Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
8266 posts
6 Oct 2014 5:16PM
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^ I doubt I'll check the beach for at least a couple of days when I get home : D

VIC, 3829 posts
7 Oct 2014 4:29PM
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Average 2 footers with no one out yesterday morn ...really funky cross chop due to the overnight wind....

SA, 210 posts
7 Oct 2014 4:50PM
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Down along the coast on a beach break with offshore 2 footers, bit messy with the high tide (but when you need a surf). Just starting to load the board up after the surf and the wind swings from N/NW to gale force westerlies. Sand blasted back with an interesting time loading the board up.

WA, 9675 posts
7 Oct 2014 8:47PM
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Some tiny stuff on a good bank. Was a bit to tired to have fun though. Tomorrow is looking better......

NSW, 249 posts
8 Oct 2014 10:34AM
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Nice Southerly change overnight, nice surf this morning, SW breeze, the usual crowd

WA, 9675 posts
8 Oct 2014 10:24AM
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Best longboard surf I have EVER had. Today I felt like I had all my **** together and felt like a longboarder.Beyond happy. Waves were just as good and being the only place on the goldy with good banks that likes a nw, well there was bugger all crowd...happy days

QLD, 21884 posts
8 Oct 2014 12:40PM
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chrispy said..
Best longboard surf I have EVER had. Today I felt like I had all my **** together and felt like a longboarder.Beyond happy. Waves were just as good and being the only place on the goldy with good banks that likes a nw, well there was bugger all crowd...happy days

Sign this kid up epic young fella

13831 posts
8 Oct 2014 12:45PM
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Awesome champion well I report that I had some dawn froth this morning a Christ load better than yesterday , so much free fun

9106 posts
8 Oct 2014 1:21PM
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late arvo surf yesterday,fingers X its on again.

WA, 9675 posts
9 Oct 2014 5:35AM
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Marginal LM...I'm tempted to keep.driving

TAS, 1925 posts
9 Oct 2014 10:14AM
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chrispy said...
Best longboard surf I have EVER had. Today I felt like I had all my **** together and felt like a longboarder.Beyond happy. Waves were just as good and being the only place on the goldy with good banks that likes a nw, well there was bugger all crowd...happy days

"high fives" frothmeister, yeeeeeeoooow

I'm stuck in brisvegas for work and the boyz are scoring it this morn so I'm living vicariously

13831 posts
9 Oct 2014 8:07AM
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Bloody onshore wind geez I was hoping for a hat-trick of days housepooof day it is sadly

WA, 9675 posts
9 Oct 2014 2:40PM
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Ended up having five hours at LM today with two.surfs. Great peelers to be had. Small.friendly crowd again which makes it a bit creepy feeling being there

8266 posts
9 Oct 2014 3:59PM
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thePup said..
Bloody onshore wind geez I was hoping for a hat-trick of days housepooof day it is sadly

I was psyched for a surf tomorrow...missus booked a damn skin cancer check for 9am tomorrow before we went away

You should get a wave tomorrow mate

13831 posts
9 Oct 2014 4:04PM
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MickPC said..

thePup said..
Bloody onshore wind geez I was hoping for a hat-trick of days housepooof day it is sadly

I was psyched for a surf tomorrow...missus booked a damn skin cancer check for 9am tomorrow before we went away

You should get a wave tomorrow mate


Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
10 Oct 2014 7:35AM
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How does this even get a 3/10 score baffles me after reading the report I would call it a 1/10 at best !!!! Hope you all get more than me today.

Updated: Fri 10 October 6:19amSurf: Clean 1ft EWinds: Light WNWWeather: Mostly FineRating: 3/10

Pretty tiny this morning with the waves in the 1ft range from the E and a light WNW wind making it quite clean. Very summer like today with tiny peaks and short period swell making the waves quite bunched, on top of that the waves are lacking any push what so ever, the nice day is the only reason to get wet today.

VIC, 3829 posts
10 Oct 2014 8:32AM
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Some nice 3 footers down here yesterday...real crowded all of a sundden...looks like some good swell coming for sunday....wooohoooo

13831 posts
10 Oct 2014 8:49AM
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Nothing much on offer here sadly swell is still on it's way by the looks hope you froffs manage to find something sweeter

WA, 9675 posts
10 Oct 2014 6:00PM
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Some incredibly bad LM... It was tiny with two.different swells......

Did watch some bloke with a Walden jet board. His reason to the questions from the table of knowledge was a funny one. He was telling them he dropped six g to get it because his shoulders farken.....not that farken that be could not get this ginormous behemoth from the roof racks or carry it all the way to the water
The real funny part was him pretending to paddle as it went

QLD, 21884 posts
10 Oct 2014 8:02PM
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chrispy said..
Some incredibly bad LM... It was tiny with two.different swells......

Did some bloke with a Walden jet board. His reason to the questions from the table of knowledge was a funny one. He was telling them he dropped six g to get it because his shoulders farken.....not that farken that be could not get this ginormous behemoth from the roof racks or carry it all the way to the water
The real funny part was him pretending to paddle as it went

Funny bottom line,was his name John

WA, 9675 posts
10 Oct 2014 6:04PM
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Don't know mac. He had a beautifully restored Holden premier and wore a suspicious stripped steamer

QLD, 21884 posts
10 Oct 2014 8:06PM
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chrispy said..
Don't know mac. He had a beautifully restored Holden premier and wore a suspicious stripped steamer

oh its not the guy I was thinking,did the table give him sh-t

13831 posts
10 Oct 2014 6:12PM
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chrispy said..
Don't know mac. He had a beautifully restored Holden premier and wore a suspicious stripped steamer

Geez sounds like old mate Jerry atric from over here at our local .... farken wears a vintage 1970's wettie here & kneel paddles a 12 foot boat

WA, 9675 posts
10 Oct 2014 6:21PM
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Macaha said...
chrispy said..
Don't know mac. He had a beautifully restored Holden premier and wore a suspicious stripped steamer

oh its not the guy I was thinking,did the table give him sh-t

They were impressed till asked the bloke how he could carry it to the water with farken shoulders.....then they did

WA, 9675 posts
11 Oct 2014 4:59AM
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Well its beautiful and glassy......without any waves hot chocolate here I come

WA, 9675 posts
11 Oct 2014 9:30AM
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What a morning. Was sitting at the table of bull**** with the crew and my hot chocolate...... And who appeared from the glowing rays of the sunrise...we were graced by the awesomeness of the farmer

Hit a place that the table of bull**** knew a bank that was working. We were well and truly rewarded with some great waves. A few hours of fun. Great morning was had and round two tomorrow

QLD, 21884 posts
11 Oct 2014 12:57PM
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North End table Chrispy,nothing down LM crap rubbish so I had to sit and listen to Lacey for the next 2 hours

I know a lot more about fins in 666's,anyway he wondered off to his local board store,god knows what he mite walk out with this week

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
11 Oct 2014 1:11PM
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Macaha said..
North End table Chrispy,nothing down LM crap rubbish so I had to sit and listen to Lacey for the next 2 hours

I know a lot more about fins in 666's,anyway he wondered off to his local board store,god knows what he mite walk out with this week

I got nothing,

except gym stories- real and fantasy

QLD, 21884 posts
11 Oct 2014 1:14PM
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NSW, 5510 posts
11 Oct 2014 2:57PM
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As Chrispy said,had fun waves at the old stomping ground,Chrispy was running amok among the surfers got plenty toatally stuffed now bring on happy hour


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo