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Show Pony Alert @ Brighton WA

Created by Bo > 9 months ago, 28 Dec 2010
This topic has been locked
WA, 96 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:55PM
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dirtyharry said...

rsc said...
With a view to the pubic statements to me

Ha ha!!! rsc said "pubic" and that means something to do with a willy and/or fanny. I think he might be starting to lighten up.

Both the typo and the obvious word 'public' apply -- depending on the eyes of the beholder.

WA, 679 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:59PM
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I've thought about replying to this thread on a number of occasions but could not find the words to adequately describe my impression of RSC. However, I hope the following describes at least 10% of that impression.

RSC - you are undoubtedly the biggest dickhead to ever grace this forum.

I honestly pray that you're trolling and if so, kudos my friend - you've absolutely annihilated the regulars.

Kitesurfing is meant to be about escaping from everyday life; it's about excitement, adrenaline, some might even say purity and the experience of euphoria. It is definitely not about the obnoxious bureaucratic dribble that seems to flow effortlessly onto the screen from your fingers.

Back to topic:
Kitesurfing attracts all the show ponies. I would rather see self-policing and proper instruction including education about kiting at crowded beaches than 'fun-police'. That, and having an institution like WAKSA approaching lifesaving clubs explaining our predicament. Just like surfers surfing between the flags, lifesavers could request that they move on. It is NOT solely the responsibility of lifesavers however; they're a voluntary organisation and a limited resource - they should not be loaded with additional responsibilities.

RSC - I hope you go away. Stay on the forums by all means; but leave the oceans alone - there's enough pollution in it as it is.

WA, 1255 posts
5 Jan 2011 10:01PM
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Geez lawyers really suck.

The less of them involved in kitesurfing the better.

This is the most depressing thread I have ever read, anywhere.

WA, 241 posts
5 Jan 2011 10:19PM
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RSC a whole lot of bad karma coming your way. Be careful this sport doesnt need tools like you anyway. Even if you asked me for a launch i would deny because i hate people like you. I am slightly embarressed to be sharing the same ocean with you.

25 posts
5 Jan 2011 10:29PM
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i hate to say it but rsc has a very valid point that many are missing here.

if you see a noob with his bar upside down with a kite too big about to self launch into the darwin awards then do not try to help, do not give advice. just stand back and enjoy the show. especially if you are a professional in the business as you cannot risk responsiblity (even a 40% share). let's face it no one should give someone like this help to launch anyway as we can see how it would turn out.

this is provided however the the d!ck won't hurt any innocent beach goers. then you have a duty of care to stop harm whether professional or not.

show ponies that might hurt others are the same. stand up and tell them, it's only human.

as for rsc and his made up story. bs research project, peer reviewed paper (who the f@#k would review that sh!te) not to mention the pointless 6 pager to WAKSA i think it's all been said.

by make my words you are not a parent or grandparent - if you think you are then the kids we conceived by someone else while you were tied up in a vortex of logic keeping you fom getting laid.

WA, 4263 posts
5 Jan 2011 10:51PM
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rsc said...

I was about to launch and it was very touch and go -- it was probably going to hurt.

I needed someone to help launch the kite. I was not self launching for any other reasons than (a) I was a bit shy; and (b) there were no others nearby willing to offer their assistance without my walking up to them (and I was already harnessed and connected etc).

If you are a bit like rsc,
a bit shy, a bit inhibited,
a little awkward in company, slightly bashful in asking for a launch ...
then you should use LaunchPad.

LaunchPad, the coolest self-launch system on the blue planet.
[patent pending]

WA, 147 posts
5 Jan 2011 10:55PM
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Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel remorse. For some reason, trolls do not feel they are bound by the rules of courtesy or social responsibility.

When trolls are ignored they step up their attacks, desperately seeking the attention they crave. Their messages become more and more foul, and they post ever more of them. Alternatively, they may protest that their right to free speech is being curtailed

Mister Dugong
368 posts
6 Jan 2011 12:02AM
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I am glad that I have only actually read this 9 th page as I'm quite sure I havnt missed much.

Elroy Jetson
WA, 706 posts
6 Jan 2011 12:21AM
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wotzy77 said...

I am glad that I have only actually read this 9 th page as I'm quite sure I havnt missed much.

Compared to the rest of us you have in fact gained something.

This is only the 9th page, this thread will continue for a few pages yet.

Cue RSC....

WA, 3271 posts
6 Jan 2011 2:17AM
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I know you don't like to be misquoted RSC so it took a bit of time (its hot, humid and I can't sleep) and collated the following.

RSC page 4, “And the 'problem' is? ... I'm not insured! Bingo. So what? The chances of me being close to you and causing damage by intent is zero. So what is your point? I'll get insured then what will you do?”, intent is irrelevant in a criminal court, though if there is intent to wilfully damage there is scope for a higher penalty, and if someone were to sue you for damaging your kite in a civil court I'd imagine it would be pretty easy, intent or not.

You keep mentioning ‘Ignorance of the law is no excuse’ sure that’s a defence in the Criminal Code but so is ‘mistake of Fact’, if the girl thought the bar was around the wrong way, that’s a mistake of fact. If she can prove that she made a mistake and she acted reasonably under the circumstances, any action, criminal or civil on your part would be pretty hard to get over the line.

RSC page 7, “This was a case study for private research and testing purposes. It is based on a real event although some aspects may have been exaggerated to solicite effects.”

RSC page 8, “I would just like to add to my other comments – this is not an “exaggerated scenario”

Is it exaggerated or not?

RSC page 7, “The Act applies to the conduct of “persons” in trade or commerce”

RSC quoting me on page 8 then adding his reply, "Quoting the Trade Practices Act is useless, I'd imagine there is a close zero chance or proving the 'advice given' was either misleading or deceptive, especially as there was no commercial arrangement between you and the person that offered the advice."-- the bar was not around the wrong way.”

I've covered that the bar was around the wrong way already, but there was still no trade or commercial arrangement between you or the girl on the beach, back to my original point that the Trade Practices Act has no relevance to your argument in your case study/scenario.

RSC page 2, “I was a member of the public on a public beach and not in any way contracted to, or contracting (at that time), the school or their staff.”, her you counter your own arguement?

RSC page 2, “2. Someone who was under their contract/employment intervened in my recreational activities and (in my mind) contributed (if not caused) a potentially serious accident and damage to my equipment.”,

RSC page 8, “ I'm not blaming the girl.”

We know you didn't use the word 'blame' but thats exactly how it reads. But are you blaming her or not, you contradict yourself again.

RSC page 3, “This is getting closer to the core attitudes and tone I'm seeking to study.”, page 4, “I was not going to offer analysis until the end of this case-study.”

RSC page 7, “I'm not playing with people. I declared my context.”, it took you the better part of two days to declare your agenda was to solicit responses for a research paper.

RSC page 7, “This is just a very small section of a larger peer reviewed paper being put together on 'the cybernetics of kitesurfing and the cultural infeasibility of desirable change'.”

RSC page 7, “I am not associated formally with any research organisation. I write my papers for fun and to progress knowledge.”

RSC page 8, “The case study is an intervention -- you don't know what it is designed to do. Its worth will be dependent on how I frame it in context. It is a side by-product, not my primary focus. Primary focus of paper will by Soft Systems Methodology (by Peter Checkland) and the Viable Systems Model (VSM) by Stafford Beer.” I tried to read up a little on SSM and VSM, it did my head in, if you are writing paper for fun and both know what these are and how to put them into context using kite surfing culture as your basis, I take my hat off to you, but seriously, what the heck? (rhetorical question so no need to reply to that bit, unless you want to start a new thread?).

RSC page 8, “As for declaring it. Well, if it was a real research programme then what you say is correct. But it is not. It is me, myself, working in my own backyard to fix my problems such as road and traffic noise, hoon behaviour on the roads and in some cases on the beach. It is a GLOCAL phenomena. This website which I normally use to check the weather/wind conditions simply attracted my eye with the title “Show Pony”.”

RSC elsewhere, "I live down S/Bay way and ....", and you allude to the Rockingham area in this thread… then on page 8, “I am justified and empowered in my efforts (using all my skills and resources) by the very fact that under sustainability theory I am perfectly able to start investigating the area around my house and neighborhood (say within a radius of 1 km) for various boundaries of contention (my actual research interest)”, Isn’t it about 50 clicks between Brighton and Safety Bay? definitely not in your backyard.

RSC page 8, “I am normally participating in a small forum of cybernetic experts who participate from all around the world. I am a junior in those ranks... I write a paper every odd year for a small journal on Systemic Practice and Action Research. I am not an academic and have no interest in being one.”

Hanging out with your buddies on the net in a cybernetics forum and seeking feedback from them is a fairly relaxed interpretation of peer reviewed. It kinda sounds like me getting on here and getting advice on how to stick a back roll, or crooks in prison discussing the best way to steal a car, it just doesn’t cut the mustard for ‘peer reviewed’ for me.

Sure you are empowered to investigate what ever you like, but you hijacked this thread to impose your own research agenda, and then when people respond to your posts you play sweet and innocent and try and steer it back onto the original issue, which is so far removed from you research needs its not funny. Next time it might be better to start your own topic, seeking to address your specific research needs, I'm willing to bet you would have got some great feedback. Instead you hide behind a 'case study' and effectively treat the kiting community all like neanderthals that don't care about other kiters, don't take safety, responsibility, duty of care, community concerns and perceptions seriously and don't want to progress the sport for the benefit of all. I'm fairly new to the sport but this perception you have, and are trying to impose on us is so far from the reality that I have experienced I am not surprised your posts have resulted in so many 'robust' responses.

WA, 170 posts
6 Jan 2011 2:40AM
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i'd just like to help this beast of a thread get to ten pages.


NSW, 517 posts
6 Jan 2011 7:17AM
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shannon8888 said...

your a father walking up the beach with your 6yo son ,an out of control kite slams the little one and turns him into a quadriplegic.if your the father RSC who would you blame? the inexperienced f$#k wit with the kite or an experienced instructor giveing advice ? think about it

still unanwsered ?????????

NSW, 1317 posts
6 Jan 2011 7:30AM
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"denial ain't just a river in Egypt" mark twain

NSW, 1625 posts
6 Jan 2011 9:50AM
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It is looking windy next week

1357 posts
6 Jan 2011 7:27AM
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Select to expand quote
Though i'd too help get this to 10 pages,

rsc said,
Dear Djdodo,

From your self promotion at your website ( you appear to have a solid grasp of many of the deeper themes being explored here..........................................................................................

Interesting comeback rsc,

dj, WTF is a social ecologist ? Im a bit concerned, albeit amused, your bio says you play a "pocket trumpet", explains a lot.

This post has become a virtual intellectual battle of the (mass) debating nerds, dj vs rsc who will cum first ? Who can cut and paste the most

Too many people taking this way too seriously, troll on rsc, lov ya work

VIC, 1607 posts
6 Jan 2011 10:54AM
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RSC, thanks for taking the time to have a look at the site. That you've done it and that anyone else can, points to a major difference between us: I am a real person whose website and therefore contact details and photos are accessible to anyone who cares to look, and you are an anonymous newcomer.

By existing here as a verifiably real person, I am volunteering a reasonable standard of accountability both on seabreeze forums and at the beaches where I kite; if I flout protocols then I'll cop it in real life. By contrast, anonymous posters such as yourself have nothing to lose. Any debate between us is therefore on a far from level playing field, however, that introduces some points that may be useful, dare I say, to you. (As for other anonymous posters, many of us know each other because we kite together too and are therefore still accountable.)

Before Articulating these points I'll also note that your reply alternates between challenging my practical competence "words are cheap, its what you do that matters," and then later my theoretical rigour "less handywork on your bar and more on your books."

1) For evidence of my practical skills in the professional domain, see my testimonials page. In the kiting domain, come have a session with me and ask some of the locals whose boards and kites I've rescued, or of even more interest, some of the people whose safety has been improved thanks to some always diplomatic, though sometimes stern input.

2) As for theory, I've learned - through participation - what amount and level of theory seems to be useful on seabreeze. As for the amount of theory on my website, it's also a context in which there's already more than most of my clients are interested in. I call it "knowing your readership" (diverse though they are), or "meeting people where they're at."

RSC, you are entering a community here, both as a poster and a kiter. As bigwavedave pointed out a while back, this is not an individual sport. While we can and do have solo sessions, in the big picture we depend on each other to learn, innovate, keep safe, deal with politics, and share the stoke. You have entered (though not yet achieved membership of) an online, and on-water community.

If, as a participatory researcher (formal or informal) or just a human being, you go live in an established community or move to another country, the onus is on YOU to do what you can to accept - not necessarily uncritically - the norms of that culture. Not to cease having opinions or to slavishly mimic the community/culture, but to take your time to learn the basics of how things are done in that community and develop competence at those skills and learn their merits before trying to usher in a paradigm shift. I've lived in several countries and I've had to realise that if I don't like it, I can leave.

Nobody here has asked for your help. Nobody is likely to if you keep on this way. Perhaps you have something to offer, but it will not be sought nor received until you build relationship. As an anonymous newbie in an established community there is an asymmetry such that you will have to make some concessions. That's just how it is among social mammals.

It's OK for some people to think you're a jerk and say things you disagree with and for you to just let it go. Paradoxical as it seems, you may even get a bit of respect for that! (Plenty of folk on seabreeze never tire of insulting me.) Refutation can only get you so far. At some point you just retire and let it go. If, at a later point, you feel like posting again, maybe try a different style and see how it goes.

You'll never please all the seabreezers all the time but still, I reckon through judicious posting with a trial and error attitude, you can learn a lot about this culture and even find a valid place within it. That's been my experience anyway. You don't have to become the same as us (we sure as hell ain't the same as each other) just take time to find where you may fit among us.

One last thing: "Sharing a beer," like much of what is said around here, is just a figure of speech. You can do it without drinking beer, and without being too literal about much at all. It's sort of a non-verbal act of recognising our shared humanity without wanting to sound like we like each other too much, cos that would just be gay, and if there's one thing you want to avoid around here...

QLD, 2057 posts
6 Jan 2011 10:23AM
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Come on 10 pages!!

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
6 Jan 2011 8:24AM
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WA, 96 posts
6 Jan 2011 8:29AM
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Chris6791 said...

I know you don't like to be misquoted RSC so it took a bit of time (its hot, humid and I can't sleep) and collated the following.

RSC page 4, “And the 'problem' is? ... I'm not insured! Bingo. So what? The chances of me being close to you and causing damage by intent is zero. So what is your point? I'll get insured then what will you do?”, intent is irrelevant in a criminal court, though if there is intent to wilfully damage there is scope for a higher penalty, and if someone were to sue you for damaging your kite in a civil court I'd imagine it would be pretty easy, intent or not.

You keep mentioning ‘Ignorance of the law is no excuse’ sure that’s a defence in the Criminal Code but so is ‘mistake of Fact’, if the girl thought the bar was around the wrong way, that’s a mistake of fact. If she can prove that she made a mistake and she acted reasonably under the circumstances, any action, criminal or civil on your part would be pretty hard to get over the line.

RSC page 7, “This was a case study for private research and testing purposes. It is based on a real event although some aspects may have been exaggerated to solicite effects.”

RSC page 8, “I would just like to add to my other comments – this is not an “exaggerated scenario”

Is it exaggerated or not?

RSC page 7, “The Act applies to the conduct of “persons” in trade or commerce”

RSC quoting me on page 8 then adding his reply, "Quoting the Trade Practices Act is useless, I'd imagine there is a close zero chance or proving the 'advice given' was either misleading or deceptive, especially as there was no commercial arrangement between you and the person that offered the advice."-- the bar was not around the wrong way.”

I've covered that the bar was around the wrong way already, but there was still no trade or commercial arrangement between you or the girl on the beach, back to my original point that the Trade Practices Act has no relevance to your argument in your case study/scenario.

RSC page 2, “I was a member of the public on a public beach and not in any way contracted to, or contracting (at that time), the school or their staff.”, her you counter your own arguement?

RSC page 2, “2. Someone who was under their contract/employment intervened in my recreational activities and (in my mind) contributed (if not caused) a potentially serious accident and damage to my equipment.”,

RSC page 8, “ I'm not blaming the girl.”

We know you didn't use the word 'blame' but thats exactly how it reads. But are you blaming her or not, you contradict yourself again.

RSC page 3, “This is getting closer to the core attitudes and tone I'm seeking to study.”, page 4, “I was not going to offer analysis until the end of this case-study.”

RSC page 7, “I'm not playing with people. I declared my context.”, it took you the better part of two days to declare your agenda was to solicit responses for a research paper.

RSC page 7, “This is just a very small section of a larger peer reviewed paper being put together on 'the cybernetics of kitesurfing and the cultural infeasibility of desirable change'.”

RSC page 7, “I am not associated formally with any research organisation. I write my papers for fun and to progress knowledge.”

RSC page 8, “The case study is an intervention -- you don't know what it is designed to do. Its worth will be dependent on how I frame it in context. It is a side by-product, not my primary focus. Primary focus of paper will by Soft Systems Methodology (by Peter Checkland) and the Viable Systems Model (VSM) by Stafford Beer.” I tried to read up a little on SSM and VSM, it did my head in, if you are writing paper for fun and both know what these are and how to put them into context using kite surfing culture as your basis, I take my hat off to you, but seriously, what the heck? (rhetorical question so no need to reply to that bit, unless you want to start a new thread?).

RSC page 8, “As for declaring it. Well, if it was a real research programme then what you say is correct. But it is not. It is me, myself, working in my own backyard to fix my problems such as road and traffic noise, hoon behaviour on the roads and in some cases on the beach. It is a GLOCAL phenomena. This website which I normally use to check the weather/wind conditions simply attracted my eye with the title “Show Pony”.”

RSC elsewhere, "I live down S/Bay way and ....", and you allude to the Rockingham area in this thread… then on page 8, “I am justified and empowered in my efforts (using all my skills and resources) by the very fact that under sustainability theory I am perfectly able to start investigating the area around my house and neighborhood (say within a radius of 1 km) for various boundaries of contention (my actual research interest)”, Isn’t it about 50 clicks between Brighton and Safety Bay? definitely not in your backyard.

RSC page 8, “I am normally participating in a small forum of cybernetic experts who participate from all around the world. I am a junior in those ranks... I write a paper every odd year for a small journal on Systemic Practice and Action Research. I am not an academic and have no interest in being one.”

Hanging out with your buddies on the net in a cybernetics forum and seeking feedback from them is a fairly relaxed interpretation of peer reviewed. It kinda sounds like me getting on here and getting advice on how to stick a back roll, or crooks in prison discussing the best way to steal a car, it just doesn’t cut the mustard for ‘peer reviewed’ for me.

Sure you are empowered to investigate what ever you like, but you hijacked this thread to impose your own research agenda, and then when people respond to your posts you play sweet and innocent and try and steer it back onto the original issue, which is so far removed from you research needs its not funny. Next time it might be better to start your own topic, seeking to address your specific research needs, I'm willing to bet you would have got some great feedback. Instead you hide behind a 'case study' and effectively treat the kiting community all like neanderthals that don't care about other kiters, don't take safety, responsibility, duty of care, community concerns and perceptions seriously and don't want to progress the sport for the benefit of all. I'm fairly new to the sport but this perception you have, and are trying to impose on us is so far from the reality that I have experienced I am not surprised your posts have resulted in so many 'robust' responses.

“You keep mentioning ‘Ignorance of the law is no excuse’" – once I think.

“Is it exaggerated or not?”
—in hindsight not the best descriptor. I have rephrased it as "emphasis".

“… or commercial arrangement between you or the girl on the beach, back to my original point that the Trade Practices Act has no relevance to your argument in your case study/scenario.”—it was just an example of a law that some here think is not real and does not exist. Whether it or other laws are relevant in this case is another issue. You are missing the original point and chasing yourself. I am not making comment on law. I had no commercial connection to other people doing business on the beach and in that case interfering (with good intentions or not) in my private activities. That is the point related to risk. The actual law /s are not material here unless they do not exist at all. I’m not a business and I’m not spending my time and energy finding out the answer. But if I was a business then I would.

“... her (sic) you counter your own arguement?”—"here" I assume you mean, and you are chasing the wrong point.

“We know you didn't use the word 'blame' but thats exactly how it reads.” -- Your nature, and this culture, sees meaning in using the “blame” word. I do not. We differ.

“... it took you the better part of two days to declare your agenda was to solicit responses for a research paper.” -- covered elsewhere. What was submitted originally was a comment to a minor point on a Show Pony at Briton Beach (and by extension to any other public place). What subsequently developed as a response to the response is a matter of responding to the response. It has become of some small value to some private research in due course because of the response – not because of my original submission/comment.

“I tried to read up a little on SSM and VSM, it did my head in, if you are writing paper for fun and both know what these are and how to put them into context using kite surfing culture as your basis, I take my hat off to you, but seriously, what the heck? (rhetorical question so no need to reply to that bit, unless you want to start a new thread?).” —yes, it is difficult material. But also rewarding. It can help one see and think about the situation being described in the thread title and original posting (and one other at Kanana). I am persisting not irritate but to help the people who are trying to solve this complex matter of public-private interaction achieve the best result for everyone. At Briton beach and elsewhere. If they pick up a few tips then it has been worth it imo. The rest is noise.

“Isn’t it about 50 clicks between Brighton and Safety Bay? definitely not in your backyard.”
— these same antics happen in my area and they are a national and most likely global phenomena. Briton beach is just a case study example to raise the point.

“Hanging out with your buddies on the net in a cybernetics forum and seeking feedback from them is a fairly relaxed interpretation of peer reviewed." – this here is not peer review. A final paper for a journal on the (working) title I suggested would be reviewed before publication by people who understand the process of applying cybernetics/system thinking to a real world situations. It could be baking cakes for all they care.

“Sure you are empowered to investigate what ever you like, but you hijacked this thread to impose your own research agenda …”oh no, I did not! There are no victims here. I have several times tried to suggest people focus on the title of the thread rather than me. But that is the nature of the culture here – and by extension elsewhere in the kitesurfing fraternity (although at least one or two people have indicated otherwise). If you like, it is one the operating heuristics. The ‘blame culture’ is what is interesting for me now. It is based on closed organisation, poor structure, ineffective governance, lack of suitable policy, bullying etc etc. It cannot and will not learn. It is at risk of greater supervision and control from external sources. In general, as I mentioned in an earlier posting, I am not interested in the noise of the individual ‘kids’. But I am very interested in responses from senior leader types who set and maintain the ‘tone at the top’. They are the people who have higher responsibility imo. There has been at least one commentator here who falls into that category I believe -- and he believes the law is not real. Hmmm, there are outlaw motocylce gangs who believe that as well. Is there a link between the "1%-ers" and the "100%-ers"? In attitude perhaps. Others are more wisely silent, or they are none existent. Or they are speaking with a private individual web persona (as I am).

“Next time it might be better to start your own topic, seeking to address your specific research needs, I'm willing to bet you would have got some great feedback.”— If my intention was to do research originally then I would proceed respectfully as you suggest. That would be ethical. However, my intention was to make a +ve contribution to the thread topic. The results surprised me and then I took more interest in studying the phenomena. At the earliest opportunity I raised the idea that what was being said could be used by anyone (now and in the future) as research material (myself included). Those with ‘ears to hear’ would have then taken note and proceeded with that additional information in mind. Basic really.

“Instead you hide behind a 'case study' and effectively treat the kiting community all like neanderthals that don't care about other kiters, don't take safety, responsibility, duty of care, community concerns and perceptions seriously and don't want to progress the sport for the benefit of all.” – these are your words, not mine. But for your implications that I am “hiding” and “treating” (which I reject) your statement might indeed reflect what an objective observer could conclude imo. That should concern some people in the kitesurfing governance arena. Time will tell whether they take responsible action or not. Certainly it seems that the Briton beach example is not a one-off and there is a culture of both denial and concern in the kitesurfing world. One thing is for certain, the external world of city councils and government agencies responsible for public safety will read it their own way. Therefore, the strategic response would be to read this thread “as if” all points of view had validity and then develop considered responses to them. “RSC” is just one point of view, but one I suggest that is more closely aligned to the outside world and the governance systems that will impose their will on this sport if it does not self govern effectively and operate safely for all beach users. Therefore, I’d suggest if you cannot handle my comments without ad hominem, or at least neutral indifference, then you have a problem – not with me, but with all those out there who also hold my general line of thinking. They are not kitesurfers and they are decision makers in councils and government. Go figure.

“I'm fairly new to the sport but this perception you have, and are trying to impose on us is so far from the reality that I have experienced”—I am also relatively new to the area. I am only surprised by the levels of ignorance and rudeness displayed in a public forum. But then again, why would that be different to what is displayed to people on the beach who are not kitesurfers – e.g. at Briton beach? If you are in the cult then fine: group hugs. If not then ... well, read all about it here. The issue of interest to me now is how this ‘culture’ self adjusts so that it accepts criticism, faces reality and the risks of inaction. And again, I reject your implications that I am “imposing” – I am simply contributing as you are. Your comment may well be what you feel. But it says more about you. This effect is only because in relative terms there is little else being said. This thread should be full of hot intelligent debate about risk, safety and communication and how it can help solve the Brion beach affair. Rather, because of group culture and dynamics, it is chasing me. The incapacity and avoidance in one is related to the focus on the other. I am only responsible for what I say and write here. Nothing more.

However, in my opinion, there is some slow progress in this ‘debate’ from my perspective. For example: (a) there has been set up another thread titled “rsc” which now implies that a certain active element has reacted and taken the initiative to vent their frustrations in a separate area; and (b) the bullying control culture is now turning to its other side – the 'poor me' victim dynamic. Both these represent healthy progress. Firstly, if ‘rsc’ enters the lexicon of kitesurfing then fine – use it for good effect. Language development is a good indicator of change and progress. Secondly, if you and others can get over your self pity and realise that your behaviour is mirrored in your attitudes (and vice vera) then you will see things more clearly – including that you are not victims. You are simply willing participants in a public debate on a topic of public concern related to safety, responsible behaviour and risk. The rest is a matter of style and content – and we can all learn there.

35 posts
6 Jan 2011 8:31AM
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oh dear I've just realised he's a student.

WA, 1194 posts
6 Jan 2011 8:35AM
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VIC, 1607 posts
6 Jan 2011 11:37AM
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6 Jan 2011 11:42AM
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NSW, 100 posts
6 Jan 2011 11:42AM
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"No law can ever stop one from flying a kite!"

The Crimes Act was amended in NSW in about 1996 and the offence of 'flying a kite in a public place' was repealed. Carried a fine of about 2 quid.

WA, 15 posts
6 Jan 2011 8:52AM
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R0CKSTAR said...

oh dear I've just realised he's a student.

No rockstar he is a complete DICKEAD and time waste who loves writing war and peace novels

6 Jan 2011 11:59AM
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****detector said...

"No law can ever stop one from flying a kite!"

The Crimes Act was amended in NSW in about 1996 and the offence of 'flying a kite in a public place' was repealed. Carried a fine of about 2 quid.

The point I was making, that you may have missed, was that I can move to another place to fly a kite, and I can even make a kite that I can fly indoors or in a very small space, even off the air flowing through a ventilation grill!

25 posts
6 Jan 2011 8:59AM
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rsc, get a grip. there is not a single response here that sugests that anyone condones the show pony at Brighton (Briton) beach.

this is a culture of safety and the main topics on the forum show only that.

you on the other hand seem to feel that others are responsible for your stupidity on the day you broke a string (?). i think we all agree that if you had broken your neck it would be a +ve for the forum.

WA, 96 posts
6 Jan 2011 9:00AM
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djdojo said...

RSC, thanks for taking the time to have a look at the site. That you've done it and that anyone else can, points to a major difference between us: I am a real person whose website and therefore contact details and photos are accessible to anyone who cares to look, and you are an anonymous newcomer.

By existing here as a verifiably real person, I am volunteering a reasonable standard of accountability both on seabreeze forums and at the beaches where I kite; if I flout protocols then I'll cop it in real life. By contrast, anonymous posters such as yourself have nothing to lose. Any debate between us is therefore on a far from level playing field, however, that introduces some points that may be useful, dare I say, to you. (As for other anonymous posters, many of us know each other because we kite together too and are therefore still accountable.)

Before Articulating these points I'll also note that your reply alternates between challenging my practical competence "words are cheap, its what you do that matters," and then later my theoretical rigour "less handywork on your bar and more on your books."

1) For evidence of my practical skills in the professional domain, see my testimonials page. In the kiting domain, come have a session with me and ask some of the locals whose boards and kites I've rescued, or of even more interest, some of the people whose safety has been improved thanks to some always diplomatic, though sometimes stern input.

2) As for theory, I've learned - through participation - what amount and level of theory seems to be useful on seabreeze. As for the amount of theory on my website, it's also a context in which there's already more than most of my clients are interested in. I call it "knowing your readership" (diverse though they are), or "meeting people where they're at."

RSC, you are entering a community here, both as a poster and a kiter. As bigwavedave pointed out a while back, this is not an individual sport. While we can and do have solo sessions, in the big picture we depend on each other to learn, innovate, keep safe, deal with politics, and share the stoke. You have entered (though not yet achieved membership of) an online, and on-water community.

If, as a participatory researcher (formal or informal) or just a human being, you go live in an established community or move to another country, the onus is on YOU to do what you can to accept - not necessarily uncritically - the norms of that culture. Not to cease having opinions or to slavishly mimic the community/culture, but to take your time to learn the basics of how things are done in that community and develop competence at those skills and learn their merits before trying to usher in a paradigm shift. I've lived in several countries and I've had to realise that if I don't like it, I can leave.

Nobody here has asked for your help. Nobody is likely to if you keep on this way. Perhaps you have something to offer, but it will not be sought nor received until you build relationship. As an anonymous newbie in an established community there is an asymmetry such that you will have to make some concessions. That's just how it is among social mammals.

It's OK for some people to think you're a jerk and say things you disagree with and for you to just let it go. Paradoxical as it seems, you may even get a bit of respect for that! (Plenty of folk on seabreeze never tire of insulting me.) Refutation can only get you so far. At some point you just retire and let it go. If, at a later point, you feel like posting again, maybe try a different style and see how it goes.

You'll never please all the seabreezers all the time but still, I reckon through judicious posting with a trial and error attitude, you can learn a lot about this culture and even find a valid place within it. That's been my experience anyway. You don't have to become the same as us (we sure as hell ain't the same as each other) just take time to find where you may fit among us.

One last thing: "Sharing a beer," like much of what is said around here, is just a figure of speech. You can do it without drinking beer, and without being too literal about much at all. It's sort of a non-verbal act of recognising our shared humanity without wanting to sound like we like each other too much, cos that would just be gay, and if there's one thing you want to avoid around here...

“… and you are an anonymous newcomer.”
– for obvious reasons.

“… challenging my practical competence "words are cheap, its what you do that matters," “ – only based on what I see and read here in this thread.

"RSC, you are entering a community here, both as a poster and a kiter.” – no, I am posting here as a member of the public who owns a kitesurfing rig.

“… in the big picture we depend on each other to learn, innovate, keep safe, deal with politics, and share the stoke.” – well, I am contributing to this imo.

“You have entered (though not yet achieved membership of) an online, and on-water community.” – no, sorry, I have invested in equipment and lessons and I am posting as a concerned citizen. I think I made it clear that I have reservations about being a member of such a fraternity (as it is represented here). Based on what is displayed here I would walk away. I happen to know a couple of very nice and intelligent young people in the game and they give me hope. When suitable change happens then I will consider membership.

“If, as a participatory researcher (formal or informal) or just a human being, you go live in an established community or move to another country,…” – you have a point but I am 4-5th gen Western Australian living in my own country and in my own home place. This is an important issue of identity. But not for this place and time.

“Nobody here has asked for your help. Nobody is likely to if you keep on this way.” – help is you issue and paradigm. I am offering my energies and time to assist others who wish to learn about new perspectives and how to handle them. I am not driven by the need for acceptance by the group. Any group. If it occurs then fine, happy to dance. If not then just see me as ‘joe public’ with a voice that is not frozen into silence because of fear of group think, bully culture or fascist control.

“One last thing: … "Sharing a beer," … cos that would just be gay, and if there's one thing you want to avoid around here...” – Thank you for that insight: (a) I am sharing a beer – he is called Stafford Beer and he did real work in the 1970s and nearly got shot along with Allende when the CIA coup happened in Chile; and (b) Yes, interesting point on gay rights. I would assume that gays would have a hard time here. Another core value and code standard to be nailed on the wall by the executive imo – meeting national gender equity and minority group anti-discrimination standards is a must. I’m not gay, but they have as much right to kitesurf and respect as anyone.

“R” is not just risk and responsibility – it is also rights and respect.

WA, 500 posts
6 Jan 2011 9:00AM
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Frogs are green. Come on 10

VIC, 1607 posts
6 Jan 2011 12:21PM
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OK, I'm speechless.

I wish you good luck RSC. I hope you'll accept it; I have nothing else to offer.

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"Show Pony Alert @ Brighton WA" started by Bo