Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

Gay Marriage

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 16 Mar 2012
This topic has been locked
Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
23 Mar 2012 2:02PM
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Ados said...

there is a lot of hate and negativity in this thread. The word 'Homo' is actually offensive to gay people. Moderator - please close down this thread.

In that case, I am offended by the term "hetero"

Geez dude lighten up, it a short version of homosexual.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
23 Mar 2012 5:44PM
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^^^^^I can't believe you actually think that Mark. Homo is a perjorative. I think you know that.

1229 posts
23 Mar 2012 3:26PM
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If the shortened version of Homosexual is offensive to Homosexuals and heterosexuals are supposed to know that and most probably do how come Homosexuals dont seem to realise that the hijacking of other words may be offensive to others ie gay,hero,
wife, husband, marriage for example or is sensitivity a one way street ?
Should I really have to explain to someone who I have just told I am married that my partner is a woman when that is exactly what marriage means ?

NSW, 6451 posts
23 Mar 2012 7:16PM
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Cisco,,,serious question here, what will you do if one of your kids tells you they are gay/les??

What would Jesus do

WA, 15849 posts
23 Mar 2012 4:19PM
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lotofwind said...

Cisco,,,serious question here, what will you do if one of your kids tells you they are gay/les??

WA, 421 posts
23 Mar 2012 4:59PM
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Hiko said...

If the shortened version of Homosexual is offensive to Homosexuals and heterosexuals are supposed to know that and most probably do how come Homosexuals dont seem to realise that the hijacking of other words may be offensive to others ie gay,hero,
wife, husband, marriage for example or is sensitivity a one way street ?
Should I really have to explain to someone who I have just told I am married that my partner is a woman when that is exactly what marriage means ?

most confused post ever ^^^

380 posts
23 Mar 2012 6:55PM
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I can't believe this topic has recieved so much
my question(s) is ; how many people responding to this subject
are gay
how many of you what to get married

1862 posts
23 Mar 2012 7:03PM
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Ados said...

there is a lot of hate and negativity in this thread. The word 'Homo' is actually offensive to gay people. Moderator - please close down this thread.

Hey buddy, you have no idea.

theDoctor said...

as backward as doing each other up the poop shoot and calling it natural...?

And you think saying 'homo' is offensive?.

1862 posts
23 Mar 2012 7:06PM
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Bone43 said...

I can't believe this topic has recieved so much
my question(s) is ; how many people responding to this subject
are gay
how many of you what to get married

I believe the channel starting at my poop shoot is virgin.

NSW, 6451 posts
23 Mar 2012 10:23PM
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Bone43 said...

I can't believe this topic has recieved so much
my question(s) is ; how many people responding to this subject
are gay
how many of you what to get married

You are right Bone43. It will only affect those people, so why are all the old rednecks so scared?
I bet their great grand dads where against women voting.
And their great great great grand dads where against black people eating at the same restaurant as them good white folk.
I dont know any gay/les that want to get married, just think the people that are scared sh!tless of it are a bit racist.
They argue religion, but if that is their argument,,,God made these people gay/les,, and all humans are made by gods creation????
I feel sorry for the fictional character, Mary , in the bible stories ,that got up the duff without even haven a root. She didnt even have the satisfaction of having some good wild drunken sex before getting knocked up by god while she was asleep

1862 posts
23 Mar 2012 7:31PM
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log man said...

OK let me clarify for you; Graham is a straight 43 year old man married to Michelle, also straight. Married for ten years , tried everything and couldn't get pregnant. Adopted a child through Anglicare.....apparently it's quite rare. And no, I wasn't "playing games" as you said but I think you may have just shown yourself to have a complete double standard here. Your question as to whether we are talking about a Lesbian or a man here just points to the fact that you are quite OK with the ideas of inequality and unfairness. Anyway your point about nature dealing them a dud hand also shows a double standard on this. EVERYBODY changes what nature gives them, think of all the diseases and malformations nature deals out, should we not fix Cleft palates, holes in hearts and thousands of problems that nature deals out to us. Or, are all those interventions OK........just as long as there not used by lesbians.....Is IVF OK for hetrosexuals but bad for lesbians....MMmmm. Basically I reckon your position here is illogical. You haven't mentioned anything about the huge number of hetrosexual kids that are treated appallingly by bad parents that didn't want them in the first place. Nothing about the overwhelming numbers of straight people whose marriages end in divorce leaving children to be fostered or fend for themselves......nothing. Just a strange, unbalanced, venomous attack on people who have done nothing but want to start a family. It's kind of sad that you and all the other haters on here wan't to tread on that dream.

You have been playing games, by not revealing straight up that your friends were in fact a hetro couple. Instead choosing to describe the couple as "they're both professionals(nurses), middle of the road, politically, and aren't real feminists."

This debate is about same-sex couples wanting to get married.

The other points you have raised, while backpedaling, are valid, and maybe I'm guilty. However, this is another debate.

Did you happen to watch the 7:30 report tonight? It was about a middle aged Lesbian couple and their struggle to have children - most interesting and on topic.

I'd be very interested in peoples views on it - I found it quite controversial.

380 posts
23 Mar 2012 7:35PM
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adolf said...

Bone43 said...

I can't believe this topic has recieved so much
my question(s) is ; how many people responding to this subject
are gay
how many of you what to get married

I believe the channel starting at my poop shoot is virgin.

actually lotofwind I'm against it the name marriage anyway like others have said on here just call it something else I'm not religous, homo phobic nor am I gay.

(but the guy I'm banging is) that's a joke don't take offence

380 posts
23 Mar 2012 7:37PM
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Sorry not good at copying quotes was
meant to include lotofwind ^^^^

Mark _australia
WA, 22392 posts
23 Mar 2012 7:51PM
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log man said...

^^^^^I can't believe you actually think that Mark. Homo is a perjorative. I think you know that.

So serious question - are homosexual persons also offended by the word "straight" - it implies that, being the opposite, they are 'bent'
I surmise the term was coined by them?

What about the connotations of the word 'gay'. I guess it initially referred to the "prancing p00f" (sorry for the terms used, trying to get a mental pic going as it is required for the description, I'm not trying to be offensive) - ie: the guy who is very effeminate and has mannerisms very different to heterosexuals.
Given the obvious derivation of the word "gay" to describe homosexuals I am surprised it is not deemed offensive.

Thus I can't understand why 'homo' is offensive.
No more offensive than "pom" is and that is pretty accepted by both aussies and English alike.

NSW, 6451 posts
23 Mar 2012 10:55PM
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Bone43 said...

adolf said...

Bone43 said...

I can't believe this topic has recieved so much
my question(s) is ; how many people responding to this subject
are gay
how many of you what to get married

I believe the channel starting at my poop shoot is virgin.

actually lotofwind I'm against it the name marriage anyway like others have said on here just call it something else I'm not religous, homo phobic nor am I gay.

(but the guy I'm banging is) that's a joke don't take offence

Aparently if your the "pitcher" your not a homo,
but if your a "catcher" its a different story. but if your a catholic priest in charge of the chior boys,,,,,,,,,,,you just get a slap on the wrist and moved to another church,,,god is forgiving to his followers

QLD, 12327 posts
23 Mar 2012 9:55PM
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Ados said...

there is a lot of hate and negativity in this thread. The word 'Homo' is actually offensive to gay people. Moderator - please close down this thread.

Yep!! Better do that and while we are at we need to change milk from being Homo-genised to being Gay-genised.

The word 'Homo' is actually offensive to gay people.

A sideways glance is "offensive" to so called Gay people.

What they really want is to rule the world.

QLD, 6806 posts
23 Mar 2012 10:02PM
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cisco said...

Ados said...

there is a lot of hate and negativity in this thread. The word 'Homo' is actually offensive to gay people. Moderator - please close down this thread.

Yep!! Better do that and while we are at we need to change milk from being Homo-genised to being Gay-genised.

The word 'Homo' is actually offensive to gay people.

A sideways glance is "offensive" to so called Gay people.

What they really want is to rule the world.

What about Homo-sapiens ? Should be extinct like Latin ?

NSW, 6451 posts
23 Mar 2012 11:02PM
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Hey cisco,,you still havent answered the question?
What will you do if one of your kids is gay/les????

QLD, 12327 posts
23 Mar 2012 10:17PM
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log man said...
OK let me clarify for you; please do loggy, ambiguity flows off your keyboard.

Graham is a straight 43 year old man married to Michelle, also straight.

So by "straight" we will assume you mean heterosexual.

Therefore by your definitions of sexuality, homosexual people are "bent".

By that token how can you condone the raising of children by "bent" parents????

QLD, 12327 posts
23 Mar 2012 10:20PM
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lotofwind said...

Cisco,,,serious question here, what will you do if one of your kids tells you they are gay/les??

What would Jesus do

What would you suggest I do??

QLD, 12327 posts
23 Mar 2012 10:22PM
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Ados said...

Hiko said...

If the shortened version of Homosexual is offensive to Homosexuals and heterosexuals are supposed to know that and most probably do how come Homosexuals dont seem to realise that the hijacking of other words may be offensive to others ie gay,hero,
wife, husband, marriage for example or is sensitivity a one way street ?
Should I really have to explain to someone who I have just told I am married that my partner is a woman when that is exactly what marriage means ?

most confused post ever ^^^

Read it ten times over and you won't be so confused.

NSW, 6451 posts
23 Mar 2012 11:26PM
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cisco said...

lotofwind said...

Cisco,,,serious question here, what will you do if one of your kids tells you they are gay/les??

What would Jesus do

What would you suggest I do??

Was just interested what you would do when it was actually effecting you.
Would you still treat them as an equal human being? or throw them out so you dont offend jesus?
Im not having a go at you.Just interested to hear you train of thought

380 posts
23 Mar 2012 8:50PM
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Just had a funny thought

Why do gays want to get married. Is it a cover up
so when someone ask if there happy (gay)
they can reply oooohh no I'm married haha
yeah being gay now is so different to the 30's & 40's
back then no guy at the pub had a limp wrist cause kite surfing wasn't inveted
and being gay wasn't trendy

Green Cherub
WA, 296 posts
23 Mar 2012 9:09PM
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10 pages of posts about gay marrage on a weather forcasting site...bit gay really

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
24 Mar 2012 12:25AM
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cisco said...

log man said...
OK let me clarify for you; please do loggy, ambiguity flows off your keyboard.

Graham is a straight 43 year old man married to Michelle, also straight.

So by "straight" we will assume you mean heterosexual.

Therefore by your definitions of sexuality, homosexual people are "bent".

By that token how can you condone the raising of children by "bent" parents????

Yeah Cisco, that's just lame.

QLD, 12327 posts
23 Mar 2012 11:40PM
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lotofwind said...

Hey cisco,,you still havent answered the question?
What will you do if one of your kids is gay/les????

From your profile:-

About Me:
not much to know,just a salt addict,cant get through the day without at least seeing the ocean.If you take what I post on the forums SERIOUSLY,,,read my name again "lot of wind" ie "full of sh!t"

So therefore I question the motive for your question.

For your information:- My daughter in her 20s and my son in his teens both appear to be heterosexual as nature intended them to be.

My wife in her mid 50s and blessed with a figure the envy of many or most in Australia, 30 years her junior, unfortunately for me, has lost all interest in sexual activities.

Then there is I, who at the tender age of 61, is as randy as a mallee bull and no doubt capable of fathering at least 100 more children, who made a solemn vow when I wed the aforesaid wife and must now resort to Mrs Palm and her five lovely daughters for sexual relief and prevention of explosion of my testicles.

Lot of wind, if your question was a bear trap as I suspect it was, it has been sprung with not even a hair of the intended victim in it's jaws.

It is not possible to answer your question, though you have asked three times, because a menopausal wife and a solemn wedding vow have precluded the possibility of any more little Ciscos running around the place.

Was that a collective sigh of relief from all Seabreeze members but one that I just heard??

If you have read this far Lot of wind I will reward you with an answer to your question in a hypothetical sense.

If I was in that situation:- I would continue to love my offspring and guide towards God's intentions.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
24 Mar 2012 12:47AM
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"This debate is about same-sex couples wanting to get married."

Yes it is and it's also about YOUR complete double standard and your determination to discriminate against lesbians based on false assumptions and half truths. Given that your main disapproval of same sex marriage is your concerns about the children, then I'd expect to see a new thread appearing pretty soon about the plight of children in terrible, dysfunctional, broken, traditional marriages. After all, There are whole suburbs of these families compared to many lesbians???Your argument seems a bit hollow.

QLD, 12327 posts
24 Mar 2012 12:43AM
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log man said...

"This debate is about same-sex couples wanting to get married."

So at the end of a same sex marriage ceremony what are they pronounced, dick and arse, tongue and groove??

1862 posts
24 Mar 2012 8:47AM
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log man said...

"This debate is about same-sex couples wanting to get married."
Yes it is and it's also about YOUR complete double standard and your determination to discriminate against lesbians based on false assumptions and half truths. Given that your main disapproval of same sex marriage is your concerns about the children, then I'd expect to see a new thread appearing pretty soon about the plight of children in terrible, dysfunctional, broken, traditional marriages. After all, There are whole suburbs of these families compared to many lesbians???Your argument seems a bit hollow.

You deceitfully manipulate and load your arguments with untruths.

they're both professionals(nurses), middle of the road, politically, and aren't real feminists.

Then later we find out the following.

Graham is a straight 43 year old man married to Michelle, also straight

It's not my problem that they can't have kids. Women in their 80's can't have kids either - following your argument, they should have rights too.

I now know why other posters on the forum call you a raving illogical lefty.

Always banging on about rights of the 0.0000001% - you are the one with the double standards, where is the part you talk about the child's right in all of this?

4214 posts
24 Mar 2012 9:32AM
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Whether you are pro or anti gay marriage, it will never pass through parliament - upper or lower.

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Marriage" started by adolf