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Show Pony Alert @ Brighton WA

Created by Bo > 9 months ago, 28 Dec 2010
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WA, 96 posts
6 Jan 2011 9:49PM
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djdojo said...

Hey, I dig Bucky, but his influence was hardly that of a trimtab. He saw himself as something of an under-appreciated Messiah and imagined that sooner or later his visions would become widely valued and realised but that never happened and it ain't likely.

He got a few hippies and fashion-conscious corporations building geodesic domes in the 60s and 70s and has since been all but forgotten except by nerds like me. His visions were grand, some of his ideas were groundbreaking, but his influence was (sadly) negligible.

"... a few hippies and fashion-conscious corporations building geodesic domes in the 60s and 70s..." -- I think you are forgetting that almost every military radar and communication base dome uses the geodesic design to hide their inner workings etc from the elements and populations. No sin in dreaming and he ain't the first or last person on the planet who thinks he's a messiah. Comes with the patch.

While on the topic of 'walking on water' which seems to be a skill much in evidence here (as with show ponies). In my original longer spiel to you, that nobody wants to read, I suggested, among other things, that Wilhelm Reich and Gurdjieff and Ouspensky might also closely relate to Alexander and body-mind dynamics. If you are interested then try this as a sampler that I found interesting synthesising the two: .

WA, 96 posts
6 Jan 2011 10:25PM
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Freddo said...

Hey russel, one of you're ex instructors here, I thought you were a ok kind of guy during you're lessons even if a little strange. But after the amount of garbage that you have spouted out in these ten pages, I have come to the conclusion that you are a complete loser and I would request that you cease all further contact with me personally.

Yours sincerely. Alex Trimtaboulie

No idea who you are frodo.

Never met you.

Wrong 'russel' I suspect.

Foot in mouth disease I think.

You owe someone an apology but it ain't me!

QLD, 4083 posts
7 Jan 2011 12:42AM
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Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Show Pony Alert @ Brighton WA" started by Bo