Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
QLD, 21884 posts
19 Mar 2020 4:59PM
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bazz61 said..
Checked out the points , not too bad, car parks non existent ,

Lets head south Baz,you in Lacey?

QLD, 3570 posts
19 Mar 2020 6:33PM
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Pensioners point no good for Lacey ,any reports from A Mac??

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
19 Mar 2020 6:50PM
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Seabreeze shows it sizing down.
I looked today and gee i was tempted.
Then we got talking to a guy walking pass after his surf.
Super hectic. He said im nearing 50 and there i am wanting to have a fight

9106 posts
19 Mar 2020 5:52PM
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waiting on Asea and his surf report from up the coast

QLD, 21884 posts
19 Mar 2020 8:15PM
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laceys lane said..
Seabreeze shows it sizing down.
I looked today and gee i was tempted.
Then we got talking to a guy walking pass after his surf.
Super hectic. He said im nearing 50 and there i am wanting to have a fight

Your mate is soft he should smash himself pfff find better friends

QLD, 21884 posts
19 Mar 2020 8:16PM
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Cobra said..
waiting on Asea and his surf report from up the coast

Currently surfing Noosa river oh dam did I just drop another secret spot

QLD, 21884 posts
19 Mar 2020 8:16PM
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Cobra said..
waiting on Asea and his surf report from up the coast

Currently surfing Noosa river oh dam did I just drop another secret spot

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
19 Mar 2020 8:33PM
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Kama will get you.

9106 posts
20 Mar 2020 11:40AM
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Macaha said..

Cobra said..
waiting on Asea and his surf report from up the coast

Currently surfing Noosa river oh dam did I just drop another secret spot

you're not even warm

QLD, 21884 posts
20 Mar 2020 1:44PM
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OK he is way north I know the spot,if you see him send him home,we are closing the boarder off at midnight.

9106 posts
20 Mar 2020 11:46AM
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Macaha said..
OK he is way north I know the spot,if you see him send him home,we are closing the boarder off at midnight.

he'l be looked after.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
20 Mar 2020 5:24PM
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Worked up the northern end of broadbeach right on the beach. Very clean. 4 ft ish. But totally doable. Quite a few surfers sprinkled about

QLD, 21884 posts
20 Mar 2020 5:51PM
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laceys lane said..
Worked up the northern end of broadbeach right on the beach. Very clean. 4 ft ish. But totally doable. Quite a few surfers sprinkled about

So the north end of Broadbeach is called Surfers Paradise

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
20 Mar 2020 6:06PM
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No. still in broadbeach

QLD, 21884 posts
20 Mar 2020 6:31PM
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laceys lane said..
No. still in broadbeach

Ok Northcliffe

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
20 Mar 2020 6:43PM
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God help me or you

QLD, 21884 posts
20 Mar 2020 7:34PM
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laceys lane said..
God help me or you

Im here to help in fact I offer my services free of charge

198 posts
21 Mar 2020 10:59AM
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Practiced good social distancing on the central beachies- once the tide dropped the storm bank had a couple of holes and I got some fun ones. Cracking morning

QLD, 21884 posts
22 Mar 2020 6:50AM
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Slider on the point I did see legend Asea on one as I drove around the point

183 posts
22 Mar 2020 5:25AM
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Self isolated yesterday in my car, then my wetsuit, then my car again.
Well OH sets, kind of ugly, bumpy and doubling up but super fun. Plenty of chunky sections. Dusted off the NPJ widow maker.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
22 Mar 2020 9:02AM
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Very small local beachie

QLD, 3570 posts
22 Mar 2020 9:06AM
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Small at Woopi.

Daneli Returns
NSW, 160 posts
22 Mar 2020 11:34AM
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Nice everywhere this morning

QLD, 3570 posts
22 Mar 2020 3:40PM
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Back beaches 35 ft faces and real clean , Woopi

Al G
NSW, 7652 posts
22 Mar 2020 6:14PM
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bazz61 said..
Back beaches 35 ft faces and real clean , Woopi

35 ft faces,where at Baz ,Waimea

QLD, 3570 posts
23 Mar 2020 2:28PM
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3 to 5 Al ,real clean..Like a Mexican drug runner... had to make a dash to the boarder. ...feckn virus ruined me roadie back to GC slop..

QLD, 21884 posts
23 Mar 2020 2:34PM
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Shame Baz,Asea is about to get locked out of QLD,I wonder how they will police this, set up a couple of road blocks then a check point ?

QLD, 3570 posts
23 Mar 2020 2:47PM
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Whatever they do won't stop Asea... probably tunneling under the Kirra Gezzebo as I type ...

QLD, 21884 posts
23 Mar 2020 2:47PM
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Surfed yesterday but not today,I kind of felt bad surfing yesterday,thinking of going tomorrow what did you guys think surf while you can or not?

QLD, 3570 posts
23 Mar 2020 2:50PM
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Probably on of the few activities that doesn't compromise safety .


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo