Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
QLD, 3570 posts
20 Feb 2017 12:36PM
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nice clean small waves here at BB ....just a hint of a small swell kicking in

WA, 9675 posts
20 Feb 2017 10:42AM
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bazz61 said..
nice clean small waves here at BB ....just a hint of a small swell kicking in

Yep a had a absolute ball this morning. Perfect glassy peelers

NSW, 7269 posts
20 Feb 2017 2:51PM
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Al G said..

SP said..

Al G said..
Glad I got waves in the last 4 days now.Strong offshore winds h
ere this morning and 1 foot,practically flat
Last day todaywould be great to stay longer,definitely coming back

Glad you had a ball Al, great place for a holiday. Cheers for the few photos

Thanks SP,yeah mate I've loved every minute of it,might be a few kilos heavier by the time I get homeIf you are hungry here it's your own faultWill put up some more pics on The Board Porn thread when I get back mate
Hey smh,your gunna luuuuuv this place mate,long rides

Thats what I want to hear Al . Sounds like you're loving it.

13831 posts
20 Feb 2017 12:42PM
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good one mate - glassy here just a zephyr of wind offshore , few days ahead

QLD, 21884 posts
20 Feb 2017 2:45PM
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thePup said..
good one mate - glassy here just a zephyr of wind offshore , few days ahead

When the Prez comes out to play see ya there 6 tomorrow.

13831 posts
20 Feb 2017 12:54PM
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Ya mate I heard the great man is across the border & ready to step up think you better watch yerself champion reckons he's going to smash you Macaha

QLD, 21884 posts
20 Feb 2017 4:47PM
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thePup said..
Ya mate I heard the great man is across the border & ready to step up think you better watch yerself champion reckons he's going to smash you Macaha

Yes I heard the same thing,the only problem for him is I know he has not surfed in a few weeks,game on bring your best.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
20 Feb 2017 6:02PM
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How's the water temp down your way smh? Seems everyone up this way has been in a wettie the last few days

10979 posts
20 Feb 2017 3:11PM
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smh said..
Today had a real Autumn feel about it with a light offshore , no haze and slightly cool. Got down there to find waist to chest high peaks and only a handful out spread all over the beach. Had a really good surf after nearly two months of rubbish and crowds. Stoked

Yeah definite nip in the air. Was nice to cool down after the last month of heatwave. Don't think we have seen the end of summer yet, though an early autumn would be good.

NSW, 7269 posts
20 Feb 2017 6:27PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
How's the water temp down your way smh? Seems everyone up this way has been in a wettie the last few days

Warm as toast Ted . Was definitely colder out than in. Boardies and rashie for me

NSW, 7269 posts
20 Feb 2017 6:29PM
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SP said..

smh said..
Today had a real Autumn feel about it with a light offshore , no haze and slightly cool. Got down there to find waist to chest high peaks and only a handful out spread all over the beach. Had a really good surf after nearly two months of rubbish and crowds. Stoked

Yeah definite nip in the air. Was nice to cool down after the last month of heatwave. Don't think we have seen the end of summer yet, though an early autumn would be good.

I agree mate it's only still Feb but Autumn is only just around the corner . I reckon that nip in the air kept heaps out of the water this morning . Soft cocks

13831 posts
20 Feb 2017 4:17PM
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Macaha said..

thePup said..
Ya mate I heard the great man is across the border & ready to step up think you better watch yerself champion reckons he's going to smash you Macaha

Yes I heard the same thing,the only problem for him is I know he has not surfed in a few weeks,game on bring your best.

The Asea is out badly injured a hamstring going opening a difficult fridge out for another day

NSW, 83 posts
20 Feb 2017 7:34PM
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Great waste high high glassy peelers this afternoon. Cracking way to finish the working day.

13831 posts
20 Feb 2017 4:37PM
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2017 Beergarden Master Surf Off Leaderboard - Goldie Division Southern

Macaha & Vanders gained points last week even tho it was tripe , and scored a bonus point for 2 surfs in a week ..... I am told the Chip Chip Chippie got some don't worry & I myself got out a few times so it is a tight affair

Asea is out with injury concerns tomoz & will remain anchored at the bottom with no points

That is a maximum of 4 valuable Beergarden Master Surf Off points that the Prez Asea will never see off to a poor start the old cock , we have an early candidate for the wooden spoon fellas

Macaha 3
Vanders 3
Pup 2
Chippie 2
Asea 0

QLD, 3570 posts
20 Feb 2017 6:47PM
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You wave starved southern yokels need a decent mud map to find waves...yeah ..naaa... on second thoughts stay down there & starve...

QLD, 21884 posts
20 Feb 2017 6:49PM
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Yes just got informed the prez got cold feet and called it off until he regains some of his match fitness back.

QLD, 3570 posts
20 Feb 2017 6:49PM
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ps..or take up golf......

QLD, 21884 posts
20 Feb 2017 6:51PM
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bazz61 said..
You wave starved southern yokels need a decent mud map to find waves...yeah ..naaa... on second thoughts stay down there & starve...

One of our waves equals 20 of yours when it comes to length of ride, yes I hear the opposition chanting but fellows I lived in surfers and broadie for 11 years.

13831 posts
20 Feb 2017 4:58PM
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Macaha said..
Yes just got informed the prez got cold feet and called it off until he regains some of his match fitness back.

Yah mate ...... medicos are saying it's Pie related ..... the council bin joker reckons he saw 2 empty Rumbo bottles with a bra draped over them in the driveway last week ..... under the pump & battling to defend his undisputed crown the Prez

QLD, 3570 posts
20 Feb 2017 7:24PM
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Macaha said..

bazz61 said..
You wave starved southern yokels need a decent mud map to find waves...yeah ..naaa... on second thoughts stay down there & starve...

One of our waves equals 20 of yours when it comes to length of ride, yes I hear the opposition chanting but fellows I lived in surfers and broadie for 11 years.

correct Mac but 20/30 take offs and the associated paddling sure sharpens your act up and the crowds....well speaks for itself ....for me its more enjoyable to get many short waves than sit for 2 hours & get maybe 4 if your I don't have to worry about some 666 rider washing my toe jam out whilst taking a leak.....!

WA, 9675 posts
20 Feb 2017 11:20PM
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bazz61 said..

Macaha said..

bazz61 said..
You wave starved southern yokels need a decent mud map to find waves...yeah ..naaa... on second thoughts stay down there & starve...

One of our waves equals 20 of yours when it comes to length of ride, yes I hear the opposition chanting but fellows I lived in surfers and broadie for 11 years.

correct Mac but 20/30 take offs and the associated paddling sure sharpens your act up and the crowds....well speaks for itself ....for me its more enjoyable to get many short waves than sit for 2 hours & get maybe 4 if your I don't have to worry about some 666 rider washing my toe jam out whilst taking a leak.....!

You out are wasting your time on him with that talk...

My rides are longer

Awesome place snapper though. I love it

WA, 9675 posts
21 Feb 2017 4:15AM
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except this morning it is a lake

nut not up here...stay nice wind please

VIC, 3829 posts
21 Feb 2017 9:24AM
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Surfs OK but gave the shoulders a rest cause there ****ed....and its freezing..8C in the middle of the arvo on Sunday

13831 posts
21 Feb 2017 6:32AM
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Swell was a no show , management have called a layday with 0.5 of a point awarded to the silly muthafarkers who bothered to drive down anyway & go out

QLD, 21884 posts
21 Feb 2017 9:09AM
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thePup said..
Swell was a no show , management have called a layday with 0.5 of a point awarded to the silly muthafarkers who bothered to drive down anyway & go out

Disappointing,saw it at first light and made a coffee instead.

QLD, 3570 posts
21 Feb 2017 10:05AM
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Macaha said..

thePup said..
Swell was a no show , management have called a layday with 0.5 of a point awarded to the silly muthafarkers who bothered to drive down anyway & go out

Disappointing,saw it at first light and made a coffee instead.

got a few clean waist hi dribblers untill the se kicked in .. shared with 2 mermaids....water warm & quite a bit of fish life....

WA, 9675 posts
21 Feb 2017 9:17AM
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Swam as it was ****.

QLD, 21884 posts
21 Feb 2017 1:24PM
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i'm taking grace out for a paddle in 50 mins if anybody is interested in meeting her,she is hot but very flat.

NSW, 7269 posts
21 Feb 2017 3:30PM
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I'm going for a look now

QLD, 21884 posts
21 Feb 2017 3:38PM
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Left Grace on the car snapper had some fun sliders, best part only 4 out because the comp site is under construction and people are to lazy to walk around the corner go check it out.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo