Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Where did you surf today?

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 23 Mar 2013
QLD, 21884 posts
26 Apr 2014 6:05PM
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I've got that order board felling againfeeling bad selling Matts ufo,so I might let him have the EVOII and get another for myself

4627 posts
26 Apr 2014 4:23PM
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New it wouldn't be long looks like it's just you and me Mcloyals Have to hand over the Rabbitos board in a couple of days

13831 posts
26 Apr 2014 6:05PM
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mmmmmmmm the delicious aroma of new porno

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Apr 2014 8:45PM
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Macaha said..

I've got that order board felling againfeeling bad selling Matts ufo,so I might let him have the EVOII and get another for myself

mate you where probably putting in the best turns i've seen you do in the short time we've been surfing again. keep it

13831 posts
26 Apr 2014 10:34PM
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climber said..

Well. Got a total surprise this morning. Surfed lighthouse with nice 3ft only 4 out. Looked liked total crap but wanted to get wet.
Amazing how tide can often change a place in an instant ( so to speak). It was mushy but surfable..... As the tide dropped over 1/2 and hour the bank started to work
Turned out to be a super surf Made a pig of myself over the next hour. Totally stuffed now ????

Onya brother a surprise score is always the nicest score

also a top job all our other ES champions on getting some for us poor bastards at work - looks like Tux & Simondo might have scored too

8266 posts
27 Apr 2014 4:47PM
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Our time will come soon Pup, its looking good for us

13831 posts
27 Apr 2014 4:56PM
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Yeah and midweek too ..... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwesome brother

QLD, 21884 posts
27 Apr 2014 7:17PM
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walking back to the carpark a random said, hey wave of the day mate.

His words not mine

8266 posts
27 Apr 2014 5:18PM
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Yo...unfortunately got professional development Wednesday though, have to head up to Perth for the day .....but apart from that

13831 posts
27 Apr 2014 5:23PM
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Macaha said..

walking back to the carpark a random said, hey wave of the day mate.

His words not mine

So the Asea did get out for a surf

NSW, 1125 posts
27 Apr 2014 8:09PM
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Internet surfing today only...wind blown mush with rain ... and lots of it. Was hoping for a yesterday repeat...but nup..mid week looks good though

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
27 Apr 2014 8:26PM
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thePup said..

Macaha said..

walking back to the carpark a random said, hey wave of the day mate.

His words not mine

So the Asea did get out for a surf


13831 posts
27 Apr 2014 6:34PM
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He's out there don't you worry ... he's just a secretive sneaky farker Lacey

QLD, 21884 posts
27 Apr 2014 8:50PM
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thePup said..

He's out there don't you worry ... he's just a secretive sneaky farker Lacey

I've heard of him,never seen him.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
27 Apr 2014 8:51PM
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Macaha said..

walking back to the carpark a random said, hey wave of the day mate.

His words not mine

Nice work Mac - no waves for me today and yest was crap. Things looking better in a few days time.

13831 posts
27 Apr 2014 6:52PM
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Macaha said..

thePup said..

He's out there don't you worry ... he's just a secretive sneaky farker Lacey

I've heard of him,never seen him...... just swapped boards out there with him oh and fins too

ahem cough

QLD, 21884 posts
27 Apr 2014 8:57PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

Macaha said..

walking back to the carpark a random said, hey wave of the day mate.

His words not mine

Nice work Mac - no waves for me today and yest was crap. Things looking better in a few days time.

I was in your state Ted paddled out wide as I know the bigger ones always come there while the pack sat on top of each other on the rocks.
I was only seating there for 2 minutes a freak one came ,from the rock to the beach.Then I helped my eldest daughter get into a few,then she had me looking at boards for her,rolled into the Deus store and she picked out a hand shaped Bob/Deus board from 10 meters away,she liked the colours and no it didn't make the trip home with us

VIC, 3829 posts
28 Apr 2014 9:13AM
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I was in your state Ted paddled out wide as I know the bigger ones always come there while the pack sat on top of each other on the rocks.
I was only seating there for 2 minutes a freak one came ,from the rock to the beach.Then I helped my eldest daughter get into a few,then she had me looking at boards for her,rolled into the Deus store and she picked out a hand shaped Bob/Deus board from 10 meters away,she liked the colours and no it didn't make the trip home with us

You'll be lucky if the DHS don't get onto you for some kind of neglect...who let's there kid pick out a board and then doens't buy need to ring Bob and order her a custom right now!!

WA, 9675 posts
28 Apr 2014 7:17AM
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Macaha said...
walking back to the carpark a random said, hey wave of the day mate.

His words not mine

All that money you donate to the royal blind society is really starting to pay off

13831 posts
28 Apr 2014 7:42AM
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.... and in one regard sadly I will work today so nowt for this black duck but it is blowing it's arse out onshore at 20 knots and 3m so midweekies here we fecking go

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Apr 2014 8:09PM
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chrispy said..

Macaha said...
walking back to the carpark a random said, hey wave of the day mate.

His words not mine

All that money you donate to the royal blind society is really starting to pay off

thats pretty fun chrispy.

quick surf this arvo. a few guys on logs but i went out on my hp cw. man i'm really starting to take to this board. every time i surf im turning harder and harder.
i have to take it back to get the quad plugs done soon as im pretty sure i like it was a quadie. the guy doing the plugs didn't to 5 fin it but sdr said bring it in when you the a chance and we'll put it straight through the system

was never a quad man but find myself quading up my 8'10 fanatic and my 6' nano so i reckon the hp cw as a quad is logical

surf for fun, surfing is fun

WA, 9675 posts
28 Apr 2014 6:37PM
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Lacey I know del is riding his as a quad and seems to love it. Macca has me convinced to get the extra plugs. Have been riding my hp a bit lately,and have fallen in love with it again. The shorties or the hp,that is the question some mornings

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
28 Apr 2014 8:42PM
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Got home this evening and had 45 mins of clean punchy and hollow 3 ft peaks as a beautiful sunset came down too fast. Seemed like it was good training for the island next week Hope you are ready Chrispy.

NSW, 1125 posts
29 Apr 2014 12:46PM
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2hrs of fun. Rode the longboard today (@Bonny Hills) as was feeling 3000 years old after yesterdays training run. (14km of trails will do that ).
Started out glassy and really full. Wind came in a bit side to offshore / tide dropped / bank worked / waves steepened up = bliss
Full on pig out

(Sorry... Iphone photos)

QLD, 5396 posts
29 Apr 2014 1:07PM
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2 hour session at the point, crowd had thinned out from yesterday good vibe but god I'm a wave hogorganic breakfast sauna steam bath and now a Thai massage,and she's little spunk hope she throws in a rub & tug to bad the ball & chain is here

NSW, 5510 posts
30 Apr 2014 8:37AM
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Mac and Lacey keep in mind if you are surfing you're fav spot comp on there this w/end,i will come and watch you both

QLD, 21884 posts
30 Apr 2014 9:15AM
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asea said..

Mac and Lacey keep in mind if you are surfing you're fav spot comp on there this w/end,i will come and watch you both

whats the name of this comp Asea,the same one as last year?

NSW, 5510 posts
30 Apr 2014 9:43AM
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Macaha said..

asea said..

Mac and Lacey keep in mind if you are surfing you're fav spot comp on there this w/end,i will come and watch you both

whats the name of this comp Asea,the same one as last year?

Malfunction Mac heading off soon with the pinnacle

QLD, 21884 posts
30 Apr 2014 10:15AM
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Enjoy theres some nice waves to be had

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
30 Apr 2014 11:11AM
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Just had a fun surf with Vanders - small weak n crap but good company on a deserted beach in the rain followed by a nice feed. He has just left for the big smoke. Thanks for stopping by


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Where did you surf today?" started by Simondo