Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

If Yes get the vote clarification question

Created by warwickl > 9 months ago, 30 Sep 2023
Flying Dutchman
WA, 1481 posts
16 Oct 2023 11:54AM
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remery said..
If a disadvantaged aboriginal kid asked a Perth university for some help with enrollment I bet 100% they would get helped. And there's a 56% chance it would come from a YES voter.

See we're getting somewhere Remery, those 44% of NO voters aren't so bad after all are they?

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1481 posts
16 Oct 2023 12:15PM
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FormulaNova.I am actually surprised by that split of yes/no. The stats suggest that the more rural and less educated you are the more you are likely to vote 'no'. The suggestion seems to be the higher your education and the higher your income, the more likely you are to vote 'yes'.

Or put another way, the closer a white person was to an all white neighbourhood where no Aboriginal could afford to live the more likely they were to vote YES.

WA, 185 posts
16 Oct 2023 12:54PM
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FormulaNova said..

Sublime said..

remery said..

bjw said..

Do you think an Aboriginal year 12 student would have an easier or harder time getting a place at university (than an equivalent socio economic student)?

Do you think a disadvantaged white kid at the beach would more more likely to be given some old windsurfing gear?

did you just shard yourself? Cause that dribble stinks

Ahh, with intelligent, well thought out posts like that, surely the people that voted No have a great answer in mind. Or they are idiots? But a shill poster with an image of Trump has already shown his colours.

Just to highlight what sort of idiot you are, did you mean to write shart? I guess reading and writing may not be your best points. Shame that you weren't offered a free Uni place.

a sphincter says what!

WA, 14612 posts
16 Oct 2023 12:59PM
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Sublime said..

a sphincter says what!

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Sublime said..

did you just shard yourself? Cause that dribble stinks

WA, 14612 posts
16 Oct 2023 1:03PM
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Flying Dutchman said..
FormulaNova.I am actually surprised by that split of yes/no. The stats suggest that the more rural and less educated you are the more you are likely to vote 'no'. The suggestion seems to be the higher your education and the higher your income, the more likely you are to vote 'yes'.

Or put another way, the closer a white person was to an all white neighbourhood where no Aboriginal could afford to live the more likely they were to vote YES.

That may actually be true. There is no way of knowing though, but what we are now seeing from these recent posts on here that the issue people have here is the actual results of the problems? The crime, the anti-social behavior?

Did people vote 'no' because they don't like the aboriginals they see and not see past that to try and resolve the problems?

If not, what is your suggestion? Why is it that some areas within voting electorates predominantly vote 'yes' yet other areas outside of this predominately vote 'no'? Why isn't it even across the board?

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1481 posts
16 Oct 2023 1:23PM
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FormulaNova said..
Did people vote 'no' because they don't like the aboriginals they see and not see past that to try and resolve the problems?

They voted NO because they'd rather see the $450 million be spent on TAFE & Health Care for all disadvantaged people no matter the race or colour. The only thing that's going to help anyone disadvantaged is to get them skilled up, in good health & in a job earning money. Tax junk food to subsidise fruit and vegetables & limit grog's accessibility in areas of high abuse.

WA, 2682 posts
16 Oct 2023 1:23PM
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bjw said..

Do you think an Aboriginal year 12 student would have an easier or harder time getting a place at university (than an equivalent socio economic student)?

My recent comments were in response to bjw.

WA, 185 posts
16 Oct 2023 1:24PM
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FormulaNova said..

Sublime said..

a sphincter says what!

Sublime said..

did you just shard yourself? Cause that dribble stinks

FormulaNoVote & Rimjob Remery where would we be without your articulated and intellect insights?
Maybe you should both move to the communities and provide free university courses and windsurfing equipment.

You could call it Neil & Bobs excellent adventures

QLD, 3615 posts
16 Oct 2023 3:53PM
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remery said..

If a disadvantaged aboriginal kid asked a Perth university for some help with enrollment I bet 100% they would get helped. And there's a 56% chance it would come from a YES voter.

Haha well played!

Aboriginals are now guaranteed a university place in the course of their choice excluding medicine. Based on their families heritage rather than their personal circumstances.

2 people same economic circumstances, one gets the university place based around their ethnicity.

The USA recently deemed this (as racial discrimination) illegal.

WA, 974 posts
16 Oct 2023 2:04PM
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Can you all please use Aborigine and Aboriginal correctly?

