Forums > Surfing Longboarding

NRL season 2013

Created by 62mac > 9 months ago, 5 Mar 2013
TAS, 2249 posts
8 Mar 2013 10:25AM
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CMC said...
62mac said...
Taking the fam' how longs a short trip

A short trips only 9 days. Enough to re-charge the batteries though.

Yep, the girls are coming. Gonna be doing a whole bunch of ripple riding with my 7 y.o I've decided this is the moment in her life where she falls in love with surfing. Hope she doesn't mind.

cMC my daughter as a 7 year old loved surfing until she was 11 , then it became to tomboyish for a year . Until then my daughter was a little Tomboy .
Now she is 13 all her friends are all getting into surfing so guess what , surfing is now cool again

TAS, 2249 posts
8 Mar 2013 10:26AM
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Lucky to still have a job IMO

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
8 Mar 2013 11:00AM
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Tassiedevel said...

Lucky to still have a job IMO

Maybe in the normal workforce - but people who are good at sport seem to have a different rule book

13831 posts
8 Mar 2013 12:06PM
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Who's up tonight worth watching or ......?

WA, 24860 posts
8 Mar 2013 12:23PM
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thePup said...
Who's up tonight worth watching or ......?

are you kidding mate

13831 posts
8 Mar 2013 12:27PM
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62mac said...
thePup said...
Who's up tonight worth watching or ......?

are you kidding mate

Hahaha 17 minutes it took you

WA, 24860 posts
8 Mar 2013 12:28PM
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bite bite

QLD, 458 posts
8 Mar 2013 2:55PM
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Guess what Manly hates you too!! (Can't work out how to post a pic)

WA, 24860 posts
8 Mar 2013 6:05PM
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Vanders will be at sitting in the stands lucky bugger

Is it true the sharks sacked everyone today CEO,COACH,TRAINER and MORE.

and for the record I don't like the Bronc's new stripe.

13831 posts
8 Mar 2013 6:21PM
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Wow well maybe they're my new tip for the woodie now true or hoax

13831 posts
8 Mar 2013 6:35PM
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Bloody hell mate honestly thought hed done the job last year .... Any news on that doctor fella ?

13831 posts
8 Mar 2013 6:57PM
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Can the Horses snatch a win will Prince perform miracles will hodges step up hmmmmmm [}:)]

WA, 24860 posts
8 Mar 2013 7:01PM
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thePup said...
Can the Horses snatch a win will Prince perform miracles will hodges step up hmmmmmm [}:)]

As history can or would tell you,anything can happen,Bronc's would lose their way,hope they found some heart this year.

What's with the VB half time stuff

WA, 24860 posts
8 Mar 2013 7:18PM
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and what did I just say,no ****** heart again

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
8 Mar 2013 10:09PM
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62mac said...
and what did I just say,no ****** heart again

don't slit your wrists mac.

geez the donkeys have got some problems.

sea eagles were all over the bronc's like a bad rash.

its going to be a long season of more of the same from late last season.

short of prime grain fed cattle to me

WA, 24860 posts
8 Mar 2013 8:12PM
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I agree with that mate geez talk about a let down again.

QLD, 3809 posts
8 Mar 2013 10:38PM
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At least at home you can just change the channel, what a let down...........

QLD, 458 posts
8 Mar 2013 10:45PM
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Manly 9 from last 11 against Broncos. Glad to notch up a win at Suncorp

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
9 Mar 2013 1:02AM
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Dazzler75 said...
Manly 9 from last 11 against Broncos. Glad to notch up a win at Suncorp

+ 1

Just for the record that reverts to your post Dazzler.

13831 posts
8 Mar 2013 10:42PM
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hmmmm back to the chalk board young squire Mac .... still it took a pretty good effort from the Seabirds to grab the chocolates , all is not completely shizzed up

WA, 24860 posts
9 Mar 2013 6:50AM
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From what I've read about the Bronc's,stronger,fitter than ever,massive improvements in there defence pre session.

Well first half not bad but let in a soft try,signs of last year.

The second half I could hardly spot Prince,he fell off a few tackles in the first half after claiming he was a much better defender this year.

Well as much as I love the Bronc's they will finish mid table at best,judging on last nights performance.

QLD, 458 posts
9 Mar 2013 9:09AM
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Prince appeared to be doing a job interview for his post football career as a turnstile at Suncorp Stadium.

Unfortunately no Tunnza Carroll to stand next to him like Locky had. Gillette seems to have all the potential in the world but hasn't really delivered as yet.

WA, 24860 posts
9 Mar 2013 7:10AM
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Dazzler75 said...
Prince appeared to be doing a job interview for his post football career as a turnstile at Suncorp Stadium.

Funny but true sadly.

13831 posts
9 Mar 2013 7:42AM
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if only they could somehow manage to poach Cam Smith & Coop Cronk ... and Bellamy ..... and ........

WA, 24860 posts
9 Mar 2013 7:43AM
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thePup said...
if only they could somehow manage to poach Cam Smith & Coop Cronk ... and Bellamy ..... and ........

I remember you saying that last year Pup

13831 posts
9 Mar 2013 7:46AM
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smith & cronk would transform the Horses ,,,, well they'd probably transform any side but yeah they should have thrown the kitchen sink at it while they can play.... and Bellamy is an out and out genious mate

WA, 24860 posts
9 Mar 2013 6:57PM
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and I think CMC would be a happy man atm,in Hawaii and his Cowboys are on fire.

13831 posts
9 Mar 2013 7:00PM
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was just typing this mate - hows the Eels smashing NZ .... reckon they will improve this year
Yep - Cow riders are looking the shizz for first up points too

QLD, 7932 posts
10 Mar 2013 1:30PM
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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"NRL season 2013" started by 62mac