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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
QLD, 5544 posts
26 Jun 2017 12:35PM
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At LM nice sliders long rides

QLD, 21948 posts
26 Jun 2017 12:42PM
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asea said..
At LM nice sliders long rides


laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Jun 2017 1:25PM
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asea said..
At LM nice sliders long rides

Where were you yesterday. Oh . Pros dont need to surf on the weekends

8266 posts
26 Jun 2017 2:26PM
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Scored some fun long little lefts on the 666 after lunch...surprisingly in boardies & rashie. Couldn't be bothered putting on a wettie & its been such a magic day weather wise. Plan was to just not get wet...fell off the first wave though haha still warm but

QLD, 3570 posts
28 Jun 2017 11:22AM
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a few waist high shories here at BB... shock horror...water temp has dropped maybe 20 degs now ..

13831 posts
1 Jul 2017 6:48AM
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Absolutely smoking hot dawn surf at Big A .... some beautiful sets purring in , scored

QLD, 3570 posts
1 Jul 2017 9:08AM
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thePup said..
Absolutely smoking hot dawn surf at Big A .... some beautiful sets purring in , scored

gotta say bit envious ...

QLD, 21948 posts
1 Jul 2017 10:23AM
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Come on Lacey just because I'm unable to surf dose not mean you can't? where,on what and what was it like?

13831 posts
2 Jul 2017 6:10AM
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Same as yesterday morning - except the swell has arrived , some big slabs rolling in , bloody great fun 2 days in a row

QLD, 3570 posts
2 Jul 2017 8:34AM
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thePup said..
Same as yesterday morning - except the swell has arrived , some big slabs rolling in , bloody great fun 2 days in a row

clean 2ft closeouts here gods are holding back ...any pics pup ..?

13831 posts
2 Jul 2017 6:46AM
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Sent a couple to SA & Vanders yesterday then deleted them mate and today well I couldn't wait to get out

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
2 Jul 2017 9:05AM
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Good ya getting some Pupmiester,didn't know LD was your uncle,cool
Found a good old pic of him with his FC Holden wagon in front of his surfshop,checkout "Classic old surf cars thread"good to see he was an old Holden man,haha...

13831 posts
2 Jul 2017 7:14AM
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Mate it was a bit wilder on the inside - ya just didn't want to get caught in the impact icecream it was near 15 foot thick sheet there was twice I had to take off in it so I could get to the clean slab face faaaark

LD had a global auction of some of the rarest surf artefacts on the planet around the time of retirement , amazing collection of treasures

QLD, 3570 posts
3 Jul 2017 1:31PM
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glassy chest hi peaks on the low tide at BB ..nice day on the beach

13831 posts
3 Jul 2017 2:49PM
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Good work Bazz

VIC, 8020 posts
3 Jul 2017 5:36PM
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I need to confess again, only 1 surf this past week, with what was quite good conditions... Sunday, Lowers (Winki), it was fun.

Golf with my son is prevailing... We are both smashing it out there! Sure, we make mistakes, and aren't the est players, but, by gosh we hit some cracking smoking shots amongst the bad ones!

Edit:... Mac, you sold your clubs yet!?

QLD, 21948 posts
3 Jul 2017 5:54PM
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Haha thanks for the call Simondo, no still swinging the clubs but only every 3 4 weeks but I'm happy with that, I've also been playing with my son it's great as we can have a laugh beers and take the piss.

VIC, 8020 posts
3 Jul 2017 7:30PM
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Mac: Same, but only one of us old enough to sink piss! Both old enough to take the piss though!

QLD, 3570 posts
4 Jul 2017 12:44PM
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nice little easterly swell has popped up ...really nice conditions but banks not cooperating ..

QLD, 21948 posts
4 Jul 2017 1:52PM
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Nowhere soon

13831 posts
4 Jul 2017 1:48PM
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nah get it sorted champion its for the best you'll have your hands behind your back again in no time

QLD, 21948 posts
4 Jul 2017 7:31PM
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thePup said..
nah get it sorted champion its for the best you'll have your hands behind your back again in no time

X Rays and MRI complete just awaiting a call from the Doc to see how she looks, but he wasn't giving me any good news.

8266 posts
4 Jul 2017 5:50PM
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Macaha said..

thePup said..
nah get it sorted champion its for the best you'll have your hands behind your back again in no time

X Rays and MRI complete just awaiting a call from the Doc to see how she looks, but he wasn't giving me any good news.

Crapola mate, hope your purgatory is not too long. But good to see you on a good path of repair.

QLD, 21948 posts
4 Jul 2017 8:02PM
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MickPC said..

Macaha said..

thePup said..
nah get it sorted champion its for the best you'll have your hands behind your back again in no time

X Rays and MRI complete just awaiting a call from the Doc to see how she looks, but he wasn't giving me any good news.

Crapola mate, hope your purgatory is not too long. But good to see you on a good path of repair.

yeah off to Bali next week for two weeks, looks like leg up and happy hour baking in the sun will be on order, it could be worse.

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
4 Jul 2017 8:07PM
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Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Macaha said..

thePup said..
nah get it sorted champion its for the best you'll have your hands behind your back again in no time

X Rays and MRI complete just awaiting a call from the Doc to see how she looks, but he wasn't giving me any good news.

Crapola mate, hope your purgatory is not too long. But good to see you on a good path of repair.

yeah off to Bali next week for two weeks, looks like leg up and happy hour baking in the sun will be on order, it could be worse.

That sounds like a good holiday to meHope ya heal up soon mate!...

8266 posts
4 Jul 2017 6:23PM
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Macaha said..

MickPC said..

Macaha said..

thePup said..
nah get it sorted champion its for the best you'll have your hands behind your back again in no time

X Rays and MRI complete just awaiting a call from the Doc to see how she looks, but he wasn't giving me any good news.

Crapola mate, hope your purgatory is not too long. But good to see you on a good path of repair.

yeah off to Bali next week for two weeks, looks like leg up and happy hour baking in the sun will be on order, it could be worse.

Bintang in one hand, camera in the other I hope...climate should help heaps mate, my bodies seizing up over here. Not a fan of this time of year.

QLD, 21948 posts
4 Jul 2017 8:26PM
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Haha thanks fellas, it won't be the same as I'll miss our drink session with Ted this trip,I'll let you know the results but I want to read a heap of where did you surf so get out there.

8266 posts
5 Jul 2017 3:01PM
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Epic, uber, super duper...tiny novelty waves at my favourite local novelty wave spot. Decent size swell on the open area's & perfect wind, unfortunately the wave period was really low. So pretty consistent, but really small clean knee high 20m peelers. Although due to something going on at the moment a nice bank was being formed that should be really cool if it continues & we get a big swell. So excited about the possibility of that

NSW, 83 posts
5 Jul 2017 5:57PM
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Like a lake out there today. The new 8ft board was found wanting. I think I NEED to add a 10ft log to the quiver...

QLD, 21948 posts
5 Jul 2017 6:34PM
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Warnsey said..
Like a lake out there today. The new 8ft board was found wanting. I think I NEED to add a 10ft log to the quiver...

I think you should.that 8 is very nice.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo