Forums > Sailing General

What did you do to your sailing boat today ?

Created by Boatin > 9 months ago, 12 Jun 2013
NSW, 292 posts
25 May 2017 6:06PM
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Going back together one catastrophe at a time. Aft cabin carpet removed, glue cleaned off and painted. Rear bulkhead jigsaw puzzle epoxied in , glassed over and painted. I just keep telling myself , don't get carried away making it pretty just make her seaworthy again and make her pretty IF YOU get the time before you leave. Slips on Monday, new engine Wednesday and a really , really good clean to get all the dirt off her. New chain plates the following week , new standing rigging for the mizzen , put sails up and go sailing. Sounds like a plan

Carpet removed, was a nice pink

Rot cut out, remaining wood treated and new ply epoxied in

Finished except for tidy up, will repaint cockpit if I get time, will take paint so will probably do it later. The tape is over the cut to remove the floor for engine installation, will get glassed back in after new motor

Will run wire thru the cupboards with the rest now that I have found the problem with Nav lights

Inside looking out, it came out as dirt.

Quick paint

Epoxy is my friend

SA, 311 posts
25 May 2017 7:05PM
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Hard work. Great job OldBoy, the Manitou will do you well. It'll prefer you keep the weight in the centre.

NSW, 110 posts
25 May 2017 9:30PM
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Must be fault with manitou , relative had one and replaced the same section.

QLD, 1153 posts
26 May 2017 12:38AM
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cisco said..

andy59 said..
That's a nice job old boy. While you are going to all the trouble of rebuilding the engine bed you might want to think about cages for the engine mounts. It would be nice to know that your engine couldn't break free in a knock down. I got so worried about mine after a few gales that I ended up lashing the engine down with dyneema but cages would have been so much better.

Jeez Andy, you are talking Southern Ocean bullet proof there.

ha ha I guess so but the Tasman can get pretty nasty too. Someone told me, I don't know if its true, that cages were compulsory for offshore racing yachts in NZ.

QLD, 1153 posts
26 May 2017 12:41AM
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oldboyracer said..
Going back together one catastrophe at a time. Aft cabin carpet removed, glue cleaned off and painted. Rear bulkhead jigsaw puzzle epoxied in , glassed over and painted. I just keep telling myself , don't get carried away making it pretty just make her seaworthy again and make her pretty IF YOU get the time before you leave. Slips on Monday, new engine Wednesday and a really , really good clean to get all the dirt off her. New chain plates the following week , new standing rigging for the mizzen , put sails up and go sailing. Sounds like a plan

Carpet removed, was a nice pink

Rot cut out, remaining wood treated and new ply epoxied in

Finished except for tidy up, will repaint cockpit if I get time, will take paint so will probably do it later. The tape is over the cut to remove the floor for engine installation, will get glassed back in after new motor

Will run wire thru the cupboards with the rest now that I have found the problem with Nav lights

Inside looking out, it came out as dirt.

Quick paint

Epoxy is my friend

Keep at it mate it will be worth it

VIC, 432 posts
4 Jun 2017 6:57PM
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I broke my pole down deck mounted U-bolt. Interesting mode of failure and makes me wonder about old fittings on those "cheap" 1970s IOR boats we often drool over.

It it is one the last remaining fittings to be replaced and it has replaced its self.


TAS, 2446 posts
4 Jun 2017 7:17PM
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Hi Oldboyracer

Have you considered cutting the cockpit floor out and fitting a inspection hatch in its place instead of glassing the floor back in to give you access later on if needed

Regards Don

NSW, 292 posts
4 Jun 2017 8:10PM
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I hadn't thought of a hatch, but it's a great idea as I do like having access from the top to make it easier for maintenance etc. current engine access is through panels in the crawl thru into the aft cabin. Not exactly inviting for scheduled inspections.

NSW, 1000 posts
4 Jun 2017 8:21PM
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oldboyracer said..
I hadn't thought of a hatch, but it's a great idea as I do like having access from the top to make it easier for maintenance etc. current engine access is through panels in the crawl thru into the aft cabin. Not exactly inviting for scheduled inspections.

Noticed your boat on the slip on Monday and moored near mine this weekend.

TAS, 2446 posts
4 Jun 2017 8:25PM
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There is a couple on here that might work

Regards Don

NSW, 7660 posts
5 Jun 2017 8:24AM
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Andrew68 said..
I broke my pole down deck mounted U-bolt. Interesting mode of failure and makes me wonder about old fittings on those "cheap" 1970s IOR boats we often drool over.

It it is one the last remaining fittings to be replaced and it has replaced its self.


That's just crevice corrosion and can happen to modern boats too! The bit above the deck looks like corrosion from dissimilar metals.

VIC, 432 posts
5 Jun 2017 4:46PM
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Ramona said..

Andrew68 said..
I broke my pole down deck mounted U-bolt. Interesting mode of failure and makes me wonder about old fittings on those "cheap" 1970s IOR boats we often drool over.

It it is one the last remaining fittings to be replaced and it has replaced its self.


That's just crevice corrosion and can happen to modern boats too! The bit above the deck looks like corrosion from dissimilar metals.

Perhaps it was the snap shackle and block that was attached to the u-bolt. Most of the old U-bolts on my boat had some kind of corrosion, but this is the first one that broke before bending. A lot of the others were pitted in the thread on the interface between the soaked balsa core. I had a theory that some of the stuff in the core was reacting with the metal or maybe just that it never dryed out.

I guess just reinforces that boat ownership is a never-ending battle with corrosion.

VIC, 432 posts
5 Jun 2017 5:55PM
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Here is another "little" job involving fixing a leaking bow rail. There are few queries from time to time in this forum on this type of work, so I thought I would share my approach that I have picked up.

The previous owner tried to seal the holes with sikaflex, but unfortunately it wasn't cleaned up properly allowing moisture to get in the balsa core, in turn loosening the fitting, allowing more moisture to get in and rot out the core around the hole. The sikaflex also didn't seal very well around the wiring.

I ground out the holes and removed soft rotten core between the glass with a dremel tool. Dried it out from underneath for two weeks with a dehumidifier until the core edge was dry and dusty. Refilled with west epoxy filler. I first injected (with a syringe) a thin mixture allowing the rocking of the boat to work out the air bubbles and soak in, then I pasted of over the top a much thicker mixture. Let it set for a few days, sand then cover with a layer of glass, sand to shape, drill, countersunk and fill/seal with butyl rubber filler.

Off course, once the core is sealed with epoxy you could use Fixtech-15 (or similar), but I think for amateurs like me and a fitting like this where there is a bit of movement, butyl is more forgiving. It has been suggested that if you don't have time to dry out completely, then West G-Flex will set more successfully than standard west. I did this in another spot and it seemed to work.

It was amazing how much difference it made to reducing moisture content in the boat as water was pooling over the fitting and seeping in very slowly.

Almost all the core is removed from behind the white section.

Have yet to clean up around the bases.


QLD, 853 posts
5 Jun 2017 7:46PM
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Slipped the boat today after 2 years. All looks good except where we have been pushing through the mud to get to our birth and the Propspeed is bugged. Have had to send the prop to Sydney for repitching. Antifouling and polishing over the next couple of days and hope to be back in the water Friday if our prop is back.
The Sea Breeze flag is flying even though you can't see it very well. ( second flag from the top)

VIC, 5904 posts
5 Jun 2017 7:55PM
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using the car as a scaffold ! nice work, done that before

NSW, 7660 posts
6 Jun 2017 8:37AM
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Andrew68 said..
Here is another "little" job involving fixing a leaking bow rail. There are few queries from time to time in this forum on this type of work, so I thought I would share my approach that I have picked up.

The previous owner tried to seal the holes with sikaflex, but unfortunately it wasn't cleaned up properly allowing moisture to get in the balsa core, in turn loosening the fitting, allowing more moisture to get in and rot out the core around the hole. The sikaflex also didn't seal very well around the wiring.

I ground out the holes and removed soft rotten core between the glass with a dremel tool. Dried it out from underneath for two weeks with a dehumidifier until the core edge was dry and dusty. Refilled with west epoxy filler. I first injected (with a syringe) a thin mixture allowing the rocking of the boat to work out the air bubbles and soak in, then I pasted of over the top a much thicker mixture. Let it set for a few days, sand then cover with a layer of glass, sand to shape, drill, countersunk and fill/seal with butyl rubber filler.

Off course, once the core is sealed with epoxy you could use Fixtech-15 (or similar), but I think for amateurs like me and a fitting like this where there is a bit of movement, butyl is more forgiving. It has been suggested that if you don't have time to dry out completely, then West G-Flex will set more successfully than standard west. I did this in another spot and it seemed to work.

It was amazing how much difference it made to reducing moisture content in the boat as water was pooling over the fitting and seeping in very slowly.

Almost all the core is removed from behind the white section.

Have yet to clean up around the bases.


Bent nail in an electric drill is a good way to clear out the soggy balsa. I would suggest masking off the bottom of the holes and simply filling the hole and the space with my secret filler. Epoxy with clean builders sand and micro balloons 50/50 ratio. Drill out the holes and start again. Try not to breath in the dust from the sand and micro balloons!

WA, 39 posts
7 Jun 2017 8:02PM
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Lowering the mast to get under the bridge freo ow

QLD, 181 posts
7 Jun 2017 11:13PM
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Lowering revs on an angle grinder.
Brilliant surgeon, returned full function leaving a very small scar. Lucky.

QLD, 853 posts
8 Jun 2017 7:32PM
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Jode5 said..

Slipped the boat today after 2 years. All looks good except where we have been pushing through the mud to get to our birth and the Propspeed is bugged. Have had to send the prop to Sydney for repitching. Antifouling and polishing over the next couple of days and hope to be back in the water Friday if our prop is back.
The Sea Breeze flag is flying even though you can't see it very well. ( second flag from the top)

Really pissed of with Australia Post. Every person involved in getting my prop off, getting it to Sydney and repitching it have pulled out all stakes to make it happen so we can get the boat back in the water on Friday except Australia Post. Paid $140.00 for priority over night post. It left Sydney Tuesday afternoon and the tracking this afternoon says it is still in NSW somewhere. Now going to cost me another $610.00 to be on the hard till they can drop us back in the water next Tuesday morning. I like the boat to be lifted last thing in afternoon and hung in the slings overnight so we can antifouling under the keel and all the support marks, then drop in the drink first thing in the morning, hence the Tuesday drop. Could have flown to Sydney, have the prop repitched and flown home cheaper and quicker.

QLD, 12353 posts
8 Jun 2017 9:57PM
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Jode5 said..
Really pissed of with Australia Post.

We obviously did not pay that Muslim guy that was running the show enough money did we??

SA, 4783 posts
8 Jun 2017 9:37PM
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Ouch Cisco kid that's a bit red neck!
I had a Aussie guy that swore he dropped my vision dirrect sunglasses through toll to my friends address and he swore some chick answered the door(no one was home at the time) and took the parcel yet she signed it in my name ! who collects a parcel and fakes the signature with the original owners signature!

QLD, 853 posts
9 Jun 2017 8:38PM
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cisco said..

Jode5 said..
Really pissed of with Australia Post.

We obviously did not pay that Muslim guy that was running the show enough money did we??

Really, really pissed off now with Australia Post. Still no prop tonight (Friday) Lot to be said for their overnight express service. We are currently looking at flying a new prop from Germany. Australia Post want 10 days to investigate.????????

QLD, 2589 posts
9 Jun 2017 9:15PM
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Benetaeu/Plev, man, that had to hurt, makes me feel a bit green.

Jode, I feel for you, especially when you can't do anything to fix the issue. Big deep breath mate!

QLD, 259 posts
11 Jun 2017 7:34PM
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where the outboard met the beach in reverse

Now it will brake the outboard

QLD, 259 posts
11 Jun 2017 8:29PM
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Jode5 said..

cisco said..

Jode5 said..
Really pissed of with Australia Post.

We obviously did not pay that Muslim guy that was running the show enough money did we??

Really, really pissed off now with Australia Post. Still no prop tonight (Friday) Lot to be said for their overnight express service. We are currently looking at flying a new prop from Germany. Australia Post want 10 days to investigate.????????

Can you get a speare one that fits the shaft locally just to get you in the water and dive on it later to change the prop (in 6 months when your prop has been to wa sa vic.

never leave old labels on packagas one barcode is enough to confuse the sorter and send your box around Aus.

VIC, 615 posts
13 Jun 2017 11:36AM
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benateau281, that bloody pic should have come with a warning! I am casually scrolling down the page reading posts when your little finger makes an startling I feel all queezy. I bet you felt a lot worse. For myself, I hate pain and avoid it at all cost!

QLD, 853 posts
13 Jun 2017 2:55PM
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w8ingforwind said..

Jode5 said..

cisco said..

Jode5 said..
Really pissed of with Australia Post.

We obviously did not pay that Muslim guy that was running the show enough money did we??

Really, really pissed off now with Australia Post. Still no prop tonight (Friday) Lot to be said for their overnight express service. We are currently looking at flying a new prop from Germany. Australia Post want 10 days to investigate.????????

Can you get a speare one that fits the shaft locally just to get you in the water and dive on it later to change the prop (in 6 months when your prop has been to wa sa vic.

never leave old labels on packagas one barcode is enough to confuse the sorter and send your box around Aus.

Finally got our prop yesterday. Went in the water at 7 this morning and had a wet, cold, windy (37knots max) and quick trip home to Scarborough arriving home at 2.30 this afternoon.

NSW, 892 posts
13 Jun 2017 3:39PM
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Jode5 said..
.................... had a wet, cold, windy (37knots max) and quick trip home to Scarborough arriving home at 2.30 this afternoon.

I thought you were in beautiful / perfect sunny QLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will you use AusPost next time???

QLD, 853 posts
13 Jun 2017 7:17PM
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Lazzz said..

Jode5 said..
.................... had a wet, cold, windy (37knots max) and quick trip home to Scarborough arriving home at 2.30 this afternoon.

I thought you were in beautiful / perfect sunny QLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will you use AusPost next time???


WA, 1607 posts
13 Jun 2017 5:43PM
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Jode5 said..

Lazzz said..

Jode5 said..
.................... had a wet, cold, windy (37knots max) and quick trip home to Scarborough arriving home at 2.30 this afternoon.

I thought you were in beautiful / perfect sunny QLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will you use AusPost next time???


Auspost are probably more reliable than most other courier services. It goes pear shaped when somebody makes an error or somebody is lazy and no courier service is immune from that. Often it pays to do your courier work yourself even though you shouldn't have to.


Forums > Sailing General

"What did you do to your sailing boat today ?" started by Boatin