nice wave today up early this morn looking at my 110mm shade sail post bent. off down to the local beach,pull up to see this young long boarder Nashie getting shacked
i couldn't drive back home quicker to get the board.
the adrenaline still pumps like a 14year old.
No shack time for me pup,young Nash is a gun on a longboard his Ol man is a local shaper.
fingers xxx this offshore don't blow it out
I hope this low goes down and keeps the swell up.
last nights gust were about 100-120ks trees down small damage here and there
its coming your way Pup stay safe everyone .
Surf report here is.
From Belgium chocolate yesterday to those little yellow lollys you find in a toilet.
Ventured down south to Pups back yard ( Kirra) ...sat wide with another long boarder ...not many were connecting all the way through ... managed to get 1 decent wave that peeled off all the way down the line ..longest ride I've had in a while ...there were some nice walls in front of the groyne which the short boarders were getting the odd barrel on ..waters warm as ...but dirty ..wave faces were about 1 to 2 m with the odd bigger one .
Looks like tomorrow should be OK . Checked this arvo and theres some swell but wind is easterly and pretty bumpy. Paddled the river instead.
Waiting for the tide to come up a bit. Northerly wind here. Going out the back to cut some knee high grass
was a bit lucky yesterday & got a small swell increase and straighter lines at Kirra ...managed a couple of long fast rides and a few shorter ones ....sitting wide was the go the bank is no where like the old days ...
Oney this morning,bit high tide but beautiful morning,lefts and rights,water is nice still and it's not faaarken raining for once
Just about to jump in the veehikel and head nth to warmer climes for a week of waves forecast looking excellent
Hoping for some more gems on the 11'8 today.
Snavelled these on Friday and hoping for more today.
Happy Sunday all
Another beautiful morning,went out a bit later and not as nice as yesterday but got a few on the 10'2",happy with that
Just rubbish here today so did a two hour walk. Need to train for my upcoming holiday. Hoping for something during the week because I dont go back to work until Thursday.
Paddled out at LM got swept down the line into mid rainbow, snagged one there then swept into greenmount go two there and called it a day, Kirra was on and so was the crowd, the words got out.
beaut day here offshore winds ...waves 2/4 ft faces ..banks not the best but the conditions are primo...