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Panic Buying Of Dunny Rolls

Created by holy guacamole > 9 months ago, 4 Mar 2020
shi thouse
WA, 1134 posts
4 Mar 2020 1:02PM
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I don't get why toilet paper is the product in such high demand. From what I've read symptoms of the Covid virus do not include diarrhea.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
4 Mar 2020 3:05PM
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Well based on that knowledge Decrepit, in which state would you say the people who are most full of sh!t live

I read that one of the symptoms may be the runs.

Kiter, I'm taking it seriously but not like a doomsday prepper would. I'm resigned to the fact that I might get it and my elderly mother and my elderly in-laws could be badly affected by it. But it's outside of my control and I've learned over many years to not allow things outside of my control to ruin my life, what will be .......... will be. I'm not panicking and buying up extra toilet paper

QLD, 3570 posts
4 Mar 2020 3:06PM
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Just been to local Coles on GC , toilet paper shelves wiped clean out .... forced to buy the Austrlian News paper , should get a month's supply out of that .

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
4 Mar 2020 3:10PM
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Bazz, now that AAP has folded you might not get many quality wipes out of The Australian

QLD, 634 posts
4 Mar 2020 3:19PM
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NSW, 6815 posts
4 Mar 2020 4:25PM
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kiterboy said..
Paddles, Japie and Holy to share your wisdom with us as to why this COVID-19 is nothing to worry about?

You know the old story about the boy who called wolf?

Well I've got 65 years of wolf experience.

When, or if (because if you don't mind your manners someone might terminate you) if you get to my age you're going to realise that one of the prime techniques used to control people is to keep them on edge.

And I've seen an awful lot of that,

WA, 344 posts
4 Mar 2020 1:28PM
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Normally, if I happen to see a good buy on something non-perishable then will grab a few and stock up.
Just went on weekly shopping trip to local iga. Toilet paper isle completely stripped yet on other side of isle, tissues shelves fully stocked and half price boxes of tissues up for grabs. I do as normal and grab half a dozen boxes. Middle age lady is watching and asks why I grabbed 6 boxes. I couldn't help myself and tell her her Covid 19 is a respiratory issue and that if you get infected tissues will be what you need, not toilet paper. I get to the checkout 10mins later and she has a whole trolley full of tissue boxes.
People are scared and that drives irrational behaviour. The rebound of this will be the great toilet paper glut of 2021.
I am also wondering if sewer systems will start to be put under pressure as rational people who cannot find any toilet paper presently will resort to the newspaper etc.

2614 posts
4 Mar 2020 1:33PM
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Paddles B'mere said..
Well based on that knowledge Decrepit, in which state would you say the people who are most full of sh!t live

I read that one of the symptoms may be the runs.

Kiter, I'm taking it seriously but not like a doomsday prepper would. I'm resigned to the fact that I might get it and my elderly mother and my elderly in-laws could be badly affected by it. But it's outside of my control and I've learned over many years to not allow things outside of my control to ruin my life, what will be .......... will be. I'm not panicking and buying up extra toilet paper

That's fair enough and totally understandable.
I saw this coming (the panic buying) a while ago so I bought a extra supplies before it got like this; I certainly didn't fill the car with toilet paper.
The reasons I stocked up a bit was:

1. I could see the panic buying getting closer so didn't want to get caught short when the shelves were emptied. This is especially a problem if supply lines dry up due to manufacturers being severely disrupted by the virus and sick workers.
2. To minimize mine and my families' exposure to infected people by not having to go out in public more than we would have to once the numbers are exploding here.

You are right, there's not much you can do about things out of your control, but you can, and should minimize your risk.

105 posts
4 Mar 2020 1:38PM
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There's a big difference between panicking and being ready. I've been buying extra stuff for about 3 weeks now and if for some reason I need home quarantine for 2 weeks, I can keep my family fed.

2614 posts
4 Mar 2020 1:39PM
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japie said..

kiterboy said..
Paddles, Japie and Holy to share your wisdom with us as to why this COVID-19 is nothing to worry about?

You know the old story about the boy who called wolf?

Well I've got 65 years of wolf experience.

When, or if (because if you don't mind your manners someone might terminate you) if you get to my age you're going to realise that one of the prime techniques used to control people is to keep them on edge.

And I've seen an awful lot of that,

I'm a big believer in that story, but I don't believe the story is applicable here.

So from your 65 years of wolf experience, can you give an example of what you see as a similar situation?

2614 posts
4 Mar 2020 1:43PM
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KelpoS said..
There's a big difference between panicking and being ready. I've been buying extra stuff for about 3 weeks now and if for some reason I need home quarantine for 2 weeks, I can keep my family fed.

Noooo, don't you see! You're panicking according to the brains-trust in this thread.

They see photos of empty shelves and are influenced by the media to believe there is panic buying, people driving away with trailer loads of toilet paper, only I might add.

They don't stop to think it's more likely that it's just a case of the late to wake up to this issue, going out and buying a few extra supplies in the case of having to self quarantine.
The shelves aren't stocked for that buying pattern, doesn't mean it's panic buying. If it was panic buying you'd be seeing reports of people fighting in the isles for toilet paper.

But no, the wise ones here believe the news pictures and call everyone else stupid.

Mr Milk
NSW, 2936 posts
4 Mar 2020 4:44PM
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Pro tip :- If you run out of paper, keep a few rags handy. Wipe, wash and wring out ready for next use.

NSW, 4521 posts
4 Mar 2020 4:54PM
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longwinded said..The rebound of this will be the great toilet paper glut of 2021.

Not to mention all the kids saying "Mum, why are we having pasta for dinner.... AGAIN!"

NSW, 6815 posts
4 Mar 2020 5:03PM
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kiterboy said..

japie said..

kiterboy said..
Paddles, Japie and Holy to share your wisdom with us as to why this COVID-19 is nothing to worry about?

You know the old story about the boy who called wolf?

Well I've got 65 years of wolf experience.

When, or if (because if you don't mind your manners someone might terminate you) if you get to my age you're going to realise that one of the prime techniques used to control people is to keep them on edge.

And I've seen an awful lot of that,

I'm a big believer in that story, but I don't believe the story is applicable here.

So from your 65 years of wolf experience, can you give an example of what you see as a similar situation?

I could give you reams of them although you would be far better off looking it up for yourself.

Off the top of my head though?

Communism, nuclear war, the red menace, global cooling, global warming, starvation, meteor impacts, terrorism, Ebola, terrorism, Sars, terrorism, Solar flares, terrorism, Islam, Indonesians, terrorism,Y2K, peak oil, terrorism, aids, the EU, Brexit, terrorism

I'm sure there's heaps more but I cannot be bothered.

Just rest assured, it's consistent!

WA, 7671 posts
4 Mar 2020 2:08PM
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holy guacamole said..
kiterboy said..
KelpoS said..
There's a big difference between panicking and being ready. I've been buying extra stuff for about 3 weeks now and if for some reason I need home quarantine for 2 weeks, I can keep my family fed.

Noooo, don't you see! You're panicking according to the brains-trust in this thread.

They see photos of empty shelves and are influenced by the media to believe there is panic buying, people driving away with trailer loads of toilet paper, only I might add.

They don't stop to think it's more likely that it's just a case of the late to wake up to this issue, going out and buying a few extra supplies in the case of having to self quarantine.
The shelves aren't stocked for that buying pattern, doesn't mean it's panic buying. If it was panic buying you'd be seeing reports of people fighting in the isles for toilet paper.

But no, the wise ones here believe the news pictures and call everyone else stupid.

I rest my case!!

What case?

That you are or are not like average Australians?

NSW, 6815 posts
4 Mar 2020 5:09PM
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Mr Milk said..
Pro tip :- If you run out of paper, keep a few rags handy. Wipe, wash and wring out ready for next use.

Off on a tangent, why is it that we use toilet paper?

Its bad enough purifying water in order to carry sewage but when you have a water supply within a few inches of your bum why paper?

Why don't we use a bum gun like the asians do, or bidet's?

If you accidentally get poo on you, say dog crap out in the garden, do you get some toilet paper and wipe it off?

Or do you wash it off?

I know its unlikely to happen but as sure as if I were to design my own bathroom it would have both a bum gun and a bidet and no f^cking bog roll holder.

I reckon we've been conned big time!

QLD, 6493 posts
4 Mar 2020 4:20PM
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japie said..
Why don't we use a bum gun like the asians do, or bidet's?

They don't really in Japan, and it's been a standing joke that at the first whiff of a bit of social disorder, the bog rolls disappear of the shelves at warp speed.

As happened this time

QLD, 6493 posts
4 Mar 2020 4:26PM
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japie said..
I could give you reams of them although you would be far better off looking it up for yourself.

Off the top of my head though?

Communism, nuclear war, the red menace, global cooling, global warming, starvation, meteor impacts, terrorism, Ebola, terrorism, Sars, terrorism, Solar flares, terrorism, Islam, Indonesians, terrorism,Y2K, peak oil, terrorism, aids, the EU, Brexit, terrorism

I'm sure there's heaps more but I cannot be bothered.

Just rest assured, it's consistent!

Acid rain, deforestation, loss of topsoil, pollution, GMOs, loss of fresh water, economic/social/infrastructure collapse, the hole in the ozone layer, nuclear winter-like climate change, and my fave: asteroid impacts....

I love how they're all forgotten about as the next one pops up. Acid rain -- doesn't anyone remember the horrors that was supposed to initiate?

VIC, 4952 posts
4 Mar 2020 5:34PM
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I reckon the toilet paper shortage has more to do with scheduled deliveries vs demand. They stack the shelves and expect supplies to last until the next delivery. All it takes is a small increase in demand and suddenly the shelves are empty.

Aside from fears of COVID-19, you've got brand awareness from all the free advertising for poo paper, and feedback loops. When you see the shop has no bog roll you're going to think you should buy some soon. That's how advertising works.

As for toilet paper, I have had 9 trips to India in the past 10 years or so. I have become quite expert at cleaning my bum with water. It feels very luxurious compared to rubbing your quoit with dry paper. You just use a few sheets to dry off. I liked it so much I installed a bum spray at home.

Just about all of Asia, the sub-continent and the middle east uses water, They think westerners are filthy disgusting barbarians because they don't wash their bums and minges. There is an element of truth to that.

Just as an aside, a couple of years ago we sailed down the west coast of Tassie. We were holed up at Port Davey waiting for a break in the weather to push on around the capes. We had plenty of fuel and food and a water maker. Apart from getting bored the one critical factor that was forcing us out was were were running short of bog roll.

2614 posts
4 Mar 2020 2:41PM
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japie said..

kiterboy said..

japie said..

kiterboy said..
Paddles, Japie and Holy to share your wisdom with us as to why this COVID-19 is nothing to worry about?

You know the old story about the boy who called wolf?

Well I've got 65 years of wolf experience.

When, or if (because if you don't mind your manners someone might terminate you) if you get to my age you're going to realise that one of the prime techniques used to control people is to keep them on edge.

And I've seen an awful lot of that,

I'm a big believer in that story, but I don't believe the story is applicable here.

So from your 65 years of wolf experience, can you give an example of what you see as a similar situation?

I could give you reams of them although you would be far better off looking it up for yourself.

Off the top of my head though?

Communism, nuclear war, the red menace, global cooling, global warming, starvation, meteor impacts, terrorism, Ebola, terrorism, Sars, terrorism, Solar flares, terrorism, Islam, Indonesians, terrorism,Y2K, peak oil, terrorism, aids, the EU, Brexit, terrorism

I'm sure there's heaps more but I cannot be bothered.

Just rest assured, it's consistent!

None of those are even comparable.

I see what you are saying, but those, all of those were vague threats only, designed for the purpose you say.

The only exceptions being even slightly comparable are Ebola and SARS. But even then they don't compare; there was no progression of those around the world, China wasn't locking down entire provinces and they certainly didn't spread to over 50 countries in three months time.
COVD-19 killed more people in it's first 8 weeks than SARS did in 8 months.

