Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
WA, 15849 posts
22 Oct 2012 9:18AM
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I didnt think Trigg would be any good yesterday but went and had a look at thirds and it was not bad, was happy with that

Went south of the river with a few mates on Saturday and scored as well, new board was going very well

WA, 280 posts
22 Oct 2012 11:44AM
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doggie said...
I didnt think Trigg would be any good yesterday but went and had a look at thirds and it was not bad, was happy with that

Went south of the river with a few mates on Saturday and scored as well, new board was going very well

What you end up getting doggie?

WA, 15849 posts
22 Oct 2012 11:55AM
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soleman said...
doggie said...
I didnt think Trigg would be any good yesterday but went and had a look at thirds and it was not bad, was happy with that

Went south of the river with a few mates on Saturday and scored as well, new board was going very well

What you end up getting doggie?

Colin Earle 6 2 1/2 x 19 1/4 x 2 5/16 round tail with a single concave quad/5 fin.

Very happy with it Soleman I wasnt sure about the single concave with a quad but it works very well. Ive had a few off Colin but this one is the best by along shot

WA, 2153 posts
22 Oct 2012 12:11PM
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How tall are you doggie?

WA, 15849 posts
22 Oct 2012 12:21PM
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subasurf said...
How tall are you doggie?

6.0 on the dot mate and about 84.625132 kgs

WA, 2153 posts
22 Oct 2012 12:51PM
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That makes sense then

WA, 15849 posts
22 Oct 2012 1:07PM
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subasurf said...
That makes sense then

Tbh I thought that it was going to be a bit small for me but it has a wider nose and tail with a relaxed rocker so it paddles into waves very easy. Rails are lower than I would normally order but geez it turnes on a dime. I rate it alot

WA, 6913 posts
22 Oct 2012 4:43PM
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doggie said...
subasurf said...
That makes sense then

Tbh I thought that it was going to be a bit small for me but it has a wider nose and tail with a relaxed rocker so it paddles into waves very easy. Rails are lower than I would normally order but geez it turnes on a dime. I rate it alot

Did you surf it with the Nubster fin aswell

WA, 15849 posts
22 Oct 2012 5:01PM
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jbshack said...
doggie said...
subasurf said...
That makes sense then

Tbh I thought that it was going to be a bit small for me but it has a wider nose and tail with a relaxed rocker so it paddles into waves very easy. Rails are lower than I would normally order but geez it turnes on a dime. I rate it alot

Did you surf it with the Nubster fin aswell

Sure did

WA, 932 posts
22 Oct 2012 9:06PM
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Looks good doggie, what fins you got in? What do you reckon the knubster does? I feel it when it's in I think it does something good but I'm not sure wat? Apart from surf more like slater!!!
I just got a set of Powerbase fins to try out in the katana quad, they look good cant wait to give em a crack - DXL fronts with DM rears ( I think they look like m7 sorta and M4 if there was such a size)

WA, 15849 posts
23 Oct 2012 8:32AM
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mocha1 said...
Looks good doggie, what fins you got in? What do you reckon the knubster does? I feel it when it's in I think it does something good but I'm not sure wat? Apart from surf more like slater!!!
I just got a set of Powerbase fins to try out in the katana quad, they look good cant wait to give em a crack - DXL fronts with DM rears ( I think they look like m7 sorta and M4 if there was such a size)

I recon the knub just gives a positive feeling, I havnt surfed a quad that feels like this. Its got the speed of a quad but has the stability of a thruster. I have PC7s in the front and G-XQs in the rear. I think the single concave works very well with the quad. So fricken stoked I rang Colin yesterday and had a chat he sounded more stoked than me

147 posts
23 Oct 2012 9:37AM
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Went passed Contacios at 6:30 looked fun, any takers?

WA, 6913 posts
23 Oct 2012 12:35PM
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Grevas said...
Went passed Contacios at 6:30 looked fun, any takers?

Nope had Walk to school day with the kids

WA, 421 posts
23 Oct 2012 1:07PM
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Haha how stoked does Colin get!! I like it. Whenever you go you have to wait because he is chatting to someone. then your visit takes about 15 mins longer because he is always up for a chat. He's a real honest, helpful bloke and the surfing community in Perth is lucky to have these guys. I'm sure they could earn more doing other things, but we appreciate them.

WA, 15849 posts
23 Oct 2012 1:15PM
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PaddlePig said...
Haha how stoked does Colin get!! I like it. Whenever you go you have to wait because he is chatting to someone. then your visit takes about 15 mins longer because he is always up for a chat. He's a real honest, helpful bloke and the surfing community in Perth is lucky to have these guys. I'm sure they could earn more doing other things, but we appreciate them.

When I rang him you hear the excitment in his voice, he was just stoked to have me on his boards again. He turned 50 on friday and dosnt look a day over 30 and surfs like he is 19. Great bloke

WA, 2519 posts
24 Oct 2012 2:52PM
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Weed, weed and more frickin weed...

A couple of banks working at Perth's most crowded break... but man it was crowded. I actually went back down for the shift change at 10:00am and there were still heaps in the water.

With the predicted forecast Saturday will be madness...

901 posts
24 Oct 2012 5:43PM
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Had a bit of wind on it today. I was hoping it would back off. Oh well, you win some you lose some.

Interesting pic anyway.

WA, 2519 posts
25 Oct 2012 9:16AM
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Anyone had a look at the Trigg/Scarb stretch this morning? Cams show it to be nearly flat on 0.4m at Cott...

WA, 15849 posts
25 Oct 2012 9:19AM
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GPA said...
Anyone had a look at the Trigg/Scarb stretch this morning? Cams show it to be nearly flat on 0.4m at Cott...

Swell is dropping like a stone atm, back up again tomorrow morning. Saturday is looking better and better at this stage

WA, 2519 posts
25 Oct 2012 10:29AM
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doggie said...
GPA said...
Anyone had a look at the Trigg/Scarb stretch this morning? Cams show it to be nearly flat on 0.4m at Cott...

Swell is dropping like a stone atm, back up again tomorrow morning. Saturday is looking better and better at this stage

Nearly dead flat! Four desperate mal riders mid Trigg... and it's not even knee high - didn't see anything worth paddling for - not even for exercise. At least 95% of the weed has gone...

Fingers crossed for the predicted swell bump!

WA, 255 posts
26 Oct 2012 8:04AM
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Pooh !

WA, 2153 posts
26 Oct 2012 9:09AM
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Pretty dismal.

WA, 15849 posts
26 Oct 2012 9:37AM
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subasurf said...
Pretty dismal.

Swell is on its way up now!!!

WA, 2153 posts
26 Oct 2012 9:40AM
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Yep. I'm gonna stay up here for the day. All the work I need to do today I can do on my toughbook on the beach.

WA, 401 posts
26 Oct 2012 10:29AM
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one word; kegs.

WA, 6913 posts
26 Oct 2012 10:35AM
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Spent the morning get hammered in reasonable closeouts. Hit the bottom twice

There was the main peak with loads i mean maybe 30 or so and one guy further down who was beating sections like super man

It was fun to get wet, just didn't enjoy the sand, wind, back wash, there was sum really stupid arrogant drop ins, (not against me) and the surf school turned it for me.

But enjoyable getting smashed for a few hours, heaps more enjayable than running around a park getting yelled at by a trainer

WA, 15849 posts
26 Oct 2012 10:47AM
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swalkington said...
one word; kegs.

Im commin down tomorrow

WA, 2519 posts
26 Oct 2012 2:31PM
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Trigg Zoo was not that special. Crowd was nearly shoulder to shoulder at 9:30am... wind and backwash affecting what could have been a decent bank...

Lots of dropping in, and you had to really compete for the bigger ones. Took the fun out of it so I sat off to the side and waited for the smaller ones...

Even the lunchtime slot had 20 or so blokes sitting on the one (inconsistent) peak. The usual mix of a couple of red-hot surfers, a couple of mals, a couple of learners and the rest of us.

Not sure about the forecast spike in swell (for the metro area), but it has dropped off noticeably.

WA, 2153 posts
26 Oct 2012 2:58PM
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Conditions improved at mettams. Been up there since 8am and just left. Only surfed for about an hour though. Some okay ones ended up rolling through but my god, what a kook fest. Drop ins galore and more goatboats than you can imagine. Still, 'warm' water and blue skies. Not all bad.

901 posts
26 Oct 2012 4:51PM
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Today after the wind backed off.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie