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Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
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2224 posts
25 Jun 2021 8:39PM
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Here in Western Australia this week/last week all people over 30 I think can now get the vaccine.

Who has already got it, have you had both shots.

who is booked in to get it?

I will be getting it mainly through social pressure and a desire to be able to fly, there is also some corporate pressure mounting as I work in mining industry.
Believe me all the big miners whilst they cannot make you get it they will be able to say you have to have it to visit their sites.....

I don't believe the vaccine is 100% safe, not talking about effectiveness that's a whole seperate argument.

Who here has had it and got unwell????

A guy I work with climbed Mount Everest, covid hit and he made it to India where his family is, he got covid he got better.
than the strain of covid changed and he decided to get vaccinated. He got vaccinated and was fine for weeks and weeks, around two months post vaccine he woke up with a headache and died on the way to the hospital from what I believe was a brain hemorage or similar.
This is a guy in his 30,s who had recently climbed Everest, had covid and got through it quite easily.

Please no conspiracies, real stories, real reports of yourself and/or those you know.


949 posts
25 Jun 2021 10:19PM
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I live in France and have had both shots. 1st Astrazeneca, then they decided it wasn't safe even though most of the UK has had it and is still using it. Second shot Pfizer.
Pretty sick for the first shot for 12 hrs. 39 temp and tired, headaches etc. 48 hrs to recover. Not so bad for the second.
I know loads of people that had no effects.
In Europe they are talking about health passports. Basically a QR code saying you've had both shots or have had a recent test. This will be needed to travel or even get into indoor bars restaurants etc. So either you get vaccinated or tested anytime you want to go out( that will get boring very quickly).
Would I take it again. Yes. A few of my wife's friends are doctors or work in hospitals etc. They all know people that have died from COVID or will never be the same again. Lungs don't work properly, constantly tired etc. As you said young healthy people. None of them know someone that has died from the vaccine.
The way the doctors I know talk about it is easing the strain on hospitals. Most of the big hospitals in France still aren't back to normal and scheduled operations aren't happening.
Its going to take a long time to catch up and hospital staff are pretty tired.

NSW, 1261 posts
26 Jun 2021 12:32AM
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I have had my first shot of AZ, no side effects except for a sore arm around the injection site for about 24 hours most likely because the Doctor was in a hurry and wiggled the needle. I will get my second as soon as I can.
Both my elderly parents have had there's with Zero issues

WA, 997 posts
25 Jun 2021 10:46PM
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Dose one of Pfizer in my arm 2 days ago, no issues, booked for 2nd in 3 weeks.

Why mention the suspected brain hemorrhage?

QLD, 1354 posts
26 Jun 2021 3:41AM
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Had my first AZ 9 weeks ago, no side effects at all, second in a few weeks. My partner has had her first AZ and elderly parents have had both, no side effects that I know of.

QLD, 1371 posts
26 Jun 2021 4:39AM
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Sure, I'll take the flu jab in 10 years when the long term effects are in:

no reports of prion-related diseases, Alzheimer's disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) after COVID-19 vaccination, yet...

In the mean time got a new gun this week just in case the sheeples turn into mad cow zombies

NSW, 1585 posts
26 Jun 2021 6:26AM
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AZ 2 days ago nil side effects

443 posts
26 Jun 2021 4:53AM
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No way will I take the current jabs. I'm quite happy to wait for some thing better, or for Covid to die out naturally.

The AZ and Pfizer jabs only have Emergency Use Authorisation and are only supposed to be given to people in high risk groups.

2224 posts
26 Jun 2021 5:53AM
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D3 said..
Dose one of Pfizer in my arm 2 days ago, no issues, booked for 2nd in 3 weeks.

Why mention the suspected brain hemorrhage?

I think the story is relevant to the dialogue around it.
For me personally it raised alarm bells because this guy was fit like climb Mount Everest fit.

Im just hoping to hear real stories, many so far have said had it no dramas, this helps build a bit of confidence it's good to hear there is an uptake.

I am sure though that there are some personal experiences on here that are less than glowing reports, maybe not, to be honest I hope not.

Pretty good demographic to ask though as many are over east or overseas.

