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Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
9 Oct 2012 10:27PM
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In my experience I'm just as likely to be snaked by a older person as a younger one. Rarely seems to be someone younger than me, unless they are really good.

Maybe it's just because I'm not agro at all when I surf and hate hassling and am seen as an easy target.

Ahh well, not the end of the world.

WA, 682 posts
9 Oct 2012 10:42PM
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That sucks DP, not sure what you can do about it, I'm like you and can't be bothered hassling either. I rely on a bit of experience reading the ocean and just hope one comes my way and I'm in the right spot, if I get snaked I usually let it be but every now and then I might say "how about letting me have one?" to a dude who's a major snake. Sympathy can often work or striking up a conversation about surfing or some other stuff works too, if you mainly surf metro it can be a real issue I'm told Hope you get a few tomoz

WA, 2519 posts
10 Oct 2012 9:05AM
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8:00am: Just in case you haven't heard - Scarbs closed at 7:00am due to tagged GWS within 100m of beach...

1011 posts
10 Oct 2012 9:15AM
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GPA said...
8:00am: Just in case you haven't heard - Scarbs closed at 7:00am due to tagged GWS within 100m of beach...

Shark at floreat too

WA, 589 posts
10 Oct 2012 9:20AM
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GPA said...
8:00am: Just in case you haven't heard - Scarbs closed at 7:00am due to tagged GWS within 100m of beach...

SLSWA stated 'Tagged white shark detected at Scarborough receiver between 6:25am and 6:34 AM'

Can anyone tell me why it took until 6:48 to let the hundred odd surfers at scarbs know that there was a tagged mini-bus with fins in the immediate area?

In a day and age where we can watch a video feed from Mars on a mobile telephone, i don't understand why it still takes almost 25 minutes for the shark alarm to be sounded.

WA, 644 posts
10 Oct 2012 10:00AM
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scored sic waves at d---s for the early, good head high and some hollow righthand barrels 5 crew out.spewin had to come to work

WA, 2153 posts
10 Oct 2012 11:37AM
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LateStarter said...

In a day and age where we can watch a video feed from Mars on a mobile telephone, i don't understand why it still takes almost 25 minutes for the shark alarm to be sounded.

You almost make it sound like you think technology is the limiting factor here.

WA, 15849 posts
10 Oct 2012 11:47AM
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subasurf said...
LateStarter said...

In a day and age where we can watch a video feed from Mars on a mobile telephone, i don't understand why it still takes almost 25 minutes for the shark alarm to be sounded.

You almost make it sound like you think technology is the limiting factor here.

Are the two linked in any way suba?

WA, 589 posts
10 Oct 2012 11:48AM
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subasurf said...
You almost make it sound like you think technology is the limiting factor here.

Absolutely not, the technology is there and ready to go, but our clubbies need new Jet Skis first...

WA, 2519 posts
10 Oct 2012 12:27PM
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11:00am... 70% of yesterday's swell still hanging around... but the STRONG offshore is white-capping and the shape is best described as ordinary...

Lots of rocks sitting above the water at the northern breaks...

WA, 6913 posts
10 Oct 2012 2:22PM
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LateStarter said...
subasurf said...
You almost make it sound like you think technology is the limiting factor here.

Absolutely not, the technology is there and ready to go, but our clubbies need new Jet Skis first...

Is it there. I have done so much digging and found nothing. Suba it would seem our WA government at best has tagged only 12 GW sharks in the last 4 years[}:)]

Oh and one shark (that i was told was only 2.5 mtrs in length) swimming up and down setting off the acoustic devises. Wells there no story their. Some of them are only a km or so apart
Oh and even better, some of our "real time " acoustic devices (that is that if a shark swims past fisheries will now and can notify people) are only recording devices and need to be retrieved every month to collect data. Not sure how real time that will be

This state fisheries have done squat all about research other than spend up big on toys and maybe office parties[}:)]

WA, 25 posts
10 Oct 2012 2:41PM
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Surfed from 8 till 11 at 3rds, it was quiet, was by myself or with another one or two most of the time. Bit inconsistent but the sets were head height and there wasnt many with shape. 20-30 sitting in a rip on a little bank on top of each other, didn't realise Scarborough was closed?
Some banks and it would have been great, still fun.

WA, 410 posts
10 Oct 2012 2:45PM
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Mdsurf said...
Surfed from 8 till 11 at 3rds, it was quiet, was by myself or with another one or two most of the time. Bit inconsistent but the sets were head height and there wasnt many with shape. 20-30 sitting in a rip on a little bank on top of each other, didn't realise Scarborough was closed?
Some banks and it would have been great, still fun.

tagged shark alerted a floreat beacon.

WA, 932 posts
10 Oct 2012 4:54PM
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Sharks didn't worry the SAS this Arvo. As alarm sounded at scabs 1230ish 10 SAS men jumped out of low flying Hercules into the water off swanbourne. Went for surf at trigg south, whoops I mean secret spot between the p---t and s---s, got hammered on 1-2ft close outs, going right into the wind was hard work almost like standing still!!! Fins up my clacked at one stage till rolled by wind thank Christ a second and third arsehole woulda been great

Great bikini action on the beach though

WA, 6913 posts
10 Oct 2012 5:18PM
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mocha1 said...
Sharks didn't worry the SAS this Arvo. As alarm sounded at scabs 1230ish 10 SAS men jumped out of low flying Hercules into the water off swanbourne. Went for surf at trigg south, whoops I mean secret spot between the p---t and s---s, got hammered on 1-2ft close outs, going right into the wind was hard work almost like standing still!!! Fins up my clacked at one stage till rolled by wind thank Christ a second and third arsehole woulda been great

Great bikini action on the beach though

They were doing low level drops at night last night as well. That would take balls of steel

901 posts
10 Oct 2012 8:31PM
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I put the call out for a late one this arvo in the hope that the wind would drop off. No one was interested so I went solo again.

Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
10 Oct 2012 9:28PM
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Your kidding! You reallly need my number...

1011 posts
11 Oct 2012 11:34AM
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Legion said...
Zuke said...
Legion will be out every day ...

Legion was out every day, in fact twice most days. But Legion's back early due to a less-than-favourable weather forecast at the end. Wednesday looked good but always had to be back before that anyway.

Legion scored, as usual. A few days of marginal waves, but a three day run of 4'+. Including a morning of super low tide with regular 4' sets, occasional 5' sets and the odd 6'er. And for some reason (I know the reason), there were only ever between 1 and 3 other people out all morning.

Place is absolutely infested with SUPs now. More than shortboarders in smaller conditions or fuller tide. Like 10+ most days. Luckily they sit wide or down the line, but a lot of them are clueless. Pretty sure they're the wind crew who SUP/wind morning/afternoon.

Legion got in a very physical and heated discussion with one SUP. Amusing.

On another occasion another one pissed me off by dropping in (of sorts) on three waves before I paddled in in disgust. Watched him do the same to others. I'd already said something, but he ignored it. What do you say to someone who has no idea? It wasn't (I think) malice, it was just ignorance.

Place has no manners or etiquette. It's very frustrating at < 4', when everyone's a hero.

Chatted to a few other SUP guys who obviously had water background, no problem with them.

Surfing standard is very low at this time of year. One guy from town who I've seen/chatted to before is about the only standout. He's got it fully sussed.

The best day I was highly successful in working out some stuff that had bothered me last trip (i.e. wave selection and taking off over draining reef from deep down the line). Right when I thought I had it wired I got thrashed for my overconfidence, bounced off the bottom, but the 20+ good ones far outweighed the one mistake. Some free-diving breathing exercises beforehand paid dividends.

Also got several afternoons in howling onshore at my favourite-in-the-world howling onshore reef, F_________ in front. So predictable and so high-performance.

Maybe some photos to come. There was a kid on the beach who does some sort of semi-pro photography, said he might've got some shots.

Oh yeah, saw Katana's red wood/black rails longboard. English guy? Friendly? Or at least a very similar board.

That's not good news that gay gondolas are there in force now. I can only imagine the potential carnage. IMO 10 sups is equal to 30 surfers and that's far too many

WA, 2519 posts
11 Oct 2012 4:44PM
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Secret spot T###g was a waste of time... but a group of six or seven 12yo's were having fun on a small inconsistent RH bank at #? car park [but they only weighed about 32kg ringing wet and were the super-keen grom kind!!]

Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
14 Oct 2012 9:04PM
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Twas expecting the wind to drop late this arvo, so headed down only to be greeted by buffeting winds. Saw potential on a couple of set bombs so got amongst it. Typically ordinary, but got a couple of respectable waves. Weed was thick.

WA, 410 posts
14 Oct 2012 9:48PM
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Buster fin said...
Twas expecting the wind to drop late this arvo, so headed down only to be greeted by buffeting winds. Saw potential on a couple of set bombs so got amongst it. Typically ordinary, but got a couple of respectable waves. Weed was thick.

i'm guessing you were at cott then? news reported weed so thick that people could drown in it. aside from that, there was apparently a ~2m shark patrolling the metro coast today. didnt hear bout that one?

Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
14 Oct 2012 9:53PM
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No I wasn't and no I didn't. I can't imagine the toothy suited guys feasting in the weed.

WA, 270 posts
15 Oct 2012 8:27PM
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did you guys get the glassy conditions up that way this morning? it hung around till round 11am....thanks huey

WA, 589 posts
16 Oct 2012 10:20AM
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Got a few little fun ones before work this morning at Perth's favourite beachie.

Crowds werent too bad either - Maybe we should Have Jaws on the telly every weekend...

901 posts
16 Oct 2012 5:08PM
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Shared the stoke with a fellow 'breezer today. We took a long shot and did the early and travelled hoping the offshore would hang around long enough to make it worth it.

It did. Oh, and he was stoked! He paddled for everything that came through and his arms were like jelly by the end of the session. I didn't think he was going to make it back to the boat.

WA, 2519 posts
18 Oct 2012 12:48PM
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Only one bank working well at Trigg... other spots still getting a tad messed up with the prevailing rips and backwash...

The working bank was like a summer weekend with at least 30 crew sharing competing for the waves... saw a lot of drop-ins going on... and on some waves up to 5 guys paddling for it - ah, the joys of Trigg on a sunny day [}:)]

A tonne of weed around too... unusual for that part of the beach.

Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
20 Oct 2012 8:41PM
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Did no-one get wet today?

147 posts
21 Oct 2012 12:00PM
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Beachies north of Lano were ok yesterday morning, a bit inconsistent sets around head high. Crowd was pretty quiet, still spooked?
No photos sorry

WA, 2503 posts
21 Oct 2012 5:40PM
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Some nice looooong hollow ones this morning, swell seemed to catch most out, was nice and quiet. Shallow though, bailed on one closeout and ended up with my leg down a hole to the knee

901 posts
21 Oct 2012 8:52PM
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smicko said...
Some nice looooong hollow ones this morning, swell seemed to catch most out, was nice and quiet. Shallow though, bailed on one closeout and ended up with my leg down a hole to the knee

That's usually when Huey sends through a few bigger ones for good measure!


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie