Sorry Tina but geez you're farking good
seriously hoping that's yours little champion
this is my new balloon board,but they are soaring through the clouds
i love that contrast, balloons on one side prick on the other
I had Ribs mate,the cops arrested about 10 homeless dudes this morning just south of the duke statue
I had Ribs mate,the cops arrested about 10 homeless dudes this morning just south of the duke statue
And what. Gave them a room for the night along with a meal.
or don't want the tourist to see them
Wasit a good thing or a bad thing mac.
Timing seems odd
I had Ribs mate,the cops arrested about 10 homeless dudes this morning just south of the duke statue
And what. Gave them a room for the night along with a meal.
or don't want the tourist to see them
Wasit a good thing or a bad thing mac.
Timing seems odd
Nothing odd about the timing Lacey it happens every day ,At lest you can walk down the street without any grief .
I've found the Americans Hawaians so friendly this time awesome service everywhere its Xmas morning here and some locals have just marched a huge tree and put it on the beach 7.15 am here blue sky swells up enjoy your boxing day
I've found the Americans Hawaians so friendly this time awesome service everywhere its Xmas morning here and some locals have just marched a huge tree and put it on the beach 7.15 am here blue sky swells up enjoy your boxing day
Glad they're treading you as well as they treaded me , Did every body get what they wanted for hire boards mac ?
Yes mate big wave Dave was 15 per week cheaper but his selection was rubbish compared to Kona so they are all sorted ??having our Xmas lunch at the royal hawian,waiting for the tide to drop??
Yes mate big wave Dave was 15 per week cheaper but his selection was rubbish compared to Kona so they are all sorted ??having our Xmas lunch at the royal hawian,waiting for the tide to drop??
Have a good one mate , I have to wait till October to get back
I had Ribs mate,the cops arrested about 10 homeless dudes this morning just south of the duke statue
And what. Gave them a room for the night along with a meal.
or don't want the tourist to see them
Wasit a good thing or a bad thing mac.
Timing seems odd
Nothing odd about the timing Lacey it happens every day ,At lest you can walk down the street without any grief .
Are you saying the cops arrest them everyday
I had Ribs mate,the cops arrested about 10 homeless dudes this morning just south of the duke statue
And what. Gave them a room for the night along with a meal.
or don't want the tourist to see them
Wasit a good thing or a bad thing mac.
Timing seems odd
Nothing odd about the timing Lacey it happens every day ,At lest you can walk down the street without any grief .
Are you saying the cops arrest them everyday
Yes they come down very hard on them Someone told me there are so many of them cause the Government has a policy of relocating homeless to the state they were born in ,of cause they all say they were born in Hawaii
You must have been over there Lacey
Mind you there was an eight year gap for me between visits I think there is a lot more of them now
Lacey they are no probem but most are a little weird you talking crazy **** to themselves
Yeah. But do the cops arrest them everyday. Whats the point in doing that I ask
Sorry I don't know but I'd say they don't do it daily maybe a bunch of them got a little loud or something, but there cool they don't hassle you.beach is packed today got 3 waves and came in off for Xmas lunch
Lacey they are no probem but most are a little weird you talking crazy **** to themselves
Yeah. But do the cops arrest them everyday. Whats the point in doing that I ask
yes bloody yes . they need to help the place safe the guy's I was surfing with watched them shoot one just around the corner from were mac hired boards from
Lacey they are no probem but most are a little weird you talking crazy **** to themselves
Yeah. But do the cops arrest them everyday. Whats the point in doing that I ask
Actually talking to themselves is a issue for Homeless people across the world. They start to feel unattached from society and then they sadly slip into talking to themselves. That can be really confronting to witness. Sadly its often the first interaction many have with the homeless thinking they are crazy, but in reality its a actually a symptom. They do keep slipping and then they can get into drugs. It seemed to me that the first few streets the polite homeless are left mostly alone. My daughter would smile and great them all daily, now i always go out of my way to say hi to any homeless person.. Check out the smile you get back
Mac thats what i really liked about Ted, really friendly.
But i also saw a few homeless people on drugs and they were nastier than a pack of dogs, fighting over a sausage roll.. I guess they could still create a issue in larger numbers..Lacey, the homeless issue in Hawaii was incredible. Especially the drive from the Airport into town.
Merry Christmas Mac to you and all your traveling family, The Royal Hawaiian that will be a great lunch to remember for the ages.
onto a happier note,good morning and have a wonderful day people...the world is delicious
Lunch done feeling like a pregnant whale more so lunch was disappointing venue unreal food 6 service 2 back on the beach winds turned blowing from the west which means devils wind.
Lunch done feeling like a pregnant whale more so lunch was disappointing venue unreal food 6 service 2 back on the beach winds turned blowing from the west which means devils wind.
I've seen your eating habits\first hand
your insulting pregnant whales
did they get the side serving of baked bean right
there you go chrispy and pup- a happier note.
Lunch done feeling like a pregnant whale more so lunch was disappointing venue unreal food 6 service 2 back on the beach winds turned blowing from the west which means devils wind.
Devil winds means Mai tai time...
Any luck moving the pinnacle?
Lunch done feeling like a pregnant whale more so lunch was disappointing venue unreal food 6 service 2 back on the beach winds turned blowing from the west which means devils wind.
A B C does a nice egg salard mac , that's what us peasant types have
Good morning you frothy salty wicked Muchachos ...... rise & shine like a highly polished bastard
oh and if you are lucky enough to be the Asea - get a big fat 100% organic Mango up you
Mac have you found any good nudie bars….please don't tell us your there for the surf
hi snake man let me tell you there was no shortage of tight butts in gees in the line up
but happy to report we arrived home at midnight last night.
the boss man returns home
true mate the boss Tallis was on the same flight home I think he is stalking me