Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

Sandstone Seabreezers

Created by Paddles B'mere > 9 months ago, 14 Nov 2015
WA, 734 posts
22 May 2016 4:28PM
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Not windsurfing? Has all this injunearin buggered yer brain??

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
22 May 2016 7:37PM
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My brain was already buggered Pete, this is just making sure. I ended up mowing the lawn by the way, couldn't take it any more. Looks like some windy days coming.

WA, 734 posts
23 May 2016 6:11PM
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Looking good for tomorrow, what do I bring?

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
23 May 2016 8:37PM
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You know ................

WA, 734 posts
26 May 2016 8:26PM
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Turners came good after JV left, I sailed till 3.30 fully powered up on 8.2 and weed fin, long runs from VMR to Ningi creek but had to pack it in to go to the dentist. You would have hated it

WA, 734 posts
26 May 2016 8:29PM
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I'll have to give it another go tomorrow

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
27 May 2016 4:48PM
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It's a dirty job but someone had to do it Pete. Hey what's the local plans for these westerlies that have hit? This is my first time ...................

QLD, 38 posts
27 May 2016 6:22PM
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Yeah, if you have a westerly solution please let us know

The only one I can think of is Wello?

WA, 734 posts
27 May 2016 6:37PM
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Sailed the south westerly at Bongaree today with Pope John and Tony, I got there just as they were changing down from the 7.5 & 8.8.
John & I rigged 6.6 and Tony rigged 7.0 which was great for the gusts but way too small for the lulls, about 50%. The channel can get lumpy too.
south westerlies can be sailed over the channel at Sandstone Point, low tide is no good at sandstone. today was mostly west so Bongaree was better and isnt affected by low tide.
North west can be sailed at Turners camp, but you have to launch from the sandbar at low tide.
Looks like Bongaree again tomorrow...

QLD, 38 posts
28 May 2016 7:37AM
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Thanks Peter. I would like to give Bongaree a go. What time are you thinking?

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
28 May 2016 8:54AM
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Hi Duncan/Pete, I'll probably join you guys for a sail later on as well. Wind is still light here at the moment.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
28 May 2016 11:03AM
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What's Banksia like Pete, it'll have a bit less chop?

WA, 734 posts
28 May 2016 6:10PM
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Bongaree Saturday 28 the usual suspects plus kites in a westerly
Mark, Pope John, Paddles, Adam, Jeff, Jack from down south and myself with a visit from Tony..

WA, 734 posts
28 May 2016 6:12PM
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...and Brad

QLD, 500 posts
28 May 2016 8:47PM
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Thanks Pete. Was feeling a bit hurt there for a moment.
Going up to Golden Beach for an early morning session if any is interested.
Hopefully find the last of the Westerly before it disappears.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
28 May 2016 10:28PM
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Where were ya Dunc's? It was a little rough, but good sailing with the lads at South Esplanade this arvo.

QLD, 1087 posts
29 May 2016 8:33AM
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Thanks for photos Pete
Good to get a little footstraps time in after too long off the water doing the motorbike and RC model obsession to fill in the doldrums.

After starting back at the gym and sailing I'm a little average this morning. Looking forward to more winter westerlies

Cheers Jeff

QLD, 45 posts
29 May 2016 11:49AM
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Great photos Pete, and good to meet you and the rest of the Sandstone crew. Even Jeff made an appearance (good to catch up Jeff). Enjoyed meeting everyone and sailing a new spot. Will have to make the trip again when westerlies and high tides align. Great arvo's sailing with a yet another friendly wind-surfing crew. Jack

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
30 May 2016 7:33AM
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Yeah, nice to meet you too Jack. Catch you next time you're up our way.

WA, 734 posts
30 May 2016 5:18PM
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Good to meet up with you jack.
Southerly and southeast are good off Bongaree too, once you get across the channel the bay is good sailing.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
3 Jun 2016 8:15PM
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Well gents ......... Sunday? ................. South Esplanade?

QLD, 500 posts
4 Jun 2016 7:13AM
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Anyone venturing out today? Or just tomorrow?

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
4 Jun 2016 8:50AM
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Today wouldn't be much fun here Brad, there's 25kn+ bomb gusts and rain. I've chosen to release some carbon up the chimney, crank up the espresso machine and sit it out, it's ghastly outside. I've gotta venture out to the shed and put a new tendon in my mast base soon though.

QLD, 500 posts
4 Jun 2016 11:05AM
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Yeah, playing in the shed with gear after clearing out some drains.
Will see how it looks tomorrow.

QLD, 500 posts
5 Jun 2016 4:34PM
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Well that was interesting. Bones and I went out at Sandstone this morning. Nothing at the beach at times and tear you arms off 30 something knots when you get out side the wind shadow.

Got some good advice from Pope John when we got there. I was going to rig bigger, but went a bit smaller on his advice. Should have gone smaller again though.
Great to know it works in a westerly.

Tony has discovered a new love in his F2 Comet. Last time I saw him he was trying to get onto Pat to give him more money for it.

Hope the Bongaree boys had fun too.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
5 Jun 2016 4:58PM
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No sailing for me today Brad, good to hear yourself and Tony got into it.

QLD, 197 posts
5 Jun 2016 5:58PM
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that was a great morning, I think the rest of the team are getting soft, sitting at home keeping warm, f##k it was cold in the end.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
5 Jun 2016 7:45PM
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I had a big one last night and ended up sleeping in till 10am so I was out, that wind was cold today hey?

QLD, 65 posts
11 Jun 2016 10:15AM
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Tomorrow looks really good.
I will be down NSW so hopefully it will be as windy there.

Have fun Gals and boys.

WA, 734 posts
11 Jun 2016 3:28PM
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I need pics for tomorrow guys and gals while I'm having to sit it out.


Forums > Windsurfing Queensland

"Sandstone Seabreezers" started by Paddles B'mere