Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
This topic has been locked
Brent in Qld
WA, 1032 posts
1 Sep 2021 4:46AM
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Being somewhat nihilist, I'm loving the way the thread has descended into an absurd metaphor for how our community is dealing with Covid-19. Kinda like a a Benny Hill credit roll featuring the cast of Monty Python directed by Quentin Tarantino.

NSW, 6869 posts
1 Sep 2021 7:37AM
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"Just reported the following data (August 21st), tucked away in their report on variants of concern:Less than a third of delta variant deaths are in the unvaccinated.Let me say that another way - two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.To be specific:From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths (yes, the dreaded Delta has not taken that much life).Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated.The report is here."

NSW, 4521 posts
1 Sep 2021 7:39AM
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Guess we just have to accept that every few years, along comes something that will knock a few of us off the perch. The strong will remain.

QLD, 1356 posts
1 Sep 2021 8:01AM
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Harrow said..
Guess we just have to accept that every few years, along comes something that will knock a few of us off the perch. The strong will remain.

The strong and vaccinated is the most likely scenario.

NSW, 6869 posts
1 Sep 2021 8:02AM
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Malcom Robert's Parliamentary Speech

Australians and people worldwide criticise politicians. After three years in parliament, I know why. Yet people allow politicians to rule their lives and allow governments to take control of their lives. Why?

I invite people to ask basic questions and to then decide. Consider the drug ivermectin. It's been given in 3.7 billion doses over 60 years-no adverse effects; safe. Ivermectin is off patent-affordable. In 2013 ivermectin was approved in Australia for treating diseases. In 2014 I took ivermectin after working in India. It cured me-no adverse effects.

Australian doctors regularly prescribe ivermectin for illnesses.

Is it effective with COVID?

In April 2020 in the Senate, I raised ivermectin's promising in vitro trials at Monash University. Counties, states and regions in South America, Asia, Africa and Europe have had amazing success with ivermectin for treating, curing and preventing COVID. More than 40 peer-reviewed scientific papers have been published hailing ivermectin's success in treating COVID. A study among Indian healthcare workers showed an 83 per cent reduction in COVID infections with just two tablets.

Ivermectin, overseas, is recognised as a cure.I'm told that Queensland doctors and dentists are stockpiling ivermectin for their families. An internationally respected Australian specialist recently saved 24 very sick patients in quarantine using ivermectin. All quickly recovered. Two others not treated died.

Overseas, ivermectin is a prophylactic, stopping COVID transmission. Where vaccines are failing, ivermectin is succeeding. How many deaths would have been saved if the health minister had acted?I have prescriptions for ivermectin from two doctors.

Why can't all Australians have that freedom to choose? Why isn't Australia's government adopting ivermectin? Why did the TGA threaten and try to silence me with a letter when I discussed ivermectin with constituents as their representative in parliament?

I mentioned ivermectin in a YouTube video and was banned for a week. Member of parliament Craig Kelly made statements based on solid data. After speaking about ivermectin, Facebook banned him forever. Why are doctors scared of being struck off the doctors' registry if they prescribe ivermectin to cure their patients?

Consider the vaccine maker Pfizer's profits. It's second quarter 2021 revenue was $19 billion, up 89 per cent. In three months, it made $4 billion profit. The European Medicines Agency discovered a definite link between Pfizer's vaccine causing myocarditis.

In September 2020, our TGA approved Pfizer's Vyndamax drug to treat myocarditis. Our health department confirmed the AstraZeneca vaccine's links with blood clots. Pfizer's Eliquis drug treats blood clotting. Last quarter its sales were up 13 per cent. So are those blood clots rare? Really? In 2019 Pfizer's Zavicefta drug was approved to ICU patients on ventilators. Is Pfizer making profits making people sick and more profit treating the sickness it caused?

Consider the ownership of vaccine makers. Alphabet owns YouTube and Google. Alphabet owns 12 per cent of Vaccitech, which created the AstraZeneca vaccine. YouTube bans videos mentioning ivermectin as a COVID treatment. Aren't these conflicts of interest?

If ivermectin was approved for COVID, what would happen to big pharma's hundreds of billions of dollars in profits?

