I went to the wrong beach this morning......had to be in Sydney by 9am so could not go to the spot I wanted as I did not have enough time.....the boys just called to confirm my worst fears Oh well at least I got a few good ones in. 4ft with a few bigger ones but lots of water moving - far from picture perfect where I was but still fun to get out and about - and had to share it with one other bloke. Cracker of a sunrise!
Had a paddle at a beach / point break near Newcastle yesterday on my way home from Hunter valley. Was pumping! Couldn't get a rhythm happening on the board I borrowed, but good to be in warmish water again
This thread is not fair to those of us on the west coast which is all secret.
Surfed small left hander about an hour south of Perth.
I was king of the groms as I am sure that if you took me and one other parent out of the equation average age was under 12.
I think at 13 my son was the oldest and impressed the micro's by pulling into a few barrels
Perfect conditions so a great way to dodge working
Uncrowded glassy Beachies at dawn with Chrispy, Asea and Mumbles....... peaks every where to much fun and laughing for 3 hours straight thanks lads I needed it
nice work lads...pretty much flat here. I got some fun little ones last night before the darkness arrived but this morning it was not worth it. Watched the lady play soccer instead...her first game of the year - she played well in a 2-1 victory.
My family has been away so the last week, a long with work have managed to squeeze in just over twelve hours of surfing. Body is completly fatigued and at gym training i nearly died
Did see this pick though and i thought it timely for the Greenroom
Surfed myself stupid for 4 hours yesterday, 3 on the board...1 on the handplane which was super sweet straight out the front of the house....surfed near Winki today 10 guys heaps of waves...good times.....
Mac & I surfed Snapper & into LM today, hit the water around 7 & out around 10:30. There were beautiful glassy little waves flowing through all morning with a couple of options for takeoff positions along the break, most were waist to chest high with the occasional bomb set coming through. We were amazed how few surfers were out there, I'd reckon most thought it'd be too small, their loss.
New CW surfed well, very stable & forgiving & handled a couple of late takeoff's with ease, I'm going to try dropping from a 9" to an 8" centre to try & loosen it up a little more but overall very happy. Mac caught a few rippers with some nice long rides & a couple of bottom turns that'd make Kelly Slater jealous.
Gotta love these 10'ers.
Yes what a great surprise today was,fully expected knee to waist, but the heart started as I rounded the bend at Kirra. Amazed at how few were out considering
the perfect conditions,as Vanders said waist to chest high and the odd bigger sets,these 10 foot big volume boards love this stuff.I got so many waves I was totally rooted during the last hour of the session.Thanks for the kind words Vanders some of those waves were awesome.
You too had a great day on the new CW mate bloody dropping in on the big fellow and you just motored way in front of him and left him in your wake.That wave was a ripper.I agree stick an 8 inch in that girl and rip on.
You Eastern States champions !!!!!!
that sounds pure wicked fun ..... I went in early 6 - 630 had overflowing carparks not that long afterwards .... some nice stuff when the crowd farked it up the set before
As what Tux said, we have had 'well above average' sessions lately!
Centre Fins;
Pure singles;
8"1/2 to 10"1/2... Bigger end for bigger boards and/or riders.
With side biters;
6"1/2 to 9", bigger end for bigger guys/boards. Smaller sides means you can add 1 inch to the centre, vice versa.
Just a rough guide...
Where did I surf today? Its flat as a flat thing and I am flat out like a lizard drinking with work at the minute....unlikely to see any surf time this week sadly Hope you can all do better than that !
Looks like there might be a bit of a bump on the weekend but geez it's been flat up here and our banks are just terrible ATM.
Surfed head high and bigger with Asea.very solid and pitching hard. The big fella was the only one out on a longboard. Great morning. Four those that like some punch in their waves it was yeeew. Bring on tomoz
went to my profile page there is no red upload button mate all my pics are there with a small black cross in the corner
no he hasn't I don't have the red upload tab.
Boofy are your images you want to post saved in your profile?