Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
8266 posts
24 Feb 2017 2:24PM
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Little overhead at the local today...for the 4 foot grommet getting pushed into waves by his dad

Raced home for the 666 & had some fun standing backwards watching behind the wave. Just seemed more interesting than the little wall in front...Then came home & set up my new router for my new NBN connection...yeah baby, I've Waited Awhile for this & the node is right next to my house. Stoked with some speedy internetz, must have been the sacrifice of my TV last night to obsolescence

WA, 2353 posts
24 Feb 2017 5:32PM
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MickPC said..
Little overhead at the local today...for the 4 foot grommet getting pushed into waves by his dad

Raced home for the 666 & had some fun standing backwards watching behind the wave. Just seemed more interesting than the little wall in front...Then came home & set up my new router for my new NBN connection...yeah baby, I've Waited Awhile for this & the node is right next to my house. Stoked with some speedy internetz, must have been the sacrifice of my TV last night to obsolescence

NBN this Wednesday. Router arrived today. No more fuzzy NETFLIX.

And good thing i grew grew up in Gero. Gotta get my arvo onshore bash mojo on tomorrow.

My not so new job has turned me into a weekend warrior unfortunately.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
25 Feb 2017 7:28AM
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What speeds you getting Mick ? And you Drip. Be interesting to compare

13831 posts
25 Feb 2017 6:46AM
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2017 Beergarden Master Surf Off - Goldie Division Southern

Proudly daaaaaaaa diddly dee daaaa daaaaa daaaaaaaaah sponsored by
Well this morning greeted The Gold Coast Godfather & I with some reasonable waves .... the reigning champion slipped outside & scored some lovely rides all the way in .... the highlight was the burning of one local brother to a charred singed piece of Bacon along the way ..... maximum points to a charging Asea who has surged up the leaderboard to within a point of Macaha ..... but he may rue getting a soft cock yesterday & earning nada points .... we wish good luck finding a parking spot at LM

Pup 7
Macaha 5.5 ***
Asea 4.5
Lacey 4 ***
Vanders 3W

8266 posts
25 Feb 2017 8:41AM
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Nice Drip, your gonna love it. How far are you from the node?

Ted I just got a 24mbps plan with TPG, might upgrade the speed later if a cheaper plan comes along. This ones $70 unlimited data pay as you go phone which will never be used for outgoing calls.

Before on ADSL2 testing on speedtest I had 22 ping & a DL of 8.7mbps
Now 12 ping, 23.5mbps DL...I'm the only one connected on my street at the moment

.....going for a paddle later when the tide comes up

WA, 2353 posts
25 Feb 2017 10:26AM
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MickPC said..
Nice Drip, your gonna love it. How far are you from the node?

Ted I just got a 24mbps plan with TPG, might upgrade the speed later if a cheaper plan comes along. This ones $70 unlimited data pay as you go phone which will never be used for outgoing calls.

Before on ADSL2 testing on speedtest I had 22 ping & a DL of 8.7mbps
Now 12 ping, 23.5mbps DL...I'm the only one connected on my street at the moment

.....going for a paddle later when the tide comes up

Lol. 0.1 Mbps is my present download speed. I am about 70m from the node.

Do different speed test sites give different results?

edit: apparently they do. Another site just said 1.8 mbps. Sounds quick to me as downloading a 3meg pic takes longer than 3s.

QLD, 21883 posts
25 Feb 2017 1:00PM
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Surfed a beautiful Rainbow Bay everything was perfect.

QLD, 388 posts
25 Feb 2017 2:47PM
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Yep just around the corner from you Macaha this morning, first decent waves on the new board, perfect.....

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
25 Feb 2017 4:32PM
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GWatto said..
Yep just around the corner from you Macaha this morning, first decent waves on the new board, perfect.....

New Board Watto,any pics?...

8266 posts
25 Feb 2017 1:50PM
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thedrip said..

Lol. 0.1 Mbps is my present download speed. I am about 70m from the node.

Do different speed test sites give different results?

edit: apparently they do. Another site just said 1.8 mbps. Sounds quick to me as downloading a 3meg pic takes longer than 3s.

I'd guess a combination of distance from the exchange & old copper is effecting the performance of your current connection.

70m from the node is awesome mate, you should get near on 100% of the speed you sign up for like me

........went for a paddle on the 666 & was surprised to find waist high waves with no one out. I was stoked coz i expected it to be flat

13831 posts
25 Feb 2017 2:19PM
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thePup said..
2017 Beergarden Master Surf Off - Goldie Division Southern

Proudly daaaaaaaa diddly dee daaaa daaaaa daaaaaaaaah sponsored by
Well this morning greeted The Gold Coast Godfather & I with some reasonable waves .... the reigning champion slipped outside & scored some lovely rides all the way in .... the highlight was the burning of one local brother to a charred singed piece of Bacon along the way ..... maximum points to a charging Asea who has surged up the leaderboard to within a point of Macaha ..... but he may rue getting a soft cock yesterday & earning nada points .... we wish good luck finding a parking spot at LM

Pup 7
Macaha 6.5
Lacey 5
Asea 4.5
Vanders 3W

Whisper there could be a clash of the titans tomoz ..... Asea , fired up after a classy performance on the 910 today has laid a Pie & coffee down on the table & challenged Macaha to surf for it ..... but ..... and this is a very big but ..... the Huntsman , aka Vanders , could be in town ..... if either of the two boardwhores fall over the Huntsman will drain them

QLD, 21883 posts
25 Feb 2017 4:29PM
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Where and time Pup,Asea aka the king surfed Kirra super early I surfed 2 points north in a better tide.

The king is frothing at the new board coming his way,I've called it thunder bird 2,because its wide and it loved todays conditions.

QLD, 388 posts
25 Feb 2017 4:41PM
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Al G said..

GWatto said..
Yep just around the corner from you Macaha this morning, first decent waves on the new board, perfect.....

New Board Watto,any pics?...

Posted in the Board Porn thread a few weeks back.
Work and lack of waves has limited the chances of me getting her wet

13831 posts
25 Feb 2017 4:10PM
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Lovely she is a stunner

13831 posts
25 Feb 2017 4:17PM
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2017 BMSO - GSD

Locked .... stocked .... two heavily smoking barrels .... Double Point Round .... Wildcards closed .... Go Hard or risk receiving "The Double Point Bitch" trophy ....

*** The Bumblebee is about to be unleashed , A McT will change hands , A SDR will be flogged , The Huntsman is on the prowl having cleverly played the Wildcard , The Prez is back in town & off the Pies ,

TABB & Sportsbett odds are wildly fluctuating ...... Asea's odds have plunged after todays little blast from the past virtuoso he's back to 4/1 , Macaha has eased to 8/11 , the Chippolata the same , darkhorse is the Huntsman pegged at 6/4 bookies ****ting themselves what with the Asea roaring back into town , Pup hanging around the joint sniffing at 7/4

Pup 7
Macaha 6.5
Lacey 5
Asea 4.5
Vanders 4

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
25 Feb 2017 7:21PM
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GWatto said..

Al G said..

GWatto said..
Yep just around the corner from you Macaha this morning, first decent waves on the new board, perfect.....

New Board Watto,any pics?...

Posted in the Board Porn thread a few weeks back.
Work and lack of waves has limited the chances of me getting her wet

Ah Yes,sorry Watto I do remember seeing that,Bloody beautiful board mate,glad it goes good for ya

NSW, 1301 posts
26 Feb 2017 9:42AM
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Another day of onshore slop here all in all a very poor summer for waves so far bring on Autumn ??

13831 posts
26 Feb 2017 7:54AM
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2017 Beergarden Masters Surf Off - Goldie Southern Division

the crew was met with conditions that were full & a bit slow , Asea , Macaha & Vanders scoring early rides through inside , class & pedigree on show along with sparkling footwork & boardporn ..... SurfAnimal entered the fray with a couple of nice ones too .... one of which cost Pup a full point for a drop-in .... could be a costly error in the bog of it all .... grouse to meet SA , another quality fella we've been lucky enough to hook here

So the cream rose to the top , Macaha has put his heavy hand up & the chipolata's decision to pass may hurt given the double point round , the Prez has suddenly rocketed into 3rd

Macaha 8.5
Pup 8
Asea 6.5
Vanders 6
Lacey 5

NSW, 1637 posts
26 Feb 2017 12:44PM
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Thanks Pup. Was wonderful to see everyone and share some waves and a laugh with you all...a great bunch of blokes and the morning really was what surfing is all about, board talk, calling each other into some waves and sharing a coffee after.

It's a shame the coffee never arrived but that's a story in itself isn't it

Here's some snaps of the morning for the record, too much fun !

QLD, 21883 posts
26 Feb 2017 11:56AM
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Yes great fun this morning fellas.

Awesome board SA and you can see why its called a glide went very nicely,also fantastic to meet you thats another member always good.

Pup I dont know what got into you today but you have the crew talking should have seen there faces when I said hey I know him he's alright

Looks like its back to the coffee club boys,I dont know what happened at the please this morning but it was an absolute joke,I dont think the girl got one order correct oh other than Lacey's and mine,worst service I've ever uncounted.Vanders had steam coming out of his ears

I high tailed it to Byron headed straight to the new mct showroom drank coffee talked boards,then a little work related issue I had to take care of,I gave the surf festival and the mct comp a miss due to traffic and lack of carparks.

13831 posts
26 Feb 2017 10:01AM
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yes I managed a few waves & it upset one or two , few foreign roadblocks didn't help - accept my points penalty should have gone in earlier hahaha

Dunno where my Brekky went , vanished into a p00fteenth of a puff of dust

QLD, 21883 posts
26 Feb 2017 12:03PM
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Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
26 Feb 2017 1:24PM
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Cool pics fellas,looks like ya's had a great morning,nice boards to,good one

QLD, 3808 posts
26 Feb 2017 1:03PM
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Geez I'm buggered if I know how I've ended up with even that many points????

bit off the B game today,3 hours sleep last night took its toll but good to be in the water just the same.

Again good to meet up with SA and Mrs SA, love that board mate, it's a cracker. Breaky yeah well I've got nothing on that front, hang on I did end up with 6 poached eggs......

Pup, don't let em take you down champion, I saw you nail a couple of crackers.

13831 posts
26 Feb 2017 11:39AM
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thePup said..
2017 Beergarden Masters Surf Off - Goldie Southern Division

the crew was met with conditions that were full & a bit slow , Asea , Macaha & Vanders scoring early rides through inside , class & pedigree on show along with sparkling footwork & boardporn ..... SurfAnimal entered the fray with a couple of nice ones too .... one of which cost Pup a full point for a drop-in .... could be a costly error in the bog of it all .... grouse to meet SA , another quality fella we've been lucky enough to hook here

So the cream rose to the top , Macaha has put his heavy hand up & the chipolata's decision to pass may hurt given the double point round , the Prez has suddenly rocketed into 3rd

Macaha 8.5
Pup 8
Asea 6.5
Vanders 6
Lacey 6

Pup awarded "PointBitch" for the event as the lowest point gatherer of the round .... ( )
Lacey gets a vital point for attending proceedings passing probly a clever move still a dangerous customer in the run home ....
New Porn yehaaaaaaa
Old Porn gawwwwwwwwwnnnnnn

QLD, 21883 posts
26 Feb 2017 1:48PM
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You should deduct 10 points from Lacey, for turning up with a shortboard knowing it's a longboard comp. Vanders should get double points for froth driving the distance for a surf.

NSW, 7269 posts
26 Feb 2017 4:43PM
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Been howling south east here for a couple of days now making options very limited. Dayshift all week for me except thursday so I'll be hanging to get out by then.

QLD, 21883 posts
26 Feb 2017 3:56PM
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Bugger mate bugger

NSW, 7269 posts
26 Feb 2017 5:42PM
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Had a pretty good run last week Mac and Autumn is just around the corner. Happy days

8266 posts
26 Feb 2017 3:09PM
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Great pics SA, looks like heaps of fun, wish I was there to enjoy it with yuz

Yah bring on autumn SMH, cant wait mate


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo