Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

4 corners

Created by choco > 9 months ago, 30 May 2011
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154 posts
31 May 2011 8:23PM
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Didn't see the show, however after watching the news tonight and seeing the dirtbags responsible for shooting the policeman in the head in the Gold Coast giving the finger to the cameras as they were led into court makes me think we should them to Indo for the cattle slaughterers to practice on.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
31 May 2011 8:23PM
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barn said...
poor relative, if you can watch the whole video I posted and tell me there is no difference between that and shooting a Roo between the eyes then there is something wrong!!..

I don't
I've never shot anything.

I just find we in the west who condone or turn a blind eye to our own cruelty are happy to highlight what happens elsewhere.
Battery hens is one example.

We are no different to animals really.
In fact we are no worse than Indonesia with some of our own practices

WA, 1227 posts
31 May 2011 8:52PM
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barn said...

dinsdale said...

barn said...
Dinsdale again, how can you criticise another religion for being "Crack pot'.. Your all equally crackpot..

Trying to draw any kind of moral equivalence between Christianity and Islam is complete lunacy. I happen to fully agree with every point on doggie's list, except the last one of course.

EDIT: Yep, sorry gorgo/doggie.

How about the moral equivalence of Halal meat in the following..

-denying family planning to the developing countries (overpopulation, starvation)

-denying abortions in all cases (Mexico et al)

-denying cheap prevention of AIDs in developing countries

-scaring children with threats of eternal hellfire and damnation (mental child abuse)

-deaths of children whose parents relied on faith healing

-denying stem cell research (because a cell culture has a soul)

-supporting the collective opposition to any criticism of religious beliefs (like when you got offended at a picture of Jesus)

-claiming raising a Child with one parent is paramount to child abuse (you said that, not really an equivalent to halal, but..)

-Witch Hunts (still happening in africa, thou not suffer a witch to live)

-the idea that the earth is ours to subdue and conquer (Tasmanian Tiger, Amazon)

Those are several examples of what I would say expose unnecessary discomfort upon other beings justified by you lot cause its in the scripture. I thought i'd ignore the crusades and the inquisitions because you guys seem to have got bored of that..

**(late edit, don't answer this on here as it's derailing)**

poor relative, if you can watch the whole video I posted and tell me there is no difference between that and shooting a Roo between the eyes then there is something wrong!!..

What an uneducated crock! After I stopped laughing I handed my netbook to my wife and asked, "How would you answer this idiot?" Of course I wouldn't say that in the forum, so just asked my wife.
She read it and replied (and I quote, verbatim), "Well, you got the idiot bit right. He has nothing to say, but he still insists on saying it."
I thought, "What a good line. Quite clever with words, my wife"
She continued (and I quote, verbatim), "I really don't know why you bother. You already know you can't argue with ignorance."
Now I wouldn't say that here, so I just asked my wife.

So Barn, what is your problem? I bet you had a bad experience with a priest or something like that when you were a kid. What did I do to you? Why must you just vent venom, at me, for no apparent reason? Just inform the whole forum exactly what it is, get it off your chest and let the forum settle down to a little civility.

PS yea, orright Laurie, I understand.

WA, 2960 posts
31 May 2011 8:57PM
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poor relative said...

I don't
I've never shot anything.

I just find we in the west who condone or turn a blind eye to our own cruelty are happy to highlight what happens elsewhere.
Battery hens is one example.

We are no different to animals really.
In fact we are no worse than Indonesia with some of our own practices

Your right we do have double standards, we oppose the Japs shooting the Humpbacks, but let the Aboriginals kill Dugongs..

But I think the civilised world is just slowly turning a corner in accepting our duty to look after the other animals, domesticated and wild. Only a hundred years ago we thought nothing of killing off the Tas Tigers and most of the Blue whales, nobody thought it was wrong.. Now a few blips of compassion have started here and there and its a good thing, lets start with Battery Hens and Halal and Blue Fin Tuna..

Slavery was accepted a few hundred years ago, maybe if we last another 100 years we will all be treating our the animals a bit better..

We just have to get over this idea-

some douche said...

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

BTW I am not against shooting Roos, Camels and Feral Pigs.. But it can't be used to control populations, we need to bring back their natural predators.. reintroduce Komodo dragons!..

NSW, 807 posts
31 May 2011 11:06PM
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dinsdale said...

