Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
13831 posts
11 Oct 2017 3:36PM
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Geez I've just reminded myself of Benny ..... old Benny pissed as a squid over at Rotto in tentland the forefather of the bumbag Benny was , a modified jute hessian bag assembled around the waist with two king browns cleverly arranged within old Benny had this reasoning chicks went trippy if you hid their fanny spray how the fark he didn't get us all locked up that night I have not fathomed to this very day I thought I'd dislocated my jaw it was so sore from laughing

13831 posts
11 Oct 2017 3:43PM
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Al G said..

thePup said..

SP said..

thePup said..

laceys lane said..

thePup said..
Just went out regardless this morning on the low tide for a few wedges - dolphins in the shallows teaching their youngins how to catch a meal by tossing fish in the air for them to catch themselves was my bonus treat

Turtles with beady eyes, dolphins tossing.

Ya turning into a north coast hippie on crack

hahaha geez mate - the only crack I posess is hairy & can be found hanging around porcelain I have a little beach you would rip apart like a hot roast chook mister Lacey - you should hop into the Colorado and head south into pristine waters

Bet you still have a few open chested floral shirts tucked away from your dance floor days that would look great flying across a wave.

Ah the trusty golden breed threads worn 4 times a week (5 in winter during the footy season) & washed barely even once unless you ventured to the Folk's place and she's chucked a wobbly & whipped it off your Brut33 , salt & beach sand encrusted armpits to her washing machine but then again it really counted for schit if you were over at Rotto Island - no-one wore much

I thought you might have worn the skivvies and flares mate

geez mate that's a bad bad blast from the past hey the old girl bought the school issue standard bell bottom grey jeans or pants or whatever the rancid farkers were supposed to be in First Year high ... I used to get on the bus & wait until it got half full then change into the Levis the bashings educated you very quickly

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
11 Oct 2017 6:50PM
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thePup said..

Al G said..

thePup said..

SP said..

thePup said..

laceys lane said..

thePup said..
Just went out regardless this morning on the low tide for a few wedges - dolphins in the shallows teaching their youngins how to catch a meal by tossing fish in the air for them to catch themselves was my bonus treat

Turtles with beady eyes, dolphins tossing.

Ya turning into a north coast hippie on crack

hahaha geez mate - the only crack I posess is hairy & can be found hanging around porcelain I have a little beach you would rip apart like a hot roast chook mister Lacey - you should hop into the Colorado and head south into pristine waters

Bet you still have a few open chested floral shirts tucked away from your dance floor days that would look great flying across a wave.

Ah the trusty golden breed threads worn 4 times a week (5 in winter during the footy season) & washed barely even once unless you ventured to the Folk's place and she's chucked a wobbly & whipped it off your Brut33 , salt & beach sand encrusted armpits to her washing machine but then again it really counted for schit if you were over at Rotto Island - no-one wore much

I thought you might have worn the skivvies and flares mate

geez mate that's a bad bad blast from the past hey the old girl bought the school issue standard bell bottom grey jeans or pants or whatever the rancid farkers were supposed to be in First Year high ... I used to get on the bus & wait until it got half full then change into the Levis the bashings educated you very quickly

hahaha,Yeah my old girl worked for Amco Jeans and bought home these bell bottom flares,I said you can have them bloody things,I'm getting grey Levis,she thought she was doing a good thing god bless herI did wear a skivvy when I was a little kid though

13831 posts
11 Oct 2017 3:55PM
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Cobra still wears the bell bottom strides the flap front quick release ones the hookers go crazy PeeDiddy in velour

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
11 Oct 2017 6:58PM
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thePup said..
Cobra still wears the bell bottom strides the flap front quick release ones the hookers go crazy PeeDiddy in velour

The snakeman has got a trouser snake for the hookers hey

NSW, 1301 posts
12 Oct 2017 9:16PM
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Nth Sumatra right hand reefie with 4 out toooo good

QLD, 3570 posts
12 Oct 2017 8:22PM
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Big monday on its way ... pups bac yard...

13831 posts
12 Oct 2017 6:50PM
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we have 11 fingers crossed the winds are favourable mate

13831 posts
12 Oct 2017 6:51PM
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Ricardo1709 said..
Nth Sumatra right hand reefie with 4 out toooo good

how's the hand holding up Rico

WA, 883 posts
12 Oct 2017 10:02PM
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Arrive at Lembongan today. Ankle high sets every hour ! Yew!!

NSW, 1301 posts
13 Oct 2017 7:33AM
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thePup said..

Ricardo1709 said..
Nth Sumatra right hand reefie with 4 out toooo good

how's the hand holding up Rico

Yep all good thanks it's been well and truly tested duck diving some bombs after being caught on the inside section after waves.
Anyone know the going rate from airport to Ulus cheers

WA, 883 posts
13 Oct 2017 9:15AM
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Lembongan Day 2 - FLAT hoping for a pulse on the high tide this arvo

13831 posts
13 Oct 2017 10:46AM
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poor bastard hope that improves for ya mate

8266 posts
13 Oct 2017 4:00PM
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Ricardo1709 said..

thePup said..

Ricardo1709 said..
Nth Sumatra right hand reefie with 4 out toooo good

how's the hand holding up Rico

Yep all good thanks it's been well and truly tested duck diving some bombs after being caught on the inside section after waves.
Anyone know the going rate from airport to Ulus cheers

I pay $20 to $25...gotta have it pre arranged or you will get ripped trying to arrange it from the airport & the Ulu's transport mafia are even worse. I'll PM you Gusties number, tell him your a friend of Mick's.

8266 posts
13 Oct 2017 4:12PM
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Surf69 said..
Lembongan Day 2 - FLAT hoping for a pulse on the high tide this arvo

haha how did it go, thats Nusa Lembongan for will be flat everyday while low tide & then your like what the fark mid to high tide, its suddenly pumping. You had pretty crap tides yesterday though, only got to like 1.57m. Low most of the day. Cennigan handles lower tides

8266 posts
13 Oct 2017 4:20PM
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Had good waves everyday since last Saturday, just dropped today. But big enough to take the shortboard out just before lunch, popped home for a quick snack & grabbed the 666 for some arvo waves with a mate. Bloody beautiful day

WA, 9675 posts
14 Oct 2017 7:20AM
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Quick swim was all that was on offer today

WA, 883 posts
14 Oct 2017 10:55AM
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MickPC said..

Surf69 said..
Lembongan Day 2 - FLAT hoping for a pulse on the high tide this arvo

haha how did it go, thats Nusa Lembongan for will be flat everyday while low tide & then your like what the fark mid to high tide, its suddenly pumping. You had pretty crap tides yesterday though, only got to like 1.57m. Low most of the day. Cennigan handles lower tides

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MickPC said..

Surf69 said..
Lembongan Day 2 - FLAT hoping for a pulse on the high tide this arvo

haha how did it go, thats Nusa Lembongan for will be flat everyday while low tide & then your like what the fark mid to high tide, its suddenly pumping. You had pretty crap tides yesterday though, only got to like 1.57m. Low most of the day. Cennigan handles lower tides

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MickPC said..

Surf69 said..
Lembongan Day 2 - FLAT hoping for a pulse on the high tide this arvo

haha how did it go, thats Nusa Lembongan for will be flat everyday while low tide & then your like what the fark mid to high tide, its suddenly pumping. You had pretty crap tides yesterday though, only got to like 1.57m. Low most of the day. Cennigan handles lower tides

Yep....pulsed late in the arvo with the tide coming in good surf in the Arvo and at sparrows this morning untill the tide stole the swell. Be back on again this arvo and should be a little bigger as well hopefully!

13831 posts
15 Oct 2017 7:01AM
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We've had a 20 knot SSE howler for the most of the past 24hrs - wandered over to A Pt and was frothing to discover the beachie offshore (angle of coast) and clean - got out first and scooped up a few pretty good ones when really I shouldn't have
Most of the carpark went straight out after seeing that but nevertheless it was a bonus score & water is farkin magnificent yeeeeeeehaaaa
all is good

NSW, 249 posts
16 Oct 2017 8:25AM
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Pup hittin' the A beach break

QLD, 3808 posts
16 Oct 2017 7:38AM
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Looks nice.
I hope you got a few yourself too mate.

NSW, 249 posts
16 Oct 2017 8:54AM
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vanders1 said..
Looks nice.
I hope you got a few yourself too mate.

None for me today

NSW, 249 posts
16 Oct 2017 8:57AM
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13831 posts
16 Oct 2017 6:18AM
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Geez that wind was ferocious after the first half hour or so Lancey hahaha - scraped together a few decent ones but christ my arse cheeks feel like they went to Vegas and done 11 rounds with Mike Tyson damn shame coz there's some serious size out back

13831 posts
16 Oct 2017 6:20AM
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LanceF said..

Along with one local 'Lege RG ..... he is the man

QLD, 21884 posts
16 Oct 2017 8:29AM
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thePup said..

LanceF said..

Along with one local 'Lege RG ..... he is the man

Was that you featuring in the background at times Pup?

13831 posts
16 Oct 2017 6:36AM
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nah I got out a bit earlier mate - I hit the beachies anyway - Ray is a gun who makes surfing in any conditions look seriously good all class & fluid movement , GOD for very good reason hey

QLD, 21884 posts
16 Oct 2017 8:39AM
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thePup said..
nah I got out a bit earlier mate - I hit the beachies anyway - Ray is a gun who makes surfing in any conditions look seriously good all class & fluid movement , GOD for very good reason hey

Yeah he is good, have you made friends with the locals yet?

13831 posts
16 Oct 2017 6:42AM
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Yeah there's some good people in these hills & some very good surfers amongst them too , first pickings are theirs

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
16 Oct 2017 12:52PM
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LanceF said..
Pup hittin' the A beach break

Dont tell me you are still using that barge????


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo