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Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
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WA, 3477 posts
28 Jun 2021 1:19PM
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Razzonater said..
I actually tried to book myself and wife in on the government website today after reading all the comments on this thread.
we got an automated response saying nothing is available and they will be in contact when something is.....I strongly suspect there is no Pfizer available.

We should of had it available by now for everyone who wants to get it.
The governments had well over a year to secure supplies.

So in short I and my wife will be getting the vaccine, once we can once it's available once we can book in.

Hey Razz, don't wait for a response email from them, try again to book online.

I am fast approaching 60 and whilst I am not an anti vaxer I was in no hurry to get vaccinated, as living in WA we seemed fairly safe and I have no plans for travel outside of WA in the near future, so was just waiting to see how others went.

The day they announced that 50-59's were eligible for Pfizer I decided to try to get it before I hit 60, I tried to book online and got a similar automated response saying nothing is available and that I would be notified when something was.
I found out a workmate had managed to get a booking for early July after I had tried, so I went back online on the Monday (last week) and was able to make a booking for 10th of July.

I was actually at the shopping centre where the vaccination centre was later that day and as I was planning to head North before the 21 day periods between first and second shots was up I decide to just see them and see if it was possible to get in a couple days earlier or have the second shot before the 21 days was up.

Seems I asked the question at just the right time as they said they actually had the shortest waiting period they had had all day so squeezed me in then and there.

No real symptoms however I did struggle on my 12 hour nightshift a couple of days later with a bit of a headache and just super tired, however I had had a big surf session that day and was still getting over the flu from a week or so before so I'm not sure I can put it down to Pfizer.

Second shot booked for a couple of weeks, just days before I (hopefully) head North.

As a side note my (much younger) girlfriend who had been online last week and could have made a booking in July now can't get a booking until September at the earliest.
Seems the older age group must have got priority or at least filled up available spots in the near future.

8266 posts
28 Jun 2021 7:02PM
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I've been eligible to have the MRNA drugs from the onset of their availability & have chosen not to have them administered.

Like you Razz I'm desperate to travel overseas for recreational & family reasons. But until I'm convinced putting my health at unnecessary risk with experimental drugs will actually enable me to travel overseas, I will not take them.

Its not just one course of the drugs & your free. They will expect you to take "boosters" every x amount of time if this becomes part of the "New Normal"...I would reallly much prefer to put trust in my own immune system that has been developed over thousands of years. If that fails me, ok my bad. But it cannot be said that my choice puts my community at risk because the MRNA drugs DO NOT prevent you from catching the virus or transmitting it. So anyone attempting to apply peer pressure claiming your putting others at risk is quite simply wrong.

950 posts
28 Jun 2021 7:34PM
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Yes they are already talking about a 3rd shot in Europe. It may become like a flu jab where one or more is needed each year.
No it doesn't stop you from getting it but it gives you a better chance of not spending 2 weeks in intensive care and dying. Hospitals fill up quick. Once the intensive care units are full they have to fly people to other hospitals etc.
When this is happening in your local town you change your mind. I did. You start thinking I really don't want to have to go to hospital at the moment.

shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
28 Jun 2021 7:54PM
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8266 posts
28 Jun 2021 8:03PM
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tarquin1 said..
Yes they are already talking about a 3rd shot in Europe. It may become like a flu jab where one or more is needed each year.
No it doesn't stop you from getting it but it gives you a better chance of not spending 2 weeks in intensive care and dying. Hospitals fill up quick. Once the intensive care units are full they have to fly people to other hospitals etc.
When this is happening in your local town you change your mind. I did. You start thinking I really don't want to have to go to hospital at the moment.

ICU? M8 most people are in hotels, not hospital. Currently 2 in ICU Oz wide & you know its comorbidity that put them there, not covid.

Ignore social media & pollies, just keep your eye on the stats & think for yourself.............

950 posts
28 Jun 2021 8:21PM
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I am in France. Different situation. Like I said when the local hospitals are full and you start thinking I really don't want to have to go to hospital for anything or have to take the kids. Thats when you think the vaccination is a good idea. I was totally against it in the beginning.
Back on subject my brother who is in Melbourne just had his 2nd Pfizer shot. Nothing from the first one but felt like he had flu for 48 hrs for the second one.

WA, 998 posts
28 Jun 2021 8:26PM
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MickPC said..

tarquin1 said..
Yes they are already talking about a 3rd shot in Europe. It may become like a flu jab where one or more is needed each year.
No it doesn't stop you from getting it but it gives you a better chance of not spending 2 weeks in intensive care and dying. Hospitals fill up quick. Once the intensive care units are full they have to fly people to other hospitals etc.
When this is happening in your local town you change your mind. I did. You start thinking I really don't want to have to go to hospital at the moment.

ICU? M8 most people are in hotels, not hospital. Currently 2 in ICU Oz wide & you know its comorbidity that put them there, not covid.

Ignore social media & pollies, just keep your eye on the stats & think for yourself.............

Looking at the (very incomplete) stats from that link. More than 4% of people hospitalised are in ICU, approximately 1 in 25 gets sick enough to require treatment in ICU.

Edit- this link states that 58 out of 271 cases are hospitalised (approximately 21%).

Still want to take your chances with this new disease?

WA, 998 posts
28 Jun 2021 8:55PM
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MickPC said..
I've been eligible to have the MRNA drugs from the onset of their availability & have chosen not to have them administered.

Like you Razz I'm desperate to travel overseas for recreational & family reasons. But until I'm convinced putting my health at unnecessary risk with experimental drugs will actually enable me to travel overseas, I will not take them.

Its not just one course of the drugs & your free. They will expect you to take "boosters" every x amount of time if this becomes part of the "New Normal"...I would reallly much prefer to put trust in my own immune system that has been developed over thousands of years. If that fails me, ok my bad. But it cannot be said that my choice puts my community at risk because the MRNA drugs DO NOT prevent you from catching the virus or transmitting it. So anyone attempting to apply peer pressure claiming your putting others at risk is quite simply wrong.

This new disease will probably end up like the flu, with new variations every season or so. So we will hopefully get new vaccines to keep up with it.
In case you're wondering, catching one variant does not mean you can't catch another. And the list of long term effects of this disease is still growing, with previously fit and healthy people of all ages still suffering post viral affects 8 months later.

Getting the vaccine has proven that if you're exposed to the virus you're more likely to fend it off without becoming infectious. If you do get sick, your symptoms will be milder and your body will have a lower viral load (you won't be coughing and sneezing infectious droplets everywhere).
Getting large numbers of people vaccinated means that, the number of people who spread it will drop as well as the number of people who will be susceptible to it.

It's not 100%, but it's miles better than just letting the virus have free access to our population and cull the most vulnerable

WA, 14673 posts
28 Jun 2021 9:39PM
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Maybe if we all get vaccinated we will have less of these lockdowns...?

950 posts
28 Jun 2021 9:47PM
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Well put D3.
Look at the effect of vaccinating in the US, Europe the UK. It works. Its not a miracle cure but it slows it down.
Oz hasn't had a major outbreak yet and if lots of poeple get vaccinated may never have one.
The amount of partying I've done and beer I still drink would be much higher health risk than the vaccine I think.

WA, 998 posts
28 Jun 2021 10:10PM
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Also, Razz. If you're at all concerned about any vaccination or medical treatment, I fully support the asking questions of medical professionals.

2454 posts
28 Jun 2021 10:35PM
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MickPC said..
Its not just one course of the drugs & your free. They will expect you to take "boosters" every x amount of time if this becomes part of the "New Normal"...I would reallly much prefer to put trust in my own immune system that has been developed over thousands of years. If that fails me, ok my bad. But it cannot be said that my choice puts my community at risk because the MRNA drugs DO NOT prevent you from catching the virus or transmitting it.

If you get sick with Covid, can you say 99% for sure (being generous) that you won't need intensive care ?

What about Long Covid ? (basically becoming an invalid). Can you guarantee 99% you won't get that if you become infected ?

I think if you can say yes to the above, then I agree: A vaccine is adding little value, and is an unnecessary risk because it is new technology. But it sounds to me you haven't thought it through and you don't know.

I agree with you about this boasters. Covid isn't going away.

950 posts
28 Jun 2021 11:06PM
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So a mate is back in town for a few days and I am going to have a BBQ tomorrow night. Got a reply already from a friend, can't make it just tested positive. Its still on my doorstep.

443 posts
29 Jun 2021 3:38AM
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950 posts
29 Jun 2021 4:07AM
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I would say given the relatively short time the Delta variant has been around and that more than half the UK has been vaccinated they are some scarry numbers. Its not about death its about how contagious it is. How fast it overruns the health system.

443 posts
29 Jun 2021 4:32AM
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tarquin1 said..
I would say given the relatively short time the Delta variant has been around and that more than half the UK has been vaccinated they are some scarry numbers. Its not about death its about how contagious it is. How fast it overruns the health system.

Yet the seasonal flu regularly overruns the health system there.

The problem isn't the viruses, it is the government slashing health spending and drastically reducing the number of hospital beds while the population is growing.

The UK has fewer acute beds relative to its population than many comparable health systems. ... The number of hospital beds for general and acute care has fallen by 34 per cent since 1987/88,

WA, 998 posts
29 Jun 2021 5:43AM
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psychomub said..

tarquin1 said..
I would say given the relatively short time the Delta variant has been around and that more than half the UK has been vaccinated they are some scarry numbers. Its not about death its about how contagious it is. How fast it overruns the health system.

Yet the seasonal flu regularly overruns the health system there.

The problem isn't the viruses, it is the government slashing health spending and drastically reducing the number of hospital beds while the population is growing.

The UK has fewer acute beds relative to its population than many comparable health systems. ... The number of hospital beds for general and acute care has fallen by 34 per cent since 1987/88,

Be worth checking how many of those hospitalised are vaccinated.

Dr on radio last night was saying Pfizer jab showing really good results keeping people out if hospital in UK.

Plenty of reports from US saying majority of hospitalised cases are unvaccinated.

Seems to me that if you want to stay out of the already underfunded/overwhelmed hospital system, get vaccinated.

That goes for the Flu and other vaccine presentable diseases as well, by the way.

WA, 6650 posts
29 Jun 2021 7:23AM
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D3 said..
Looking at the (very incomplete) stats from that link. More than 4% of people hospitalised are in ICU, approximately 1 in 25 gets sick enough to require treatment in ICU. ....Edit- this link states that 58 out of 271 cases are hospitalised (approximately 21%).

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jn1 said..
If you get sick with Covid, can you say 99% for sure (being generous) that you won't need intensive care ?

Ummmm, I make 4% of 21% to be less than 1% of 100%, so...

yeah, according to that it is a 99% chance of not needing intensive care.

Just sayin'

VIC, 869 posts
29 Jun 2021 1:05PM
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Had my First Pfizer last week as well.
No side effects, and for you wimpies it's not even the 9 " needle you see on the telly.

Just a little mozzie sting, you dont even feel it.

Plus you get a sticker as well.
Happy days.

2614 posts
29 Jun 2021 11:40AM
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"The Delta COVID variant now suspected to be in Perth is also behind an outbreak in Israel in which 50 per cent of adults infected were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer jab."

WA, 14673 posts
29 Jun 2021 11:45AM
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kiterboy said..
"The Delta COVID variant now suspected to be in Perth is also behind an outbreak in Israel in which 50 per cent of adults infected were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer jab."

There we go again. What timing I have. I must be on this site all the time.

Here we go, post something suggestive, but not actually having the balls to make a comment on it., and then argue 'something' about 'something' without actually stating an opinion or fact.

I am naturally a cynical person, so you are probably just saying how effective the vaccine is as those 50 percent never got it. Yeah, that's it for sure!

2614 posts
29 Jun 2021 12:25PM
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FormulaNova said..

There I go again, rambling away but nothing to say

NSW, 6869 posts
29 Jun 2021 2:57PM
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Those of you who are sceptical about the mainstream narrative the information given by Reiner Fuellmich in his latest information drop on bitchute is probably already in your hands.

He and his compatriots have made significant progress toward what looks like being the biggest global class action lawsuit ever.
In the attached video Fuellmich makes reference to the Latin phrase audiatur et altera pars is a Latin meaning "listen to the other side", or "let the other side be heard as well". It is the principle that no person should be judged without a fair hearing in which each party is given the opportunity to respond to the evidence against them.

WA, 14673 posts
29 Jun 2021 2:27PM
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kiterboy said..
FormulaNova said..

There I go again, rambling away but nothing to say

So, you are agreeing that the vaccine is surprisingly effective. Good on you! I knew you would apply logic eventually.

I may as well just post a random link as well. Even an idiot can do it (me).

WA, 51 posts
29 Jun 2021 6:18PM
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japie said..
Those of you who are sceptical about the mainstream narrative the information given by Reiner Fuellmich in his latest information drop on bitchute is probably already in your hands.

He and his compatriots have made significant progress toward what looks like being the biggest global class action lawsuit ever.
In the attached video Fuellmich makes reference to the Latin phrase audiatur et altera pars is a Latin meaning "listen to the other side", or "let the other side be heard as well". It is the principle that no person should be judged without a fair hearing in which each party is given the opportunity to respond to the evidence against them.

Wow,that answers a lot of questions !

A reporter, Ivory Hecker, declared during a live hit that she was being suppressed by her network from telling the audience the truth.
Here is her first report after being sacked after blowing the lid on reporters being censored. Her interview with a leading Dr,It's bombshell and also a must watch !

WA, 998 posts
29 Jun 2021 7:23PM
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kiterboy said..
"The Delta COVID variant now suspected to be in Perth is also behind an outbreak in Israel in which 50 per cent of adults infected were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer jab."

Very rough stats
About 1400 current cases in Israel, 50% = 700
Population of around 8.8million is 85% vaccinated
So 700 cases in approx 7.5 million vaccinated people
Versus 700 cases in approx 1.3 million unvaccinated people

My guess is those proportions are going to change dramatically over the next few weeks.
With infected numbers skewing rapidly in the unvaccinated

2614 posts
30 Jun 2021 6:50AM
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FormulaNova said..

kiterboy said..

FormulaNova said..

There I go again, rambling away but nothing to say

So, you are agreeing that the vaccine is surprisingly effective. Good on you! I knew you would apply logic eventually.

I may as well just post a random link as well. Even an idiot can do it (me).

You've got enough trouble putting words in your own mouth, don't put any in mine.

950 posts
30 Jun 2021 3:40PM
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Listening to the news on the radio this morning.
Delta variant doubles in numbers in 1 week in France. Spreading rapidly in areas where people aren't vaccinated. It will soon be the dominant variant.
****s hitting the fan again in Italy. Hospital workers and care workers that aren't vaccinated are being told to stay home.
Yet Europe is easing restrictions and opening up for the summer. Why. Because they can't afford to shut everything down again.
So looks like the same as last year for us. Open up for the summer and back into a lockdown in September, maybe earlier.
Don't start buying shares in airlines yet!

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater