I don't think the world has seen a true communist state yet. The so called communist states have been dictatorships or totalitarian, authoritarian governments.

VIC, 415 posts
22 Mar 2012 8:51PM
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cisco said...

Sham1984 said...

i can't believe how many people are against same sex marriage and parenting.

it wont effect YOU in any way. simple as that

Not quite so. At the very least my children will be effected by interaction with children of same sex couples at school. Not so simple.

how exactly do you think this would affect your children?

i dare say it would be impossible to tell on face value a person who has been raised by a same sex parents vs male/female parents.

WA, 15849 posts
22 Mar 2012 5:51PM
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cisco said...

Sham1984 said...

i can't believe how many people are against same sex marriage and parenting.

it wont effect YOU in any way. simple as that

Not quite so. At the very least my children will be effected by interaction with children of same sex couples at school. Not so simple.

I agree on that one, but that one only.

VIC, 415 posts
22 Mar 2012 8:53PM
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Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
22 Mar 2012 6:01PM
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Sham1984 said...

i can't believe how many people are against same sex marriage and parenting.

it wont effect YOU in any way. simple as that

So it will not affect society and human beings in general at all in any way, apart from gays?
If you believe that you are kidding yourself.

Same as the euthanasia argument saying it is only for the terminally ill - no, it raises many other questions also like if laws are good enough to contain something that may later be extended (boiling a frog slowly from cold water analogy?).

It is opening a can of worms that affects so many other apsects of human interactions and kid's development etc so it should not be just a rushed decision based on vote grabbing by pandering to a minority.
Centrelink recognises their union and society does not ostracise them like before (still a way to go though) so that should be enough surely?

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Marriage" started by adolf