Here in west oz we are so far behind in vaccines rollout and thankfully virus exposure that our risk reward matrix differs a lot from those in England or India.

Brent in Qld
WA, 1023 posts
26 Jun 2021 6:05AM
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Had AZ, was crook overnight & bounced back within 24hrs.

Short term... not really any different to any other nasty flu, general vaccination or inoculation I've had in the past.

Long term... dunno & don't really care. I have never lived today worried about tomorrow. Eat well, drink too much, laugh a lot, play hard & when the day comes I'm useless, at least there will be great memories rather than habitual worries.

WA, 947 posts
26 Jun 2021 6:24AM
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Had the first AZ shot 4 weeks ago zero issues.

WA, 14643 posts
26 Jun 2021 6:36AM
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I booked in the first chance I could get when they announced that they were opening up the number of people that could get it. By then thousands of people had already booked online and the earliest booking I could get was July and that was only because my local area seems less popular than others around Perth.

I feel more comfortable as its the Pfizer vaccine, but both my parents in their 70s have had both shots of the AZ vaccine and were/are fine. I would have taken the AZ if it was an option for me.

lao shi
SA, 1293 posts
26 Jun 2021 8:13AM
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Had first AZ in May just a sore arm, wife a day of feeling poorly, chills, aches. Getting 2nd, 3rd week of July.
Mum in Uk has had 2 Pfizer, no issues.
Read in the guardian that bicycle deaths in UK up 40% last year yet there has been a cycling boom.
Honestly we are at more risk every time we get in the car!
Only way we secure WA is to get vaccinated. If / when it comes we want it to be a moderate impact outbreak as most have some protection and not another lockdown.
Have lived overseas in 2 countries during the Covid time and most here have no idea what it is like in the rest of the world. Protect your lifestyle and roll up your sleeve.

WA, 1363 posts
26 Jun 2021 8:03AM
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I work with some pretty smart Doctors they have all had it. One Dr who is assisting with the role out gave a talk in my community (mid WA) to encourage the average pleb to take it. Said if they all held hands from Meekatharra to Perth only one would have a bad side effect,.. gave analogy of one seat in Optus stadium etc. Anyways it was wasted on deaf ears and we've only given out a handful.
Same Dr said they get one bad side effect (clot) a month from AZ,.. but 8 everyday in WA from a range of other medications that don't raise an eyebrow.
I no scientist but what I know it people that do know have all had it but Karen from IGA knows better and refuses. So I had my Pyzer so I could appear smart to my pears (didn't know I had it)
All jokes aside it's unlikely you will be able to discover anyone on this forum that has had a bad side effect because the numbers just aren't there.

2454 posts
26 Jun 2021 9:45AM
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Hitting big five-o soon. Had both Pfizer jabs. 1st jab: barely perceptible aching, one side of body only. Tired. Effects lasted 1 day. Went sailing with the Speed Bogans 4 days later at LG. 2nd jab a few days ago. Same side effects but less. Both my parents (70s) have had 1st Az: Minimal side effects. My younger sister (mid-40s) decided to get Az after research, discussion with GP, and waver. She has an auto-immunity condition. I did the research too. Yes, I accept this is brand new technology and delivery is rushed. I have no idea what this vaccine will do to my body at a future date. But, I did the risk analysis with an open mind based on what we know now.

The common cold has knocked me all my life. Normally on my back for a week, and sick for 2 weeks. Sometimes it gets that bad I cough up blood. I had to go to hospital in my 20s once because of bad one. I've got no empirical evidence, but I made the assumption that Covid would be many magnitudes worse that the cold as they are very similar viruses (only 1 person I know who had covid and I asked him how colds effect him: 1 case only). Back in January 2020, I laughed along with everybody else at the world's reaction to a "little sniffle".

PS/ I got a news letter from my local member the other day. Net Debt is at $981 Billion. Back in 2012 it was $160B, and we all thought that was a large debt back then.

WA, 3619 posts
26 Jun 2021 11:19AM
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IanR said..
I have had my first shot of AZ, no side effects except for a sore arm around the injection site for about 24 hours most likely because the Doctor was in a hurry and wiggled the needle. I will get my second as soon as I can.
Both my elderly parents have had there's with Zero issues

Exact same including elderly parents

QLD, 1534 posts
26 Jun 2021 1:55PM
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IanR said..
I have had my first shot of AZ, no side effects except for a sore arm around the injection site for about 24 hours most likely because the Doctor was in a hurry and wiggled the needle. I will get my second as soon as I can.
Both my elderly parents have had there's with Zero issues


Mr Milk
NSW, 2982 posts
26 Jun 2021 2:13PM
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Interesting study shows that there is no difference in side effects felt for flu injections for real vaccinations vs placebo

Side effects associated with influenza vaccination in healthy working adults. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial - PubMed (
Side effects associated with influenza vaccination in healthy working adults. A randomized, placebo-controlled trial - PubMed (

WA, 997 posts
26 Jun 2021 12:14PM
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Razzonater said..

D3 said..
Dose one of Pfizer in my arm 2 days ago, no issues, booked for 2nd in 3 weeks.

Why mention the suspected brain hemorrhage?

I think the story is relevant to the dialogue around it.
For me personally it raised alarm bells because this guy was fit like climb Mount Everest fit.

Im just hoping to hear real stories, many so far have said had it no dramas, this helps build a bit of confidence it's good to hear there is an uptake.

I am sure though that there are some personal experiences on here that are less than glowing reports, maybe not, to be honest I hope not.

Pretty good demographic to ask though as many are over east or overseas.

Here in west oz we are so far behind in vaccines rollout and thankfully virus exposure that our risk reward matrix differs a lot from those in England or India.

I dunno, seems like a stretch to try link a suspected brain hemorrhage to a vaccination two months after the fact (let alone hemorrhaging not being listed as a side effect).

Going by the numbers collected by various health agencies around the world, you're looking at less than 10 adverse affects reported per 100,000 people. So there won't be many stories of adverse affects appearing on this forum.

I got my jab at Kwinana,

WA, 997 posts
26 Jun 2021 12:19PM
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psychomub said..
No way will I take the current jabs. I'm quite happy to wait for some thing better, or for Covid to die out naturally.

The AZ and Pfizer jabs only have Emergency Use Authorisation and are only supposed to be given to people in high risk groups.

Like the Cold and Flu viruses have died out naturally? I was under the impression that they're still here?

You're welcome to compare the risks of getting vaccinated to the risk of actually catching the disease. Let us know what you find out. Please take into account the fact this is still a relatively new disease and long term data on how it affects humans is ongoing.

TAS, 2967 posts
26 Jun 2021 2:33PM
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Have had 1st AZ and the side effects were horrendous but except for the headache that lingered for about 24 hrs were all but gone the next morning.
Had the jab at 1215, all good until about 8.30pm when massive chills hit, I was shaking so much I had trouble getting undressed to go to bed. Electric blanket on full made no difference shivering, shaking and aching all over. About 2.00 am awoke in a hot sweat and thumping head ache, by 0800 all good except for the head ache, next day all good.

Eagerly awaiting dose no 2.........Not but I will have it.

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
26 Jun 2021 12:48PM
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Rupert said..
Have had 1st AZ and the side effects were horrendous but except for the headache that lingered for about 24 hrs were all but gone the next morning.
Had the jab at 1215, all good until about 8.30pm when massive chills hit, I was shaking so much I had trouble getting undressed to go to bed. Electric blanket on full made no difference shivering, shaking and aching all over. About 2.00 am awoke in a hot sweat and thumping head ache, by 0800 all good except for the head ache, next day all good.

Eagerly awaiting dose no 2.........Not but I will have it.

That makes sense - it's derived from a Chimp virus.

Had one AZ with no side effects.

WA, 997 posts
26 Jun 2021 12:55PM
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Rupert said..
Have had 1st AZ and the side effects were horrendous but except for the headache that lingered for about 24 hrs were all but gone the next morning.
Had the jab at 1215, all good until about 8.30pm when massive chills hit, I was shaking so much I had trouble getting undressed to go to bed. Electric blanket on full made no difference shivering, shaking and aching all over. About 2.00 am awoke in a hot sweat and thumping head ache, by 0800 all good except for the head ache, next day all good.

Eagerly awaiting dose no 2.........Not but I will have it.

Therapeutic Goods Administration website says majority of AZ recipients with an adverse reaction had it worse after the first dose. 2nd dose affects were milder.

Pfizer was the other way round

WA, 14643 posts
26 Jun 2021 1:00PM
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D3 said..
psychomub said..
No way will I take the current jabs. I'm quite happy to wait for some thing better, or for Covid to die out naturally.

The AZ and Pfizer jabs only have Emergency Use Authorisation and are only supposed to be given to people in high risk groups.

Like the Cold and Flu viruses have died out naturally? I was under the impression that they're still here?

Well, sure Covid can die out 'naturally' All it takes is that those not immune to it die, and the people that are left will be fine. People forget that in the Spanish Flu pandemic, this is effectively what happened. That virus probably evolved into a less aggressive flu virus that we now live with, but it did this after it killed a whole heap of people. Not before.

WA, 3145 posts
26 Jun 2021 1:19PM
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Wife & I both in our 60's have had 1st shot of AZ, no side effects.

WA, 997 posts
26 Jun 2021 1:22PM
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FormulaNova said..

D3 said..

psychomub said..
No way will I take the current jabs. I'm quite happy to wait for some thing better, or for Covid to die out naturally.

The AZ and Pfizer jabs only have Emergency Use Authorisation and are only supposed to be given to people in high risk groups.

Like the Cold and Flu viruses have died out naturally? I was under the impression that they're still here?

Well, sure Covid can die out 'naturally' All it takes is that those not immune to it die, and the people that are left will be fine. People forget that in the Spanish Flu pandemic, this is effectively what happened. That virus probably evolved into a less aggressive flu virus that we now live with, but it did this after it killed a whole heap of people. Not before.

Couple of studies have looked into it, turns out Spanish flu was the H1N1 strain that also caused the 2009 Pandemic.

Didn't cause anywhere near as much havoc in 2009 (still pretty bad in some places). Goes to show what modern medicine can do. Also a good comparison for the Covid 19 virus(yes it's worse than the flu)

VIC, 364 posts
26 Jun 2021 4:39PM
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Got first az today ! was hesitant but as im wanting to travel it was a no brainer ! Im waxing snowboards and outta here ! There is no way they going to let u into the northern hemisphere with out vax ?

QLD, 1354 posts
26 Jun 2021 4:43PM
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I have no idea how factual it is but studies in the US show nearly all the current deaths are the unvaccinated. It's coming to Oz when the borders open, I can't see why you would risk not being vaccinated, horrible way to die.

oops, I have to add, I said it is coming to Oz, wrong, look at Sydney, it's here.

443 posts
26 Jun 2021 3:03PM
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airsail said..
I have no idea how factual it is but studies in the US show nearly all the current deaths are the unvaccinated. It's coming to Oz when the borders open, I can't see why you would risk not being vaccinated, horrible way to die.

oops, I have to add, I said it is coming to Oz, wrong, look at Sydney, it's here.

Almost half the deaths from Delta in the UK have had at least one jab...

1582 posts
26 Jun 2021 3:48PM
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Razzonater said..
Here in Western Australia this week/last week all people over 30 I think can now get the vaccine.

Who has already got it, have you had both shots.

who is booked in to get it?

I will be getting it mainly through social pressure and a desire to be able to fly, there is also some corporate pressure mounting as I work in mining industry.
Believe me all the big miners whilst they cannot make you get it they will be able to say you have to have it to visit their sites.....

I don't believe the vaccine is 100% safe, not talking about effectiveness that's a whole seperate argument.

Who here has had it and got unwell????

A guy I work with climbed Mount Everest, covid hit and he made it to India where his family is, he got covid he got better.
than the strain of covid changed and he decided to get vaccinated. He got vaccinated and was fine for weeks and weeks, around two months post vaccine he woke up with a headache and died on the way to the hospital from what I believe was a brain hemorage or similar.
This is a guy in his 30,s who had recently climbed Everest, had covid and got through it quite easily.

Please no conspiracies, real stories, real reports of yourself and/or those you know.


Writing has been on wall for some time now. We all need to get vaxed. Those that don't/won't will be living on fringe.

WA, 12099 posts
26 Jun 2021 5:45PM
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We've both had 2 A.Z.s no side effects both times.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater