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Panic Buying Of Dunny Rolls

Created by holy guacamole > 9 months ago, 4 Mar 2020
holy guacamole
1393 posts
4 Mar 2020 4:28PM
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Harrow said..
This woman spotted at the checkout in Aldi - no wonder they've run out! What I'm wondering is whether she's bought enough pasta and sauce to last long enough to need all of this?

Well at least she'll have a relatively clean arse when she dies of starvation....

NSW, 4521 posts
4 Mar 2020 7:43PM
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Holy cow, she's not the only one. Can these people do the maths? Unless they have a couple of cows grazing in their yard ready to slaughter, they're not going to have this much food to wipe off their bums.

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
4 Mar 2020 4:54PM
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Harrow said..
Holy cow, she's not the only one. Can these people do the maths? Unless they have a couple of cows grazing in their yard ready to slaughter, they're not going to have this much food to wipe off their bums.

And they probably squeezed a dozen plums in the fruit and veggie section and went home with none. Is the corona virus what we need to instigate a ban on squeezing of the fruit and veggies?

2614 posts
4 Mar 2020 4:58PM
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Kamikuza said..

kiterboy said..
More vague threats, not actual things we are watching in real time.

Normalcy Bias.

Because even when Spanish flu ripped through world, it wasn't the end of civilization. And this is nothing like that.

Well, except for the click-bait wolf-calling of the media.

Who has been calling it the end of civilization?

WA, 14438 posts
4 Mar 2020 5:00PM
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Ive never been to Aldi. Was TP on their special buys?

NSW, 4521 posts
4 Mar 2020 8:00PM
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Ian K said..
And they probably squeezed a dozen plums in the fruit and veggie section and went home with none. Is the corona virus what we need to instigate a ban on squeezing of the fruit and veggies?

Ever been to Italy? As soon as they see a foreigner come into the fruit and veggie section they run toward you screaming. You're not allowed to touch the produce at all, and the few places that let you pick your own often make sure you wear gloves to do so.

2614 posts
4 Mar 2020 5:05PM
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Harrow said..
Holy cow, she's not the only one. Can these people do the maths? Unless they have a couple of cows grazing in their yard ready to slaughter, they're not going to have this much food to wipe off their bums.

That picture is from Costco.
Now I get it, it's the Eastern Staters that have gone off the rails.

2614 posts
4 Mar 2020 5:15PM
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Chinese scientists claim that the #COVID19 virus has probably genetically mutated to two variants: S-cov & L-cov. They believe the L-cov is more dangerous, featuring higher transmitibility and inflicting more harm on human respiratory system.

Mark _australia
WA, 22245 posts
4 Mar 2020 7:05PM
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The article posted form the New England Journal of Medicine (?) said it was fark all.
I'll tend to believe them.

If I'm wrong, there are plants to eat, bunnies to shoot and I can purify water easily. Anyone who thinks dunny paper is important is a fkn retard.

WA, 14438 posts
4 Mar 2020 7:55PM
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Mark _australia said..
The article posted form the New England Journal of Medicine (?) said it was fark all.
I'll tend to believe them.

If I'm wrong, there are plants to eat, bunnies to shoot and I can purify water easily. Anyone who thinks dunny paper is important is a fkn retard.

I think you are pointing out that there are a lot of stupid people out there, or at least easily convinced by others. Who knows, they could turn out to be the survivors when it emerges that toilet paper is worth more than gold! *As if!

I was worried about the corona virus today, so I went to the shop for supplies. I am dumb and should have written it down instead and bought Becks instead of Corona.

WA, 2775 posts
4 Mar 2020 8:19PM
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Kamikuza said..Because even when Spanish flu ripped through world, it wasn't the end of civilization.

It wasn't a "Spanish" flu,

[it started in the land of the free}

2614 posts
4 Mar 2020 9:00PM
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Mark _australia said..
The article posted form the New England Journal of Medicine (?) said it was fark all.
I'll tend to believe them.

If I'm wrong, there are plants to eat, bunnies to shoot and I can purify water easily. Anyone who thinks dunny paper is important is a fkn retard.

Which article was that?

If it is nothing, then why would China lock down millions of people? They don't for the 'regular' flu, they didn't for SARS or Swine Flu.

holy guacamole
1393 posts
5 Mar 2020 3:06AM
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^^ You're getting into the medical issues, which have nothing to do with buying 100 times the amount of dunny paper possibly needed in the event of being stuck at home with NFI and a wiped arse.

Mark is on the money, even if he used slightly harsh language.

2614 posts
5 Mar 2020 5:51AM
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holy guacamole said..
^^ You're getting into the medical issues, which have nothing to do with buying 100 times the amount of dunny paper possibly needed in the event of being stuck at home with NFI and a wiped arse.

Mark is on the money, even if he used slightly harsh language.

How was he on the money?

NSW, 270 posts
5 Mar 2020 9:28AM
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also just herd you can 3d print masks, ppl have started doing it,
once they worked out they could.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
5 Mar 2020 9:03AM
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Oh my gaawwwwwwwwd nooooooooooooooooooo!

NSW, 4521 posts
5 Mar 2020 10:26AM
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Paddles B'mere said..
Oh my gaawwwwwwwwd nooooooooooooooooooo!

LOL, you can't script this stuff.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
5 Mar 2020 9:29AM
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Yep, just when the numbers show that NSW may have more people full of sh!t than the other states .................... we start burning toilet paper shipments

holy guacamole
1393 posts
5 Mar 2020 7:46AM
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kiterboy said..How was he on the money?

holy guacamole said..
^^ You're getting into the medical issues, which have nothing to do with buying 100 times the amount of dunny paper possibly needed in the event of being stuck at home with NFI and a wiped arse.

Mark is on the money, even if he used slightly harsh language.

Well, it appears you think buying trolley loads of dunny paper is critical to surviving the pandemic, so I think you probably wouldn't understand....

This is about the life threatening situation of low toilet paper supplies god damn it.

2614 posts
5 Mar 2020 8:11AM
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holy guacamole said..

kiterboy said..How was he on the money?

holy guacamole said..
^^ You're getting into the medical issues, which have nothing to do with buying 100 times the amount of dunny paper possibly needed in the event of being stuck at home with NFI and a wiped arse.

Mark is on the money, even if he used slightly harsh language.

Well, it appears you think buying trolley loads of dunny paper is critical to surviving the pandemic, so I think you probably wouldn't understand....

This is about the life threatening situation of low toilet paper supplies god damn it.

It's certain that you are full of the proverbial, so should be the one buying up the toilet paper.
I made no such affirmation.

WA, 647 posts
5 Mar 2020 9:12AM
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Fark me we live in interesting times eh!

what will be the next must have prepper product for the coming climate extinction i wonder? we could clean up

should have bought stock in this company - they make hand sanitizer..

They can sell as much as they can make for $50 a liter right now

NSW, 9202 posts
5 Mar 2020 12:15PM
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Paddles B'mere said..
Oh my gaawwwwwwwwd nooooooooooooooooooo!

This is the funniest news cycle I've ever seen.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
5 Mar 2020 11:24AM
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Didn't see that coming hey Bara, it'd almost be worth one of the local oil refineries changing over to do a run of hand sanitizer, it can't be that hard to make can it

holy guacamole
1393 posts
5 Mar 2020 9:27AM
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evlPanda said..This is the funniest news cycle I've ever seen.

Paddles B'mere said..
Oh my gaawwwwwwwwd nooooooooooooooooooo!

Yep. Hope you got out shopping to safeguard your family against a life threatening shortage of dunny rolls mate.

2614 posts
5 Mar 2020 10:05AM
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You guys are so down on the hoarders, you are neglecting to see the silver lining.

While she said the context is unfortunate, Ms Gibbs is happy for the increased production in her hometown.
Kimberly-Clark has definitely had a pattern of reducing a lot of things, so it will be nice to see an increase for a change," she said.
"I think it will be fantastic to have . the extra hours and employment out there for people."

WA, 7671 posts
5 Mar 2020 10:21AM
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holy guacamole said..
evlPanda said..This is the funniest news cycle I've ever seen.

Paddles B'mere said..
Oh my gaawwwwwwwwd nooooooooooooooooooo!

Yep. Hope you got out shopping to safeguard your family against a life threatening shortage of dunny rolls mate.

What steps, if any, are you taking to safeguard your family and children?

Just looking for some guidance as to the correct thing to do... so far I have done nothing different to living as normal... I did try to buy some dunny paper, but it was all gone

TAS, 2967 posts
5 Mar 2020 1:42PM
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness caused by a new virus. Symptoms range from a mild cough to pneumonia. Some people recover easily, others may get very sick very quickly. There is evidence that it spreads from person to person. Good hygiene can prevent infection.

Nowhere does it mention chronic or explosive diarrhoea so can someone please explain why is bog roll the preferred option

2614 posts
5 Mar 2020 11:04AM
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Rupert said..
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness caused by a new virus. Symptoms range from a mild cough to pneumonia. Some people recover easily, others may get very sick very quickly. There is evidence that it spreads from person to person. Good hygiene can prevent infection.

Nowhere does it mention chronic or explosive diarrhoea so can someone please explain why is bog roll the preferred option

Given the choice, are you going to hole up at home for potentially an extended period of time, or take your chances to go out amongst infected people to do your grocery shopping?

I guess some people value their toilet paper quite a lot that they don't want to take a chance of running out if they self isolate to minimize their risk of getting infected and infecting their family.

It's really not that hard to understand, yes it's classic herd behaviour and quite excessive, but really guys?

WA, 6507 posts
5 Mar 2020 11:27AM
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Makes more sense than buying Bitcoin though.

1979 posts
5 Mar 2020 11:49AM
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I thought the bog roll thing had passed now. People had realised that getting caught short on dunny paper is hardly a life threatening situation.
But no, I just went down to Woolies to get some stuff for lunch and it seemed every second trolley had at least 4 or 5 bulk packs of bog roll.
Hilarious !!!
I'm starting to think now that this whole thing is a conspiracy brought about by big toilet paper companies so they can dominate the world and take over the Illuminati


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Panic Buying Of Dunny Rolls" started by holy guacamole