Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

The 'power balance' band - what are your thoughts

Created by Salatiela > 9 months ago, 22 Apr 2010
QLD, 2816 posts
27 Apr 2010 8:20PM
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Just out of curiousity - how many of you true believers either import or sell or are friends or family of someone who imports or sells these bands ? Just wondering ! And before you ask - I have had a rep try the band on me and YES it worked a miracle and improved my balance in the tests and NO I did not and will not buy one and will continue on through life as an unco' kook and may invest my $50 in Southern Comfort cos I seem to be able to do everything better after a couple of cans.

VIC, 1722 posts
27 Apr 2010 8:38PM
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Lobes said...
If the Holograms really worked they'd be standard part of every professional sports teams uniforms and probably get a run in the military as well. That they are not suggests there is no quantifiable benefits.

Hoax or not, the PB is so popular in the US that apparently they are stitching them into
the US Army's uniform. Billabong are also stitching them into one of their boardshorts.

I think the Yankees will all be running them as well in their shoes?

I'm suprised people are still debating this. You will never change "the converted's" opinion
and the same goes for the skeptics. It's pretty obvious that it's most likely a placebo
but if the tests work on you then it's hard to look past it.

WA, 7323 posts
27 Apr 2010 6:38PM
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Gorgo said...

As far as I can find on the net, anybody of a suitably scientific bent is so convinced that the claims are false that they refuse to buy a hologram so they are not contributing cash to the fraud.

You can find stuff where people discuss the various scientific claims made for Power Balance, and they refute them (dodgey "test", Schuman resonance, what holograms actually do, placebo effect, ideomotor effect, power of suggestion, cheap magic tricks)

Nobody will own up to actually buying a hologram, doing a set of reasonable tests, and coming to a conclusion.

From the supporters there is a fair amount of "you haven't tried it so your opinion doesn't count", which has also happened on our happy little forum.

I'm no scientist but I do lots of scientific and analytical stuff for which I get paid handsomely. Much to my own discomfort I have ordered a bracelet from the real manufacturer for the real price (not from ebay and not a cheap one). I will give it a go and see what happens.

First sensible post. Putting your money up good on you. Keep us informed please

QLD, 4177 posts
27 Apr 2010 8:47PM
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cant believe this post is still going , now thats advertising you just cant buy.Wonder how many other forums are debating the merits or lack thereof of this product.

WA, 2222 posts
27 Apr 2010 6:58PM
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Bnaccas said...

Hoax or not, the PB is so popular in the US that apparently they are stitching them into the US Army's uniform.

Can you substantiate this? I would be surprised.

Bnaccas said...

Billabong are also stitching them into one of their boardshorts.

I wouldn't be surprised. Any gimmick to sell boardshorts to gullible punters.

Bnaccas said...

I think the Yankees will all be running them as well in their shoes?

Again, substantiation would be good.

Bnaccas said...

I'm suprised people are still debating this. You will never change "the converted's" opinion and the same goes for the skeptics.

You will change my opinion instantly with any validated, independent, scientific proof.

Bnaccas said...

It's pretty obvious that it's most likely a placebo but if the tests work on you then it's hard to look past it.
It's very easy to look past it. The tests are garbage. Snake-oil tricks. The holograms are worthless.

I'm also very interested in any tests Gorgo does and what results he gets.

NSW, 406 posts
27 Apr 2010 9:14PM
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russh said...

JB said...

Hilly, I will leave the answer to your logic. I have found (and everyone I have shown it to) that it helps you maintain and a consistently higher level of balance and power in balancing positions than with out. As balance is a rather large part of surfing..........

You won't grow a cape and start flying, or be able to suddenly walk on the high wire at the circus (or maybe you could??), but you will be able to go about your every day at your peak ability.

IMO the results are amazing.


I have never heard so mo B**sh!T in my life.
You don't happen to sell time share or investment and financial planning on the gold coast by any chance as well?

I tried my band on a Sri Lankan guy I met a few weeks ago, who did not know what to expect or what the band or test was. This little fella's balance improved significantly, and he could not understand why. He did not know what to expect, so the mind had nothing to do with it.....

It simply works....

It is like the glass half full / versus emtpy scenario. Some people are sceptical /cynical [}:)] about everything, others are more positive.....!!!

My wife's arthritus has gone from wearing the band. !!!

3952 posts
27 Apr 2010 7:25PM
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This time last year I was skeptical and a non believer.

QLD, 4177 posts
27 Apr 2010 10:28PM
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If it works for you and you feel better it is obviousley money well spent , me i would spend my spare $60 bucks on a carton and a packet of durries , doesent do much for my balance or coordination , but sure makes me feel good.

885 posts
28 Apr 2010 7:53AM
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I can not find anywhere that suggests the New York Yankees have adopted powerbalance. However I found a website that claims it is being used by Penn State Football Team, Oklahoma State Football, University of Oklahoma, Georgia State University and the University of Cincinnati. Please note these claims of use are made by the Powerbalance website NOT the universities I listed.

I think its pretty far fetched to suggest the US military will be using them. Millions of soldiers with X amount of uniforms each, the cost would be tremendous with no justification. If taxpayers heard about it they'd go ballistic, and rightly so.

As for boardshorts. Judging by the amount of credulous people in this thread who actually believe this stuff I think Billabong would be crazy not to offer a range of Powerbalance boardshorts. Sew a hologram in and add $50. Why wouldnt you? People will obviously buy it. We have the marketing research right here in front of us.

I would like to see Powerbalance subjected to a double blind test. That is people do the test with the bracelet, without the bracelet, with a fake/placebo bracelet (no hologram) and with the bracelet but not knowing they are actually wearing it.

QLD, 3954 posts
28 Apr 2010 10:15AM
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I tried the tests the first time and was completely amazed. My Balance improved so much and I could not work out why. Initially a full believer. Told everyone I seen about it. Frothing.

Then I had a friend of mine who had also tried the tests and then obtained 2 holograms and stuck them on the back of his watch so he didn't look like a sucker dooley. He was also a believer.

Here's the kicker, his watch was identical to mine, an older Rip Curl tide watch. Same condition and no visible way to tell the difference between the two. Even sizing was similar not to be able to tell.

We put both watches in a box and mixed the two up. We grabbed a watch each and repeated the tests. After each time we had to decide if we had the PB watch or not. 3 out of 5 times we got it wrong. I would say I had it and didnt, he would say no and did. We were dumbstruck. What had happened? What happened to the phenomenal differences??

Our only conclusion was that most of it was in your mind and that if you believed it worked it did. This seems to be the general consensus anyway. You thought you had it and felt better balance, but did not have the PB watch on.

Then my wife came home who had not even heard about it, after a bit of convincing to do these balance tests without the watch and then with it without alluding to why we wanted her to do them she agreed.

First time, no band. Crap Balance, fell straight over. Second time watch on, Crap balance, fell straight over. So after that we explained what is meant to happen.

Her response: "What a load of $&*@, you guys are fools if you believe that stuff". Enough said.

VIC, 4982 posts
28 Apr 2010 10:28AM
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The placebo effect in medication has been observed even in people who knew they were taking the placebo. The suggested reason is that the ritual of taking a medication and the focussing of the mind creates the result.

From my reading I think the placebo effect is all about how you feel. It makes you feel better and produces all the chemical reactions to do with that. It does not actually heal ailments. No underlying pathology has ever been cured by the placebo effect.

Certainly I know that if I approach something with a positive frame of mind I do better. I can run far and fast if I feel fit and have a good tune on the ipod. If I feel crap and negative I plod along. Visualisation is a common training technique for all physical activities.

I'm not sure how that relates to when I feel bad and do something physical and end up having a great time and feeling really good and performing really well. It's not just the adrenaline rush and increased blood and oxygen flow of exercise. Playing the guitar or piano will do it. Even sedentary things like doing a crossword will have an effect.

VIC, 4982 posts
28 Apr 2010 8:16PM
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I just received my Power Balance bracelet and did a couple of informal tests.

Strength. Front raise with a dumbell. I could raise the dumbell exactly the same distance and it required the same effort. The niggling pain in my elbow is still there.

Balance. Close my eyes and stand on one foot with hands down beside me. Wobbley both before and after.

I will still do the magic "tests" and do some double blind tests using weights and a spring balance, but it's not looking good for hologram magic.

BTW. They charge $8 to post the thing from Kilsyth. That's $1.10 in stamps, maybe $1 for the envelope and what?

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
28 Apr 2010 8:23PM
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No affiliation with PB at all, pay full retail (for once). Am a true believer!

I say don't hassle it till you honestly try it! Like everything, Demo it, try it, understand it.

I really don't care if you don't believe as your the one missing out. But to those that will try it and see the difference, you'll be stoked


Ben dover
QLD, 504 posts
28 Apr 2010 8:33PM
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If u believe it doesn't work you will find a way to prove that it doesn't.

If u believe it works u will find a way to prove that it works for u.

Simply as that.

Personally i own one and i believe it helps with my sleeping.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Apr 2010 9:31PM
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i should take mine off and see if my elbow and lower back problems come back, but i don't ---- --. any, get one or don't, who cares after 5 pages

VIC, 352 posts
28 Apr 2010 11:39PM
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Her response: "What a load of $&*@, you guys are fools if you believe that stuff". Enough said.

Should have been said five pages ago

100 years ago they were called snakeoil salesmen, today they don a different guise. Unfortunately people are still gullible to these shysters out to make a buck. You guys crack me up, five pages of mindless dribble.

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
29 Apr 2010 6:42AM
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This thread is great, keep it going for 10 more pages

It is a bit disturbing to see how passionately people can be negative about something they have never tried, but hey I guess that's the world we live in, believe in the greater evil rather than the greater good.

I leave you with this one question....

Are you a Glass half empty person, or a Glass half full person?


VIC, 4982 posts
29 Apr 2010 10:06AM
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JB said...
...believe in the greater evil rather than the greater good....

I believe in the greater good. But the greater good has a habit of rooting out the evils of swindlers, frauds and tricksters.

JB said...
....Are you a Glass half empty person, or a Glass half full person?...

I'm a Glass is a glass kind of person. It looks like a glass. It works like a glass. It is a glass. I don't have much feeling about the level. It is what it is.

The question is whether Power Balance holograms work, not whether positive thinking and a good attitude works. I can (and usually do) have a good attitude for free. I don't have to pay $70 for it.

On the plus side, I have worn my holograms for about 12 hours:

- I did a bunch of push ups and it was a little easier than usual and I did a few more than usual.

- After my drive through heavy traffic for an hour I usually get a sore hip on my right side, enough for a grunt when I get out of the car. The pain was reduced by about 5% this morning. No grunt.

- I also zapped the holograms with a laser. It made a pretty pattern on the ceiling. No Princess Leia appearing though.

PS. I agree that this topic probably belongs on the General/Shooting the Breeze forum. Obviously enough people care about it to keep adding a reply, including the people who are sick of the topic.

SA, 3025 posts
29 Apr 2010 9:37AM
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JB said...

Are you a Glass half empty person, or a Glass half full person?


Half full thats why I don't wear a stupid plastic band to make me feel better!

QLD, 3954 posts
29 Apr 2010 2:37PM
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petemc said...

Her response: "What a load of $&*@, you guys are fools if you believe that stuff". Enough said.

Should have been said five pages ago

100 years ago they were called snakeoil salesmen, today they don a different guise. Unfortunately people are still gullible to these shysters out to make a buck. You guys crack me up, five pages of mindless dribble.

I might add that her hysterical laughter while she called us gullible fools was a little unsettling.......

I would say the owners of PB would now be flying in Jets, driving McLaren F1's and using 100 bills as toilet paper! Not that there's anything wrong with that!!!

QLD, 6996 posts
29 Apr 2010 2:48PM
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I put mine on last Friday, I didn't know what to expect. So I expected nothing and got nothing. I went into a couple of sports stores and it was always the young kids working in the shop that who would ask about the PB "what do they do for you" I simply told them I don't know I'm trying one to find out. I'm sure if I told that young kid it makes surf like Kelly them he would have probably stolen from his mother to buy one. That's the real power of the PB

I surfed it with noticed nothing, I wore it for 3 days 24 hours a day and took it off Monday and in all honesty it did nothing, secretly I wish it had because I would love to surf like Kelly.


VIC, 228 posts
29 Apr 2010 3:00PM
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Q.) Whats brown and sticky??

A.) A Stick!!
(A smart, well balanced stick would be wearing a power balance band)

Q.) Whats wet and brown and sticky?

A.) A wet stick!!
(A smart, well balanced stick would be wearing a power balance band, and he would probably dry faster)

Q.) What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?

A.) A Stick!!
(Probably lost his power balance band)

Q.)What do you call a stick that comes back??

A.) A clever stick!!

WA, 14735 posts
29 Apr 2010 8:01PM
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oliver said...

After doing extensive research I've come up with the following list of users on this thread and whether they have tried the bracelet and whether they believe or not.

russh - not tried - non believer
supbelly - tried - believer
husq2100 - tried - non believer
jb - tried - believer
oliver- tried - believer
FormulaNova - not tried - non believer
sparki - tried - believer
Bnaccas - tried - believer

It is easy to see that overwhelmingly believers have tried it and non believers and fence sitters haven't.

Hey, I take offence to that. I believed in it so much I made my own!

I peeled the hologram sticker of my Windows XP computer, stuck it on a rubber band off of the newspaper, and did some tests.

I went for a walk with the dog, but I kept falling over all the time. I then went for a drive and had a crash. I cleaned up the mess, and drove on and had another crash. I rang the NRMA and they told me that I needed to upgrade my petrol tank, and the engine was no longer good enough to stop my car from crashing.

Can someone help me out? Did I have the hologram upside down or something?

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
29 Apr 2010 10:08PM
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As I didn't get the response I was hunting for, I'll let you in on the answer I was waiting for.

Unlike Rusty, I am a full glass. It's half full of fluid/water and half full of air/O2. There's always something to fill nothing! Look outside the square from time to time, there's often something you didn't see!


QLD, 2031 posts
29 Apr 2010 10:24PM
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JB said...

As I didn't get the response I was hunting for, I'll let you in on the answer I was waiting for.

Unlike Rusty, I am a full glass. It's half full of fluid/water and half full of air/O2. There's always something to fill nothing! Look outside the square from time to time, there's often something you didn't see!


since you were referring to the old adage of a glass with half its volume filled with water ill put it to you this way, it can be either half full or half all depends on how the water got to being at a point of half the volume .....think about that

NSW, 714 posts
29 Apr 2010 10:24PM
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A glass in a vacuum is full of nothing,or is it empty?

QLD, 2031 posts
29 Apr 2010 10:26PM
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JayBee said...

A glass in a vacuum is full of nothing,or is it empty?

i can not survive in a vacuum to find out

QLD, 4177 posts
29 Apr 2010 10:28PM
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Geez when we gunna put this puppy to bed , cant you all just accept you where conned and move on!

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
29 Apr 2010 10:34PM
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but what is nothing?

Is it in the eye of the beholder?

Is one mans trash another mans treasure?

Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?

if a tree falls in the woods at the sound of one hand clapping, and that hand wasn't in the woods, could the tree really hear the hand clapping?


QLD, 256 posts
29 Apr 2010 10:49PM
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husq2100 said...

JB said...

As I didn't get the response I was hunting for, I'll let you in on the answer I was waiting for.

Unlike Rusty, I am a full glass. It's half full of fluid/water and half full of air/O2. There's always something to fill nothing! Look outside the square from time to time, there's often something you didn't see!


since you were referring to the old adage of a glass with half its volume filled with water ill put it to you this way, it can be either half full or half all depends on how the water got to being at a point of half the volume .....think about that

Ask yourselves this Grasshoppers, what is more important, the glass or the water?

Drink the water, or pour it out, or sit there forever analising it until you die of thirst, there is always a choice...

Just as long as the glass is not full of sh!tte, which is pretty much where this topic has ended up. It's like watching a bad ping-pong game that just keeps going, and going, and going...

If you think you are going to convince/convert anyone either for or against, your dreamin...


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"The 'power balance' band - what are your thoughts" started by Salatiela