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Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?

Created by Razzonater > 9 months ago, 25 Jun 2021
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NSW, 6451 posts
30 Aug 2021 7:36PM
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Can see why he got the sack, disgruntle ex-employees are always after revenge.

Japie I think you will believe absolutely anything, as long as it goes against anything a government says.
I dont think you are an antivaxer, but massively anti-gov, which is understandable from where you grew up bread to be against anything government.

Buster fin
WA, 2576 posts
30 Aug 2021 5:50PM
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kiterboy said..

lotofwind said..
Thats not what your dad said

Yeah, but he prefers redheads. But he did also say you were tighter.

It's way past time for that little talk we have to have... In the corner. NOW!

WA, 7671 posts
30 Aug 2021 5:59PM
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japie said..

Pugwash said..

japie said..

Pugwash said..

japie said..

Harrow said..

japie said..
Well unless the Rona picks it's game up the vaccines are going to win the mortality race.

460 odd dead from the death shot with only 30% vaccinated versus an almost two year total of 999 for the Rona.

Looks pretty straight forward to me.


I found a reference for 7 deaths, where does the 460 come from?


TGA has 338 adverse reactions:

That's a LOT different to 460 deaths!!

Go to the website in the link I posted. Search for Covid under medicines and select all four vaccines. Enter the dates and wait for ages.

The screen shot below is the result I got twenty minutes ago after waiting nearly and hour. You will notice that the 456 deaths I quoted yesterday has crept up to 462.


Adverse events 48374. Hopefully they will recover


It also lists below the summary all of the reports in spreadsheet format

OK... so we agree the TGA is the source of info... The TGA does, however, have a different way of presenting its data than the method you use. The TGA investigates the reported reactions, then reports numbers, rather than simply pulling total and unsubstantiated data...

Think I'll go with the TGA, not Japie... Soz...

The TGA said..
Since the beginning of the vaccine rollout to 22 August 2021, over 17.1 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given. So far, the TGA has found that 7 reports of deaths were linked to immunisation from 476 reports received and reviewed. These deaths occurred after the first dose of the Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) vaccine - 6 were TTS cases and one was a case of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP)

If you are happy to rely on their data, surely you'll be happy to rely on their informed treatment of their data.


Convoluted logic. It is not their data. It is their data system.

If anything it should be shrieking and clanging warning bells. 462 souls carked it after having the vaccine, 48000 injured and they put a report together telling us that 7 were linked to immunisation?

Same thing in the UK, Europe and the USA. I don't know about here but I know as sure as little green apples that there are virtually no post mortems done in the UK.

They will do anything to try to keep the narrative from falling apart. I am certainly not happy to rely on "their informed treatment of THE data". Far from it. All that it achieves for me is reinforcing a profound distrust of anything they have to offer.

I take my advice from people I trust and who have the balls to stand up and offer informed criticism based on demonstrated experience. Mike Yeadon is one of those people. He worked for Pfizer for a long time in an elevated position. Made a lot of money developing medicines and had absolutely zero to gain by speaking out. Made lots of enemies in fact. How about you have a listen to what he has to say in this excerpt and compare it to the pigswill that the mainstream and government health spokespeople have had to offer.

Starts at 30 minutes in:

OK, Alan Jones, OK.

NSW, 6869 posts
30 Aug 2021 8:05PM
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lotofwind said..
Can see why he got the sack, disgruntle ex-employees are always after revenge.

Japie I think you will believe absolutely anything, as long as it goes against anything a government says.
I dont think you are an antivaxer, but massively anti-gov, which is understandable from where you grew up bread to be against anything government.

Why who got the sack? If you're referring to Yeadon he didn't get the sack.

He left Pfizer to start his own business which he duly sold for a small fortune.

You really ought to stop posting on here. You come across as a complete clot. Though truth be told you are not on your own.

One of the fundamental steps in ascertaining the truth is to listen to both sides of the story. You have clearly demonstrated that you have zut intention of doing so. There's a long list of qualified people out there who have been denied the opportunity to present their arguments. When that happens it is very very simple to deduce that the other side is fearful for some reason that their narrative will be weakened or destroyed.

This is the case with Covid. If the narrative falls to pieces the requirement for the vaccines goes down the gurgler. Along with the extended agenda.

NSW, 6451 posts
30 Aug 2021 8:10PM
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Japie, I have watched and read most that you have linked, still too many massive holes in the conspiracy's that even the ones making them cant answer.
What I dont understand is that you have made your decision, about 60 pages ago, but are still spending 100's of hours watching videos from OS and posting on this thread that only a hand full of people read.
If I was that convinced we are being culled by a coordinated mass gov. joint operation, and I had proof, Id be doing everything possible about it out in the real world, not to the 5 people on this thread.
The fact that you are still searching far and wide to find info on the web to prove your conspiracy makes me think you are not convinced yet yourself,

WA, 767 posts
30 Aug 2021 6:13PM
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lotofwind said..
Can see why he got the sack, disgruntle ex-employees are always after revenge.

Seems more like he was radicalised by the internet as he was pro-vax at the start of the pandemic....sound familiar...?

But assuming Mike Yeadon is on the money, and he definitely sounds legit: "This system is being put in place using lies, and it's been put in place for some purpose, and I believe that purpose is complete totalitarian control and I think the purpose of that is going to be mass depopulation," said Yeadon. "I can't think of a single benign interpretation for the simple creation of these top-up vaccines, let alone the lies that surround them, absolutely terrified that the combination of vaccine passports and top-up vaccines is going to lead to mass depopulation. Deliberate execution potentially of billions of people."

...Then wouldn't it be better to encourage people to get the vaccination, and then all the sheeple you are arguing with will be gone in 2 years, and you'll have more waves and more free time from not having to crusade on the net..?

Personally I think the effect of the vaccine will take longer to become apparent - I predict a 98% fatality rate by 2120 due to COVID vaccinations.

WA, 767 posts
30 Aug 2021 6:21PM
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japie said..

Why who got the sack? If you're referring to Yeadon he didn't get the sack.

He left Pfizer to start his own business which he duly sold for a small fortune.

You really ought to stop posting on here. You come across as a complete clot. Though truth be told you are not on your own.

Well yeah, he did get the sack.

John LaMattina, a former president of Pfizer Global Research and Development, also knew Yeadon. "His group was very successful and discovered a number of compounds that entered early clinical development," LaMattina told Reuters in an email. He said Yeadon and his team were let go by Pfizer, however, when the company made the strategic decision to exit the therapeutic area they were researching.

Sold it for a small fortune and then it became worthless after his product didn't work, but yeah

In January 2017, Novartis acquired the company for an upfront payment of $325 million, with the promise of $95 million more if certain milestones were met, according to Novartis' 2017 annual report. Novartis was betting on the promise of a Ziarco drug, known as ZPL389, that had the potential to be a "first-in-class oral treatment for moderate-to-severe eczema," a common and sometimes debilitating rash. Last July, Novartis disclosed it had discontinued the ZPL389 clinical development program and had taken a $485 million write down. A Novartis spokesman said the company decided to terminate the program after disappointing efficacy data in an early-stage clinical trial.

2614 posts
30 Aug 2021 6:52PM
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Buster fin said..

kiterboy said..

lotofwind said..
Thats not what your dad said

Yeah, but he prefers redheads. But he did also say you were tighter.

It's way past time for that little talk we have to have... In the corner. NOW!

??? Please explain?

NSW, 6869 posts
30 Aug 2021 9:01PM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..

japie said..

Why who got the sack? If you're referring to Yeadon he didn't get the sack.

He left Pfizer to start his own business which he duly sold for a small fortune.

You really ought to stop posting on here. You come across as a complete clot. Though truth be told you are not on your own.

Well yeah, he did get the sack.

John LaMattina, a former president of Pfizer Global Research and Development, also knew Yeadon. "His group was very successful and discovered a number of compounds that entered early clinical development," LaMattina told Reuters in an email. He said Yeadon and his team were let go by Pfizer, however, when the company made the strategic decision to exit the therapeutic area they were researching.

Sold it for a small fortune and then it became worthless after his product didn't work, but yeah

In January 2017, Novartis acquired the company for an upfront payment of $325 million, with the promise of $95 million more if certain milestones were met, according to Novartis' 2017 annual report. Novartis was betting on the promise of a Ziarco drug, known as ZPL389, that had the potential to be a "first-in-class oral treatment for moderate-to-severe eczema," a common and sometimes debilitating rash. Last July, Novartis disclosed it had discontinued the ZPL389 clinical development program and had taken a $485 million write down. A Novartis spokesman said the company decided to terminate the program after disappointing efficacy data in an early-stage clinical trial.

Fair enough. Sacked for me has always meant getting fired as opposed to retrenched.

WA, 767 posts
30 Aug 2021 7:27PM
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i reckon suitable for any occasion when the employer decides to ditch you. probably the difference is that for a VP of a pharmaceutical company it is a sack full of money

NSW, 6869 posts
30 Aug 2021 9:36PM
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lotofwind said..
Japie, I have watched and read most that you have linked, still too many massive holes in the conspiracy's that even the ones making them cant answer.
What I dont understand is that you have made your decision, about 60 pages ago, but are still spending 100's of hours watching videos from OS and posting on this thread that only a hand full of people read.
If I was that convinced we are being culled by a coordinated mass gov. joint operation, and I had proof, Id be doing everything possible about it out in the real world, not to the 5 people on this thread.
The fact that you are still searching far and wide to find info on the web to prove your conspiracy makes me think you are not convinced yet yourself,

I follow it very carefully for the simple reason that it is showing the potential to change life as we know it into an existence which will have the control freaks who own the central banks ejaculating in glee.

I've got the advantage of age over you and I've watched as national power has migrated to central power as in the new world order that their think tanks and puppets are forever rabbiting on about. Watched the gormless decisions that politicians make like sending troops on forever wars and inviting mass migration of disaffected refugees which result from those wars. Selling out the manufacturing and agricultural sectors in favour of foreign countries.

I used to shake my head at the conspiracy theorists who protested globalisation. Now that we have a whole sector of the population condemned to the service industry because we no longer have a manufacturing sector I can see that I lacked the foresight they had.

If we are not very careful the future that Klaus Schwab wrote about will become a reality. That level of control is just too frightening to envisage.

And that's what this is about. It's not a health issue.

WA, 2107 posts
30 Aug 2021 7:36PM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..

japie said..

Why who got the sack? If you're referring to Yeadon he didn't get the sack.

He left Pfizer to start his own business which he duly sold for a small fortune.

You really ought to stop posting on here. You come across as a complete clot. Though truth be told you are not on your own.

Well yeah, he did get the sack.

John LaMattina, a former president of Pfizer Global Research and Development, also knew Yeadon. "His group was very successful and discovered a number of compounds that entered early clinical development," LaMattina told Reuters in an email. He said Yeadon and his team were let go by Pfizer, however, when the company made the strategic decision to exit the therapeutic area they were researching.

Sold it for a small fortune and then it became worthless after his product didn't work, but yeah

In January 2017, Novartis acquired the company for an upfront payment of $325 million, with the promise of $95 million more if certain milestones were met, according to Novartis' 2017 annual report. Novartis was betting on the promise of a Ziarco drug, known as ZPL389, that had the potential to be a "first-in-class oral treatment for moderate-to-severe eczema," a common and sometimes debilitating rash. Last July, Novartis disclosed it had discontinued the ZPL389 clinical development program and had taken a $485 million write down. A Novartis spokesman said the company decided to terminate the program after disappointing efficacy data in an early-stage clinical trial.

ZPL389 would've worked just fine but we were unable to achieve a massive rollout coupled with a totalitarian regime forcing all to kill their pets.
Lessons were learned.

QLD, 414 posts
30 Aug 2021 9:37PM
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Get ready to roll up ya sleeves for your booster shots every 4 months

QLD, 6493 posts
30 Aug 2021 10:00PM
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kiterboy said..
Where's the hair splitting on my part?

If you don't agree completely and totally with "their" point of view, then you are other.

You may agree with 99.9% of an interpretation of the science and data, but unless it's *total* and utter unquestioning agreement, you are other.

Everything is purely black and white to ideologues, and any acknowledgment of nuance is "hair splitting", therefore not in complete agreement, therefore ... "anti-vax". Or right wing. Or dehumanized other.

QLD, 6493 posts
30 Aug 2021 10:02PM
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lotofwind said..
Id be doing everything possible about it out in the real world


251 posts
30 Aug 2021 8:28PM
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To be honest, I have only flicked through the posts in this topic.

One thing I have noticed, within my circle of friends is the placebo effect alone makes them feel safer.
The fully vaccinated look down upon the half dosed person.

I joked with a loud & proud vaccinated mate if he was ready for his booster shot 4 months ago.
His awkward response was...."But I am fully vaccinated. !!"
Time will tell.

WA, 767 posts
30 Aug 2021 8:31PM
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psychojoe said..

ZPL389 would've worked just fine but we were unable to achieve a massive rollout coupled with a totalitarian regime forcing all to kill their pets.
Lessons were learned.

Ahhhh ... the "sacked" scientist new company gets half a billion dollars from another shady pharmaceutical giant, then the company mysteriously disappears after their R&D program is "terminated"... then all of a sudden there is a global pandemic. Coincidence?

ZPL sounds a lot like "sheeple" in American...

Now google '389 covid'...


NSW, 6869 posts
30 Aug 2021 10:45PM
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Kamikuza said..

kiterboy said..
Where's the hair splitting on my part?

If you don't agree completely and totally with "their" point of view, then you are other.

You may agree with 99.9% of an interpretation of the science and data, but unless it's *total* and utter unquestioning agreement, you are other.

Everything is purely black and white to ideologues, and any acknowledgment of nuance is "hair splitting", therefore not in complete agreement, therefore ... "anti-vax". Or right wing. Or dehumanized other.

It's nuts! So far detached from reality.

I cannot fathom how we got to a stage where ad hominem is a standard premise in a debate!

Ive had some fairly radical about face moments in my life when presented with evidence that flew in the face of my opinions. I've learned what it is that is a huge hindrance to seeing the truth. We've become so incredibly egocentric, largely as a result of social engineering through the media.

The ego is such a powerful phantom but it's existence is threatened when one or another of the opinions that go to make up the person we think we are is threatened so we defend it even in the face of the truth.

That's the reason why one of the central tenets of Buddhist philosophy is dissolution of the ego. In order to see life as it really is.

And before anyone goes off at a tangent and wants to argue about Buddhist philosophy I know very little about it and don't feel that I need to know any more??

WA, 2107 posts
30 Aug 2021 9:15PM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..

psychojoe said..

ZPL389 would've worked just fine but we were unable to achieve a massive rollout coupled with a totalitarian regime forcing all to kill their pets.
Lessons were learned.

Ahhhh ... the "sacked" scientist new company gets half a billion dollars from another shady pharmaceutical giant, then the company mysteriously disappears after their R&D program is "terminated"... then all of a sudden there is a global pandemic. Coincidence?

ZPL sounds a lot like "sheeple" in American...

Now google '389 covid'...


That was fun. You can literally Google pretty much any number followed by "Covid" and you'll get enough pages to support any theory

WA, 7671 posts
31 Aug 2021 6:36AM
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japie said..
Ive had some fairly radical about face moments in my life when presented with evidence that flew in the face of my opinions. I've learned what it is that is a huge hindrance to seeing the truth. We've become so incredibly egocentric, largely as a result of social engineering through the media.

And other times you simply ignore the data and choose your own wwwiiiiillllllldddd adventure.

NSW, 9202 posts
31 Aug 2021 9:10AM
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rainbowfish said..
My apologies. That should read "We the Sheeple" would appreciate it. Baa.

It's also we, the sheeple, who want you to get vaccinated and wear a mask and socially distance and all of that, not some *fantasy* Orwellian style government.
It's us; society.

2614 posts
31 Aug 2021 7:26AM
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So, no comments about what the inventor of mRNA therapies has to say about the current state of the vaccines...?

But he's obviously a conspiracy nut, right?

NSW, 6451 posts
31 Aug 2021 9:42AM
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WA, 767 posts
31 Aug 2021 7:48AM
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Not obviously but i would say there is a bit of crazy in there

QLD, 1356 posts
31 Aug 2021 10:01AM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..
Not obviously but i would say there is a bit of crazy in there

That Robert Malone just sounds like a pissed off reseacher, no cred.

NSW, 5780 posts
31 Aug 2021 10:41AM
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WA, 7671 posts
31 Aug 2021 8:52AM
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I always click links with no context

1196 posts
31 Aug 2021 8:58AM
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Been reading along in this thread with a mixture of interest and humour. to contribute, Thought this was pretty balanced and informative - there's a bit of "I told you so" for both sides of the fence

sorry, to also put my flag in the sand, will be getting vaccinated, but the rushed development and implementation does concern (flag on fence?)

2614 posts
31 Aug 2021 9:18AM
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CH3MTR4IL5 said..
Not obviously but i would say there is a bit of crazy in there

Where's the crazy?
Oh, the author of the article.

You know he's not trying to discredit mRNA technology or speak out against it as a technology, just the way they are being currently mass marketed to the the masses.
Because mRNA technology was devised and has had success as a therapy tailored to the individual.
Not a one size fits all.

Mr Milk
NSW, 2991 posts
31 Aug 2021 11:25AM
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That's not my motivation any more.
I only care about Kiterboy's contributions.
Even if it seems that s/he's only being pedantic about apostrophes (your vs you're, 'though I'm puzzled why s/he doesn't rail against the double xx in "vaxxer")
I reckon s/he's up to something deeper. The penny dropped for me yesterday when s/he read my mind (s/he got it wrong BTW)

Kiterboy is working on a magic show. Spelling and Mindreading is a good start
All it really needs is Vanishing

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Vaccine who has it who hasn't who won't?" started by Razzonater