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Gay Marriage

Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 16 Mar 2012
This topic has been locked
WA, 6415 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:06AM
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Practically everywhere on the box,this gay agenda is being promoted.

Song i kissed a girl by Katie Perry and a million more.

On Relocation Relocation and A Place In The Sun,every third or fourth couple is gay,never mind the further programming of those funny lines in the sky.

With all the box programming,coupled with the BPA even Cisco may start to fancy a bit

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
24 Mar 2012 1:13PM
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I said..."they're both professionals(nurses), middle of the road, politically, and aren't real feminists"...... This is the absolute truth. Graham and Michele are nurses married for years, Graham is an ex teacher and union man. He's much more into womens rights than Michelle. So ...hang on...why am I replying. Well, what my example shows is the double standard in your argument. I put forward the case of my friends Graham and Michele.......And YOU assumed they were lesbians. Why, because I told you they were nurses???or was it because I described them (accurately) as "not real feminists". You leapt to the conclusion that they were "bull Dykes" and then you decided to get stuck into them about how "selfish" they were. Then, when I told you that they were a Heterosexual couple, married, They'd tried for years to have kids and couldn't and decided to go down the adoption road then somehow the circumstances are different now. I didn't trick you tricked yourself.....that's a double standard....your argument is hollow.

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:15AM
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Petermac and cisco are having a homosexual relationship.

NSW, 4453 posts
24 Mar 2012 1:16PM
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petermac33 said...

Practically everywhere on the box,this gay agenda is being promoted.

Song i kissed a girl by Katie Perry and a million more.

On Relocation Relocation and A Place In The Sun,every third or fourth couple is gay,never mind the further programming of those funny lines in the sky.

Do you really want more humans procreating?
I'm glad kids are being taught to be gay.

Just imagine what traffic's going to be like in 20 years!

Kids: Being gay is cool, opposites don't track, they breed misery!

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
24 Mar 2012 1:18PM
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cisco said...

Ados said...

there is a lot of hate and negativity in this thread. The word 'Homo' is actually offensive to gay people. Moderator - please close down this thread.

Yep!! Better do that and while we are at we need to change milk from being Homo-genised to being Gay-genised.

The word 'Homo' is actually offensive to gay people.

A sideways glance is "offensive" to so called Gay people.

What they really want is to rule the world.

"What they really want is to rule the world."......make up your mind mate. First of all it's the socialists, then it's the Muslims and now it's the Homosexuals. What next the Rastafarians!

WA, 6415 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:24AM
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I must confess i've never really fancied a bit....ever....shame really cos like cisco i never get any of the other anyway.

1229 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:38AM
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Ados said...

Hiko said...

If the shortened version of Homosexual is offensive to Homosexuals and heterosexuals are supposed to know that and most probably do how come Homosexuals dont seem to realise that the hijacking of other words may be offensive to others ie gay,hero,
wife, husband, marriage for example or is sensitivity a one way street ?
Should I really have to explain to someone who I have just told I am married that my partner is a woman when that is exactly what marriage means ?

most confused post ever ^^^

The word marriage is associated with Arthur and Martha not Harry and Barry
or Jane and Joan What the latter two couples have is a civil union
Hope you are not too confused by that

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:56AM
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petermac33 said...
cos like cisco i never get any of the other anyway.

That explains everything.

WA, 229 posts
24 Mar 2012 11:54AM
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Most homos are already married, they have a wife and kids.

QLD, 12327 posts
24 Mar 2012 3:37PM
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poor relative said...

petermac33 said...
cos like cisco i never get any of the other anyway.

That explains everything.

Over the years it has certainly been offered to me but I always politely declined.

The Brown Town thing I mean.

Women on the other hand have only ever directly offered me sex three times and as they were all quite comely, I politely accepted.

That was only possible as I had not married by that stage. Fortunately since marriage there have been no offers.

QLD, 6123 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:30PM
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adolf said...

Same sex couples can't make babies.

