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ISAF Selects Kiteboarding For Rio 2016

Created by jusavina > 9 months ago, 5 May 2012
NSW, 467 posts
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24 May 2012 3:33PM
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I think it will be on open water only. Kites need a bit room, so I dont think we will see them in the rivers.

I was wondering about kite starts, light winds, penalties and sail numbers

Windsurfing racing at the start line in light winds is very bunch up boards shooved in everywhere and there is touching etc. it is very agressive. we have sail numbers of course.

the kites are roughly the same speed, maybe a bit quicker. to go from 0 the 6 knots is easy enough. it doesnt pay to come flying in as you would in high winds and you wont get past of the wall of competitors. so you end up racking up with everybody else.
so i guess there will be sail no. on the kites and the sailors body so the judges and catch the kiters who dont give way. It could be hard to watch sailors and kites.
im sure they have it sorted. to be honest i have never seen a kite race so i dont know.
Are there any videos of light wind kiting at the start?

NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
24 May 2012 3:42PM
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This from the report

Identification of kites and competitors by the juries and race committee shall be taken
into consideration.

So they are looking into sail numbers

VIC, 1124 posts
24 May 2012 5:05PM
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local yacht clubs have to get new flags yellow green red just like nascar racing
Dont kite Racers know that sailors use Red and Green Flags
who wrote that report
Oh thats right kite surfers not biased at all

VIC, 1124 posts
24 May 2012 5:08PM
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Lordy please remove that link i am laughing way to much

1421 posts
24 May 2012 5:01PM
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JustinL said...

Are there any videos of light wind kiting at the start?

This is light wind. Damo is actually an experienced racer despite the mistakes and the banter. He just under stood the mark by 2 metres from about 600m away.

NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
24 May 2012 7:24PM
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that is a great video
explains it well. i was really impressed how close the kites get to each other.

It shows a really great way to televise the sport. you dont need choppers anymore!

I thought the banter was good. funny and good info.

NSW, 1280 posts
24 May 2012 7:43PM
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I don't think we will have sail/kite numbers
This is copied from the lates rule from the ISAF

Appendix G is changed to:
Appendix G - Identification on Competitors
Every kiteboard shall be identified as follows:
(a) Each competitor shall be provided with and wear a shirt with a personal competition number of no more than three digits.
(b) The numbers shall be displayed on the front and back of the shirts and be at least 15 cm high.
(c) The numbers shall be Arabic numerals, all of the same solid colour, clearly legible and in a commercially available typeface giving the same or better legibility as Helvetica. The colour of the numbers shall contrast with the colour of the shirt.

The full set of experimental rule are here

Mark _australia
WA, 22877 posts
24 May 2012 5:50PM
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IanR said...

(c) The numbers shall be Arabic numerals,

ahhhhh bloody Muslims again, it was them who took away windsurfing

NSW, 6451 posts
24 May 2012 8:41PM
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^^^^^Na, your religious blaming/thinking is wrong.(and a bit religiously racist)
I dont think it was THEM who took away windsurfing.
I think its more to do with simple

25 May 2012 8:07PM
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Hausey said...

To clarify my thoughts on kiteboarding (something I've actively done for over 9 yrs and now prefer over sailing or windsurfing)

can be very dangerous
is best done in open areas away from others
doesn't make for a good racing sport
racing results will be decided by equipment and luck
competitions would be better in freestyle

Looking at the video of the kiteboarding race on this post, the riders stance looked completely unnatural and uncomfortable. Olympic games are awarded to cities, and sailing venues could be a distance away, however can you imagine the chaos if it was a sport in Sydney harbour during the Sydney Olympics. How would launching and landing work, offshore winds etc.. It would make the headlines for all the wrong reasons! It isn't a sport that kids can safely learn and practice, or work towards racing in the olympics one day - like a sailing class should

Windsurfing has steadily declined over the last 15+ years. A lot of vested interest in selling new things every year, change for the sake of change. It was a sport that was at its best and most fun when people had the same equipment, the original Windsurfer class days for example.

If there was a modern board and rig that worked in light winds, could be bought new by anyone with a couple of thousand dollars, sailed anywhere by anyone, stayed a constant with no development allowed year after year.... windsurfing might become popular again! I'd get one and go race with my old mate djdojo or the ferrari driving Swedish mullet (who should have an Olympic medal)

I respect your opinion, I'm a bit surprised by some of the points you state, because even though you are now a kiter, they are simply incorrect.
Heres an example of an 11yo youngster having a lot of fun, he has been kiting for a couple of years.

I've run 2 kite racing series over the last 2 years in Sydney and it does make a good racing sport.
Racing results depend on skill matched to good equipment, same as any sailing, even a one design class.
Driving a car can be very dangerous, racing from Sydney to Hobart in a large yacht can be deadly, living is ultimately 100% fatal!
Freestyle is too subjective IMO and experience for inclusion as an Olympic sport.

I'm also very concerned that windsurfing was dumped and kitesurfing included in its place. I do not think windsurfing should have been dumped and I think we will see that decision overturned.
I have concerns about the readiness of kiteboarding for inclusion in the Olympics, but I also believe that it can be done.

304 posts
25 May 2012 9:02PM
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For those of you that want stickers or posters we have designed these and they are going on as many RSX sails as possible. Feel free to download the image (click on the pics on my site and you will get taken to my google docs account with the relevent pic.)

Put it wherever you can, get it in the press, on your sails etc.
If you would like to order a set then either contact a local printer or you can use the one we have used in the UK who will ship them, all details provided.

NSW, 325 posts
26 May 2012 12:16AM
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Kitepower Australia said...

Hausey said...

To clarify my thoughts on kiteboarding (something I've actively done for over 9 yrs and now prefer over sailing or windsurfing)

can be very dangerous
is best done in open areas away from others
doesn't make for a good racing sport
racing results will be decided by equipment and luck
competitions would be better in freestyle

Looking at the video of the kiteboarding race on this post, the riders stance looked completely unnatural and uncomfortable. Olympic games are awarded to cities, and sailing venues could be a distance away, however can you imagine the chaos if it was a sport in Sydney harbour during the Sydney Olympics. How would launching and landing work, offshore winds etc.. It would make the headlines for all the wrong reasons! It isn't a sport that kids can safely learn and practice, or work towards racing in the olympics one day - like a sailing class should

Windsurfing has steadily declined over the last 15+ years. A lot of vested interest in selling new things every year, change for the sake of change. It was a sport that was at its best and most fun when people had the same equipment, the original Windsurfer class days for example.

If there was a modern board and rig that worked in light winds, could be bought new by anyone with a couple of thousand dollars, sailed anywhere by anyone, stayed a constant with no development allowed year after year.... windsurfing might become popular again! I'd get one and go race with my old mate djdojo or the ferrari driving Swedish mullet (who should have an Olympic medal)

I respect your opinion, I'm a bit surprised by some of the points you state, because even though you are now a kiter, they are simply incorrect.
Heres an example of an 11yo youngster having a lot of fun, he has been kiting for a couple of years.

I've run 2 kite racing series over the last 2 years in Sydney and it does make a good racing sport.
Racing results depend on skill matched to good equipment, same as any sailing, even a one design class.
Driving a car can be very dangerous, racing from Sydney to Hobart in a large yacht can be deadly, living is ultimately 100% fatal!
Freestyle is too subjective IMO and experience for inclusion as an Olympic sport.

I'm also very concerned that windsurfing was dumped and kitesurfing included in its place. I do not think windsurfing should have been dumped and I think we will see that decision overturned.
I have concerns about the readiness of kiteboarding for inclusion in the Olympics, but I also believe that it can be done.

Yeah Steve, an impressive 11 yo kiting for sure, thought the video kind of highlighted what I said about kids safely learning and practicing kiteboarding. Sure life is ultimately fatal, though if I was a parent I'd feel better about sending my 11yo out for the afternoon on a sailing dinghy, than have them doing acrobatics over shallow water. You've only got to look at the posts on the kite forums ie. the incident at Altona to see how easily things can go wrong with kiting.

The video showed how impressive kiteboarding is as a freestyle sport, completely different than what Olympic sailing is about - racing. Racing is about tactics and reading the wind, things that wouldn't really come into play that much with kiteboard racing.

Sailboat and sailboard racing involves really close proximity starts, port and starboard crossing, tacking etc. with maybe the odd benign interference. Add kite lines and you've got something very different. You'll get something full of Bradbury moments - a circus!

What ever floats your boat...just stating the obvious from an unbiased perspective, in my opinion. I love kiteboarding, though it isn't an Olympic sport. Unless they built a bloody big indoor stadium, flooded the floor, had a bunch wind fans, and judged it like gymnastics!

26 May 2012 9:19AM
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I've mentioned the shallow water to his Dad, he is well aware of the risks and feels that Aaron knows his limits, the video shows a lot of shallow water riding but that just happens to be where they were filming one or two days over summer, its not really a true representation of where and how Aaron kites, was what I was told.

Like I said I've run 2 years of kite racing, it works, its different to sailing a yacht or a sailboard, but it was definitely fun, definitely sailing, definitely racing and has a lot of potential to develop, they are just my first hand observations.

I think everyone needs to chill, do what they need to in order to prepare for the November meeting, and remember that this is a new sport to them and will require an open mind and some different skills, and course requirements. The key to acceptance is an open mind, younger people are very enthusiastic about kite racing.

NSW, 1625 posts
27 May 2012 9:32PM
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Hausey said...
Racing is about tactics and reading the wind, things that wouldn't really come into play that much with kiteboard racing.

Sailboat and sailboard racing involves really close proximity starts, port and starboard crossing, tacking etc. with maybe the odd benign interference. Add kite lines and you've got something very different. You'll get something full of Bradbury moments - a circus!

The only reason nobody thinks Kite racing is not a serious sport around the buoys is because up until a few years ago the only reason we had to stay upwind was so we could try our luck at jumps and tricks etc.

Now that it is getting very serious, kiteracing will include all the elements involved in normal sailboat racing and more, it is a simply fact that those who do will be the first around the course and those that dont will need to figure out what the guy in front is doing better than him.

But remember they have not let Kiteracing into the Olympics for what it is today, they have let it in for the potential this new form of racing will offer in the future and I am sure all the stake holders understand they have a challenge on their hands, but hey isnt that what makes a good sailor, rising to the challenge no matter what is thrown at them

PS: still a shame windsurfing go canned, I dont know the facts but it surely is one of the most practiced forms of sailing in the world and has surely earn't the right to be in the Olympics.
Hopefully in November they may decide to let it back in and remove one of the other classes that would hardly have an existence if not for the Olympics

Chris 249
NSW, 3433 posts
28 May 2012 10:51PM
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Sorry, but surely it's wrong to say that "the only reason nobody thinks Kite racing is not a serious sport around the buoys is because up until a few years ago the only reason we had to stay upwind was so we could try our luck at jumps and tricks etc" and that they should "remove one of the other classes that would hardly have an existence if not for the Olympics."

We've gotta face facts, whether we sail boards or kites. There are other reasons for the fact that we are competing for medals, like the incredibly small numbers in kite racing; only 15 sailors in the US nationals, 7 in the Australian nationals, etc. Even if you add the windsurfers in, the board numbers look pretty sick - something like 160 sailors in Oz at nationals this year, for example. If we get such tiny numbers, then surely it's reasonable if people from vastly bigger disciplines don't treat us seriously.

Compare the board numbers to the three-handed dinghy discipline, for example, which attracts 200+ sailors to Australian nationals and about 930 sailors to US nationals and doesn't even have an Olympic spot. Or look at the day-racing keelboat discipline, which attracted over 2000 sailors to their nationals in the UK and no longer has an Olympic place. Not to mention the cruiser/racer leadmine sailors who get up to 10,000 sailors in some events. The CYCA winter series, to name just one local event, regularly gets over 1000 sailors to a weekend event. They've never had a Games spot, although they tried. These numbers make boards of all types look tiny.

And of course, in all the disciplines mentioned above there are club-level fleets that dwarf the numbers attending nationals. I think in my dinghy/board club, about 1/10 of the boat sailors do nationals compared to about 70% of board sailors. It's not because the boat sailors aren't serious, it's because when you have a club boat fleet that is 7 times as big as the kite national title fleet (in just one class), then you don't have to travel to get lots of competition!

I'm not saying this to say that windsurfers should get back in in place of kites, or anything like that. What I am trying to point out is that it's not as simple as just putting in board medals (whatever number or type) in place of a boat discipline, because arguably that is completely unfair to the boat sailors who do a much better job that board sailors do when it comes to attracting racers. And the reason board sailors (both types) sometimes get treated as a tiny part of the racing scene is because we ARE a tiny part of the racing scene.

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
29 May 2012 1:47PM
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I guess there is no chance of the Australian rep giving us an explanation of why he voted the way he did?

VIC, 1124 posts
29 May 2012 3:26PM
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no chance of the aust rep explaining why
he is too busy getting the kite racing underway

1421 posts
29 May 2012 4:05PM
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Brett Morris said...

Mexico is the latest county that voted incorrectly...At what point is this whole thing null and void?

Their 'representative' also represents the following countries as a representative for group O.

Antigua Sailing Association
Aruba Sailing Association
Asociacion Nacional de Navegacion a Vela
Bahamas Sailing Association
Barbados Sailing Association Inc.
Belize Sailing Association
Bermuda Sailing Association
Cayman Islands Sailing Club
Federacion Colombiana de Vela
Federacion de Vela de Puerto Rico
Federacion Dominicana de Vela
Federacion Mexicana de Vela
Federacion Nautica de Cuba
Federacion Venezolana de Vela
Grenada Sailing Association Inc.
Jamaica Yachting Association
Netherlands Antilles Sailing Federation
Panama Sailing Association
Royal British Virgin Islands Yacht Club
St. Lucia Sailing Association
Salvadorean Sailing Federation
Trinidad and Tobago Sailing Association
Virgin Islands Sailing Association (US)

So Venezuela and Mexico have expressed their dissatisfaction with Jane Moon's vote.[12009].pdf

NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
29 May 2012 6:28PM
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The RSX Class Association has sent a detail letter to Yachting Australia asking for explanations.

Mark _australia
WA, 22877 posts
29 May 2012 5:49PM
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JustinL said...

The RSX Class Association has sent a detail letter to Yachting Australia asking for explanations.

Be nice if somebody could post a copy of the letter sent, and the reply

QLD, 1241 posts
29 May 2012 9:46PM
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Brett Morris said...

Mexico is the latest county that voted incorrectly...At what point is this whole thing null and void?

Refering back to jusavina's link earlier there was a paragraph in it that would make me think the November vote will have to be reversed "In November, windsurfing has a chance to restate its case. However, it's understood it must win 75 per cent of the council vote to regain its place." Surely with everyone who has said they were "unclear" about the way to vote there must be around 75% now willing to vote for the windsurfers.

Brett is does the AWA have any political influence here?

NSW, 467 posts
Site Sponsor
4 Jun 2012 1:01PM
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I wonder how Israel feels about Windsurfing dropped from the Olympics. It is the only sport they are good at.

Israel rightly or wrongly is a target for terrorism as we saw in 1972 when 11 Israeli athletes were shot dead! If you where from Israel why would you train for the Olympics? I don't want to comment on the politics of Israel.

Full credit to the Israeli windsurfers for putting themselves out there and having a go. It says a lot about those individuals.

It also says a lot about the great sport of windsurfing and how addictive it is. Well you wouldn't risk your life for some crappy sport would you.

VIC, 1124 posts
8 Jun 2012 12:13AM
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um whats the average age for a kite racer

47 posts
11 Jun 2012 2:26AM
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More fodder for the debate...

The Protest Rolls On - Latest developments in the effort to reinstate windsurfing to the Olympics

ACT, 548 posts
16 Jun 2012 7:13PM
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CNN's Mainsail program (Foxtel) is currently running a story about kite racing and the olympic vote. Shirley Robertson is the reporter, on again at 7am sunday.

ACT, 548 posts
16 Jun 2012 10:50PM
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i think it is also here; (edit; its a preview)

TAS, 136 posts
19 Jun 2012 12:18AM
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I've windsurfed for 20 years but reckon we couldn't have done a better killing our sport if we tried - especially the racing side of things with that formula rubbish.

Like some countries I thought we'd all embrace the idea of racing a fast one design course board like the rsx with the ultimate aim of competing at the olympics. Instead Australians kept using the dying formula concept where the person with the most cash and latest gear often wins, events get called off if there's not enough wind and beginners can't have a go because the gears too extreme.

We even managed to stuff up the disciplines Olympic name - RSX! What's wrong with the name 'windsurfing' or even 'sailboarding!'. The public don't know what rsx means, may as well call kiting 'naish' or the 100m sprint 'nike'.

Too many manufacturers, too much variety of gear. Not that i'm into it i just hope kiting learns from our mistakes.


1421 posts
19 Jun 2012 2:37AM
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Compared to the other Olympic sailing categories windsurf was doing very well and fitted the Olympic ideals well.

Its just that the ISAF members know very little about windsurfing and even less about kitesurfing.

QLD, 144 posts
19 Jun 2012 9:02AM
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Mat, I can tell you feel deeply about this and you're entitled to your rant. But I have to disagree with the formula rubbish comment. Course racing wasn't killed by formula, it was already struggling when it was (somewhat) revived by formula. Sure it would be great if the one design and longboard scenes would pick up again, but in the meantime let's not kick the people who are keeping windsurfer racing going.

As for your other comments: sure, the guy at the front of the formula fleet probably has the latest gear. He's probably also the best sailor, which has a *lot* more to do with it. Yes, events get called off if there's not enough wind, but the overall wind range is at least as wide as any other class. At the club racing level, in my experience its rare for a race committee to start a race in over 25 knots - notable exceptions being offshore racing and formula windsurfing. And as for your comment about beginners - you do realize you've ruled out all high performance classes? I for one am glad we're not all racing 420's.

QLD, 466 posts
19 Jun 2012 9:19AM
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Formula is not as gear orientated as you might think. At the world championship level its not always the latest gear that wins formula races. Antoine won the worlds a few years ago on RS:Racings when everyone else were on EvoIII's. Wotjek won the worlds a few years before that on RS:6's when everyone was on RS:Racing EvoII's.

Racing in the formula fleet here in Sydney its the best sailors that dont make mistakes that win races not the gear. The reason why most people have new gear is that they train and put so much time on the water that they wear the sails out.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"ISAF Selects Kiteboarding For Rio 2016" started by jusavina