They're not interchangeable

WA, 6625 posts
16 Oct 2023 2:08PM
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Flying Dutchman said..
..The only thing that's going to help anyone disadvantaged is to get them skilled up, in good health & in a job earning money. Tax junk food to subsidise fruit and vegetables & limit grog's accessibility in areas of high abuse.

Hey FD,

You should get a job on the Voice committee.

I suspect that was going to be their advice after the first three years of deliberation.

WA, 2682 posts
16 Oct 2023 2:48PM
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bjw said..

Haha well played!

Aboriginals are now guaranteed a university place in the course of their choice excluding medicine. Based on their families heritage rather than their personal circumstances.

2 people same economic circumstances, one gets the university place based around their ethnicity.

The USA recently deemed this (as racial discrimination) illegal.

They call it "closing the gap".

QLD, 3615 posts
16 Oct 2023 5:38PM
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Is it good policy that there is often non-aboriginals in worse socio economic circumstances that aren't offered these programs?

WA, 3619 posts
16 Oct 2023 3:45PM
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Flying Dutchman said..
Or put another way, the closer a white person was to an all white neighbourhood where no Aboriginal could afford to live the more likely they were to vote YES.

A picture says 1000 words

WA, 3619 posts
16 Oct 2023 3:49PM
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At least 5% of Australians voted no because Qantas urged them to vote yes.

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1481 posts
16 Oct 2023 4:03PM
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WA, 14612 posts
16 Oct 2023 5:54PM
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Flying Dutchman said..

Ahh, back to the memes. Something the target audience can understand. Maybe you can ping Sublime and see if he can understand it?

Funny, do you hear too many aboriginals complaining about the covid vaccines? I think they got priority, but you don't know the outcome. From what some of you guys would have us believe, they would have all died out after taking it.

Did we just have a referedum for no-one?

I was listening to someone on the TV today, and I think they got it in one. They argued that you don't waste time and resources on a referendum to 'fight a war', you only go to a referendum once you have everyone already onboard and you need to make the change. I think this is something critical, which was missed. Was this done to try and sway people when most people (me included) were pretty unaware of the suggestion? It sounds like they would have been better off seeing what the general public consensus was before wasting it all on a referendum.

But, they all seem to want to do it, as Peter Dutton apparently proclaimed that he will kick off a referendum once he and his party are elected (but is now stepping back from his comments). God help us. We will have referendums for everything now instead of people getting on with it and doing things.

WA, 3109 posts
16 Oct 2023 5:57PM
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D3 said..

Subsonic said..

FormulaNova said..

Subsonic said..

sgo said..
The irony of it all is that the yes crew know they have lost something,
The no crew think they have won something

That looks like a very twisted point of view, so let me correct that for you.

The irony of it all is that the yes crew think they have lost something,
The no crew knew they had to vote no, but now we can talk about actual ways forward.

That looks like a very twisted point of view, so let me correct that for you.

The irony of it all is that the no crew think they would have lost something,
The no crew knew they had to vote no, but now we can not talk about actually doing anything at all.

I think this is the saddest part of the whole saga. The yes supporters have now just written it all off, and proceeded to call everyone that voted no bigots. They're not looking for other ways forward. And that seems to be a common ideology when it comes to the indigenous outlook. Too busy looking at the past, and seeking a never ending acknowledgment that they were wronged, with financial reparations to boot. Not looking at what's actually needed to improve the state of affairs looking forward. It's a pretty poor outlook on life.

it's not the train wreck you all make it out to be. The only thing that has actually changed is an increase in the amount of vitriol coming from the mouths of people who tied themselves too heavily to the idea it was going to succeed.

why don't you start talking about ways to improve the Indigenous situation, rather than carrying on about what has occurred in the past?

Looking forward to hearing how your initiatives and programs work out.

Please provide regular updates

Lol, and this^^^

now we've voted no overall as a nation, some how (out of nowhere) the yes proponents figure its up to the no voters to provide the answers to the problem.

i've got a news flash for you (and sgo), it is highly unlikely that anyone that voted no even wanted, or saw a need for a referendum on the matter. A referendum was called, anyone with a basic level of comprehension and a degree of common sense could see there were potential problems with what was being presented. And voted no.

the answers aren't simple, voting no to shut down said potential problems was. None of which means the majority of the nation don't want to see the situation improve for the indigenous population.

Flying Dutchman
WA, 1481 posts
16 Oct 2023 6:06PM
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FormulaNova said..
Funny, do you hear too many aboriginals complaining about the covid vaccines?

Where do you hear? Did you even ask??

WA, 3619 posts
16 Oct 2023 6:21PM
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FormulaNova said..

I was listening to someone on the TV today, and I think they got it in one. They argued that you don't waste time and resources on a referendum to 'fight a war', you only go to a referendum once you have everyone already onboard and you need to make the change. I think this is something critical, which was missed. Was this done to try and sway people when most people (me included) were pretty unaware of the suggestion? It sounds like they would have been better off seeing what the general public consensus was before wasting it all on a referendum.

But, they all seem to want to do it, as Peter Dutton apparently proclaimed that he will kick off a referendum once he and his party are elected (but is now stepping back from his comments). God help us. We will have referendums for everything now instead of people getting on with it and doing things.

Yeah that's bang on. Few people had any objection to recognition in the constitution, and few also had much of a problem with the establishment of a "voice" of some kind. What Australians have unequivocally rejected is changing the constitution to give special rights to one group of people based on race, because it's a terrible idea and it only needed Jacinta Price to point that out.

In the face of all the millions spent on Yes advocacy, Australians are a smart enough to get it right.

WA, 974 posts
16 Oct 2023 6:38PM
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Subsonic said..

D3 said..

Subsonic said..

FormulaNova said..

Subsonic said..

sgo said..
The irony of it all is that the yes crew know they have lost something,
The no crew think they have won something

That looks like a very twisted point of view, so let me correct that for you.

The irony of it all is that the yes crew think they have lost something,
The no crew knew they had to vote no, but now we can talk about actual ways forward.

That looks like a very twisted point of view, so let me correct that for you.

The irony of it all is that the no crew think they would have lost something,
The no crew knew they had to vote no, but now we can not talk about actually doing anything at all.

I think this is the saddest part of the whole saga. The yes supporters have now just written it all off, and proceeded to call everyone that voted no bigots. They're not looking for other ways forward. And that seems to be a common ideology when it comes to the indigenous outlook. Too busy looking at the past, and seeking a never ending acknowledgment that they were wronged, with financial reparations to boot. Not looking at what's actually needed to improve the state of affairs looking forward. It's a pretty poor outlook on life.

it's not the train wreck you all make it out to be. The only thing that has actually changed is an increase in the amount of vitriol coming from the mouths of people who tied themselves too heavily to the idea it was going to succeed.

why don't you start talking about ways to improve the Indigenous situation, rather than carrying on about what has occurred in the past?

Looking forward to hearing how your initiatives and programs work out.

Please provide regular updates

Lol, and this^^^

now we've voted no overall as a nation, some how (out of nowhere) the yes proponents figure its up to the no voters to provide the answers to the problem.

i've got a news flash for you (and sgo), it is highly unlikely that anyone that voted no even wanted, or saw a need for a referendum on the matter. A referendum was called, anyone with a basic level of comprehension and a degree of common sense could see there were potential problems with what was being presented. And voted no.

the answers aren't simple, voting no to shut down said potential problems was. None of which means the majority of the nation don't want to see the situation improve for the indigenous population.

Just calling out Subsonic for a crap post.

What on earth makes him think that Yes campaigners are any more or less committed to improving the situation for indigenous Australians than the No campaign?

Suddenly Adam Goodes and Cathy Freeman are just going to just stop their advocacy?

WA, 14612 posts
16 Oct 2023 6:40PM
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Flying Dutchman said..
FormulaNova said..
Funny, do you hear too many aboriginals complaining about the covid vaccines?

Where do you hear? Did you even ask??

It was a question, which is why I put that funny "?" thing at the end of the words.

WA, 14612 posts
16 Oct 2023 6:54PM
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D3 said..
Can you all please use Aborigine and Aboriginal correctly?

They're not interchangeable

I hate to open a can of worms here, but I genuinely don't know what to use or what the difference really is. Now, considering that I don't intend to offend anyone and generally support reconciliation, what terms mean what?

I struggle with the term Aborigine to mean anyone with any aboriginal descent as I feel this is ignoring any other genetic input into their makeup. I feel more correct using the term aborginal as it seems to imply aboriginal heritage, but not necessarily complete ancestry going back 40k years or more. Am I wrong? I don't know.

WA, 974 posts
16 Oct 2023 7:13PM
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Think of it like this, Aboriginal is something pertaining to Aborigines.

Such as: an Aboriginal artefact would have been made by an Aborigine

Tequila !
WA, 906 posts
16 Oct 2023 7:48PM
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D3 said..

Subsonic said..

D3 said..

Subsonic said..

FormulaNova said..

Subsonic said..

sgo said..
The irony of it all is that the yes crew know they have lost something,
The no crew think they have won something

That looks like a very twisted point of view, so let me correct that for you.

The irony of it all is that the yes crew think they have lost something,
The no crew knew they had to vote no, but now we can talk about actual ways forward.

That looks like a very twisted point of view, so let me correct that for you.

The irony of it all is that the no crew think they would have lost something,
The no crew knew they had to vote no, but now we can not talk about actually doing anything at all.

I think this is the saddest part of the whole saga. The yes supporters have now just written it all off, and proceeded to call everyone that voted no bigots. They're not looking for other ways forward. And that seems to be a common ideology when it comes to the indigenous outlook. Too busy looking at the past, and seeking a never ending acknowledgment that they were wronged, with financial reparations to boot. Not looking at what's actually needed to improve the state of affairs looking forward. It's a pretty poor outlook on life.

it's not the train wreck you all make it out to be. The only thing that has actually changed is an increase in the amount of vitriol coming from the mouths of people who tied themselves too heavily to the idea it was going to succeed.

why don't you start talking about ways to improve the Indigenous situation, rather than carrying on about what has occurred in the past?

Looking forward to hearing how your initiatives and programs work out.

Please provide regular updates

Lol, and this^^^

now we've voted no overall as a nation, some how (out of nowhere) the yes proponents figure its up to the no voters to provide the answers to the problem.

i've got a news flash for you (and sgo), it is highly unlikely that anyone that voted no even wanted, or saw a need for a referendum on the matter. A referendum was called, anyone with a basic level of comprehension and a degree of common sense could see there were potential problems with what was being presented. And voted no.

the answers aren't simple, voting no to shut down said potential problems was. None of which means the majority of the nation don't want to see the situation improve for the indigenous population.

Just calling out Subsonic for a crap post.

What on earth makes him think that Yes campaigners are any more or less committed to improving the situation for indigenous Australians than the No campaign?

Suddenly Adam Goodes and Cathy Freeman are just going to just stop their advocacy?

D3/4 , Formula Old and rimjobba

Kleenex on specials at woolies today FYI

Jacinta Price for PM

Flyin Dutchie for communications minister

YES meme are back baby

A characteristic of the progressive lefties is the humour is gone, cant criticize of laugh of themselves at any situation.

Today you are crying, tomorrow maybe us, lighten up chaps

WA, 1396 posts
16 Oct 2023 7:57PM
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One of the best memes ever. Needs reposting.

Never forget coercing people to take a medical treatment experimental or otherwise is highly immoral.

WA, 14612 posts
16 Oct 2023 8:01PM
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D3 said..
Think of it like this, Aboriginal is something pertaining to Aborigines.

Such as: an Aboriginal artefact would have been made by an Aborigine

Is a person an Aborigine if they are 1/32 aboriginal? Is it more a cultural thing? Do people prefer to be called that way?

WA, 14612 posts
16 Oct 2023 8:07PM
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Tequila ! said..
D3 said..

Subsonic said..

D3 said..

Subsonic said..

FormulaNova said..

Subsonic said..

sgo said..
The irony of it all is that the yes crew know they have lost something,
The no crew think they have won something

That looks like a very twisted point of view, so let me correct that for you.

The irony of it all is that the yes crew think they have lost something,
The no crew knew they had to vote no, but now we can talk about actual ways forward.

That looks like a very twisted point of view, so let me correct that for you.

The irony of it all is that the no crew think they would have lost something,
The no crew knew they had to vote no, but now we can not talk about actually doing anything at all.

I think this is the saddest part of the whole saga. The yes supporters have now just written it all off, and proceeded to call everyone that voted no bigots. They're not looking for other ways forward. And that seems to be a common ideology when it comes to the indigenous outlook. Too busy looking at the past, and seeking a never ending acknowledgment that they were wronged, with financial reparations to boot. Not looking at what's actually needed to improve the state of affairs looking forward. It's a pretty poor outlook on life.

it's not the train wreck you all make it out to be. The only thing that has actually changed is an increase in the amount of vitriol coming from the mouths of people who tied themselves too heavily to the idea it was going to succeed.

why don't you start talking about ways to improve the Indigenous situation, rather than carrying on about what has occurred in the past?

Looking forward to hearing how your initiatives and programs work out.

Please provide regular updates

Lol, and this^^^

now we've voted no overall as a nation, some how (out of nowhere) the yes proponents figure its up to the no voters to provide the answers to the problem.

i've got a news flash for you (and sgo), it is highly unlikely that anyone that voted no even wanted, or saw a need for a referendum on the matter. A referendum was called, anyone with a basic level of comprehension and a degree of common sense could see there were potential problems with what was being presented. And voted no.

the answers aren't simple, voting no to shut down said potential problems was. None of which means the majority of the nation don't want to see the situation improve for the indigenous population.

Just calling out Subsonic for a crap post.

What on earth makes him think that Yes campaigners are any more or less committed to improving the situation for indigenous Australians than the No campaign?

Suddenly Adam Goodes and Cathy Freeman are just going to just stop their advocacy?

D3/4 , Formula Old and rimjobba

Kleenex on specials at woolies today FYI

Jacinta Price for PM

Flyin Dutchie for communications minister

YES meme are back baby

A characteristic of the progressive lefties is the humour is gone, cant criticize of laugh of themselves at any situation.

Today you are crying, tomorrow maybe us, lighten up chaps

Did you buy out all the Kleenex and leave it under your bed? Your mum was telling me that it's been an issue with you, but you seem to have a handle on it.

I don't think anyone is crying as such. It is a bit dissapointing if some people feel that they have been let down, but it's life. You can't get along with everyone and not everyone has the same experiences.

I personally feel a bit worried that so many people limit themselves to their own experience, but its the majority, so what are you going to do. On here, at least the people I have seen with characteristics I wouldn't like in real life are consistent in their viewpoints.

Mr Milk
NSW, 2974 posts
16 Oct 2023 11:13PM
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D3 said..
Think of it like this, Aboriginal is something pertaining to Aborigines.

Such as: an Aboriginal artefact would have been made by an Aborigine

But isn't it an accepted usage of the adjective with a silent noun?
Thus aboriginal can be used to mean aboriginal person.
Person is silent. It doesn't have a voice.

WA, 3109 posts
16 Oct 2023 8:54PM
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D3 said..

Subsonic said..

D3 said..

Subsonic said..

FormulaNova said..

Subsonic said..

sgo said..
The irony of it all is that the yes crew know they have lost something,
The no crew think they have won something

That looks like a very twisted point of view, so let me correct that for you.

The irony of it all is that the yes crew think they have lost something,
The no crew knew they had to vote no, but now we can talk about actual ways forward.

That looks like a very twisted point of view, so let me correct that for you.

The irony of it all is that the no crew think they would have lost something,
The no crew knew they had to vote no, but now we can not talk about actually doing anything at all.

I think this is the saddest part of the whole saga. The yes supporters have now just written it all off, and proceeded to call everyone that voted no bigots. They're not looking for other ways forward. And that seems to be a common ideology when it comes to the indigenous outlook. Too busy looking at the past, and seeking a never ending acknowledgment that they were wronged, with financial reparations to boot. Not looking at what's actually needed to improve the state of affairs looking forward. It's a pretty poor outlook on life.

it's not the train wreck you all make it out to be. The only thing that has actually changed is an increase in the amount of vitriol coming from the mouths of people who tied themselves too heavily to the idea it was going to succeed.

why don't you start talking about ways to improve the Indigenous situation, rather than carrying on about what has occurred in the past?

Looking forward to hearing how your initiatives and programs work out.

Please provide regular updates

Lol, and this^^^

now we've voted no overall as a nation, some how (out of nowhere) the yes proponents figure its up to the no voters to provide the answers to the problem.

i've got a news flash for you (and sgo), it is highly unlikely that anyone that voted no even wanted, or saw a need for a referendum on the matter. A referendum was called, anyone with a basic level of comprehension and a degree of common sense could see there were potential problems with what was being presented. And voted no.

the answers aren't simple, voting no to shut down said potential problems was. None of which means the majority of the nation don't want to see the situation improve for the indigenous population.

Just calling out Subsonic for a crap post.

What on earth makes him think that Yes campaigners are any more or less committed to improving the situation for indigenous Australians than the No campaign?

Suddenly Adam Goodes and Cathy Freeman are just going to just stop their advocacy?

These assumptions (conclusions?) you fellas are coming up with in response are just getting wilder and weirder. Maybe go have a collective sit down. Come back when you've gotten over the fact it didn't go the way you thought it should last Saturday. The world hasn't ended.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"If Yes get the vote clarification question" started by warwickl