These profits are a transfer of wealth from taxpayers to big pharma.Before becoming health minister, Greg Hunt was the environment minister, where he joined Malcolm Turnbull steering a law through parliament as a basis for a global carbon dioxide tax. In 2000 and 2001, he spent two years at the World Economic Forum in Davos developing strategy. A simple question: did he work on the forum's great reset?

I have already spoken on the government's lack of a proper COVID management plan. Why has Minister Hunt falsely claimed that the government's COVID policy is based on science when he is contradicting science?

Finally, who owns the legacy media suppressing news of ivermectin's success?

In summary, ivermectin would complement vaccines, give people informed choice, save many lives, end lockdowns-and, in doing so, save more lives-save money, restore our economy to secure future health and end any need for vaccine passports or vaccine prisons. Basic freedoms, jobs and livelihoods could be restored. Why is the government not using ivermectin as a proven, safe, affordable life saver?

Feel welcome to share your answers with my office or Facebook page. Finally, I add, I have no financial interest in any drug or medical suppliers or companies.

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 6:30AM
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airsail said..

Harrow said..
Guess we just have to accept that every few years, along comes something that will knock a few of us off the perch. The strong will remain.

The strong and vaccinated is the most likely scenario.

"The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19."

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 6:54AM
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NSW, 6451 posts
1 Sep 2021 9:53AM
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wow, I would have thought you would have been more of a Harold Bishop fanboy.

Anyways, back to the important questions,
How many litters of pups did Bouncer end up having?

QLD, 1356 posts
1 Sep 2021 9:56AM
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kiterboy said..

airsail said..

Harrow said..
Guess we just have to accept that every few years, along comes something that will knock a few of us off the perch. The strong will remain.

The strong and vaccinated is the most likely scenario.

"The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19."

Fixed it for you
"The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much more likely than vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19."

NSW, 6451 posts
1 Sep 2021 10:04AM
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japie said..
Malcom Robert's Parliamentary Speech

Australians and people worldwide criticise politicians. After three years in parliament, I know why. Yet people allow politicians to rule their lives and allow governments to take control of their lives. Why?

I invite people to ask basic questions and to then decide. Consider the drug ivermectin. It's been given in 3.7 billion doses over 60 years-no adverse effects; safe. Ivermectin is off patent-affordable. In 2013 ivermectin was approved in Australia for treating diseases. In 2014 I took ivermectin after working in India. It cured me-no adverse effects.

Australian doctors regularly prescribe ivermectin for illnesses.

Is it effective with COVID?

In April 2020 in the Senate, I raised ivermectin's promising in vitro trials at Monash University. Counties, states and regions in South America, Asia, Africa and Europe have had amazing success with ivermectin for treating, curing and preventing COVID. More than 40 peer-reviewed scientific papers have been published hailing ivermectin's success in treating COVID. A study among Indian healthcare workers showed an 83 per cent reduction in COVID infections with just two tablets.

Ivermectin, overseas, is recognised as a cure.I'm told that Queensland doctors and dentists are stockpiling ivermectin for their families. An internationally respected Australian specialist recently saved 24 very sick patients in quarantine using ivermectin. All quickly recovered. Two others not treated died.

Overseas, ivermectin is a prophylactic, stopping COVID transmission. Where vaccines are failing, ivermectin is succeeding. How many deaths would have been saved if the health minister had acted?I have prescriptions for ivermectin from two doctors.

Why can't all Australians have that freedom to choose? Why isn't Australia's government adopting ivermectin? Why did the TGA threaten and try to silence me with a letter when I discussed ivermectin with constituents as their representative in parliament?

I mentioned ivermectin in a YouTube video and was banned for a week. Member of parliament Craig Kelly made statements based on solid data. After speaking about ivermectin, Facebook banned him forever. Why are doctors scared of being struck off the doctors' registry if they prescribe ivermectin to cure their patients?

Consider the vaccine maker Pfizer's profits. It's second quarter 2021 revenue was $19 billion, up 89 per cent. In three months, it made $4 billion profit. The European Medicines Agency discovered a definite link between Pfizer's vaccine causing myocarditis.

In September 2020, our TGA approved Pfizer's Vyndamax drug to treat myocarditis. Our health department confirmed the AstraZeneca vaccine's links with blood clots. Pfizer's Eliquis drug treats blood clotting. Last quarter its sales were up 13 per cent. So are those blood clots rare? Really? In 2019 Pfizer's Zavicefta drug was approved to ICU patients on ventilators. Is Pfizer making profits making people sick and more profit treating the sickness it caused?