All of those vague threats you listed, yeah the media drummed up a bit of alarm at the bequest of their masters for purposes that we all understand.

What we are witnessing at this time is a global pandemic, in real time.
It's not a vague threat, it is around all of us now and it's only a matter of time that we are all affected by it, either us personally or our family members.

All of those vague threats you listed, they fizzled out, some people got their knickers in a knot and were alarmed, everyone had their own vague threat they were personally alarmed by more then the others.
But they all fizzled out. This thing isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It's not a vague threat, it's real and measurable and is actually happening.
The end severity of it remains to be seen, but it is pretty damn serious.

The list you gave is a great example of why you and most people are operating under Normalcy Bias.

Normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a tendency for people to believe that things will always function the way they normally have functioned and therefore to underestimate both the likelihood of a disaster and its possible effects.

2614 posts
4 Mar 2020 2:42PM
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Kamikuza said..

japie said..
I could give you reams of them although you would be far better off looking it up for yourself.

Off the top of my head though?

Communism, nuclear war, the red menace, global cooling, global warming, starvation, meteor impacts, terrorism, Ebola, terrorism, Sars, terrorism, Solar flares, terrorism, Islam, Indonesians, terrorism,Y2K, peak oil, terrorism, aids, the EU, Brexit, terrorism

I'm sure there's heaps more but I cannot be bothered.

Just rest assured, it's consistent!

Acid rain, deforestation, loss of topsoil, pollution, GMOs, loss of fresh water, economic/social/infrastructure collapse, the hole in the ozone layer, nuclear winter-like climate change, and my fave: asteroid impacts....

I love how they're all forgotten about as the next one pops up. Acid rain -- doesn't anyone remember the horrors that was supposed to initiate?

More vague threats, not actual things we are watching in real time.

Normalcy Bias.

2614 posts
4 Mar 2020 2:44PM
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Gorgo said..

Just about all of Asia, the sub-continent and the middle east uses water, They think westerners are filthy disgusting barbarians because they don't wash their bums and minges. There is an element of truth to that.

Yes, cause they are shining examples of sanitary standards of the highest order.


WA, 1817 posts
4 Mar 2020 3:14PM
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kiterboy said..

Gorgo said..

Just about all of Asia, the sub-continent and the middle east uses water, They think westerners are filthy disgusting barbarians because they don't wash their bums and minges. There is an element of truth to that.

Yes, cause they are shining examples of sanitary standards of the highest order.


Of everything you've said on this topic so far, that last one I'll have to pay

holy guacamole
1393 posts
4 Mar 2020 3:18PM
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Wow. Seems the humble bog roll has really got one or two people a tad worked up.

Chill kids, it's just soft paper on ya sphincta.

It's not gunna sava ya from a virus or a bout of stupidity.

2614 posts
4 Mar 2020 3:24PM
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holy guacamole said..
Wow. Seems the humble bog roll has really got one or two people a tad worked up.

Chill kids, it's just soft paper on ya sphincta.

It's not gunna sava ya from a virus or a bout of stupidity.

It got you worked up enough to start a thread about it.

el tubo
NSW, 113 posts
4 Mar 2020 6:31PM
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I bought one of these in Indo and have never looked back,
Best time saver ever.

NSW, 4521 posts
4 Mar 2020 7:07PM
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This woman spotted at the checkout in Aldi - no wonder they've run out! What I'm wondering is whether she's bought enough pasta and sauce to last long enough to need all of this?

QLD, 6493 posts
4 Mar 2020 6:20PM
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kiterboy said..
More vague threats, not actual things we are watching in real time.

Normalcy Bias.

Because even when Spanish flu ripped through world, it wasn't the end of civilization. And this is nothing like that.

Well, except for the click-bait wolf-calling of the media.

QLD, 1937 posts
4 Mar 2020 6:27PM
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Harrow said..
This woman spotted at the checkout in Aldi - no wonder they've run out! What I'm wondering is whether she's bought enough pasta and sauce to last long enough to need all of this?

Buying for resale?

$75 a pack. 1 sold already 24 people watching.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Panic Buying Of Dunny Rolls" started by holy guacamole