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Legions surf report :: Daily updates..

Created by doggie > 9 months ago, 23 Apr 2010
thommo 000
1670 posts
17 Aug 2011 4:54PM
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^^WHAT!!!......pumpin today boys 6-8'

901 posts
17 Aug 2011 5:32PM
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thommo 000 said...

^^WHAT!!!......pumpin today boys 6-8'

Do you live at The Bluff thommo?

WA, 2222 posts
17 Aug 2011 6:15PM
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I should've listened to Zuke and gone out up the road, but I have a soft spot for my local and I haven't surfed it all winter and I wanted at least one day there. Plus I was worried Zuke had neglected to mention the frequent closeouts - it might've been too big for those beachies with straight banks. I hoped it would be big enough where I went, but not so apart from the odd sneaker when I first paddled out. Plus there are always ripping locals to provide competition. Such a fickle, inconsistent, small wave for such a high percentage of local rippers. And yet always blowins too, mostly tourists thanks to the backpackers up the road and in all the local carparks. Brazzos, poms, Germans, etc.

Today I was frustrated by two old fellas. One on a mal sitting right on the rocks. Twice he paddled hard for a set so I courteously left it to him only for him to guiltily give up right when he should go the hardest. Another old fella, same thing. Warranted a drop-in but that's against my nature. FFS if you're not committed, don't paddle.

Also got a nice set on my second wave and got dropped in on by not one, but two guys at 20m intervals. OK, so it's a wally wave with a few sections when it lines up but FFS recognise that the locals have it wired and will ride it the whole way in round those sections. As it was the two kooks spoiled the two best sections on what could've been the best wave I got all day.

I didn't have a good day.

6 weeks 'til I drive past thommo. Staying just past your turnoff (the further away one) for an overnighter, just booked today. I'll wave.

thommo 000
1670 posts
17 Aug 2011 6:46PM
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Zuke said...

thommo 000 said...

^^WHAT!!!......pumpin today boys 6-8'

Do you live at The Bluff thommo?

No i used to stay there for about 5 months of the year for a lot of years a long time ago, carnt be bothered now.

Legion said...
6 weeks 'til I drive past thommo. Staying just past your turnoff (the further away one) for an overnighter, just booked today. I'll wave.

Call in!!..we'll go to the spot X place, was ok today, fell off to bottom on one and tore half the stitches outa me shoulder//came up seeing white spots everywhere, the water had pushed up under me eyelids, they were huge, lol, had to pull me eyelashes out and let the water out, funny as...that's a first..for me anyway lol, best time today, wooot


WA, 2519 posts
17 Aug 2011 7:30PM
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F#ck! That's way too big and nasty for me... I admire those that can tame beasts such as those....

Two or so feet over head height for me... any more and I start to hesitate the take off (unless of course it's some roller of a wave, then it doesn't count).

Nice photo tho' - looks like he would have made it - did he?

WA, 2222 posts
17 Aug 2011 7:30PM
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Man, I'd love to call in. Bit of tight timeframe though, what with an arvo drive just past you then another same length drive the next day.

One day I'll have to schedule a boys' weekend/week away without the family so I can be more flexible with my time. Otherwise trips away coincide with school holidays and I can't imagine it being worth visiting with the crowds etc. Maybe bring doggie .

WA, 2519 posts
18 Aug 2011 8:51AM
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4 knot ENE, 2.6m swell - local cams look good... some with shape at Scarbs...

...and I'm at work! and the weekend looks to be dissapointing [again].

WA, 15849 posts
18 Aug 2011 8:58AM
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Legion said...

Man, I'd love to call in. Bit of tight timeframe though, what with an arvo drive just past you then another same length drive the next day.

One day I'll have to schedule a boys' weekend/week away without the family so I can be more flexible with my time. Otherwise trips away coincide with school holidays and I can't imagine it being worth visiting with the crowds etc. Maybe bring doggie .

Im in

WA, 15849 posts
18 Aug 2011 9:01AM
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GPA said...

4 knot ENE, 2.6m swell - local cams look good... some with shape at Scarbs...

...and I'm at work! and the weekend looks to be dissapointing [again].

Trying to get away at lunch, fingers crossed

901 posts
18 Aug 2011 9:13AM
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Really clean again this morning, but noticeably smaller and straighter at Trigg. Maybe a tide thing but most of the sets at 2nd's were just shutting down.

Yesterday was the day!

thommo 000
1670 posts
18 Aug 2011 9:41AM
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GPA said...
- looks like he would have made it - did he?

No he didn't make that one. Went a fair way though, got swallowed on the end bit.

Have a good trip Legion. Been a good drop of of rain this year, the countryside's starting to look good.

WA, 2222 posts
18 Aug 2011 10:58AM
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I was just down from "Zuke's" for the early today. Perfect conditions, some sets with potential and ...

... I was the world's biggest kook. I've made a habit out of avoiding my backhand. The 0.01% of waves I do get on my backhand, occasionally I pull a nice hack or whatever and feel good about myself and think I can still do it. But today, wow. I paddled out to a forehand bank at first light, but then a rent-a-crowd followed me out. There was a nice backhand bank just up the beach, empty, so I paddled up to it. A few others tried to join me but it was a very strong sweep and you basically couldn't sit, had to paddle constantly to maintain position. But there were the odd 3' sets lining up nicely.

Wave 1: late takeoff on the shoulder, go for big bottom turn, bog inside rail, spear through lip.

Wave 2: late takeoff, made it but positioned feet too close to inside rail and could only ride out to the shoulder trying not to dig the rail, failing as I reach the shoulder and dive over the nose of the board like a kook.

Wave 3: late takeoff, fast wall ahead, try to bottom turn too early, all fins pop out, board slides and I can't hold it and down I go.

Wave 4+: more assorted kook fest waves. Not a single good wave.

You're welcome for the laugh if you were out there. It must've looked funny, a guy who kept paddling deep like he knew what he was doing but just kept majorly blowing it. I felt like a complete beginner.

When I have days like this it makes me think I need to spend a year or so forcing myself to only surf backhand. But given the multitude of good forehand waves in this state I always find them far more tempting. Still, I'd like to develop a good pig dog, and a good backhand bottom turn. That's light years from this morning's performance though.

WA, 15849 posts
18 Aug 2011 11:12AM
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Im not afraid of my back hand and I can usually do a better top turn going left than right, what is with that!!

901 posts
18 Aug 2011 11:30AM
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We all have days like that Legion, at least that's your one out the way for a while

WA, 1259 posts
18 Aug 2011 11:36AM
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I find the backhand is defiately one that needs to be practised, preferably on a mechanical type of wave. I spent a lot of summer on a backhand reefy on small to mid sized waves, was comfortable enough and happy with how I tackled them.

Fast forward a few months of surfing mainly rights and beachies, got no where near the same level of confidece on the backhand

WA, 2153 posts
18 Aug 2011 12:09PM
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Popped into trigg this morning on my way to the fisheries library. Worth it. Super clean but the tide was making it a bit tricky. Lent my wetsuit to someone so boardies in the water at 7am. FREEZING!

WA, 15849 posts
18 Aug 2011 12:42PM
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subasurf said...

Popped into trigg this morning on my way to the fisheries library. Worth it. Super clean but the tide was making it a bit tricky. Lent my wetsuit to someone so boardies in the water at 7am. FREEZING!

BOARDIES?!!? FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK me suba, you are a bloody loony!!

WA, 2222 posts
18 Aug 2011 12:59PM
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Maybe I wasn't the biggest kook after all ...

WA, 15849 posts
18 Aug 2011 1:15PM
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Legion said...

Maybe I wasn't the biggest kook after all ...

How is he lending out his wettie in winter pffffffffft I had to red thumb him for that

WA, 2519 posts
18 Aug 2011 1:48PM
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Zuke said...

We all have days like that Legion, at least that's your one out the way for a while


I find it is more likely to happen to me when I haven't been for a while and I'm keyed up to have a good session then end up trying too hard... P!sses me right off...

WA, 2153 posts
18 Aug 2011 2:10PM
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doggie said...

Legion said...

Maybe I wasn't the biggest kook after all ...

How is he lending out his wettie in winter pffffffffft I had to red thumb him for that

In my defense, I lent it to that blonde chika to get her to come surfing. Was too big for her but still worked. Not a kook move, it's me being a gentleman hahaha. Anything to get a girl in the water.

WA, 421 posts
18 Aug 2011 3:47PM
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subasurf said...

doggie said...

Legion said...

Maybe I wasn't the biggest kook after all ...

How is he lending out his wettie in winter pffffffffft I had to red thumb him for that

In my defense, I lent it to that blonde chika to get her to come surfing. Was too big for her but still worked. Not a kook move, it's me being a gentleman hahaha. Anything to get a girl in the water.

I call B.S on that one. you just wanted her to see you with your shirt off.

WA, 2153 posts
18 Aug 2011 3:51PM
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If you say so. My body isn't anything special

WA, 421 posts
18 Aug 2011 4:13PM
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subasurf said...

If you say so. My body isn't anything special

modesty doesn't become you.

WA, 2153 posts
20 Aug 2011 7:45PM
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Anyone get out today?
Spent about 2 hours in the water at Cott but wasn't that great; was just desperate really. The occasional okay set rolled in and while I waited I was reminded that the blue bottles are in.

WA, 682 posts
20 Aug 2011 8:00PM
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i'll be the one to ask then, Suba did the lending of the wetty pay off?? as a happily married man of 15 years I'm living with the regret of having never pulled that move, that was pure genius..... so??

WA, 2153 posts
20 Aug 2011 9:56PM
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hahaha well it's happening again tomorrow so yeah...we'll leave it at that
It isn't a 'get laid quick' scheme...I'm all about long term investing.

WA, 15849 posts
22 Aug 2011 11:58AM
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subasurf said...

hahaha well it's happening again tomorrow so yeah...we'll leave it at that
It isn't a 'get laid quick' scheme...I'm all about long term investing.

Long term investment, very smart on your part suba

WA, 2153 posts
22 Aug 2011 12:38PM
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All those economic books on my shelf finally paid off hahaha.
Secret Harbour at 7.30 am yesterday in boardies was a heavy initial capital investment...but it paid dividends for sure

901 posts
23 Aug 2011 8:59AM
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2.6M swell and offshore, go the early!


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Legions surf report :: Daily updates.." started by doggie