So Barn, what is your problem? I bet you had a bad experience with a priest or something like that when you were a kid. What did I do to you? Why must you just vent venom, at me, for no apparent reason? Just inform the whole forum exactly what it is, get it off your chest and let the forum settle down to a little civility.

Maybe it's your thinly disguised hatred of all muslims that grates his teeth? Just guessing...

1862 posts
31 May 2011 9:08PM
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The program last night really upset me and now I want to boycott everything Indonesia - I will never go there, made up my mind on that when Schapelle Corby got done for her boogie board contents and that dick - Abu Bakar Bashir - got let off charges for being the spiritual leader for the dickwads that blew up 200 Aussies.

So what crappy products do we import from that backwater that I should boycott?

WA, 2960 posts
31 May 2011 9:14PM
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dinsdale said...


So Barn, what is your problem?

My problem is that time you posted that you were offended by a picture of jesus, and how you are always condescending to people who don't agree with you.. Calling people who accept the probability of man made climate change dumb..

All I said is you can't condemn the Muslims for fulfilling their religions traditions when your religious traditions cause just as much pain. You must be aware that Population control is globally opposed by your religion, you do know this is causing inconceivable pain and suffering to countless people. You must be aware that the teachings of Christianity give people in Africa the Religious authority to burn Witches. Just like the teachings of Islam give people the Religious authority for Halal.

You believe in an invisible man in the sky and are lecturing me on my Ignorance?? Old man, Please..

3777 posts
31 May 2011 9:17PM
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The point i was tryn to highlight is that that footage of the killing of animals in some countries is an excepted practice. This is just seems like a part of life.
On the other end of the scale here apart from animals is humans and they are bread to inflict far more pain on each other than animals.

Least you voted gillard.. we should have them arriving at are doorstep in no time.

NSW, 510 posts
31 May 2011 11:22PM
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Select to expand quote
barn said...

I didn't see the program but I'm guessing it's the same as this video for anyone else who missed it. The video starts with the Western bolt gun kill, then the Islam way..


This is a rundown on whats happening in the UK, halal is being allowed under the guise of 'multiculturalism' and respect for 'religious tradition'

If you are engaged in an act of cruelty, there is an easy, effective way to silence your critics and snatch some space to carry on. Tell us all that your religion requires you to do it, and you are "offended" by any critical response. Erect an electric wire fence around your nastiest actions and call it "respect".Continued..

Dinsdale again, how can you criticise another religion for being "Crack pot'.. Your all equally crackpot..
3:43 it was still breathing

WA, 1227 posts
31 May 2011 9:23PM
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SomeOtherGuy said...
Maybe it's your thinly disguised hatred of all muslims that grates his teeth? Just guessing...

I have no hatred of Muslims at all, but I certainly don't attempt to disguise my hatred of Islam. Don't judge Islam by the Muslims whom you know.

WA, 5921 posts
31 May 2011 9:34PM
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Im abit suprised that so many people were stunned , shocked etc,
what were you expecting, in a 3rd world country.
Im sure that there are far worse places in these countries. what about the abbatoirs that we dont police?
I really dont see the opportunity to bag out religion , when this just a case of cheap cost effective way to kill what they consider simply food.
Its not that far in the past that we in Australia did much the same.
keep in mind that we used to use a slaughtermans axe on cattle . this is a regular axe with a massive 6"long 1"diameter shaft on the Poll(back) of the axe.
this would be swung into the top of the skull to Kill the beast, then after all the shaking was done you would bleed it.

WA, 3848 posts
31 May 2011 9:37PM
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It rained in Perth today. So good to get some rain, after such a long drought.

Oh, and remember crew .. plenty of places for religious debate, and here ain't one.

Please have Respect for each other.

NSW, 807 posts
1 Jun 2011 12:14AM
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dinsdale said...

SomeOtherGuy said...
Maybe it's your thinly disguised hatred of all muslims that grates his teeth? Just guessing...

I have no hatred of Muslims at all, but I certainly don't attempt to disguise my hatred of Islam. Don't judge Islam by the Muslims whom you know.

bbwaahhaaaahhhaaaa!! And you called barn ignorant? Thanks man... I'll still be laughing tomorrow on that one!

WA, 1227 posts
31 May 2011 10:32PM
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barn said...
... and how you are always condescending to people who don't agree with you...

condescending?? Barn you just can't cope with someone with a vocabulary >500 words and the ability to spell more than half of them.

barn said...
Calling people who accept the probability of man made climate change dumb..

I make a point of addressing the argument, not the man. I distinguish between what someone says and who someone is. Go back and have a read - I just did to make sure. Oh, sorry, I forgot. Reading isn't your strong suit either. With very, very few salient exceptions (you and logman) I've refrained from any personal statements, and only then after you've had several uncalled-for ad hominem goes at me. You seem incapable of addressing any argument at all it seems. Instead opting always for character assassination. Even my complaint about the caption comp pic only stated how I felt about it - no put down of anyone at all, yet you just can't let go of it.

You do have a problem you know. You should see someone.

WA, 2960 posts
31 May 2011 10:37PM
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dinsdale said...

I love animals too - bar-b-qued mainly .

I hunt, and I love eating meat. I'll shoot ANY feral animals on sight. I shoot roos, but only enough for my and my family and friends' consumption. I'm looking forward to my 1st camel hunt. Goat, camel and roo meats are each really nice eating.

Shooting roos is fine, its more humane than any other way of getting meat, but..

I'm going to compare this whole 'I'll shoot ANY feral animals on sight' to the practice of Halal... I used to live in Egypt, a country that Australia once banned live meat exports to for the exact practice displayed in the videos. And one of the things I noticed is they enjoyed the suffering of animals, it's some kind of macho superiority thing. I've witnessed stray dogs and cats bashed for fun, the camels were treated like **** and the horses were made to work on limp legs.. They had no idea about the sentient nature of the other animals...

I think this is another reason why they don't see any problem using the Halal method..

Now what about walking around in the bush shooting all the ferals?.. It's not protecting the environment, shooting one fox has no impact on the biodiversity, Golf Clubbing one Cane Toad is not going to save a Koala.. All it is is an excuse to be a twat to an animal..

It's not their fault they are feral, and unless its a controlled and extensive pest reduction operation there is really no point killing them...

So killing a feral cat is not doing any good, and depending on season there could be a whole litter of cats who will starve to death because you shot the mum, for fun...

I've had friends who used to put chips on their fish hooks and catch seagulls, they used to think it was Ok cause seagulls were annoying pests..

Thats all it is, killing for fun.. I have no doubt that the Halal practice started as some sick F**k getting his kicks out of the suffering of an animal.. And Shooting a fox for the fun of it is almost the same, it's just being a dick to an animal.. Some kind of superiority complex... Do you get a licence to kill just because they are feral..


Nobody will agree with me, Dinsdale is Old and set in his ways, but one day, being a twat by getting your kicks out of killing animals will be frowned upon..

WA, 2960 posts
31 May 2011 10:51PM
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dinsdale said...

You do have a problem you know. You should see someone.

Haha let me guess, Jesus??

All I did was point out the hypocrisy of calling Islam a 'Crackpot Religion' when you yourself belong to a 'Crackpot Religion'..

You want vocabulary? I did enjoy the crackpoteth eschatology this month of may..

VIC, 417 posts
1 Jun 2011 1:08AM
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Food Inc. was another good doco that had me thinking. The last beast watching his mates get slaughtered, those images will stay in my head for a long time.
Watching that will definitely have an effect on my diet, a lot less meat for sure.

WA, 1227 posts
31 May 2011 11:15PM
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barn said...
Shooting roos is fine, its more humane than any other way of getting meat, but..

I'm going to compare this whole 'I'll shoot ANY feral animals on sight' to the practice of Halal... I used to live in Egypt, a country that Australia once banned live meat exports to for the exact practice displayed in the videos. And one of the things I noticed is they enjoyed the suffering of animals, it's some kind of macho superiority thing. I've witnessed stray dogs and cats bashed for fun, the camels were treated like **** and the horses were made to work on limp legs.. They had no idea about the sentient nature of the other animals...

I think this is another reason why they don't see any problem using the Halal method..

Now what about walking around in the bush shooting all the ferals?.. It's not protecting the environment, shooting one fox has no impact on the biodiversity, Golf Clubbing one Cane Toad is not going to save a Koala.. All it is is an excuse to be a twat to an animal..

It's not their fault they are feral, and unless its a controlled and extensive pest reduction operation there is really no point killing them...

So killing a feral cat is not doing any good, and depending on season there could be a whole litter of cats who will starve to death because you shot the mum, for fun...

I've had friends who used to put chips on their fish hooks and catch seagulls, they used to think it was Ok cause seagulls were annoying pests..

Thats all it is, killing for fun.. I have no doubt that the Halal practice started as some sick F**k getting his kicks out of the suffering of an animal.. And Shooting a fox for the fun of it is almost the same, it's just being a dick to an animal.. Some kind of superiority complex... Do you get a licence to kill just because they are feral..

I don't believe it! Not only civility, but addressing the subject matter. A pleasant change. Thankyou,

Now to address your points. I agree with much of what you say, however, I don't just kill animals because it's fun. I shoot because that's fun, and killing feral animals makes that fun a service to the rural community. Every fox, cat, pig etc which the thousands of hunters kill is a +ve action, and I do join the big annual fox hunts. Last year in 1 weekend we collectively killed >5,000 foxes. But remember, I said killed. There's no room for cruelty. If a fox isn't killed with 1 round it is with the 2nd, but that's rare. No comparison at all with halal slaughter.

The fun part is the hunt. It takes lots of skill and patience to hunt down foxes, cats and pigs. Yea, it might be a bit of a macho thing, but real hunters hurt no-one, destroy no-one's property and do a service to the community (not to mention the native fauna). As for roos, every hunter I know kills only what they want to use, though many of the farmers would like more of them culled.

There must be exceptions to what I've said, but that's just what they are. There must be "... some sick F**k getting his kicks out of the suffering of an animal." out there, in Oz, but the vast majority think and act responsibly, as I do.

EDIT: "I don't believe it! Not only civility, but addressing the subject matter. A pleasant change. Thankyou,"
Hmmm, I spoke too soon. I was hopeful though. You do have a problem Barn.

WA, 3519 posts
31 May 2011 11:43PM
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my best mate (Vietnam vet) reckon that hunters are just cowards shouting at defenseless animals that can't shoot back. Hiding behind the" I am a hero doing lota good for this country" My opinions is hunters are c***s

WA, 1227 posts
1 Jun 2011 12:12AM
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felixdcat said...

my best mate (Vietnam vet) reckon that hunters are just cowards shouting at defenseless animals that can't shoot back. Hiding behind the" I am a hero doing lota good for this country" My opinions is hunters are c***s

"... shouting at defenseless animals" - That'd work

NSW, 2110 posts
1 Jun 2011 10:38AM
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Hey Dinsdale

It takes lots of skill and patience to hunt down foxes, cats and pigs, 5,000 in one
weekend was there 5000 hunters? Did you sneak up and stalk and strangle all these animals? Or did you use a 223, spotlight and 4x4 and shoot them from 200 meters away?
It takes no skill to look through a scope and crosshairs and pull a trigger and kill something you can do the same thing on a playstation.

WA, 15849 posts
1 Jun 2011 8:54AM
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boofy said...

Hey Dinsdale

It takes lots of skill and patience to hunt down foxes, cats and pigs, 5,000 in one
weekend was there 5000 hunters? Did you sneak up and stalk and strangle all these animals? Or did you use a 223, spotlight and 4x4 and shoot them from 200 meters away?
It takes no skill to look through a scope and crosshairs and pull a trigger and kill something you can do the same thing on a playstation.

You havnt done it then have you

NSW, 601 posts
1 Jun 2011 11:01AM
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doggie said...

boofy said...

Hey Dinsdale

It takes lots of skill and patience to hunt down foxes, cats and pigs, 5,000 in one
weekend was there 5000 hunters? Did you sneak up and stalk and strangle all these animals? Or did you use a 223, spotlight and 4x4 and shoot them from 200 meters away?
It takes no skill to look through a scope and crosshairs and pull a trigger and kill something you can do the same thing on a playstation.

You havnt done it then have you

I had my eyes opened a bit when I was in Canada, up until then I'd always thought that hunting was skillful and tough to do, but I watched a couple of local hunting programs where people jumped into golf carts, drove up a grassy trail until they saw a black bear they liked (sitting on the grass eating something) and then shot it. They then loaded it up on the back of the cart and drove back to the lodge with smiles all around.

But then I also saw people tracking miles into back country to shoot a similar looking black bear.

Depends how you do it I guess. I've never hunted so I have no idea how common either of these scenarios is.

WA, 15849 posts
1 Jun 2011 9:09AM
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Trant said...

doggie said...

boofy said...

Hey Dinsdale

It takes lots of skill and patience to hunt down foxes, cats and pigs, 5,000 in one
weekend was there 5000 hunters? Did you sneak up and stalk and strangle all these animals? Or did you use a 223, spotlight and 4x4 and shoot them from 200 meters away?
It takes no skill to look through a scope and crosshairs and pull a trigger and kill something you can do the same thing on a playstation.

You havnt done it then have you

I had my eyes opened a bit when I was in Canada, up until then I'd always thought that hunting was skillful and tough to do, but I watched a couple of local hunting programs where people jumped into golf carts, drove up a grassy trail until they saw a black bear they liked (sitting on the grass eating something) and then shot it. They then loaded it up on the back of the cart and drove back to the lodge with smiles all around.

But then I also saw people tracking miles into back country to shoot a similar looking black bear.

Depends how you do it I guess. I've never hunted so I have no idea how common either of these scenarios is.

Trant, the thing that got me about boofys rant "Or did you use a 223, spotlight and 4x4 and shoot them from 200 meters away?" 200m?? thats a long shot even with a teliscopic sight, and then you have to sight the gun in before you get out there, in no way is just those two things "easy". Also ever tried to hit a moving fox or rabbit? They have to be the hardest targets on the move.
So, I dont think its easy at all and I recon boofy would starv if left out in the bush..

NSW, 601 posts
1 Jun 2011 11:18AM
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doggie said...
Trant, the thing that got me about boofys rant "Or did you use a 223, spotlight and 4x4 and shoot them from 200 meters away?" 200m?? thats a long shot even with a teliscopic sight, and then you have to sight the gun in before you get out there, in no way is just those two things "easy". Also ever tried to hit a moving fox or rabbit? They have to be the hardest targets on the move.
So, I dont think its easy at all and I recon boofy would starv if left out in the bush..

Lol, fair enough, I didn't realise.

Given that, I'd probably starve too.

WA, 15849 posts
1 Jun 2011 9:40AM
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felixdcat said...

my best mate (Vietnam vet) reckon that hunters are just cowards shouting at defenseless animals that can't shoot back. Hiding behind the" I am a hero doing lota good for this country" My opinions is hunters are c***s

Felix I dont think that you should bring Vietnam into this, hunting animals is differnt to warfair and we arnt talking about killing people here.

NSW, 2110 posts
1 Jun 2011 11:48AM
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Hey Doggie
I have been hunting with my brother inlaw who is right into it, and like anything these days with technology and the equipment available the human error element can be reduced in a lot of things we do. I dont know how Dinsdale hunts or with what but when you set up a rifle, hunt with a spotlight ( which I am assuming most fox hunters do at night the fox stands transfixed in the light you put the crosshairs between the two glowing eyes and pull the trigger) also 200 meters these days with 22/250,222,223 or any other of the sniper like calibres makes it easy. A responsible hunter going for headshots in my opinion wouldnt take shots on the run. No rant mate just opinion

Cheers Boof

WA, 3519 posts
1 Jun 2011 9:51AM
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Hunters all around the world have the same excuses:
1. We eat what we kill (gee dins I think your freezer must be full of cats, rabbits and foxes.... maybe a few roos?)
2. We help Mother Nature by culling pests (lot of rubbish who decide who is pest anyway.... Mother Nature perhaps?)
3. Killing is not the fun part of hunting it is the tracking ( why don't you go and hunt with a camera instead of a gun.... could still be mounted on a rifle but and got bang every time you shoot a pic and would make you feel like a real macho man)
Do not come and talk of shooting skills killing small animals and roos at what 200 m? using a 25x magnifying scope and shooting at still targets with a supersonic bullet. I did a fair bit of army and was a sharp shooter (sniper) I am sure I could teach you a few tricks and skills, I love shooting but I do not have the urge of killing hapless creature for fun.

And of the topic thank you "prof" dins now I have a 501 word vocabulary as I learnt the word shooting!

NSW, 2110 posts
1 Jun 2011 11:56AM
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Hey Doggie
Next time your on the Goldy look me up we will catch some mud crabs, spin up some tailor maybe a jewie, get some fresh bushfoods and vegies out of my garden, fresh duckeggs, and I will invite an Indonesian mate over who is dying to taste malamute
cheers Boof

WA, 15849 posts
1 Jun 2011 10:05AM
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boofy said...

Hey Doggie
Next time your on the Goldy look me up we will catch some mud crabs, spin up some tailor maybe a jewie, get some fresh bushfoods and vegies out of my garden, fresh duckeggs, and I will invite an Indonesian mate over who is dying to taste malamute
cheers Boof

I used to live in Darwin in the late 70s and all the food except for the dog I have eaten and I have also eaten ox heart so that food is not foreign to me.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"4 corners" started by choco