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Gay Marriage

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 16 Mar 2012
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NSW, 6451 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:15PM
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cisco said...

Sham1984 said...

i can't believe how many people are against same sex marriage and parenting.

it wont effect YOU in any way. simple as that

Not quite so. At the very least my children will be effected by interaction with children of same sex couples at school. Not so simple.

How will that effect your children, except to teach them that all humans are equal.
Or are you scared they might catch it.
I was friends with a kid at school whos parents were born again christians.Just because I interacted with their kid,didnt effect me in becoming a loonie bible basher.

Cisco, what will you do if one of your kids is gay??

1229 posts
22 Mar 2012 6:43PM
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The young man in the video above says he has not been detrimentally affected and maybe he has not but will all be like that and speak so eloquently?
I have known and heard of others who have been deeply affected by the knowledge that they were adopted
Who can say there wont be many children brought up in same sex unions who wont be adversely affected by this knowledge in later life?
Why do same sex unionists want to call their relationship a marriage anyway ?
It is clearly not a marriage so why change the meaning of the institution of marriage?
Unless of course there is an agenda to undermine it and for that matter why adopt the word gay? Again a word that had a totally different meaning
If same sex unionists are comfortable within themselves why try to subvert other
words with other meanings if there is no agenda there ?
They choose not to invent there own descriptions Why is that ? They even use
the terms husbands and wives as descriptions within their unions
There is obviously an agenda no question
Marriage has very little to do with religion it is the very foundation of a strong society
I believe same sex unions can also possibly be a part of that but if they insist on claiming to be married etc why should heteros be sympathetic ?

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 6:44PM
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Same sex couples can't make babies.

But through their manipulation of existing laws they are able to legally acquire them. Children should not be seen as objects that can be acquired - and this goes for single parents who get $900 a pop from the government to pop them out.

I haven't heard anyone, except for Doggie - who spoke about his own experiences as an adopted child - talk about a child's right to their biological mother and father.

It's all about pandering to the politically active 0.000000001% of the population, who talk so passionately about their rights.

Same sex couples should be happy with legal equal rights and puppies.

If 'marriage' and 'children' are more important than their relationship - they should consider a partner from the opposite sex who can make this happen for them.

Well they look happy in the photo and I'm sure Mummy and Mummy will be great parents. But what happens if there is a split in the partnership or something goes wrong? Because the baby was acquired, when it comes down to it will they share the same level of commitment as a regular couple who are both involved in conception? Who get's custody?

I would really love to hear baby Alexandra's story at age 18, and I'm sure we will hear it. I wonder if her school years were filled with the same level of equality as her mothers were? I wonder if she will miss not having a father - like most other kids? I wonder if her biological father has any rights?

It's just a big can of worms. Good luck to Penny, Sophie and Alexandra - I hope they stay as happy as they look in this photo. I don't think it will be an easy road.

NSW, 179 posts
22 Mar 2012 10:18PM
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One of them is biologically not related to the child.
It is a selfish, indulgent sham of a family group.
Set up purely for the adults, the child has no choice.
What about the childs rights to be raise by ITS
real parents-lefty,trendy,pinko,feminist crap.

NSW, 4453 posts
22 Mar 2012 10:26PM
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Mrs say homo marriage is OK cos they should have rights, and I agree with what ever she says or I get no back door action.

Wait, WTF did I just type... Oh man I'm stuffed I just ate a WHOLE pizza and 2/3 bottle of wine... Tasmanian Pino Noire.

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 7:29PM
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Whats the difference between driving in the fog and eating pussy?

When u are eating pussy you can still see the arshole in front of you!

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
22 Mar 2012 7:35PM
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(1) Damn run out of my 10 thumbs for today just in this thread.

(2) Congrats Adolf, in the running for longest thread since Top Joke

(3) Boofta for P.M

NSW, 4453 posts
22 Mar 2012 10:39PM
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Mark _australia said...

(2) Congrats Adolf, in the running for longest thread since Top Joke

eVEN IF IT Was a rerun.

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 7:47PM
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Mark _australia said...

(1) Damn run out of my 10 thumbs for today just in this thread.

(2) Congrats Adolf, in the running for longest thread since Top Joke

(3) Boofta for P.M

When I started this thread, I had forgoten about the original thread back in December, started by Loggy: - it went for 8 pages also.

I was looking at it again today. Personally, I would like nothing more than this issue to just go away. I know it will eventually, when the politicians knock it on the head.

Months ago I really couldn't have cared less, but the more peeps keep pushing for it, the more I started thinking about it and arcing up about it.

WA, 8727 posts
22 Mar 2012 7:48PM
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adolf said...

Whats the difference between driving in the fog and eating pussy?

When u are eating pussy you can still see the arshole in front of you!

Only when you're 69

QLD, 12327 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:51PM
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Sham1984 said...
how exactly do you think this would affect your children?

i dare say it would be impossible to tell on face value a person who has been raised by a same sex parents vs male/female parents.

Fairly obvious isn't it?? They will be exposed to moral values vastly different from those I try to instill in them that are relevant to their cultural and family heritage.

Now if someone is going to say that it is wrong to instill moral, social and cultural values into your own children, I say they have their head completely up their rear end.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
22 Mar 2012 10:53PM
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boofta said...

One of them is biologically not related to the child.
It is a selfish, indulgent sham of a family group.
Set up purely for the adults, the child has no choice.
What about the childs rights to be raise by ITS
real parents-lefty,trendy,pinko,feminist crap.

So my two friends who just adopted are "an indulgent sham of a family group"??? Neither of them is biologically related to the child. I know for a fact that they're the most loving, caring people and young Kitty will grow up in family that loves her dearly. By the way they're both professionals(nurses), middle of the road, politically, and aren't real feminists.

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 8:00PM
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log man said...

boofta said...

One of them is biologically not related to the child.
It is a selfish, indulgent sham of a family group.
Set up purely for the adults, the child has no choice.
What about the childs rights to be raise by ITS
real parents-lefty,trendy,pinko,feminist crap.

So my two friends who just adopted are "an indulgent sham of a family group"??? Neither of them is biologically related to the child. I know for a fact that they're the most loving, caring people and young Kitty will grow up in family that loves her dearly. By the way they're both professionals(nurses), middle of the road, politically, and aren't real feminists.

My wife's cousin (is that my cousin in law) also adopted a baby with her same-sex lawyer partner a few years ago, just like your friends, when they were in love. I'm sure there family photo looks alot like Penny's above.

Sadly, they have now separated, and it isn't pretty, it isn't cheap and it certainly isn't loving anymore. Financially alone, it's turning into a disaster with at least one of them probably having to declare bankruptcy over it.

Out of that relationship, from where I am, there is only one person who doesn't seem to have any rights at all.

Loggy, I really hope your two selfish friends and their latest acquisition turn out how you think.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
22 Mar 2012 11:07PM
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cisco said...

Sham1984 said...
how exactly do you think this would affect your children?

i dare say it would be impossible to tell on face value a person who has been raised by a same sex parents vs male/female parents.

Fairly obvious isn't it?? They will be exposed to moral values vastly different from those I try to instill in them that are relevant to their cultural and family heritage.

Now if someone is going to say that it is wrong to instill moral, social and cultural values into your own children, I say they have their head completely up their rear end.

"They will be exposed to moral values vastly different from those I try to instill in them that are relevant to their cultural and family heritage". Yes I see where your coming from there Cisco. People with different moral values to you are dangerous to the whole moral fabric of Queensland. And don't let your family members get "exposed" to those of a different culture or religion....anything could happen. Secondly I would say yes it's great to instill moral, social, and cultural values in your own children. How about being open to different cultures, accepting of different social structures, being tolerant of differences in moralities. They're good values to instill in kids.....aren't they?

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
22 Mar 2012 11:10PM
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adolf said...

log man said...

boofta said...

One of them is biologically not related to the child.
It is a selfish, indulgent sham of a family group.
Set up purely for the adults, the child has no choice.
What about the childs rights to be raise by ITS
real parents-lefty,trendy,pinko,feminist crap.

So my two friends who just adopted are "an indulgent sham of a family group"??? Neither of them is biologically related to the child. I know for a fact that they're the most loving, caring people and young Kitty will grow up in family that loves her dearly. By the way they're both professionals(nurses), middle of the road, politically, and aren't real feminists.

My wife's cousin (is that my cousin in law) also adopted a baby with her lawyer partner a few years ago when they were in love.

Sadly, they have now separated, and it isn't pretty, it isn't cheap and it certainly isn't loving anymore. Financially alone, it's turning into a disaster with at least one of them probably having to declare bankruptcy over it.

Out of that relationship, from where I am, there is only one person who doesn't seem to have any rights at all.

Loggy, I really hope your two selfish friends and their latest acquisition turn out how you think.

So your saying people that get married.....and have kids.....shouldn't split up?

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 8:20PM
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log man said...

So your saying people that get married.....and have kids.....shouldn't split up?


I'm saying that children should not be seen as objects that can be acquired. If things go wrong, which happens. In a same-sex marriage, there are added elements of complexity that need to be worked out.

On the surface I see these as: 1. rights of the child, 2. rights of the biological father
as well as the rights of the selfish lesbians who created the problem.

Even if things are all hunky dory. How much time did Mummy and Mummy think about how their political statement will cope in the school system. What are they going to do at the first sight of bullying - Use their political nous to sue everyone involved?

It just doesn't sit well with me.

NSW, 4453 posts
22 Mar 2012 11:31PM
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I like you Adolf, you're on the ball!

Wana get hitcvhed?>

QLD, 12327 posts
22 Mar 2012 10:32PM
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log man said...
How about being open to different cultures, accepting of different social structures, being tolerant of differences in moralities.

Last time I looked, those were values that Jesus taught.

So what do you want to do loggy?? Close all Christian schools??

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
22 Mar 2012 11:35PM
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adolf said...

log man said...

So your saying people that get married.....and have kids.....shouldn't split up?


I'm saying that children should not be seen as objects that can be acquired. If things go wrong, which happens. In a same-sex marriage, there are added elements of complexity that need to be worked out.

On the surface I see these as: 1. rights of the child, 2. rights of the biological father
as well as the rights of the selfish lesbians who created the problem.

But why is it different for a hetro couple that adopt.... and a lesbian couple that adopt. Wouldn't the same outcomes happen in the event of "marriage" breakdown. Wouldn't the child be given to a custodial parent in both cases, I mean either by good will or by the family court. I'm not sure about this but I thought the law provides the possibility of the biological father gaining access(if he wants it)by a joint approval of child and father..... I may be completely wrong here but I still can't see how there would be any difference between the hetro family and the "selfish lesbians".

QLD, 12327 posts
22 Mar 2012 10:35PM
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log man said...
So your saying people that get married.....and have kids.....shouldn't split up?

Sounds like a good scheme at least until the children reach majority.

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 8:43PM
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log man said...

But why is it different for a hetro couple that adopt.... and a lesbian couple that adopt. Wouldn't the same outcomes happen in the event of "marriage" breakdown. Wouldn't the child be given to a custodial parent in both cases, I mean either by good will or by the family court. I'm not sure about this but I thought the law provides the possibility of the biological father gaining access(if he wants it)by a joint approval of child and father..... I may be completely wrong here but I still can't see how there would be any difference between the hetro family and the "selfish lesbians".

You are right. However, now there is another person involved - the father. If things are not complicated enough when hetro couples split. We all know that relationships can change over time.

The other complexity is that one partner could not have any biological links to the child, will the courts favor this person more than the biological parent or are they equal too?

You bang on and on about equality - where is the equality when things go wrong in this situation.

As I wrote earlier:

Even if things are all hunky dory. How much time did Mummy and Mummy think about how their political statement will cope in the school system. What are they going to do at the first sight of bullying - Use their political nous to sue everyone involved?

How are they going to react when only a handful of children turn up to their childs birthday party? Will the only children who attend, be children from parents who are sympathetic to same-sex couples. Sadly this could well be the reality. I just think this is going to be very hard road for the child.

QLD, 2770 posts
22 Mar 2012 10:43PM
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at cisco: great idea. be compelled to stay in a loveless relationship. resent your spouse. resent the kids as the reason for having to stay together.
makes for a wonderful atmosphere at home to raise the kids until they reach majority. everyone's a winner eh?

NSW, 5780 posts
22 Mar 2012 11:50PM
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anyone who 'KNOWS' penny wong, who she is, what she stands for, and who she sold out too, would never allow her to breed let alone 'buy' a child...

if homosexuality was so 'natural', queerdos could sire their own kids...

funny thing is, never mind the 'species', they can't

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
22 Mar 2012 8:53PM
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It is a shame - cos Penny isn't too hard on the retina for an old chook.

NSW, 5780 posts
23 Mar 2012 12:04AM
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stamp said...

at cisco: great idea. be compelled to stay in a loveless relationship. resent your spouse. resent the kids as the reason for having to stay together.
makes for a wonderful atmosphere at home to raise the kids until they reach majority. everyone's a winner eh?

mostly the reason for resentment is what....?

mainstream outside influence

the grass is always greener

you could have it better

people in junk mail are happy, why aren't you...?

the truth is, alcohol drinking, t.v watchers are having their minds programmed for them and their own self indignant 'rights' to immediate material/phsyical happiness questioned at every thought junction...

1862 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:10PM
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So Loggy......

I want to make this really simple for you to answer. And I can only see two answers to this question.


Let's look at Penny, Sophie and baby Alexandra as an example.

If things don't work out between Penny and Sophie somewhere down the track and there is a custody dispute.

Do you think:

A. The biological parent should be given a little more weight over the non biological partner, and then other factors are taken into the equation and weighed up.

B. They are both seen as equal - and other factors should determine custody?

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:14PM
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Besides, same sex couples raise violent children.

Just tryin to kick it out to 9 pages........
And is that Fez from That 70's show?

6657 posts
22 Mar 2012 9:16PM
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Oh it will be 10 pages Mark

NSW, 5780 posts
23 Mar 2012 12:22AM
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that sign there, agressive as it is, sums up everything that is wrong with men hating lesbians...

never met a pillow biter that hates women...

every single soccer playing, roller derbying, womens cricket enthusiast lesbian i've ever met (and having a dyke 'housemate I've met a few) hates men, hates them with a society altering passion

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
23 Mar 2012 12:31AM
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adolf said...

log man said...

But why is it different for a hetro couple that adopt.... and a lesbian couple that adopt. Wouldn't the same outcomes happen in the event of "marriage" breakdown. Wouldn't the child be given to a custodial parent in both cases, I mean either by good will or by the family court. I'm not sure about this but I thought the law provides the possibility of the biological father gaining access(if he wants it)by a joint approval of child and father..... I may be completely wrong here but I still can't see how there would be any difference between the hetro family and the "selfish lesbians".

You are right. However, now there is another person involved - the father. If things are not complicated enough when hetro couples split. We all know that relationships can change over time.

The other complexity is that one partner could not have any biological links to the child, will the courts favor this person more than the biological parent or are they equal too?

You bang on and on about equality - where is the equality when things go wrong in this situation.

As I wrote earlier:

Even if things are all hunky dory. How much time did Mummy and Mummy think about how their political statement will cope in the school system. What are they going to do at the first sight of bullying - Use their political nous to sue everyone involved?

How are they going to react when only a handful of children turn up to their childs birthday party? Will the only children who attend, be children from parents who are sympathetic to same-sex couples. Sadly this could well be the reality. I just think this is going to be very hard road for the child.

Yes... but in the situation of my two friends that I mentioned earlier Neither of them have links to the biological father. But I see no possibility that the biological father would have any rights to custody of the child. The court has granted legal custody to my friends( Graham and Michelle) and that's that. I'm still at a loss to understand your Statement about children not being objects to acquire. My friends "acquired" a child. They "Acquired" a child through the relevant adoption agency. They've met the biological mum. They're raising the child as they're own ....because they can't have kids. Does this mean that Graham and Michelle are even less worthy to have kids. Does this mean Graham and Michelle are "selfish"....... for what.... wanting to have a family. You stated..... "Loggy, I really hope your two selfish friends and their latest acquisition turn out how you think".....Well my two friends are the kindest openest people I know and their "acquisition"(kitty)is pure joy.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Marriage" started by adolf