But through their manipulation of existing laws they are able to legally acquire them. Children should not be seen as objects that can be acquired - and this goes for single parents who get $900 a pop from the government to pop them out.

I haven't heard anyone, except for Doggie - who spoke about his own experiences as an adopted child - talk about a child's right to their biological mother and father.

It's all about pandering to the politically active 0.000000001% of the population, who talk so passionately about their rights.

Same sex couples should be happy with legal equal rights and puppies.

If 'marriage' and 'children' are more important than their relationship - they should consider a partner from the opposite sex who can make this happen for them.

Well they look happy in the photo and I'm sure Mummy and Mummy will be great parents. But what happens if there is a split in the partnership or something goes wrong? Because the baby was acquired, when it comes down to it will they share the same level of commitment as a regular couple who are both involved in conception? Who get's custody?

I would really love to hear baby Alexandra's story at age 18, and I'm sure we will hear it. I wonder if her school years were filled with the same level of equality as her mothers were? I wonder if she will miss not having a father - like most other kids? I wonder if her biological father has any rights?

It's just a big can of worms. Good luck to Penny, Sophie and Alexandra - I hope they stay as happy as they look in this photo. I don't think it will be an easy road.

they shouldn't be allowed to have a sperm donor, they should have to 'take one for the team' grin and bear it with some lucky guy or someone who cant normally get a root, and make their day. The one who is not getting the baby should also have to join in.

WA, 421 posts
24 Mar 2012 9:23PM
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Hiko said...

Ados said...

Hiko said...

If the shortened version of Homosexual is offensive to Homosexuals and heterosexuals are supposed to know that and most probably do how come Homosexuals dont seem to realise that the hijacking of other words may be offensive to others ie gay,hero,
wife, husband, marriage for example or is sensitivity a one way street ?
Should I really have to explain to someone who I have just told I am married that my partner is a woman when that is exactly what marriage means ?

most confused post ever ^^^

The word marriage is associated with Arthur and Martha not Harry and Barry
or Jane and Joan What the latter two couples have is a civil union
Hope you are not too confused by that

Good argument.

WA, 421 posts
24 Mar 2012 9:23PM
Thumbs Up

Ados said...

Hiko said...

Ados said...

Hiko said...

If the shortened version of Homosexual is offensive to Homosexuals and heterosexuals are supposed to know that and most probably do how come Homosexuals dont seem to realise that the hijacking of other words may be offensive to others ie gay,hero,
wife, husband, marriage for example or is sensitivity a one way street ?
Should I really have to explain to someone who I have just told I am married that my partner is a woman when that is exactly what marriage means ?

most confused post ever ^^^

The word marriage is associated with Arthur and Martha not Harry and Barry
or Jane and Joan What the latter two couples have is a civil union
Hope you are not too confused by that

Good argument.


WA, 421 posts
24 Mar 2012 9:35PM
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Change is inevitable. let go and you will feel better about things. You can't deny the rights of others to take part in society, be it marriage or what ever. You can't fight it, its the way of the world .
I am a married man but have no dramas other men being married to other men, or women to women. its doesn't bother me in the slightest.
Sounds like a lot of people spend a lot of time hating.

NSW, 4453 posts
25 Mar 2012 1:04AM
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Sperm donation should be illegal, just like artificial insemination.

QLD, 12327 posts
25 Mar 2012 2:27AM
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Ados said...

Ados said...

Hiko said...
The word marriage is associated with Arthur and Martha not Harry and Barry
or Jane and Joan What the latter two couples have is a civil union
Hope you are not too confused by that

Good argument.


Why not????????????

QLD, 12327 posts
25 Mar 2012 2:43AM
Thumbs Up

Ados said...

Change is inevitable.

And very necessary.

let go and you will feel better about things. You can't deny the rights

which come with responsibilities

of others to take part in society,

nobody is trying to do that

be it marriage or what ever. You can't fight it,

yes you can

its the way of the world .

Not necessarily so.

I am a married man but have no dramas other men being married to other men, or women to women. its doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Good for you.