Consider the ownership of vaccine makers. Alphabet owns YouTube and Google. Alphabet owns 12 per cent of Vaccitech, which created the AstraZeneca vaccine. YouTube bans videos mentioning ivermectin as a COVID treatment. Aren't these conflicts of interest?

If ivermectin was approved for COVID, what would happen to big pharma's hundreds of billions of dollars in profits?

These profits are a transfer of wealth from taxpayers to big pharma.Before becoming health minister, Greg Hunt was the environment minister, where he joined Malcolm Turnbull steering a law through parliament as a basis for a global carbon dioxide tax. In 2000 and 2001, he spent two years at the World Economic Forum in Davos developing strategy. A simple question: did he work on the forum's great reset?

I have already spoken on the government's lack of a proper COVID management plan. Why has Minister Hunt falsely claimed that the government's COVID policy is based on science when he is contradicting science?

Finally, who owns the legacy media suppressing news of ivermectin's success?

In summary, ivermectin would complement vaccines, give people informed choice, save many lives, end lockdowns-and, in doing so, save more lives-save money, restore our economy to secure future health and end any need for vaccine passports or vaccine prisons. Basic freedoms, jobs and livelihoods could be restored. Why is the government not using ivermectin as a proven, safe, affordable life saver?

Feel welcome to share your answers with my office or Facebook page. Finally, I add, I have no financial interest in any drug or medical suppliers or companies.

Yep, nutbags have brainwashed him with the same false stories.
Anyway, didnt you say that there is no health issue at all, its all to do with the greedy banks, so why even worry about Ivermectin.

WA, 767 posts
1 Sep 2021 8:05AM
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japie said..
"Just reported the following data (August 21st), tucked away in their report on variants of concern:Less than a third of delta variant deaths are in the unvaccinated.Let me say that another way - two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.To be specific:From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths (yes, the dreaded Delta has not taken that much life).Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated.The report is here."

Lol, bombshell. And if we get to 100% of the population vaccinated, there would be NO deaths in the unvaccinated, and EVERY death would be vaccine related!!

like i said, you should encourage more people to get vaccinated and then you can be right all the time!

WA, 7671 posts
1 Sep 2021 8:07AM
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lotofwind said..

japie said..
Malcom Robert's Parliamentary Speech

Australians and people worldwide criticise politicians. After three years in parliament, I know why. Yet people allow politicians to rule their lives and allow governments to take control of their lives. Why?

I invite people to ask basic questions and to then decide. Consider the drug ivermectin. It's been given in 3.7 billion doses over 60 years-no adverse effects; safe. Ivermectin is off patent-affordable. In 2013 ivermectin was approved in Australia for treating diseases. In 2014 I took ivermectin after working in India. It cured me-no adverse effects.

Australian doctors regularly prescribe ivermectin for illnesses.

Is it effective with COVID?

In April 2020 in the Senate, I raised ivermectin's promising in vitro trials at Monash University. Counties, states and regions in South America, Asia, Africa and Europe have had amazing success with ivermectin for treating, curing and preventing COVID. More than 40 peer-reviewed scientific papers have been published hailing ivermectin's success in treating COVID. A study among Indian healthcare workers showed an 83 per cent reduction in COVID infections with just two tablets.

Ivermectin, overseas, is recognised as a cure.I'm told that Queensland doctors and dentists are stockpiling ivermectin for their families. An internationally respected Australian specialist recently saved 24 very sick patients in quarantine using ivermectin. All quickly recovered. Two others not treated died.

Overseas, ivermectin is a prophylactic, stopping COVID transmission. Where vaccines are failing, ivermectin is succeeding. How many deaths would have been saved if the health minister had acted?I have prescriptions for ivermectin from two doctors.

Why can't all Australians have that freedom to choose? Why isn't Australia's government adopting ivermectin? Why did the TGA threaten and try to silence me with a letter when I discussed ivermectin with constituents as their representative in parliament?

I mentioned ivermectin in a YouTube video and was banned for a week. Member of parliament Craig Kelly made statements based on solid data. After speaking about ivermectin, Facebook banned him forever. Why are doctors scared of being struck off the doctors' registry if they prescribe ivermectin to cure their patients?

Consider the vaccine maker Pfizer's profits. It's second quarter 2021 revenue was $19 billion, up 89 per cent. In three months, it made $4 billion profit. The European Medicines Agency discovered a definite link between Pfizer's vaccine causing myocarditis.

In September 2020, our TGA approved Pfizer's Vyndamax drug to treat myocarditis. Our health department confirmed the AstraZeneca vaccine's links with blood clots. Pfizer's Eliquis drug treats blood clotting. Last quarter its sales were up 13 per cent. So are those blood clots rare? Really? In 2019 Pfizer's Zavicefta drug was approved to ICU patients on ventilators. Is Pfizer making profits making people sick and more profit treating the sickness it caused?

Consider the ownership of vaccine makers. Alphabet owns YouTube and Google. Alphabet owns 12 per cent of Vaccitech, which created the AstraZeneca vaccine. YouTube bans videos mentioning ivermectin as a COVID treatment. Aren't these conflicts of interest?

If ivermectin was approved for COVID, what would happen to big pharma's hundreds of billions of dollars in profits?

These profits are a transfer of wealth from taxpayers to big pharma.Before becoming health minister, Greg Hunt was the environment minister, where he joined Malcolm Turnbull steering a law through parliament as a basis for a global carbon dioxide tax. In 2000 and 2001, he spent two years at the World Economic Forum in Davos developing strategy. A simple question: did he work on the forum's great reset?

I have already spoken on the government's lack of a proper COVID management plan. Why has Minister Hunt falsely claimed that the government's COVID policy is based on science when he is contradicting science?

Finally, who owns the legacy media suppressing news of ivermectin's success?

In summary, ivermectin would complement vaccines, give people informed choice, save many lives, end lockdowns-and, in doing so, save more lives-save money, restore our economy to secure future health and end any need for vaccine passports or vaccine prisons. Basic freedoms, jobs and livelihoods could be restored. Why is the government not using ivermectin as a proven, safe, affordable life saver?

Feel welcome to share your answers with my office or Facebook page. Finally, I add, I have no financial interest in any drug or medical suppliers or companies.

Yep, nutbags have brainwashed him with the same false stories.
Anyway, didnt you say that there is no health issue at all, its all to do with the greedy banks, so why even worry about Ivermectin.

Malcolm Robert's IS a nutbag. End of story.

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 8:22AM
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airsail said..

kiterboy said..

airsail said..

Harrow said..
Guess we just have to accept that every few years, along comes something that will knock a few of us off the perch. The strong will remain.

The strong and vaccinated is the most likely scenario.

"The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19."

Fixed it for you
"The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much more likely than vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19."

Citation required.

NSW, 6451 posts
1 Sep 2021 10:23AM
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I think Laurie used the Ivermectin brand lock on this thread, dosent work.

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 8:31AM
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"Israel doubles down on booster shots as daily Covid cases set new record"

"Around 63% of the Israeli population has been fully vaccinated, according to data compiled by Our World in Data. Covid-19 cases in Israel have been rising sharply since July despite the high vaccination rate. New daily cases in the country reached an all-time high of 12,113 on August 24, surpassing the January peak of 11,934."

So the question is; if vaccinations are so successful at preventing serious effects and death, why the panic about rising cases if most people are vaccinated over there?

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 9:06AM
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WA, 7671 posts
1 Sep 2021 9:57AM
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kiterboy said..

I wanted to be the orange and white one, forth from left. Can you get anything right?!?

Mr Milk
NSW, 2991 posts
1 Sep 2021 12:03PM
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You're peeved??!! At least you got a jersey. I got left right out even after Kiterboy skooled me.

WA, 6650 posts
1 Sep 2021 10:25AM
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Pugwash said..
I wanted to be the orange and white one, forth from left. ...

Don't claim to be an expert, but looks to me like that one probably has rabies.

I'd recommend you get a rabies vaccination asap.

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 10:31AM
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Mr Milk
NSW, 2991 posts
1 Sep 2021 12:41PM
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Thanks. The pogo stick is a nice touch.Haven't seen one in decades

WA, 7671 posts
1 Sep 2021 11:00AM
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Mr Milk said..
Thanks. The pogo stick is a nice touch.Haven't seen one in decades

Nah, that's a mast and boom from front on... nice A over T forward loop he has you pulling there Mr Milk...

WA, 7671 posts
1 Sep 2021 11:02AM
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Carantoc said..

Pugwash said..
I wanted to be the orange and white one, forth from left. ...

Don't claim to be an expert, but looks to me like that one probably has rabies.

I'd recommend you get a rabies vaccination asap.

Well, I am due... I haven't had a rabies vaccine in a few years... Like the Covid vaccine, that one was also fine...

WA, 6650 posts
1 Sep 2021 1:02PM
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Pugwash said..
Well, I am due... I haven't had a rabies vaccine in a few years... Like the Covid vaccine, that one was also fine...

pfftt.... "fine".....yeah right, "fine" so far.

(Google tells me) The rabies vaccine was only developed in 1885. That's only 136 years ago, insignificant timeframe compared to human evolution.

Nobody can know what the long term effects on an individual will be of this man-made synthetic pseudo-toxin. You are literally gambling with your own health with these so-called rabies vaccines.

And you, an anonymous watersports lover on this forum who does nothing but clog the line-up, gambling with you're health makes me soooo mad. Moron.

Pugwash ? more like your mothers a smug-wash.

(I can only assume all the mods are West Australians, so it not only takes ages to get anything done, but also they refuse to accept the reality of elimination of this thread)

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 1:28PM
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WA, 7671 posts
1 Sep 2021 1:30PM
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Carantoc said..

Pugwash said..
Well, I am due... I haven't had a rabies vaccine in a few years... Like the Covid vaccine, that one was also fine...

pfftt.... "fine".....yeah right, "fine" so far.

(Google tells me) The rabies vaccine was only developed in 1885. That's only 136 years ago, insignificant timeframe compared to human evolution.

Nobody can know what the long term effects on an individual will be of this man-made synthetic pseudo-toxin. You are literally gambling with your own health with these so-called rabies vaccines.

And you, an anonymous watersports lover on this forum who does nothing but clog the line-up, gambling with you're health makes me soooo mad. Moron.

Pugwash ? more like your mothers a smug-wash.

(I can only assume all the mods are West Australians, so it not only takes ages to get anything done, but also they refuse to accept the reality of elimination of this thread)

And all of the people that received the vaccine in the first 20 years have died... and there's nothing of these people on FB, Insta, Twitter or even great conspiracy sites like SB - DYOR.

NSW, 4453 posts
1 Sep 2021 3:56PM
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2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 1:58PM
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COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease

Development of new vaccine technology has been plagued with problems in the past.
The current RNA based SARSCoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing. In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.
The RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein target interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations.
The results indicate that the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations. In the current analysis a total of sixteen UG tandem repeats (?G?G) were identified and additional UG (?G) rich sequences were identified. Two GG?A sequences were found. Potential G Quadruplex sequences are possibly present but a more sophisticated computer program is needed to verify these.
Furthermore, the spike protein, created by the translation of the vaccine RNA, binds angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a zinc containing enzyme. This interaction has the potential to increase intracellular zinc. Zinc ions have been shown to cause the transformation of TDP-43 to its pathologic prion configuration. The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer's disease and other neurological degenerative diseases. The enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit

While this paper focuses on one potential adverse event there are multiple other potential fatal adverse events as discussed below.

There are many other potential adverse events that can be induced by the novel RNA based vaccines against COVID-19. The vaccine places a novel molecule, spike protein, in/on the surface of host cells. This spike protein is a potential receptor for another possibly novel infectious agent. If those who argue that the COVID-19 is actually a bioweapon are correct, then a second potentially more dangerous virus may be released that binds spike protein found on the host cells of vaccine recipients.

Autoimmunity and the opposing condition, metabolic syndrome, are well know adverse events caused by vaccines [14]. COVID-19 infections are associated with the induction of autoantibodies and autoimmune disease [15,16] making it more than plausible a vaccine could do the same.

Finally, others working in the field have published additional support that COVID-19 vaccines could potentially induce prion disease. Authors [18] found prion related sequences in the COVID-19 spike protein which were not found in related coronaviruses. Others [19] have reported a case of prion disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, initially occurring in a man with COVID-19.

2614 posts
1 Sep 2021 2:24PM
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FlySurfer said..


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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater