One of a number of super fun surfs I have have had over the last couple of weeks. Sorry for the crappy Iphone zoom quality.
Nothing around. Maybe on the higher tide....maybe
Hope the rest of you groms get something and have a great day
well I waited for the' hip priest' of mct longboards to ring about lowering his standards today but he must have thought- hell,im way to good for that.
so I just paddled around on the tomy with the hordes picking off a few small waves.
12'6 666 was the right board for today
So small here at the moment it's depressing. Looking like a decent southerly swell should hit in a few days time. Glad you been getting some fun ones Captain
Got a couple of really, really good tubes down Pups way today, one was easy 5 seconds plus. One of those ones where you're just waiting to get swatted and it doesn't happen, just keeps on draining down the bank.
Surfed pumping waves for 5 hours a bit busy at one point with almost 20 people in the water. Started out on a gentle 3 foot left with a couple of others for the first 2 hours as the wind had a bit of North in it and the swell wasn't really showing its teeth...paddled over to the right and boom here comes 4 foot set...smoked it...paddling back out boom pack gets their clock cleaned by a 5 foot set...kept going and wait out the back...boom here comes the swell and the wind swings round to the next 3 hours were magic....6 foot plus offshore doesn't get much better
Great work Tux. I have not even surfed 5 hrs in the last week - infact I do not think we have even had 5 hrs of waves ! Oh well them's the breaks aye
Another day in paradise Pup...thanks again for the lend of the leggie, I really did need it. Very rusty on the LB
Big drop in swell today, but it was a beautiful day with light winds. Washed the dust of the 666 with a few thigh high fun ones
Didn't get to, stuck in the stupid city. Not happy. Not frothing. Raring to get home. Pumped for big turns and long noserides. Chances are I will fall off first wave, meh who cares, still fun aye?
Apparently it was good here today - thought it would be but spent from 5am till just now in the home office. Too scared to even check it out. If I had my new board that has still not arrived it may have been different. Board meeting tom then it's down wind for a while and hope to pick up a few surf days that are owed to me. Glad u frothers getting some.
Bells - very low crowd
Longest Ride - probably about 200m
Rain - a little bit
Coldness Rating - pretty cold!
Fun Factor - through the roof!
Wave Count - HIGH!
Tide - Mid, and getting lower, and better!
Sky - Glum / Very Overcast!
What else do you want to know!? ;)
Want to know what board you were on
Tuesday arvo was way different to the morning,it was excellent,even though the offshore was blowing hard. The one where if you missed a wave you were blinded by water spray
Yesterday glassy log waves,very fun.
Today was complete ****. Should have crossed the pond as i have just been told it was smoking.....was also just told rainbow into.greens away from the crowd was on fire
Bring on tomorrow