Sounds like a lot of people spend a lot of time hating.

It has nothing to do with hate. It is about the vociferous few trying to override the will of the many.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
25 Mar 2012 6:42AM
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cisco said...

Ados said...

Ados said...

Hiko said...
The word marriage is associated with Arthur and Martha not Harry and Barry
or Jane and Joan What the latter two couples have is a civil union
Hope you are not too confused by that

Good argument.


Why not????????????

Yeah the only problem I see with Hiko's argument is that he strayed from the usual "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" line and went with some bogus Arthur ,Martha,Harry,Barry thing . If Hiko had used that one Ados wouldn't have a leg to stand on. No well thought out argument can stand up to the time honoured, knock out punch of "Adam and Steve"

NSW, 6451 posts
25 Mar 2012 8:52AM
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What about Bill and Burt, and Sussie and Sally?

NSW, 172 posts
25 Mar 2012 10:26AM
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There is so many sad and narrow minded, sheltered people out there. It will make absolutely no difference to the rest of society whether people have a civil union or a marriage. The fact that you care so much just indicates what small minded people you are.

WA, 421 posts
25 Mar 2012 7:52AM
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Brien said...

There is so many sad and narrow minded, sheltered people out there. It will make absolutely no difference to the rest of society whether people have a civil union or a marriage. The fact that you care so much just indicates what small minded people you are.

^^^what he said

NSW, 807 posts
25 Mar 2012 10:58AM
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Brien said...

There is so many sad and narrow minded, sheltered people out there. It will make absolutely no difference to the rest of society whether people have a civil union or a marriage. The fact that you care so much just indicates what small minded people you are.

Many of you need to read this. Again. And again. It applies to you.

NSW, 4453 posts
25 Mar 2012 11:17AM
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Brien said...

There is so many sad and narrow minded, sheltered people out there. It will make absolutely no difference to the rest of society whether people have a civil union or a marriage. The fact that you care so much just indicates what small minded people you are.

If that were the case, then why are homos going through all the trouble, why is it even being debated?
Narrow minded?
And to resort to name calling just shows how week your argument is... what next grammar issues?

Any person who thinks same sex people should be allowed to get married obviously has no clue what marriage means.

Remember kids being gay is fully sick, the more the merrier.

NSW, 6874 posts
25 Mar 2012 12:37PM
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This guy sums it all up pretty well. A mega song and dance is being made about an issue which would never have raised a ripple if it did not have the backing of Zionist organisations uch a the ADL, Hollywood and the mainstream press.

You are being manipulated guys and are too preoccupied to realise it.

Few Gays Opt to Marry

December 11, 2007

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Despite the example set by these Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers, less than one-in-20 gays took advantage of Canada's decision to legalize marriage in June 2005, according to a census a year later.

Gays make up just 0.1% of all married couples, a proportion which is consistent with other countries that permit same-sex marriage.

In other words, the definition of the most important heterosexual institution was changed to satisfy one couple in one thousand.

This information is crucial to Americans where only Massachusetts permits same-sex marriage but as many as eleven other states are considering it.

In terms of numbers, Statistics Canada calculated that about one percent of the Canadian population are gay or bisexual, well below the estimates we normally hear. (StasCan Daily "Community Health Survey" , June 15 2004, p. 9) This works out to 316,900 people. The 2006 census found 7465 married same-sex couples, fewer than 15,000 men and women.

Roughly a quarter of Canadian gays (75,000) prefer "common law" relationships. There is no way to gauge their permanence or exclusivity.

The vast majority of homosexuals don't want gay marriage. It is being foisted on them and on society by elite social engineers using the media, government and a few activists. The goal is to undermine heterosexual marriage by obscuring its true character. The purpose is to destroy the family and render society more vulnerable to world government dictatorship by the central bankers.


The majority of gays regard same-sex marriage as a diversion from more important issues.
This view is expressed by Gareth Kirby in an editorial in Capital Xtra, an Ottawa gay newspaper, Oct. 18, 2007.

"Remember the headlines...that claimed we were flocking to city hall and churches to get the deed done as courts legalized same-sex marriage in province after province? ...It was a lie. Very few among us are eager to embrace marriage rights...

"Didn't we just spend a decade and by some estimates $2 million to wage wage this fight? Didn't we just put all our other major issues virtually on ice because some couples, a few lawyers, and a couple of out-of-touch lobby groups decided that same-sex marriage was the only thing that really mattered...

"Marriage is a heterosexual institution designed by the church, endorse by the state, with the intention of controlling the sexuality of women and by extension, their husbands...

"I don't expect the wedding rate will pick up. We have something better in our relationships, something that allows for a variety of friendships, **** buddies, lovers, sisters and ex's. We don 't put all the pressures on one person...

"We don't need the limitations of marriage. So we're taking a pass. But what waste of time and money, and a tragic diversion of focus, in that decade-long fight."

As Kirby suggests, being gay is about not marrying and being monogamous. It is farcical and tragic that heterosexual society should be sacrificed on the altar of gay marriage. Marriage-minded gays should be given a separate status with equal benefits and responsibilities.


The Canadian media has ignored the tepid gay response to marriage and tried instead to create the impression that traditional marriage is on the rocks. The fact the mass media is singing from an identical song sheet is further proof that it is directed by the central banking cartel.

In an article in The Hill Times (Sept. 24, 2007) Tom Korski writes:

[The media] "depicted gay Canadians enthusiastically embracing traditional roles at the exact moment the rest of society spirals into family dysfunction."

'Thank heavens for gay marriage,' wrote Globe and Mail columnist Margaret Went. 'Without it, the most ancient of our social institutions would be in even worse decline than it already is.'

Other journalists advised readers "the nuclear family is fading away," (Edmonton Sun) and that "same sex couples are taking the reins" (, or mocked the myth of the perfect family," (Vancouver Sun) and lamented "there is no such thing as traditional family anymore." (Moose Jaw Times Herald)

In one comically inelegant phrase CTV National's Lloyd Robertson told viewers, "If you're part of a so-called traditional family where the children are raised by a mother and father who are married, you seem to be in a declining breed." (End of Korski)

Meanwhile the gay lobby behind the legalization of same-sex marriage is releasing statistics that exaggerate the number of gay marriages by about %65. This lobby is called "Egale" and it is funded by IBM and a number of other anonymous corporations, as well as by the federal government.


Today, people who advance in the fields of government, education, media and big business generally belong to a colonial elite. They represent the London-based Masonic-Zionist central banking cartel which is colonizing us all in a 1984-style "world government." They are waging psychological war on society to undermine our ability to resist.

The nuclear family is the basic building block of society. We derive our identity, meaning, values and security from it. Heterosexual marriage is the basis for raising the new generation to be productive responsible citizens. It is based on the exchange of female power for male love which awakens the man's protective and constructive instincts. It is an essential step in our personal development and fulfillment.

The promotion of gay marriage has nothing to do with the welfare of homosexuals. As with feminism,it is designed to increase sex-role confusion, divorce, and depopulation. By conflating hetero and homosexual marriage, straights are being encouraged to emulate gays, who generally are not monogamous and do not have children. This is part of a wider attack on our gender identity (i.e. masculinity and femininity.)

Did we need to legalize gay marriage to accommodate one couple in one thousand? No. The central bankers
legalized it to destroy the nuclear family and change societal norms. By arresting our personal development, they are ensuring that humanity remains under their tutelage, a perpetual under-achiever.
Note: I am indebted to the Nov. Dec 2007 issue of Reality. This publication is sponsored by the Real Women of Canada I highly recommend it.

See also my: "Canada Redefines Marriage"

and "Heterosexual Society is Under Siege"

QLD, 12327 posts
25 Mar 2012 11:45AM
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FlySurfer said...
Remember kids being gay is fully sick.

And them being dumbed down, brain washed and indoctrinated into "gay approval" is even sicker.

QLD, 12327 posts
25 Mar 2012 11:55AM
Thumbs Up

So true japie.

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
25 Mar 2012 1:59PM
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japie said...

This guy sums it all up pretty well. A mega song and dance is being made about an issue which would never have raised a ripple if it did not have the backing of Zionist organisations uch a the ADL, Hollywood and the mainstream press.

You are being manipulated guys and are too preoccupied to realise it.

Few Gays Opt to Marry

December 11, 2007

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Despite the example set by these Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers, less than one-in-20 gays took advantage of Canada's decision to legalize marriage in June 2005, according to a census a year later.

Gays make up just 0.1% of all married couples, a proportion which is consistent with other countries that permit same-sex marriage.

In other words, the definition of the most important heterosexual institution was changed to satisfy one couple in one thousand.

This information is crucial to Americans where only Massachusetts permits same-sex marriage but as many as eleven other states are considering it.

In terms of numbers, Statistics Canada calculated that about one percent of the Canadian population are gay or bisexual, well below the estimates we normally hear. (StasCan Daily "Community Health Survey" , June 15 2004, p. 9) This works out to 316,900 people. The 2006 census found 7465 married same-sex couples, fewer than 15,000 men and women.

Roughly a quarter of Canadian gays (75,000) prefer "common law" relationships. There is no way to gauge their permanence or exclusivity.

The vast majority of homosexuals don't want gay marriage. It is being foisted on them and on society by elite social engineers using the media, government and a few activists. The goal is to undermine heterosexual marriage by obscuring its true character. The purpose is to destroy the family and render society more vulnerable to world government dictatorship by the central bankers.


The majority of gays regard same-sex marriage as a diversion from more important issues.
This view is expressed by Gareth Kirby in an editorial in Capital Xtra, an Ottawa gay newspaper, Oct. 18, 2007.

"Remember the headlines...that claimed we were flocking to city hall and churches to get the deed done as courts legalized same-sex marriage in province after province? ...It was a lie. Very few among us are eager to embrace marriage rights...

"Didn't we just spend a decade and by some estimates $2 million to wage wage this fight? Didn't we just put all our other major issues virtually on ice because some couples, a few lawyers, and a couple of out-of-touch lobby groups decided that same-sex marriage was the only thing that really mattered...

"Marriage is a heterosexual institution designed by the church, endorse by the state, with the intention of controlling the sexuality of women and by extension, their husbands...

"I don't expect the wedding rate will pick up. We have something better in our relationships, something that allows for a variety of friendships, **** buddies, lovers, sisters and ex's. We don 't put all the pressures on one person...

"We don't need the limitations of marriage. So we're taking a pass. But what waste of time and money, and a tragic diversion of focus, in that decade-long fight."

As Kirby suggests, being gay is about not marrying and being monogamous. It is farcical and tragic that heterosexual society should be sacrificed on the altar of gay marriage. Marriage-minded gays should be given a separate status with equal benefits and responsibilities.


The Canadian media has ignored the tepid gay response to marriage and tried instead to create the impression that traditional marriage is on the rocks. The fact the mass media is singing from an identical song sheet is further proof that it is directed by the central banking cartel.

In an article in The Hill Times (Sept. 24, 2007) Tom Korski writes:

[The media] "depicted gay Canadians enthusiastically embracing traditional roles at the exact moment the rest of society spirals into family dysfunction."

'Thank heavens for gay marriage,' wrote Globe and Mail columnist Margaret Went. 'Without it, the most ancient of our social institutions would be in even worse decline than it already is.'

Other journalists advised readers "the nuclear family is fading away," (Edmonton Sun) and that "same sex couples are taking the reins" (, or mocked the myth of the perfect family," (Vancouver Sun) and lamented "there is no such thing as traditional family anymore." (Moose Jaw Times Herald)

In one comically inelegant phrase CTV National's Lloyd Robertson told viewers, "If you're part of a so-called traditional family where the children are raised by a mother and father who are married, you seem to be in a declining breed." (End of Korski)

Meanwhile the gay lobby behind the legalization of same-sex marriage is releasing statistics that exaggerate the number of gay marriages by about %65. This lobby is called "Egale" and it is funded by IBM and a number of other anonymous corporations, as well as by the federal government.


Today, people who advance in the fields of government, education, media and big business generally belong to a colonial elite. They represent the London-based Masonic-Zionist central banking cartel which is colonizing us all in a 1984-style "world government." They are waging psychological war on society to undermine our ability to resist.

The nuclear family is the basic building block of society. We derive our identity, meaning, values and security from it. Heterosexual marriage is the basis for raising the new generation to be productive responsible citizens. It is based on the exchange of female power for male love which awakens the man's protective and constructive instincts. It is an essential step in our personal development and fulfillment.

The promotion of gay marriage has nothing to do with the welfare of homosexuals. As with feminism,it is designed to increase sex-role confusion, divorce, and depopulation. By conflating hetero and homosexual marriage, straights are being encouraged to emulate gays, who generally are not monogamous and do not have children. This is part of a wider attack on our gender identity (i.e. masculinity and femininity.)

Did we need to legalize gay marriage to accommodate one couple in one thousand? No. The central bankers
legalized it to destroy the nuclear family and change societal norms. By arresting our personal development, they are ensuring that humanity remains under their tutelage, a perpetual under-achiever.
Note: I am indebted to the Nov. Dec 2007 issue of Reality. This publication is sponsored by the Real Women of Canada I highly recommend it.

See also my: "Canada Redefines Marriage"

and "Heterosexual Society is Under Siege"

Japie it's Henry Makow.....FFS Japie have you got any sense of credibility; and Cisco you support this stuff? I mean I know that Peter 33 is a loony but Japie and now Cisco. But then I would say that cause i'm in on the whole "exposing feminism and the new world order"(from henrys' site). Why does everything have to end up in some strange conspiracy theory? And maybe we should save ourselves a whole lot of time and just come our with the NWO stuff right at the start!

NSW, 6874 posts
25 Mar 2012 3:13PM
Thumbs Up

log man said...

japie said...

This guy sums it all up pretty well. .......

Japie it's Henry Makow.....FFS Japie have you got any sense of credibility; and Cisco you support this stuff? I mean I know that Peter 33 is a loony but Japie and now Cisco. But then I would say that cause i'm in on the whole "exposing feminism and the new world order"(from henrys' site). Why does everything have to end up in some strange conspiracy theory? And maybe we should save ourselves a whole lot of time and just come our with the NWO stuff right at the start!

Loggy you really are a funny little man

I have no love of Henry Makow, in fact I think he is bigoted and very probably not a very nice person to know.

Does that preclude him from any discussion on gay marriage?

Well as far as I am concerned no, it does not. Firstly because he is likely to have researched the subject far more deeply than the proponents in the popular press and secondly because he offers a contradictory argument, something that appears to be an alien concept in your rationale.

When something as ridiculous as "Gay" marriage, (I can remember a time when having a gay old time implied nothing more than having a good one and did not imply anything perverse), when something that ridiculous. that involves a very tiny minority of the population, starts to take up an in-proportionate amount of media time I get a little suspicious.

Then when I read that mega powerful organisations like the ADL are backing this crud I start to make up my own mind about what is really going on. See the ADL is a Zionist organisation and for them to be shouting about gay marriage, well there has to be an agenda. You can bet your bottom dollar that it has bugger all to do with a concern for p00fters and associated perverts marital well being.

You of course are a little different and do not find it necessary to question this sort of thing. I accept that for you being fleeced is a part of your existence

QLD, 2770 posts
25 Mar 2012 2:20PM
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i think your tinfoil hat is on a bit too tight

NSW, 6874 posts
25 Mar 2012 3:27PM
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stamp said...

i think your tinfoil hat is on a bit too tight

Thank you for your well considered and erudite reply

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Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Gay Marriage" started by adolf