FFS I hate smoking, but im sure those kids wont die from it.
Why wont people just mind their own business and get on with their own life. Australia has lost its shell be right mate attitude.
Kale latte anyone?
Adolph you think you will just fall over dead one day and not suffer but actually it's more likely you will suffer a long, drawn out suffering death from cancer or emphysema, maybe you will be one of those blokes who smokes thru a hole cut in your throat and you will have to use a "cancer kazoo" to talk. Or perhaps failing health will finally make you quit but the damage will have been done and you will live your golden years as you describe instead of being healthy and active.
All u people saying ban smoking, do u think the gov is just
going to go without the billons of dollars from smoking?
no there will b a new tax for every1 not just smokers, so baning smoking will cost non smokers in the end.
I took the family to a crowded bar/restaurant near a busy train station out of Tokyo.
My younger daughter was worried for a few of the patrons lighting up a ciggy in between each meal course, and during each meal course, while consuming combinations of saki and beer to the point of being incoherent. The restaurant was filled with smoke. My wife wanted to know what type of father I was taking them to such a place, but I said it was an educational experience.
It would be interesting to know the cost of the aging population. Average life expectancy used to be around 50. How much in pensions are we paying when people live into their 90s and beyond? What is the cost to the community in keeping everyone alive at all cost.
Your smoking cost stats are rubbish. If its that bad they would ban it!
Smoking makes you run faster,jump higher,leap further and improve your health and wellbeing.
It helps reduce weight.
It strengthens your lungs, its like giving your lungs excersize
Its makes you attractive.
When there is heaps of flies and you light a durrie they go away cause of the smoke.
Costs heaps so you adopt almost zen like attitude about having to go without other things like lunch and extra fuel for the car to hunt waves.
At 200 bucks a week you could save that and go on an epic surf trip once or twice a year.........
I'm an ex smoker and i'm a c$$t
Smoke darts near me or my kids and i wouldn't say anything.
I'd just stab you
All you people have been sucked in like a marlboro down a cowboys guts !!! In realty oliver would be a clean living drug free citizen !!!!!!
Ive always liked this quote from one of the big cigarette company's top shiny arse's. Probably a urban myth but ya never know.
What tobacco companies say about you! In their own words:
“We don’t smoke that s_ _ _. We just sell it. We reserve the right to smoke for the young, the poor, the black and stupid.
”R.J. Reynolds executive’s reply when asked why he didn’t smoke according to Dave Goerlitz, lead Winston model for seven years for R.J. Reynolds.] Giovanni, J, “Come to Cancer Country; USA; Focus,” The Times of London, August 2, 1992.
How times have changed.
The very first 747 I flew on people were standing down the back to have a ciggie.
I was on my way to a student exchange in france. Where the teachers would casually light the senior high school kids ciggies at break time