Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
WA, 2353 posts
7 Apr 2016 8:35AM
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smh said...
My only day off this week and the southerly has wrecked it Never mind because I'll be on holidays next week

You didn't surf then? Or was it just rubbish and a wave of desperation?

WA, 883 posts
7 Apr 2016 8:36AM
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Back to work for me after having 28 off :) Busy being Mr Mum looking after the kids (hence scare appearance here) as the Mrs was off playing with Orca's doing he research thing.

Still managed to get some waves but really only about 4 good sessions in the last month. One epic at a local Beachy that saw more barrels in one sesh than I've had in Oz in the past 3 years and rounded off with some quite large descent Winterish type waves last Friday and Saturday Denmark way. Good solid swell but a bit fullish. Great to christen a new board, a few on the head with associated hold downs to keep me honest and grateful for breathing. One Solo session at a large rarely good left that was cut short given the appearance of an unidentified shape, so paddled in rather promptly and left it at that, watching good waves come through for the next hour un-ridden...and just appreciating that. Awesome stuff.

Hoping you all get some epic surf, and looking forward to hearing about it! Yeeeww!

NSW, 7269 posts
7 Apr 2016 10:51AM
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thedrip said..

smh said...
My only day off this week and the southerly has wrecked it Never mind because I'll be on holidays next week

You didn't surf then? Or was it just rubbish and a wave of desperation?

No I didn't go out . I'll have a look later if the wind drops off.

NSW, 1301 posts
7 Apr 2016 11:56AM
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Yeah wind was on it here too but went out anyway and jagged a couple,sometimes when it looks f**7ked its worth getting wet as you sometimes snag a few good ones and theres no-one else out,Ill often ride my bike down wetty on, board under arm,so hit it regardless of conditions,had some shockers but had some good ones too.Picked up a new board a couple weeks ago,absolutely flies in decent waves.Pretty sorted for boards now but will be selling my Tolhurst single fin and shaping a mal with some multiple concaves through it very soon,could be good,could be not so good

WA, 9675 posts
7 Apr 2016 11:19AM
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Ricardo it was the same here this morning. This pic and the other one were taken on hight tide. What happened after that left everyone smiling.

Best surf since being back. Few technique issues on some waves,but stoked to be getting back

Oh the second surf curse did hit us though.

After standing around for an hour or so gloating and glowing about the morning. Well it still looked so good so paddled back out. Fist wave and the wind came and our fairytale was over

NSW, 1301 posts
7 Apr 2016 1:37PM
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Im laughing at those pics,a hell of a lot better than what i scored, You must be laughing getting good waves mid week like that,Id be amped to see those waves this morning,looks like the beachy just north of Cn,Ill be up that way at the end of the month and Ill be happy if its anything like that,not many out either,good score,finished a job yesterday so off today,about to go for another grovel before the schoolies get out.

WA, 883 posts
7 Apr 2016 12:00PM
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chrispy said..
Ricardo it was the same here this morning. This pic and the other one were taken on hight tide. What happened after that left everyone smiling.

Best surf since being back. Few technique issues on some waves,but stoked to be getting back

Oh the second surf curse did hit us though.

After standing around for an hour or so gloating and glowing about the morning. Well it still looked so good so paddled back out. Fist wave and the wind came and our fairytale was over

Sweet! On the Bonzer???

NSW, 7269 posts
7 Apr 2016 2:39PM
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chrispy said..
Ricardo it was the same here this morning. This pic and the other one were taken on hight tide. What happened after that left everyone smiling.

Best surf since being back. Few technique issues on some waves,but stoked to be getting back

Oh the second surf curse did hit us though.

After standing around for an hour or so gloating and glowing about the morning. Well it still looked so good so paddled back out. Fist wave and the wind came and our fairytale was over

I'd be happy with that. The wind has backed off a bit here but it's pretty bad so I'm going to paddle the river. Better than nothing

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
7 Apr 2016 3:03PM
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Nice work Chrispy. I just came in from a poor surf ! Very very slow. Caught two waves in 25 mins and came in. Too much work to do and not worth it if it's slow. The two I got were good though

WA, 9675 posts
8 Apr 2016 7:45AM
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Was a pretty nice morning. Some nice toob time for all

WA, 883 posts
8 Apr 2016 7:49AM
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chrispy said..
Was a pretty nice morning. Some nice toob time for all

Yeeew! Nice!!

QLD, 21882 posts
8 Apr 2016 1:31PM
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Report in said the Prez was surfing Palmy chest head,The Pinnacle went well.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
8 Apr 2016 4:12PM
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Surfed one of Cuttlefishes fav waves today. Super fun at times but with the big tide and weak swell nowhere near as epic as it can get.

NSW, 5510 posts
8 Apr 2016 6:13PM
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Surfed a beachie today with l/boarders & s/b it was the l/b who won the day

QLD, 21882 posts
8 Apr 2016 6:27PM
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asea said..
Surfed a beachie today with l/boarders & s/b it was the l/b who won the day

Your a smart man leader Asea.

NSW, 5510 posts
8 Apr 2016 6:46PM
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Well what can I say you tol me to pull the big move off at the end to fk them

QLD, 21882 posts
8 Apr 2016 6:56PM
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asea said..
Well what can I say you tol me to pull the big move off at the end to fk them

Asea = BOSS

NSW, 5510 posts
8 Apr 2016 6:59PM
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Haha Mac as we know who have met him -- God

QLD, 21882 posts
9 Apr 2016 11:25AM
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Asea was surfing with Lacey ex member so Lacey told me last night,I was up before day light so surfed a very full rainbow and it was average or it was me no I was terrrible once again.

QLD, 723 posts
9 Apr 2016 12:11PM
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Macaha said...
Asea was surfing with Lacey ex member so Lacey told me last night,I was up before day light so surfed a very full rainbow and it was average or it was me no I was terrrible once again.

Must have been you Macaha as I caught a few fun ones I was out well after sunrise though around 7ish

WA, 2353 posts
9 Apr 2016 1:43PM
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First sign of the grunt. Four foot but grunty. El Niño can get stuffed.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
9 Apr 2016 4:20PM
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Nice to hear Drip - I will look forward to receiving that in 2.55 - 3 days time Bit slow here still but had two great surfs this morning then went for a ride on the bike for two hours of joy in the mud and about to head out for a third Love weekends

8266 posts
9 Apr 2016 4:48PM
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thedrip said..
First sign of the grunt. Four foot but grunty. El Niño can get stuffed.

Well I hope something moves further North & the winds stay as good as the last few days. I've been looking, but I aint seeing anything to get me out there & about the least fussy bloke you will ever meet. Had a sh1ton on though keeping me away from the water over the last few weeks. So maybe I missed somethin, but I doubt it...please just let me think that way for now

WA, 482 posts
9 Apr 2016 7:49PM
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MickPC said..

thedrip said..
First sign of the grunt. Four foot but grunty. El Niño can get stuffed.

Well I hope something moves further North & the winds stay as good as the last few days. I've been looking, but I aint seeing anything to get me out there & about the least fussy bloke you will ever meet. Had a sh1ton on though keeping me away from the water over the last few weeks. So maybe I missed somethin, but I doubt it...please just let me think that way for now

You may have missed something
Figures on left the last wave, red ones on right the best of the day

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
9 Apr 2016 11:05PM
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Fast moving tides today. Third surf was a disaster. 4th wave ended in me being dragged across the reef. Thank goodness for the helmet

9106 posts
10 Apr 2016 7:29AM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
Fast moving tides today. Third surf was a disaster. 4th wave ended in me being dragged across the reef. Thank goodness for the helmet

Indo Ted

10979 posts
10 Apr 2016 8:45AM
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Definitely wasn't in NSW.

Very small here but smooth and the sun is out..

8266 posts
10 Apr 2016 9:07AM
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Twimby said..

You may have missed something
Figures on left the last wave, red ones on right the best of the day

I would have popped out for a bit of a chat if I knew you were one of the 4 666's out there mate, unless that's from up around your holiday house. Perfect conditions for up there yesterday.

Locally I saw 1 set of 2 waist high waves at about 1345 in 15 mins. I'm not fussy, but I'm not patient either lol I usually have 3 or 4 waves in that time I get bored

QLD, 21882 posts
10 Apr 2016 12:50PM
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Blown out this morning so I went fishing instead,the catch of the day was spotting this ex member

WA, 883 posts
10 Apr 2016 11:03AM
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Is that a Deus t-shirt he's wearing?


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo