Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

Burrum Windfest

Created by Gestalt > 9 months ago, 8 Dec 2009
QLD, 580 posts
17 Feb 2010 8:44AM
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(Dylan posting) Last year there were at least two sailors that didn't have their gps set up right, and ended up recording nothing on the first day. Since that was the best day they basically wrote themselves out of the comp.

Prior to the first day, I will be around and available for setting up Navis with newer firmware and checking other settings.

On the comp days I can check settings, but I won't flash firmware because there's a chance it could go wrong.

I strongly recommend you take advantage of this, as it puts a damper on things if you sail well but lose it from a bad setup.

Also, each Navi should be fully charged, and fitted with an SD card. We can manage without the card, but it is harder.

During the comp, the process is to hand in your GPS each day after sailing so files can be extracted. You may not see your GPS until the next morning, so a good charge is important. (There will be limited charging facilities.)

You may also want to label your gps with your name. We label them anyway (they go into separate named ziploc bags), but for peace of mind, you should too.


QLD, 921 posts
23 Feb 2010 8:58PM
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Really fancy taking the trip up north to watch and support this event, great to see things happening in QLD . Thinking of driving up with my gear for some free sailing as i dont own a race gear but i would still like to take part in the social events etc if thats ok

QLD, 2314 posts
23 Feb 2010 9:58PM
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You don't need race gear- have a crack at the radar class, all of the gear nerds have gps's.

Really it's more about enjoying a great spot with friendly company, finding the limit of you and the gear you have than it is about competing with the top guns. Personally if I go to burrum and had a good day then i'm happy, if i've had a cracker of a day to push the top guys then it's a bonus.

WA, 3145 posts
23 Feb 2010 9:33PM
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lee1972 said...


Really fancy taking the trip up north to watch and support this event, great to see things happening in QLD . Thinking of driving up with my gear for some free sailing as i dont own a race gear but i would still like to take part in the social events etc if thats ok

mkseven is spot on, no one will give a poop what gear you have, just enjoy the vib and maybe with a few tips from the good guys you might be surprised how fast you can go

NSW, 1353 posts
24 Feb 2010 12:55PM
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mkseven said...

You don't need race gear- have a crack at the radar class, all of the gear nerds have gps's.

Really it's more about enjoying a great spot with friendly company, finding the limit of you and the gear you have than it is about competing with the top guns. Personally if I go to burrum and had a good day then i'm happy, if i've had a cracker of a day to push the top guys then it's a bonus.

Yo ! I'm taking an a 1995 vintage high-wind slalom board and a couple of old sails, to have a bash in the radar class, and generally enjoy some great sailing. The sailing in white sandy estuaries and warm stinger-free water of that area is without peer and well worth the trip.

NSW, 21 posts
24 Feb 2010 11:02PM
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yay !!!!! im sailing in this event. my first one. cant wait

QLD, 335 posts
1 Mar 2010 10:47AM
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With less then 4 weeks untill the event it is important that you REGISTER NOW to allow Justin to make final preparations.

Registration form by emailing

PS. Please , also give numbers attending the SES Saturday night BBQ.

Hooray 4 now.

QLD, 158 posts
1 Mar 2010 2:42PM
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Greg and I haven't registered yet but we are definitely sailing in the event so I'll get on to it now. How much is the BBQ and where is it being held?

WA, 3145 posts
1 Mar 2010 5:20PM
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hooray said...

With less then 4 weeks untill the event it is important that you REGISTER NOW to allow Justin to make final preparations.

Registration form by emailing

PS. Please , also give numbers attending the SES Saturday night BBQ.

Hooray 4 now.

Thanks Old Fella, been away and forgot, I have that disease called um err oh ferk forgot. Email sent now

QLD, 335 posts
2 Mar 2010 12:34PM
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You can freight your equipment by Road, Rail, Sea?, or Air to the Fraser Coast (Hervey Bay) or direct to Burrum Heads. Local volunteers will pick up your gear & store it for you at Burrum Heads.

You can fly direct to Fraser Coast (Hervey Bay) from most southern capitals. On arrival at Hervey Bay you will be met by a volunteer Hostess/ host who will drive you to your accomadation At Burrum Heads. (20mins)

QLD, 3416 posts
2 Mar 2010 1:11PM
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hooray said...

You can freight your equipment by Road, Rail, Sea?, or Air to the Fraser Coast (Hervey Bay) or direct to Burrum Heads. Local volunteers will pick up your gear & store it for you at Burrum Heads.

You can fly direct to Fraser Coast (Hervey Bay) from most southern capitals. On arrival at Hervey Bay you will be met by a volunteer Hostess/ host who will drive you to your accomadation At Burrum Heads. (20mins)

Geeze I might just fly up from brizzy

QLD, 14393 posts
2 Mar 2010 5:32PM
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Hi Lee,

no worries about not having race gear. there are lots of people on freeride gear and some 140lt stuff with 40+ fins. we have a radar to capture speeds from the bank for people who want to join in but don't have the specific setups. although we are certainly trying to cater for the serious speedsters the event is also about fun and getting out on the water. one year we even saw a one design blasting along the bank.

Hi alewi62,

the opening night bbq is $30 per adult head and kids are free. we are still putting the finishing touches together. we also have a bbq at the end of the event which is covered by entry fees.

Hi Ken,

i love sailing there too mate. it's the closest thing to paradise i've been lucky enough to windsurf in. crystal clear water and sandy beaches! i love it at high tide for bump and jump straight off the beach.

Hi Ray,

cheer for rallying the troops mate. the emails are flowing in now. the numbers are looking very good. I have been replying to emails every couple of days. the last week i haven't been online. now we are into the final run i'll be online a LOT more.

WA, 412 posts
2 Mar 2010 3:59PM
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Hey Justin, is there a time limit to register?
I'm still unsteady on whether i can make it or not
but if i can, vando your gonna have to give me some lessons on slalom gear :D,
as im investing in some slalom gear for the sandy point days to come.

QLD, 14393 posts
2 Mar 2010 7:45PM
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Hi Scully,

we ask for pre reg so it allows us to sure up servicing for the event.

you can pay on the day or before hand. we will hold formal signon prior to briefing on the first day of comp and then before briefing each day for those that can't make it on the first day.

at this stage we have over 35 people registered!!!!!!! last year we had 38 competitors all up from memory. so this year we are estimating between 50 and 60 competitors. that's a fantastic outcome. adding to that friends and family and there are a lot of people going to burrum.

also a lot of young kids come along. last year saw around 12 kids at the event and this year will see that number grow also. Most people make a holiday of it.

so far people are coming from all over australia as well as new zealand.

QLD, 335 posts
3 Mar 2010 12:40PM
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Vando, you are so lucky.
A blonde haired legend (volunteer host) will pick you up at the Fraser Coast airport for the ride to Burrum in the back of his ute. (his dog likes to ride in the front)
To make identifing you easy, could you please wear your red frock.

SA, 4032 posts
3 Mar 2010 6:55PM
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hooray said...

Vando, you are so lucky.
A blonde haired legend (volunteer host) will pick you up at the Fraser Coast airport for the ride to Burrum in the back of his ute. (his dog likes to ride in the front)
To make identifing you easy, could you please wear your red frock.

WA, 129 posts
5 Mar 2010 9:12AM
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hooray said...

With less then 4 weeks untill the event it is important that you REGISTER NOW to allow Justin to make final preparations.

Registration form by emailing

PS. Please , also give numbers attending the SES Saturday night BBQ.

Hooray 4 now.

Stupid question maybe but where do I send my registration form.

Whats the go with sail numbers. I don't have one, can I just make something up?

QLD, 14393 posts
5 Mar 2010 6:23PM
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Hi Ian,

the forms can either be emailed back to me at or mailed or handed in at the comp. payment can be via direct deposit, or cheque or at the event. if you can email me and let me know how you would like to procedd i'll send through the appropriate details.

sail numbers can be gotten from the AWA via your current club race membership. you will need to hold a valid AWA policy to enter the event for insurance purposes and part of that gets you a sail number. if you don't have cover you can join the wanderers. basically as there are only 3 months left in the 12month insurance policy we have dropped the wanderers component of the memberships and are only passing on the insurance component. if you join with wanderers i will sort out your numbers for you. basically you would use AUS then 3 numbers. current in use numbers can be found here.

numbers are not mandatory for the event. you will need a pfd and insurance cover to be able to enter.

sounds like a lot of red tape but it's all very simple and is done from my end.

all you need to do is fill in the forms and return with payment. you can returns the forms and pay on the day and of course you can turn up on the day with the forms and pay the entrance fees and everything is done.

we will also have forms with us on the day. We asked for Pre reg as it allows us to understand how many people we are catering for. the preference is that everyone is emailed the forms ahead of time and returns them to assist us.

QLD, 14393 posts
6 Mar 2010 9:59AM
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Hi everyone,

i will be offline for the next 2 days whiule installing a computer network at my house so i have returned the outstanding emails this morning to bring everything up to speed.

Thanks to everyone that has utilized pre registration. I really appreciate it.

I will do a proper tally once the computers are back up and running but at this stage the prelim numbers have us sitting a 45+ competitors.

Fantastic stuff.

we are certainly looking at 50-60 competitors at the event. please keep the pre-registrations coming.


QLD, 335 posts
10 Mar 2010 1:50PM
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With competitors safety in mind, the Burrum Heads Volunteer S.E.S members will have 2 boats on the water during the course of the event.
There will be 8 S.E.S members maning the boats and their mobile radio van. The boat crews are trained in rescue and will be in radio contact with the shore based van crew.

QLD, 335 posts
10 Mar 2010 2:01PM
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The High Speed Tilt Train stops at Fraser Coast (Howard).
Should you wish to travel by the above, (3hrs 47mins) from Brisbane you will be met by our loverly hostess and driven to your Burrum Heads accommodation. (12mins)
Drive yourself. (310klms = 3hrs 15mins)

QLD, 335 posts
10 Mar 2010 2:06PM
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You can still rent a house for 1 night, the week-end or longer.
Camp at one of 2 caravan parks.
Share a house with Haggar.(check his post in this forum)

QLD, 633 posts
10 Mar 2010 2:42PM
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Can I ask that if you are bringing a Garmin GPS for the event, can you please bring any cables necessary for attaching it to a computer as well.

Last year we were scratching around for one of the cables. Don't assume that we'll have everything that we need, as there are different cables for different models of Garmins.

Also, please be aware that we do check top tracks, and it is not acceptable to leave your device on in the car on the way up to the event in order to boost your result (mentioning no names...)


Chris Ting
NSW, 302 posts
11 Mar 2010 6:31PM
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There's 4 of us flying up on the Friday morning flight from Sydney. Is there really a pickup service from Hervey Bay, or do we need to organise a rental car?

We're not carrying equipment, as we've managed to convince Sean O'Brien to drive my van and trailer up from Sydney.

PS I'm not sure any of us have registered yet, I know I haven't.

SA, 4032 posts
11 Mar 2010 6:45PM
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Chris Ting said...

There's 4 of us flying up on the Friday morning flight from Sydney. Is there really a pickup service from Hervey Bay, or do we need to organise a rental car?

We're not carrying equipment, as we've managed to convince Sean O'Brien to drive my van and trailer up from Sydney.

PS I'm not sure any of us have registered yet, I know I haven't.

I'm sure Ray will give you all the info
You guys bringing up that old dude "Larko" ? heard the retirement village has given him a leave pass

QLD, 14393 posts
11 Mar 2010 6:58PM
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Hi Chris,

sweet! always keen to help more people join in the comp.

i called the airport shuttle service..... they cover burrum heads. for 4 people it is approx $80 total. they said approx $5-10 for windsurfing gear. the shuttle meets the bus at the airport.

2 people would be about $60.

here is the web link.

i spoke with John who can also be contatced on
1800 333 532 or

there is also a taxi service from hervey bay airport. i was quoted approx $100

after talking witht he shuttle people they are also keen to arrange any further busses as needed. we could also organise a bus from burrum to hervey bay for non sailing family if the need is there.

i can also send you out some pre reg packs, shoot me through an email on with numbers.

we also have the saturday night opening bbq.

happy winds

QLD, 113 posts
11 Mar 2010 7:31PM
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Is there any address at Burrums Heads that we can send windsurf gear to in advance?

Planning on air freighting my windsurf gear to my bros address in Hervey Bay.

Hervey Bay to Burrum not sure?

Any help will be appreciated.

QLD, 335 posts
11 Mar 2010 8:54PM
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Hi Chris,
Yes Chris, we friendly locals have organised to pick up competitors from the airport. PM me your arrival details. Also Sean knows where I live so he can drop off your gear.

Hi Icesurf,
We at Burrum can store your gear. PM me your arrangements.

There are no strangers at Burrum Heads,
Only friends you havent yet met.

243 posts
11 Mar 2010 7:44PM
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It might get a little windy at the Windfest if this hangs around.....Forecast for Thursday next week from the BOM.

QLD, 14393 posts
11 Mar 2010 10:41PM
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Hi Ray, big thumbs up for you.

Hi Bluedog,

i'm watching that one a couple of the models also......

looks like we have the next cyclone of the season. models are showing it forming around the weekend. may be a little early but cyclones do wander around for a week or 2 sometimes. it's currently deepening out near the solomans and expected to go west.

good news is there is expected to be monsoonal activity towards the end of march also so the chances of a low spinning up are looking good at this early stage.

fingers crossed.


Forums > Windsurfing   Gps and Speed talk

"Burrum Windfest" started by Gestalt