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Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
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WA, 14643 posts
1 Sep 2021 2:25PM
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Carantoc said..

Pugwash said..
I wanted to be the orange and white one, forth from left. ...

Don't claim to be an expert, but looks to me like that one probably has rabies.

I'd recommend you get a rabies vaccination asap.

I don't understand. Does Pugwash want to be me? I am flattered! Not so flattered that kiteboy thinks about me when he is doodling with his wand....

No need for the rabies vaccination. I am solidifying my immune system by upping the level of brussel sprouts and kale. Sure, there is no science behind it, but I "know" that it will give me a stronger immune system, and as i feel strong, I will be immune from rabies. That's all that matters, that I think I am strong, because its only people that don't think they are strong that die.

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
1 Sep 2021 2:36PM
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Crikey? If you jabbed 17million people on the oldish side with a placebo, you'd find 4 weeks down the track 35,000 of them were dead.

Anyway the problem of why vaccination stalls at 80% has finally been solved.

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 2:46PM
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Ian K said..
Crikey? If you jabbed 17million people on the oldish side with a placebo, you'd find 4 weeks down the track 35,000 of them were dead.

Anyway the problem of why vaccination stalls at 80% has finally been solved.

Now now, it may be 19 million doses, but not 19 million people given a large proportion of that are double shots.
I thought you were the one of the few on here that value accuracy.

And if you looked at the supporting documents, you'll see the deaths were attributed to the vaccine, not just people that died sometime after receiving it.

WA, 14643 posts
1 Sep 2021 3:02PM
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Ian K said..
Crikey? If you jabbed 17million people on the oldish side with a placebo, you'd find 4 weeks down the track 35,000 of them were dead.

Anyway the problem of why vaccination stalls at 80% has finally been solved.

Yeah, I would be afraid of a needle too. In my eyeball or under my fingernails would definitely bother me . In this case though, its hard to tell they have even injected you, but I can understand that phobias are sometimes not rational.

Imagine if they had to slice a bit of you open and add a pustule from cowpox... now that's how vaccines are meant to be delivered! Needles are for wusses.

Ian K
WA, 4048 posts
1 Sep 2021 3:26PM
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kiterboy said..

Ian K said..
Crikey? If you jabbed 17million people on the oldish side with a placebo, you'd find 4 weeks down the track 35,000 of them were dead.

Anyway the problem of why vaccination stalls at 80% has finally been solved.

Now now, it may be 19 million doses, but not 19 million people given a large proportion of that are double shots.
I thought you were the one of the few on here that value accuracy.

And if you looked at the supporting documents, you'll see the deaths were attributed to the vaccine, not just people that died sometime after receiving it.

No the double doses are separated by more than 4 weeks so are distinct events. I put it this way because the clot threat is considered to last 4 weeks.

WA, 767 posts
1 Sep 2021 3:31PM
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kiterboy said..
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease

Jesus. There is probably some actual concerns that are worth debating around vaccination development but when you guys throw up this drivel it is an absolute self-goal. My uni lecturer would have punched me in the face if i put something like that forward for publication, particularly without bothering to spell-check it. I guess online-only publications that don't list their peer reviewers have a pretty low bar.

If you are actually interested in learning about these things and their validity, check out science-based medicine, it is a great explainer on evidence based assessment (here is their piece on this particular claim):

If you want the quick run-down on why this isn't a thing here is a brief summary:

(jokes, i know you don't care about reality but just for the sake of balancing this drivel and because others might be interested).

WA, 767 posts
1 Sep 2021 3:41PM
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kiterboy said..

Now now, it may be 19 million doses, but not 19 million people given a large proportion of that are double shots.
I thought you were the one of the few on here that value accuracy.

And if you looked at the supporting documents, you'll see the deaths were attributed to the vaccine, not just people that died sometime after receiving it.

What supporting documents? Your powerpoint slide?

This is the same drivel as Clive. And as a general rule for life, if you're on the same side of an argument as Clive Palmer, you're on the wrong side...

QLD, 1354 posts
1 Sep 2021 6:02PM
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kiterboy said..

FlySurfer said..


No point even reading or watching anything from bitchute, full of clap trap and lies. This from Wiki

BitChute is a video hosting service launched by Ray Vahey in January 2017.[1] It is known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hate speech.[a][b] Some creators who use BitChute have been banned from YouTube; some others crosspost content to both platforms or post more extreme content only to BitChute.

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 4:06PM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..

kiterboy said..
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease

Jesus. There is probably some actual concerns that are worth debating around vaccination development but when you guys throw up this drivel it is an absolute self-goal. My uni lecturer would have punched me in the face if i put something like that forward for publication, particularly without bothering to spell-check it. I guess online-only publications that don't list their peer reviewers have a pretty low bar.

If you are actually interested in learning about these things and their validity, check out science-based medicine, it is a great explainer on evidence based assessment (here is their piece on this particular claim):

If you want the quick run-down on why this isn't a thing here is a brief summary:

(jokes, i know you don't care about reality but just for the sake of balancing this drivel and because others might be interested).

I understand your point of view, but unless you have a time machine and have visited the future, your submissions are just as up in the air as the ones you oppose.

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 4:08PM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..

kiterboy said..

Now now, it may be 19 million doses, but not 19 million people given a large proportion of that are double shots.
I thought you were the one of the few on here that value accuracy.

And if you looked at the supporting documents, you'll see the deaths were attributed to the vaccine, not just people that died sometime after receiving it.

What supporting documents? Your powerpoint slide?

This is the same drivel as Clive. And as a general rule for life, if you're on the same side of an argument as Clive Palmer, you're on the wrong side...

Not my powerpoint slides, I don't have any.

The data from the government.

Clive can go suck it.

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 4:11PM
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airsail said..

kiterboy said..

FlySurfer said..


No point even reading or watching anything from bitchute, full of clap trap and lies. This from Wiki

BitChute is a video hosting service launched by Ray Vahey in January 2017.[1] It is known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hate speech.[a][b] Some creators who use BitChute have been banned from YouTube; some others crosspost content to both platforms or post more extreme content only to BitChute.

I have no doubt there are many loonies on there, same as on any platform.

I mean the fact that it states the information is coming directly from the government data, and has it there as well, and you refuse point blank to even look for a're not really being open minded are you.

WA, 767 posts
1 Sep 2021 4:25PM
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kiterboy said..

I understand your point of view, but unless you have a time machine and have visited the future, your submissions are just as up in the air as the ones you oppose.

That's what they call a 'false equivalency'. A biased one-sided article with no scientific rigor behind it is not the equivalent of a well-researched position. You don't need a time machine to understand science (although you probably do to make one) or to draw predictions from well-conducted scientific research.

I'm genuinely interested in this stuff and happy to look at new ideas or concerns. So when you post something, I have a look on PubMed to check for peer review, then when its not on there I hop over to Beall's list to check if its a predatory publisher, and then to get an idea for the source that is publishing.

Biased Wording/Headlines- Does the source use loaded words to convey emotion to sway the reader. Do headlines match the story? Factual/Sourcing- Does the source report factually and back up claims with well-sourced evidence. Story Choices: Does the source report news from both sides, or do they only publish one side.

Each to their own. I love that you're passionate about your beliefs, even if you're not passionate enough to test them.

Keen to see the "data from the government". I've had a look on the TGA site and can't find anything. Agree on Clyde.

WA, 767 posts
1 Sep 2021 4:31PM
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kiterboy said..

I mean the fact that it states the information is coming directly from the government data, and has it there as well, and you refuse point blank to even look for a're not really being open minded are you.

yeh this is what i mean. So this guy has told you that it is "coming directly from the government data". Why not check that the random guy on the internet is telling the truth? If it turns out that what he is saying about these numbers is true, that would be really interesting and worthwhile discussing.

WA, 767 posts
1 Sep 2021 4:37PM
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freakin' science, thats what i'm talking about!

check with your doc first if you are on blood clotting meds though.

WA, 6635 posts
1 Sep 2021 4:51PM
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kiterboy said..
The data from the government..

Is it ?

Back on page 67 of this thread Jaipie posted a screen shot of government data showing that from 1st January 21 to 16 Aug 21 they had 49,000 reports of people having some sort of adverse medical event some time after also having the vaccine, and of those death occurred in 462.

Pugwash's data then suggested a causal link had only been proven likely in seven of those deaths, although the TGA had only investigated <1% of the reports. Whether they investigated only the reports with death as an outcome, all the reports in date order, randomly picked or some other method has yet to be answered on here.

Now you have some random text with no backup saying the government data is 986 deaths between 22nd Feb and 16th August.

So -- doing my own research, the only way I can see both being true (Jaipie's proven government data and kiterboy's random ramblings) is if there were negative 524 deaths between 1st Jan and 21st Feb. This would mean the vax was reincarnating people at a greater rate than it was killing people.

The only conclusion I can draw from this that either the vaccine is an instrument of divine creation or kiterboy is talking bollocks.

Mmmm tricky one...

WA, 767 posts
1 Sep 2021 5:03PM
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Carantoc said..
The only conclusion I can draw from this that either the vaccine is an instrument of divine creation or kiterboy is talking bollocks.

Mmmm tricky one...

why can't it be both?

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 5:07PM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..

kiterboy said..

I understand your point of view, but unless you have a time machine and have visited the future, your submissions are just as up in the air as the ones you oppose.

That's what they call a 'false equivalency'. A biased one-sided article with no scientific rigor behind it is not the equivalent of a well-researched position. You don't need a time machine to understand science (although you probably do to make one) or to draw predictions from well-conducted scientific research.

I'm genuinely interested in this stuff and happy to look at new ideas or concerns. So when you post something, I have a look on PubMed to check for peer review, then when its not on there I hop over to Beall's list to check if its a predatory publisher, and then to get an idea for the source that is publishing.

Biased Wording/Headlines- Does the source use loaded words to convey emotion to sway the reader. Do headlines match the story? Factual/Sourcing- Does the source report factually and back up claims with well-sourced evidence. Story Choices: Does the source report news from both sides, or do they only publish one side.

Each to their own. I love that you're passionate about your beliefs, even if you're not passionate enough to test them.

Keen to see the "data from the government". I've had a look on the TGA site and can't find anything. Agree on Clyde.

I've never stated that I definitely believe that these new, novel therapies (insofar as they have been developed for use against Sars-Cov-2) will cause serious long term negative health effects, disease etc
My concern is that no-one knows for sure not even the people who made it.
For proper confidence to be shown in the long term, a long enough term is going to have to pass and results from that quantified.

I post finding I see for consideration of what could be, not as gospel and from what I've seen, none of it has truly been discredited, and can't be. Yet.
I understand that there are a lot of people pushing a certain point of view, emotionally and with twisted data and there have been many sources that I've not posted because of this.
I'm not as conspiracy minded as some people on here would make me seem to be, those that would instantly dismiss without consideration.
I appreciate that you actually look into the ideas and have taken the time to write a balanced reply.

WA, 7671 posts
1 Sep 2021 5:09PM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..

Carantoc said..
The only conclusion I can draw from this that either the vaccine is an instrument of divine creation or kiterboy is talking bollocks.

Mmmm tricky one...

why can't it be both?

Both dead and alive? At the same time?

Is that where anti-vaxxers get their data? Assume someone is both dead and alive and then ignore half the data?

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 5:10PM
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Carantoc said..

kiterboy said..
The data from the government..

Is it ?

Back on page 67 of this thread Jaipie posted a screen shot of government data showing that from 1st January 21 to 16 Aug 21 they had 49,000 reports of people having some sort of adverse medical event some time after also having the vaccine, and of those death occurred in 462.

Pugwash's data then suggested a causal link had only been proven likely in seven of those deaths, although the TGA had only investigated <1% of the reports. Whether they investigated only the reports with death as an outcome, all the reports in date order, randomly picked or some other method has yet to be answered on here.

Now you have some random text with no backup saying the government data is 986 deaths between 22nd Feb and 16th August.

So -- doing my own research, the only way I can see both being true (Jaipie's proven government data and kiterboy's random ramblings) is if there were negative 524 deaths between 1st Jan and 21st Feb. This would mean the vax was reincarnating people at a greater rate than it was killing people.

The only conclusion I can draw from this that either the vaccine is an instrument of divine creation or kiterboy is talking bollocks.

Mmmm tricky one...

You can dismiss with looking into the link that flysurfer posted, butthat doesn't mean someone is talking bollocks.I thought the screenshot I posted from it would get your interest. But you're obviously too hooked up on character attacks to look earnestly.

WA, 3522 posts
1 Sep 2021 5:19PM
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..and again. Too much attacking each other/Heavy Weather revisited.

Seabreeze to be used for Pain Relief Only.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater