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Gay Marriage

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 16 Mar 2012
This topic has been locked
Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:32PM
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theDoctor said...

that sign there, agressive as it is, sums up everything that is wrong with men hating lesbians...

never met a pillow biter that hates women...

every single soccer playing, roller derbying, womens cricket enthusiast lesbian i've ever met (and having a dyke 'housemate I've met a few) hates men, hates them with a society altering passion

I was actually joking as the pic is humourous
But it is interesting that gay men seesm to like women but lesbians often hate men. Hmmmm

WA, 2371 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:32PM
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Mark _australia said...

Same as the euthanasia argument saying it is only for the terminally ill -

Now there's a good topic

(she sits back with popcorn)

NSW, 4453 posts
23 Mar 2012 12:34AM
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Mark _australia said...

It is a shame - cos Penny isn't too hard on the retina for an old chook.

Fark, you want to book an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:37PM
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Mark _australia said...

This photo brings me back a few pages. When we were talking about "what's next" after Gay Marriage.

Assuming same-sex marriage becomes legal in Australia - which it wont. Polygamy is still illegal, that would definitely have to change as well.

What would be so wrong with a man taking on several wives? or a woman taking on several husbands? or .... I won't go there.

If they can afford it - how could this possibly hurt anyone else?

NSW, 4453 posts
23 Mar 2012 12:40AM
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I don't know what all the commotion is about... homos are designed to go extinct... as pierrec45 would say: simple as that.

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:40PM
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FlySurfer said...

Mark _australia said...

It is a shame - cos Penny isn't too hard on the retina for an old chook.

Fark, you want to book an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Hey just chucking it out there to see if anyone else has a Middleaged Far-leftbian fantasy. Hellooo? (echo....)

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:40PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

Mark _australia said...

Same as the euthanasia argument saying it is only for the terminally ill -

Now there's a good topic

(she sits back with popcorn)

Wow, have I got some views on this. Gay f'ckn marriage - what a joke.

There are people out there in real pain - while a few politically active homos take up all our media space banging on about their equality and their rights.

WA, 2371 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:41PM
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adolf said...
or a woman taking on several husbands?

Would you like a list?

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:44PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

adolf said...
or a woman taking on several husbands?

Would you like a list?

None of the fellas here are on it, I bet

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:50PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

adolf said...
or a woman taking on several husbands?

Would you like a list?

What do you think?

C'mon give me a list of why it would be wrong for a woman to take on several husbands, if she could afford it.

With a strong woman and the right men - it may work. Gina could probably afford it.

NSW, 5780 posts
23 Mar 2012 1:00AM
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FlySurfer said...

I don't know what all the commotion is about... homos are designed to go extinct... as pierrec45 would say: simple as that.

as natural selection deems they should...

throw an unnatural unnaturally human law into the mix, and labratory created babies are gonna fill generations believing that two wrongs make a right

WA, 2371 posts
22 Mar 2012 10:01PM
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Why would the woman be the bread earner? Maybe the woman would be
the nurturer and service her husbands..and stay home and wash their jocks

QLD, 12327 posts
23 Mar 2012 12:03AM
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stamp said...

at cisco: great idea. be compelled to stay in a loveless relationship. resent your spouse. resent the kids as the reason for having to stay together.
makes for a wonderful atmosphere at home to raise the kids until they reach majority. everyone's a winner eh?

Bit of a selfish attitude there.

If you don't intend mating for life, don't mate at all or at least don't bring children into it.

WA, 2371 posts
22 Mar 2012 10:10PM
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cisco said...
If you don't intend mating for life, don't mate at all or at least don't bring children into it.

ear ear... ...stick a condom on it..don't trust the girlies....

WA, 4564 posts
22 Mar 2012 10:11PM
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Now we got the Skipper of the Western Force and his partner blathering on about Gay Marriage and saying they wont tie the knot until Homosexuals are allowed too as well.
Always was bloody suss bout that team

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 10:11PM
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GypsyDrifter said...

Why would the woman be the bread earner? Maybe the woman would be
the nurturer and service her husbands..and stay home and wash their jocks

What other services could the woman offer her husbands other than washing their jocks?

I don't think a lot of men see jock washing as a big deal. I would think the woman would have to have some other skills to keep multiple husbands.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
23 Mar 2012 1:43AM
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adolf said...

cisco said...

If you don't intend mating for life, don't mate at all or at least don't bring children into it.

I tend to agree, although I think you need to experiment as you are learning and growing up so you know that is the path you want to take.

We got 'married' to please our parents - it was a formality. However, when I met my life partner, I made that commitment to her in my mind. I was seeking someone to share the rest of my life with, and I hope to stick by that. It's not easy at times, but by working our way through the various problems has been worth it.

Children changed my life, not the marriage certificate.

Yet you would deny others the life changing experience of raising children. I think "selfish" was the word you used to describe adoptive parents. Oh, and it's not the certificate that the "selfish lesbians" are after it's equality.

VIC, 107 posts
23 Mar 2012 2:00AM
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cisco said...

Sham1984 said...

i can't believe how many people are against same sex marriage and parenting.

it wont effect YOU in any way. simple as that

Not quite so. At the very least my children will be effected by interaction with children of same sex couples at school. Not so simple.

Will be effectected by interaction with children of same sex couples at school? ...Yes they will!. Then again.. They already are. Your children are interacting on a daily basis with the children of same sex couples. They are going to their birthday parties and those kids are attending your kid's birthdays. You haven't been told and niether have your kids because it's actually none of your business, but they are interacting and probably learning through friendship to tollerate and accept people for who they are regardless of their parent's influence.

Does adoption or Foster Care effect the child? As a teacher in a Special setting where this makes up 40% of my student base I can say, "Yes it does" and the impact is significant. They suffer anxiety issues and depression mostly grounded in abandonment issues stemming from their parents being unable to care from them.

On the other hand, they can clearly express the love and appreciation for those people (gay or straight) that open their homes and accept them as family for life. All of those children very much prefer their current situation to the emotional, physical and sexual abuse that they endured at the hands of their hetrosexual & married parents.

How could growing up as the child of a honosexual couple who love you and provide you with everything you need to grow, learn and develop be worse than being raised by a hetrosexual couple who spend the groccery money on booze, call you stupid and rape you in the arse (or let their friends rape them)? Anyone bringing the adoption (already legal and tested) argument to this specific discussion should have no trouble in answering that question and I'm keen to hear a logical response.

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 11:12PM
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log man said...

adolf said...

cisco said...

If you don't intend mating for life, don't mate at all or at least don't bring children into it.

I tend to agree, although I think you need to experiment as you are learning and growing up so you know that is the path you want to take.

We got 'married' to please our parents - it was a formality. However, when I met my life partner, I made that commitment to her in my mind. I was seeking someone to share the rest of my life with, and I hope to stick by that. It's not easy at times, but by working our way through the various problems has been worth it.

Children changed my life, not the marriage certificate.

Yet you would deny others the life changing experience of raising children. I think "selfish" was the word you used to describe adoptive parents. Oh, and it's not the certificate that the "selfish lesbians" are after it's equality.

I think you have misunderstood me. it's a difficult topic to express your views without generalizing and offending people, and I really hope I haven't done that.

I'm all for equality and for people to choose how they want to live their life. I wouldn't deny it - I can't.

Nature denies the conception of children between same-sex couples. Women are able to have children and live in a lesbian relationship, and I accept that.

What I object to is the idea of selfish, politically aware lesbians using a "marriage certificate" as yet another lever to manipulate our laws to justify what nature never intended them to do. I also object to same-sex couples deciding they want children together, to match their furniture, by bringing in third parties to make this happen for them. I cannot see the rights of the child in this situation. I strongly object to children being used as a commodity in any situation, hetro or same-sex.

Homosexuals can call themselves life partners or whatever other terms they want to think up for themselves, same-sex couples should have all the legal rights hetros have, with finances, wills, power of attorney etc etc.

I like homosexuals and the diversity of human life - I would just deny those people who choose that lifestyle the right to get "married" and call themselves "married" in Australia. AFAIC it's a reserved word for hetros - it always has been that way and should stay that way. I'd accept if they got "married" in Argentina or another country - but I'd strongly object to our government caving in to this micro minority by allowing them to get legally married here.

Months ago, I couldn't care less. But because this minority want to use this word, and have been so vocal about it, for so fricken long - yes, I believe there is another agenda and I've become very much opposed to it.

If you want to get married and have children, you should seek someone from the opposite sex to achieve that goal.

WA, 421 posts
23 Mar 2012 12:00AM
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for those interested -

1862 posts
23 Mar 2012 2:11AM
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log man said...
So my two friends who just adopted are "an indulgent sham of a family group"??? Neither of them is biologically related to the child. I know for a fact that they're the most loving, caring people and young Kitty will grow up in family that loves her dearly. By the way they're both professionals(nurses), middle of the road, politically, and aren't real feminists.

Are they a hetro couple? Just a little confused with your last sentence - are you playing games Loggy?

log man said...

Yes... but in the situation of my two friends that I mentioned earlier Neither of them have links to the biological father.

Ok, why not? Who decided that for Kitty? Surely Kitty has a right to know who her biological father is. These sort of things can come up later in life, believe it or not people do like to know what makes them tick. How old will Kitty be when they plan on letting her know the truth?

log man said...

But I see no possibility that the biological father would have any rights to custody of the child.
The court has granted legal custody to my friends( Graham and Michelle) and that's that.

I'm a little lost right here - are we talking hetro or homo couple? I'm just trying to understand. Is Graham a bull dyke?

log man said...

I'm still at a loss to understand your Statement about children not being objects to acquire. My friends "acquired" a child. They "Acquired" a child through the relevant adoption agency. They've met the biological mum. They're raising the child as they're own ....because they can't have kids.

Ok, they can't have kids. Why can't they just accept what nature has dealt them? When do they plan to break the news to Kitty? Will biological Mum have a say in any of this?

log man said...

Does this mean that Graham and Michelle are even less worthy to have kids.

Compared to who?

log man said...

Does this mean Graham and Michelle are "selfish"....... for what.... wanting to have a family.

Yes, I think they may be a tad selfish. Nature dealt them a dud hand. That's how it goes sometimes - I think they are selfish to defy it.

log man said...

You stated..... "Loggy, I really hope your two selfish friends and their latest acquisition turn out how you think".....Well my two friends are the kindest openest people I know and their "acquisition"(kitty)is pure joy.

Yes, I hope it all works out well. I think it may be a very hard road for Kitty, if her parents are both female.

1229 posts
23 Mar 2012 5:43AM
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log man said...

Sham1984 said...
how exactly do you think this would affect your children?

How about being open to different cultures, accepting of different social structures, being tolerant of differences in moralities. They're good values to instill in kids.....aren't they?

Where exactly does the probably best known cultural contribution of the homosexual community the socalled Hero parades -yet another hijacked term -
exposing dangly bits in main street fit into this ?
Logman please explain

WA, 1089 posts
23 Mar 2012 8:47AM
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Where do these self indulgent homos (of both persuasions) get their made to order kids from?

Orphans of both parents killed in a tragic accident on christmas eve?
The local 16-24 yo slapper who couldnt keep her drunk legs together and gave the kid up?

I wonder what the more likely scenario is?

WA, 421 posts
23 Mar 2012 10:47AM
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there is a lot of hate and negativity in this thread. The word 'Homo' is actually offensive to gay people. Moderator - please close down this thread.

NSW, 9202 posts
23 Mar 2012 2:09PM
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adolf said...

Same sex couples can't make babies.

But through their manipulation of existing laws they are able to legally acquire them. Children should not be seen as objects that can be acquired - and this goes for single parents who get $900 a pop from the government to pop them out.

I haven't heard anyone, except for Doggie - who spoke about his own experiences as an adopted child - talk about a child's right to their biological mother and father.

(No idea of your history Doggie so I'm speaking generally)

That orphans exist says something about the importance of this apparent need to have both a mother and father, if you follow what I'm saying.

WA, 2371 posts
23 Mar 2012 11:10AM
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Ados said...

there is a lot of hate and negativity in this thread. The word 'Homo' is actually offensive to gay people. Moderator - please close down this thread.

Surely you are kidding...Hate and negativity yes..!

But homo...thats what they are....homosexual...and in the Australian lingo
we are shorten every thing..breaky- breakfast...Robbo - Robert...Steve - Steveo get the picture..

Homo is just a is not going to damage anything...
Don't you remember the old saying.
Sticks and stones....

WA, 421 posts
23 Mar 2012 11:25AM
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GypsyDrifter said...

Ados said...

there is a lot of hate and negativity in this thread. The word 'Homo' is actually offensive to gay people. Moderator - please close down this thread.

