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Enough is Enough... Please explain?

Created by GypsyDrifter > 9 months ago, 29 Mar 2010
NSW, 836 posts
9 Apr 2010 2:50PM
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pweedas. I don't think you are getting what asylum seeking is.. Its not immigration.
Things we do at this end don't encourage asylum seeking. Having you and your family exposed to life threatening situations such as war, famine and civil unrest encourages asylum seeking. What is wrong with providing basic human rights to those that need it??

WA, 4642 posts
9 Apr 2010 1:07PM
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Smedg said...

pweedas. I don't think you are getting what asylum seeking is.. Its not immigration.
Things we do at this end don't encourage asylum seeking. Having you and your family exposed to life threatening situations such as war, famine and civil unrest encourages asylum seeking. What is wrong with providing basic human rights to those that need it??

It's an admirable quality and I think we should continue to do it.
We are very fortunate that our culture and our good government has resulted in our being able to offer that facility to others and that it has resulted in making our country somewhere where many others would love to live.
But it needs to be done in a controlled and measured way, not just open the doors to anybody and everybody under all circumstances. Otherwise in times to come we may find ourselves in a similar situation.
You wouldn't do that in your own house. You wouldn't just offer accommodation to anyone who rocked up on your doorstep.
You would select those who you decide are compatible with your way of living.
If you thought their culture or lifestyle was more compatible with the people down the road you would direct them there.
Australia is our collective house in effect. We should apply the same principle.

VIC, 5000 posts
9 Apr 2010 3:18PM
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pweedas said...

You wouldn't do that in your own house. You wouldn't just offer accommodation to anyone who rocked up on your doorstep.
You would select those who you decide are compatible with your way of living.
Australia is our collective house in effect. We should apply the same principle.

Being watching this thread with zero-mild interest, was not going to comment (as it doesn't affect me directly - SE coast of Aus), but wtf is with that comment?

If someone turned up on my doorstep in as much need as these asylum seekers do...sorry, but I'd let them in. I wouldn't make sure they barrack for the same AFL team or prefer to watch the same TV shows as me...sorry, my small rant!

wave knave
306 posts
9 Apr 2010 1:45PM
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pweedas said...

Select to expand quote

You would select those who you decide are compatible with your way of living.

WA, 4642 posts
9 Apr 2010 2:03PM
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Sailhack said...

pweedas said...

You wouldn't do that in your own house. You wouldn't just offer accommodation to anyone who rocked up on your doorstep.
You would select those who you decide are compatible with your way of living.
Australia is our collective house in effect. We should apply the same principle.

Being watching this thread with zero-mild interest, was not going to comment (as it doesn't affect me directly - SE coast of Aus), but wtf is with that comment?

If someone turned up on my doorstep in as much need as these asylum seekers do...sorry, but I'd let them in. I wouldn't make sure they barrack for the same AFL team or prefer to watch the same TV shows as me...sorry, my small rant!

That's highly commendable.
But you might change your mind when they decide to stay forever, and bring in their aunts and uncles and brothers and sisters and long lost cousins and etc etc.
You might then find that you are the the odd man out in your own house and they are asking you to live as they do.

They would never do that of course. Or would they?
As I posted earlier, England went down exactly that path 30 years ago. They are similar people to us, similar culture and values. They are paying for it now.
If they finally get it sorted out tyhen perhaps we can follow them but at the moment their kindness and compassion is biting them in the bum.

Your comment that you are watching it with zero-mild interest is telling.
Most of our population is doing the same. It's that laid back "she'll be right" ozzie culture that I mentioned earlier. It is just that which is allowing it to happen.

Perhaps we should pay a bit more attention to articles like this.

Sharia law wanted in England by 40% muslims

Hey! Sharia law. What's wrong with that? Sounds nice. Might even be nice for a girls name. Sharia. Yes it has a nice sound to it.

It might be an idea to look it up just in case it means something not so nice.

Hey, you're probably busy. Let me just copy a bit here.

From The Telegraph UK 19 Feb 2006
Sharia law is "the path that must be followed by a Muslim".
It brings together elements from the Koran and the Hadith (a collection of the deeds and words of Mohammed), plus judges' rulings from Islam's first centuries.
It was fixed by about the 10th century, and contains detailed instructions for practically every aspect of life.

In the West, it is most famous for its penal code: the prescribed punishments
for sexual offences, which include stoning;
for theft, which include amputation;
and for apostasy, for which the punishment is death.

Much more important for most Muslims, however, are the parts of sharia that relate to the status of women, to contracts and to family law.

These include provisions that allow men several wives and that enshrine, in law, the inferiority of women.

Women can be divorced merely by their husbands reciting "I divorce you" three times;
their testimony is worth less than that of men;
and they cannot marry a non-Muslim man - although it is permissible for a Muslim man to marry a non-Muslim woman.

It is parts of sharia such as these that come into immediate conflict with Britain's secular law, which is committed to treating all citizens equally. But it is those provisions which Muslim clerics most want to cordon off from any secular influence
****************** end quote

I choose to compare England because they are similar ethnicity to Australia and a similar people "embracing" ? a "multicultural society"
There are numerous other countries with the same problems and none are doing any better.
I will say it again, If you think Australians can handle this better than everyone else, show me some evidence.
So far over my whole lifetime in Australia, I have seen NONE.

WA, 15849 posts
9 Apr 2010 2:28PM
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Well what we could is buy a second hand 747, keep them on xmas island untill they have enough numbers to fill it then take them back to where they came from. Easy!
Now that would be cheaper than holding them for two years on xmas island, wouldnt you think?

VIC, 5000 posts
9 Apr 2010 4:54PM
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So, seeing I just got a serve for my opinion, or lack thereof (not to mention red-thumbed)...what are you guys doing about it all?

Now you guys, (pweedas, jmurray, GD...etc.) are obviously very passionate about this topic, and seem to be fairly knowledgeable in ways of interpreting media comment & using I expect that you're doing more than just whinging on a public forum, and are actively seeking methods to stop the flow of asylum seekers, by...

-contacting your local MP?
-writing letters to the PM?
-picketting on the beach at Christmas Island?
-doing anything constructive about it?

...or are you guys just going to be content with putting on a show of knowledge on this topic, until something else more worthy of debate arises & you jump on that bandwagon? If so, you're no better than someone like me...who does nothing about it also, but at least I'm honest about it.

To be perfectly honest...If there was enough wind, I wouldn't even be typing this. I'd have knocked off early, and gone to the beach!

WA, 15849 posts
9 Apr 2010 3:25PM
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Sailhack said...

So, seeing I just got a serve for my opinion, or lack thereof (not to mention red-thumbed)...what are you guys doing about it all?

Now you guys, (pweedas, jmurray, GD...etc.) are obviously very passionate about this topic, and seem to be fairly knowledgeable in ways of interpreting media comment & using I expect that you're doing more than just whinging on a public forum, and are actively seeking methods to stop the flow of asylum seekers, by...

-contacting your local MP?
-writing letters to the PM?
-picketting on the beach at Christmas Island?
-doing anything constructive about it?

...or are you guys just going to be content with putting on a show of knowledge on this topic, until something else more worthy of debate arises & you jump on that bandwagon? If so, you're no better than someone like me...who does nothing about it also, but at least I'm honest about it.

To be perfectly honest...If there was enough wind, I wouldn't even be typing this. I'd have knocked off early, and gone to the beach!

+1 btw sorted that thumb for ya mate

WA, 2371 posts
9 Apr 2010 7:27PM
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9th April 2010 United Nations states.

People smuggling is ''totally out of control'', with thousands of asylum seekers jostling to get to Australia, according to the senior representative of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Indonesia, Manuel Jordao.

The comments come as asylum seekers report the price of a passage to Australia has halved as more human-trafficking syndicates emerge to take advantage of an influx of irregular immigrants. With the knowledge that Australia has now become an easy target.

In an interview with the Herald, Mr Jordao said a ''huge percentage'' of almost 4000 asylum seekers on the UNHCR's books in Indonesia would try to reach Australia by boat rather than wait for resettlement through official channels. Knowing that others have landed on Australian soil and now will be processed into Australia..

Along with those registered with the UNHCR, there are believed to be thousands more Afghans, Pakistanis and Sri Lankans who bypass the UNHCR as they wait for people smugglers to take them to Australia.

WA, 4642 posts
9 Apr 2010 8:48PM
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Sailhack said...
To be perfectly honest...If there was enough wind, I wouldn't even be typing this. I'd have knocked off early, and gone to the beach!

Me too. And guess what? It did and and I did.
By 4pm it came in a bit. By 5pm I was overpowerd on 6m. Sweet!
I feel bettter now. Pull down the barricades. Everyone's welcome.
(ps I didn't red thumb ya sailhack in case u think i did.
cut/paste "Your feedback is greatly appreciated as it allows us the opportunity to address issues that are important to our customers.")

VIC, 5000 posts
10 Apr 2010 9:54AM
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pweedas said...

Me too. And guess what? It did and and I did.
By 4pm it came in a bit. By 5pm I was overpowerd on 6m. Sweet!

Now you're getting personal...that's just rubbing it in! (I'm still waiting for wind)

(ps I didn't red thumb ya sailhack in case u think i did.

Nah, I didn't assume you did, but as my post was fairly opinionated, I guess I deserve what I get.

Now where's that feckiny wind?!?

j murray
SA, 947 posts
10 Apr 2010 10:14AM
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this forum is just a cross section of the wider world, it is concerned mainly

with four elements , wind, wave, water and wanderlust. What am I doing

about it ? Well I for one am discussion the situation with like

interest people here, I would hope their intellect is a good/bad as mine.

I know that these forumists are scattered all over Australia and have have

many and different views, that enhance my knowledge of opinion,

Wether I wish to add that to my own is in the mind of the beholder.

As a proud Australian I welcome all the worlds people to holiday here,

Those who want to stay for whatever reason are tentatively welcome as

long as they wish to have what Australia now has, the things that they

wanted to come for. Not what they want to do with Australia,[}:)]

One group I have a problem with are the ones who wish the infidel [me]

to be deposed of in whatever way they think appropriate. By whatever

means. I don't believe in that !!!!!! ....... Smedg sounds like you wish to sort the terms of admittance

After the event.... " She wont be right mate!! "

or are you a brown armed stirrer ????

NSW, 836 posts
10 Apr 2010 10:50AM
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pweedas said...

Sailhack said...
To be perfectly honest...If there was enough wind, I wouldn't even be typing this. I'd have knocked off early, and gone to the beach!

Me too. And guess what? It did and and I did.
By 4pm it came in a bit. By 5pm I was overpowerd on 6m. Sweet!
I feel bettter now. Pull down the barricades. Everyone's welcome.
(ps I didn't red thumb ya sailhack in case u think i did.
cut/paste "Your feedback is greatly appreciated as it allows us the opportunity to address issues that are important to our customers.")

Arhh the magic of good wind. There truly is nothing better than a great session to put everything in perspective.

Realistically though, all or nothing policies will never address anything well. Complicated issues need understanding. And when focussed too much on fear, or protecting ourselves without thought for the rights of others, we greatly limit our likelihood of reaching long lasting solutions. Everyone is always having impact on everyone else... We just need to understand each other really well to figure out how to best work things.

NSW, 4453 posts
10 Apr 2010 12:38PM
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Wait a minute!

Did somebody say Sharia law?
Does that mean I can have more than 1 wife and chop the bastard who stole my stuff hands off?

Hmmm, maybe we need mo'boat people.

One motorist in Scotland offered what must be a unique reason why he should keep his license.

Mohammed Anwar said a ban would make it difficult to commute between his two wives and fulfill his matrimonial duties.

His lawyer told a Scottish court the Muslim restaurant owner has one wife in Motherwell and another in Glasgow — he is allowed up to four under his religion — and sleeps with them on alternate nights.

Anwar was clocked at 64 mph in a 30 mph zone, an offense that is sufficient for license revocation. In a saner world, the man's excuse would have been laughed out of court.

However, that did not happen: "Anwar admitted the offense, but Sheriff John C. Morris accepted his plea not to be banned and allowed him to keep his license. Instead, he was fined £200 and given six penalty points."

WA, 2371 posts
10 Apr 2010 1:02PM
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Asylum seeker boat carrying ten arrives
April 10, 2010, 9:22 am

Border Protection Command has successfully intercepted another suspected irregular entry vessel carrying eight passengers and two crew.

This is the 39th asylum seeker boat to be intercepted so far this year and the first since the federal government announced changed procedures for dealing with asylum seekers designed to deter the growing influx of arrivals from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.

The nationality of those aboard the vessel is unknown at this stage.

Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor said the patrol boat HMAS Maitland, operating under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted the vessel on Friday evening north northeast of West Island in the Ashmore group.

Initial indications were that eight passengers and two crew were on board the vessel, he said.

"The group will be transferred to Christmas Island where they will undergo security, identity and health checks and their reasons for travel will be established," he said in a statement.

"While their nationality is yet to be confirmed, if these asylum seekers are Sri Lankans or Afghans their claims will not be considered for at least three or six months respectively, under a processing suspension introduced by the government on 9 April 2010."

NSW, 9202 posts
11 Apr 2010 12:34AM
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I agree with the line of compassionate thinking. Desperate situations call for desperate measures. How could you turn somebody in a situation like that away? It's not human.

But ...this is how Rome fell (really). Conquer a bunch of nations and then they all move in and outbreed you. Breeding is the ultimate weapon.

Totally confused. Who wrote this play we're in?

WA, 2371 posts
10 Apr 2010 10:50PM
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Second asylum seeker boat intercepted
Today April 10, 2010, 7:52 pm

A boat with 36 asylum seekers and four crew has been intercepted near Ashmore Island in the Indian Ocean.

HMAS Maitland, under the control of Border Protection Command, intercepted the vessel about 5pm (AEST) on Saturday, a statement from Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor says.

It's the 40th boat intercepted in Australian waters this year, and the second since the government announced changed procedures for dealing with asylum seekers to deter the influx of arrivals from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.

It follows the arrival of another boat on Friday evening, intercepted near Ashmore Reef carrying eight asylum seekers and two crew.
The latest group, whose nationality is unknown, will be transferred to Christmas Island where they will undergo security, identity and health checks

COme one come all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WA, 2371 posts
11 Apr 2010 2:56PM
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Asylum boat 41 intercepted
April 11, 2010, 12:19 pm

Authorities have intercepted another boat of asylum seekers on its way to Australia.

Initial indications suggest there are 25 passengers and two crew members on board the boat.

It is the 41st so-called illegal entry vessel to be intercepted this year and the third since the Federal Government moved on Friday to suspend the processing of claims for people from Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.

The boat was intercepted by a Customs vessel this morning north-west of Browse Island off the West Australian coast.

Ok what the heck....Turn Christmas island in to a city...they will have enough people there by the end of the year...
I don't think I am angry anymore...It's starting to be a funny joke

QLD, 24 posts
11 Apr 2010 5:50PM
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WA, 2371 posts
11 Apr 2010 8:27PM
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postmortem said...


Ok well it is a fact that this has occurred at least I am up with the times.

QLD, 12326 posts
12 Apr 2010 2:04AM
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From a purely practical point of view; Rudd and Co. have managed to put the country in the worst financial state it has ever been in so how are we going to support these people

Please don't anybody say that they will do the jobs that Australians are too proud or lazy to do.

Rudd changed the rules for refugees to "As soon as you are in the door, turn left and go straight to Centrelink."

The fear of "Muslimisation of the Australian culture" is a small part of the overall problem.

The biggest danger is the country being flodded with low or no skilled people with little cultural sophistication of any brand except that of street survival and begging.

The arrogance of Rudd and his crew is beyond belief and worse than Keating ever was. They just don't care what the voter wants.

Who are those two twit women in the second row on the labor side behind whoever is speaking

NSW, 864 posts
12 Apr 2010 9:49AM
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cisco said...

The arrogance of Rudd and his crew is beyond belief and worse than Keating ever was. They just don't care what the voter wants.

That'll be tested later this year. But what will you say when they get re-elected, cisco??

Immigration is a completely different topic to asylum seeking (a concept that seemingly will never penetrate the skulls of some here). I'm glad K. Rudd has appointed a minister for it. With luck, the country may finally get to have a proper debate on the subject. I suspect the majority would feel immigration levels are too high... but are we willing as a nation to pay the price of cutting those levels? Probably not.

It would be nice if Abbott and Costello (DAMN we missed an opportunity there!) debated the issue rather than immediately going for the Pauline-Hanson-redneck-bigot line of argument.

Oh, and K.Rudd spent all that money built up in surpluses. That's good. That was our money taken from us by Howard and Costello (see??? Doesn't work does it??). Kevie returned it to us. I'm pretty sure I paid heaps more in taxes than the paltry $900 I got back.

WA, 4642 posts
12 Apr 2010 10:57AM
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Pardon me for quoting myself from a previous post on 5th April when I said;

"For the few small brownie points they scored in making the system a bit softer, they will now be unpopular with everybody when they finally have to make some unpopular decision to fix the situation again.
Really makes me wonder sometimes. "

I copped a few more red thumbs for that one which surprised me a bit because I thought I was only stating the obvious.

I wasn't expecting step two in the process quite so soon, but less than a week later we now have the headline from "The Australian"

Which says in part;
AUSTRALIA has announced it has stopped processing asylum applications from Afghans and Sri Lankans as it cracks down on people-smuggling.
"The decision has been made in the light of changing circumstances in both Afghanistan and Sri Lanka," Immigration Minister Chris Evans said today.
The announcement came shortly after the government revealed the interception of a boat, carrying 70 asylum seekers, near Christmas Island last night.
It was the 38th boat to arrive in Australian waters this year.
The new measures also follow the concerns of a United Nations official who said governments needed new solutions to deal with "out of control" people smuggling as thousands of asylum-seekers try to reach Australia via Indonesia."
*********** end quote

oOOOOhhhh What a surprise! Whoever would have thought that?

Next will come the endless arguments over whether it is legal or not,
Discriminatory or not,
Compassionate or not,
Racist or not,
Australian or not,
Harsh or not,
etc etc.
And each step of the way the government will cop flack and lose support.

On the face of it, these new measures are discriminatory on a racial basis so they should nto be legal.
The previous arrangement was NOT discriminatory as it applied equally to all.

When it's all over and they add up their brownie points, plus and minus, the end result is sure to be in the negative.
And everyone knows, that's what governs almost every decision in politics.

Perhaps now would be a good time for all the "red thumbers" to put up a few alternatives.
I'm sure if you come up with something half decent, Kev would be eternally grateful.
Well, maybe not eternally, but until the next election at least.

You could post them up here first if you like so we can do a critical analysis on them before you pass them on to Kev.
That way you can be sure you will only be passing on the best ideas.

Come on. Don't be shy now.

WA, 4485 posts
12 Apr 2010 11:04AM
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Forget any real issues that actually affect the average citizen (other than to stir inherant distrust and fear of those differant) such as health, schools, aged care, price of food, extreme cost of housing.

Let's wind the clock back about 12 yrs and play the same stoopid race fear and loathing game that sidelined any real issues then too.

Our stoopidity makes it all waaaayyyy easier for polies - on both sides.

Boat arrivals cost so much because of the 'Pacific Solution' policy. This was borne from feeding the xenophobic attitudes, that were nutured to a frenzied state, and look like going there again.

Head in the sand politics that just keeps re-occuring. It is shameful how dumb the 2 party game is. Go to a mirror, close your eyes and pin a tail on yaself. Donkey.

WA, 4485 posts
12 Apr 2010 11:12AM
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Is anyone actually questioning whether Afghan arrivals or Tamils from Sri Lanka are genuine refugees? Seriously??

I have noticed an enourmous amount of Jewish holocaust docos etc appearing on TV, movies and radio in the last couple of years. I find it hard to understand how there can be so much sympathy for history compared to the seemingly ignorant bliss in turning our backs on people fleeing genocide occuring today.

And we cynically laugh at people who say they didn't know the holocaust was happening.

WA, 4485 posts
12 Apr 2010 11:24AM
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We can't stop them arriving no matter how much posturing and rhetoric is shovelled onto the issue.

Potential solutions:

Start reporting the situation factually (would be a nice change). Refugees are NOT illegal immigrants as they are so often labelled. Arriving as a refugee is not illegal in any sense under Oz and international laws.

Take the racist politics and mislabelling out of the equation.

Stop passing the buck (literally billions in the case of Nairoo) to small foreign countrys to allow us to be removed from our international obligations.

Close Christmas Island processing - thereby saving billions. A report I heard on the weekend suggested that between 40-100 BILLION had been speant on CI.

Process the refugees quicker.

Instead of paying for a refugee to be held for 3 yrs, seperated from children/partners/parents until they are a basket case. Get the refugees out into the community and programs where the $$$ can be spent aiming (hey it is a big ask but not impossible and we are spending mega bucks anyway) to allow them to join to the workforce, pay taxes and ultimately contribute.

Instead of then having a mentally fkd up individual with no English that becomes a 100% burden on the country, we potentially have a human being (try to remember that bit - human being) that can overcome the tragedy and horror they have seen and realise the feeling of being useful, safe and part of a healthy society. Most likely they will end up doing the sort of jobs most dinkey di folks would turn their noses up at anyway. Win, win.

WA, 4642 posts
12 Apr 2010 11:41AM
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maxm said...
Immigration is a completely different topic to asylum seeking (a concept that seemingly will never penetrate the skulls of some here).

This particular scull is very much aware of that concept.

"Asylum seekers" are a subset of the total immigration quota.
That is, the TOTAL number of all immigration arrivals INCLUDING boat people is capped at an annual quota. (We are that smart at least.)

For every person that arrives uninvited by any means whatsover, one person gets kicked off the list at the other end.
That person was probably in just as dire circumstances but did the right thing and had their application processed through the right channels.
The person who arrives by boat has usually mysteriously "lost" all their identification papers.
Which is a bit strange because to get out of Afghanistan or SriLanka, most have to get on a plane to fly out.
You need papers to do that.
You can't just hop on an international flight with a bus ticket.
The leaky boats do not leave Afghanistan or SriLanka. They leave Indonesia.

Without identification papers their applications take a very much longer time to process and the determination as to whether they are legitimate refugees or not is seriously compromised.
Form any perspective, people arriving uninvited and unannounced in leaky boats is NOT an acceptable way to conduct immigration. Certainly not in the numbers that are happening now.
So the quetion is, do you want to establish boat traffic as an accepted means of arrival or not?
If yes, then is that fair to all the others who do the right thing?
If not, how do you propose to stop it or regulate it.

Insert answers below.

WA, 4485 posts
12 Apr 2010 12:25PM
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Sigh... arriving by boat is not doing the wrong thing. It is arriving as a refugee. If you apply for status you will be stalled for years (I'mm sure the militia at the door will be patient). Arriving by any means as a genuine refugee is acceptable in my book. The numbers we put up with in Oz are trivial compared to countries in Europe. Compared to the $$ we fork out trying to appear as though we can stop them is a joke. A very bad joke.

Pweedus you are spot on that immigration and asylum seekers are unrelated. You wouldn't know that from the way the majority of polies, media and public address the issue though. Roll sticky issues into one unpalatable morsel to make it easier for the dumb public and cover any need to address real issues is the plan for our polies.

Wake up folks and demand our polies to stop boolsh!tting and patronising us. Tieing (imagined) the figure of polulation in 2050 into the immigration and asylum debates is just the latest smaoke n mirrors for the dumb public game that has been goimng on for decades. Inform yourself and demand the polies stop lying to us. Make any polie that does attempt to BS us pay at the next election.

QLD, 7428 posts
12 Apr 2010 2:25PM
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Pweedas you're on a roll. One can never go too far wrong by counting on the worst of people. They never fail to disappoint.

NSW, 864 posts
12 Apr 2010 6:35PM
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pweedas said...

maxm said...
Immigration is a completely different topic to asylum seeking (a concept that seemingly will never penetrate the skulls of some here).

This particular scull is very much aware of that concept. (snip)...

You then go ahead and show that it doesn't. An asylum seeker is someone looking for help. They get let into this place after some initial checks and then a more thorough check is done. If as a result of a thorough check they are found to be genuinely in bother then they may be accepted as a migrant. If they're found to be bull**** artists then they're shipped off back home.

At the moment, about 90% are found to be genuine. You're saying we should stick a gun in their faces the moment they arrive and tell them to piss off. Piss poor attitude in my book! Honestly, if my house was burning down or a gun toting thief was invading it I'd sure hate to have you for a neighbour.

By the way, if they ARE accepted as migrants and they displace an Indian business man, Chinese student or Brit who's sick of the climate then I'm fine with that. I happen to think people that aren't having guns stuck in their faces can probably wait a little while longer so we can give some priority to those that are. If some Afghan turns up on the beach and displaces some other Afghan back home then I guess I'm fine with that too. We were going to take one and we have to pick which one somehow.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Enough is Enough... Please explain?" started by GypsyDrifter