Surely you are kidding...Hate and negativity yes..!

But homo...thats what they are....homosexual...and in the Australian lingo
we are shorten every thing..breaky- breakfast...Robbo - Robert...Steve - Steveo get the picture..

Homo is just a is not going to damage anything...
Don't you remember the old saying.
Sticks and stones....

Yes, I remember 'Sticks and stones' from primary school. but you and I both know words do have the potential to cause harm and hurt.
Still, that is your opinion and you are welcome to it.

QLD, 1499 posts
23 Mar 2012 1:36PM
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GypsyDrifter said...
Don't you remember the old saying.
Sticks and stones....

I think I remember the saying...

Sticks and stones, may break my bones,
But whips and chains excite me...

QLD, 1499 posts
23 Mar 2012 1:45PM
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FlySurfer said...

I don't know what all the commotion is about... homos are designed to go extinct... as pierrec45 would say: simple as that.

I could be wrong, but isn't it the hetrosexuals that are producing all these gay babies?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
23 Mar 2012 4:44PM
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adolf said...

log man said...
So my two friends who just adopted are "an indulgent sham of a family group"??? Neither of them is biologically related to the child. I know for a fact that they're the most loving, caring people and young Kitty will grow up in family that loves her dearly. By the way they're both professionals(nurses), middle of the road, politically, and aren't real feminists.

Are they a hetro couple? Just a little confused with your last sentence - are you playing games Loggy?

log man said...

Yes... but in the situation of my two friends that I mentioned earlier Neither of them have links to the biological father.

Ok, why not? Who decided that for Kitty? Surely Kitty has a right to know who her biological father is. These sort of things can come up later in life, believe it or not people do like to know what makes them tick. How old will Kitty be when they plan on letting her know the truth?

log man said...

But I see no possibility that the biological father would have any rights to custody of the child.
The court has granted legal custody to my friends( Graham and Michelle) and that's that.

I'm a little lost right here - are we talking hetro or homo couple? I'm just trying to understand. Is Graham a bull dyke?

log man said...

I'm still at a loss to understand your Statement about children not being objects to acquire. My friends "acquired" a child. They "Acquired" a child through the relevant adoption agency. They've met the biological mum. They're raising the child as they're own ....because they can't have kids.

Ok, they can't have kids. Why can't they just accept what nature has dealt them? When do they plan to break the news to Kitty? Will biological Mum have a say in any of this?

log man said...

Does this mean that Graham and Michelle are even less worthy to have kids.

Compared to who?

log man said...

Does this mean Graham and Michelle are "selfish"....... for what.... wanting to have a family.

Yes, I think they may be a tad selfish. Nature dealt them a dud hand. That's how it goes sometimes - I think they are selfish to defy it.

log man said...

You stated..... "Loggy, I really hope your two selfish friends and their latest acquisition turn out how you think".....Well my two friends are the kindest openest people I know and their "acquisition"(kitty)is pure joy.

Yes, I hope it all works out well. I think it may be a very hard road for Kitty, if her parents are both female.

OK let me clarify for you; Graham is a straight 43 year old man married to Michelle, also straight. Married for ten years , tried everything and couldn't get pregnant. Adopted a child through Anglicare.....apparently it's quite rare. And no, I wasn't "playing games" as you said but I think you may have just shown yourself to have a complete double standard here. Your question as to whether we are talking about a Lesbian or a man here just points to the fact that you are quite OK with the ideas of inequality and unfairness. Anyway your point about nature dealing them a dud hand also shows a double standard on this. EVERYBODY changes what nature gives them, think of all the diseases and malformations nature deals out, should we not fix Cleft palates, holes in hearts and thousands of problems that nature deals out to us. Or, are all those interventions OK........just as long as there not used by lesbians.....Is IVF OK for hetrosexuals but bad for lesbians....MMmmm. Basically I reckon your position here is illogical. You haven't mentioned anything about the huge number of hetrosexual kids that are treated appallingly by bad parents that didn't want them in the first place. Nothing about the overwhelming numbers of straight people whose marriages end in divorce leaving children to be fostered or fend for themselves......nothing. Just a strange, unbalanced, venomous attack on people who have done nothing but want to start a family. It's kind of sad that you and all the other haters on here wan't to tread on that dream.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Marriage" started by adolf