Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...


Created by adolf > 9 months ago, 25 Apr 2016
WA, 1267 posts
29 Apr 2016 5:36PM
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kiteboy dave said..
How times have changed.

The very first 747 I flew on people were standing down the back to have a ciggie.

I was on my way to a student exchange in france. Where the teachers would casually light the senior high school kids ciggies at break time

Back when I was a lad, there was an ashtray in the arm rest of each seat. Didn't have to go to the back of the plane!

QLD, 285 posts
29 Apr 2016 7:38PM
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Mother smoked, pack a day, for forty years, died from lung cancer, quit, cold turkey the day of her diagnosis, why bother? Completely p@** weak.
Father never smoked, died from lung cancer.
Moral of the story...smoking is a slow form of suicide for those who under take it and a slow form of murder for those around them.
Nothing cool about it, it stinks and is repulsive and dirty waste of money...when I see people smoking I just think ugh and how weak they are for forking out their hard earned to some huge company that is laughing all the way to the bank. The people who undertake it are suckers who may depart early but will be a burden upon the health system in the meantime and bring nothing but misery to their 'loved' ones while doing so.
My parents were stupid, if you smoke, atleast think about your kids. It absolutely sucks to be completely alone in this world as a teenager.

WA, 541 posts
29 Apr 2016 6:26PM
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It absolutely sucks to be completely alone in this world as a teenager.

If you can, get a job. Make adult friends tell them your story. Im sure everyone who can will help you somehow and try keep you on the reasonably sensible little bit wonkey path.

Sorry to hear

QLD, 3615 posts
29 Apr 2016 8:28PM
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How's the hatred against ciggies from you guys? Its like adolf smoking affects you as much as his smoking chambers in 1943.

I hate Kale. And to be honest I hate people who like kale. Its aweful stuff. Different thread though.

1862 posts
29 Apr 2016 6:51PM
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I've got a confession to make....

I was pissed the other night and make the whole scenario up. I only wanted to put the word "turd" into a post. Had absolutely no idea that it would cause this much anger and hatred.

You muppets really do get fired up though - I reckon some of you ex smokers are a little pent up. Are you missing the darts that much? Each to their own.

If there is any burden to the health system It's going to be more about angry x-gen, whining muppets complaining about previous generations until they kick the bucket at 120 after 50+ years of care - that's the way I see it.

If more of you x-gen whiners Kurt Cobained yourself - the world would be a richer place.


WA, 1916 posts
29 Apr 2016 7:56PM
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QLD, 3615 posts
29 Apr 2016 9:57PM
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I still hate kale

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
29 Apr 2016 10:01PM
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It's been 15 years for me.......and if I had 1 now I'd have 25 of the gaspers tomorrow. Nicotine is a really ****ing tough drug.

1862 posts
29 Apr 2016 8:11PM
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The govt should just ban the sale of it.

I'd say 90% of the population agree - what's the issue?

Lots of half arsed muppets on here whining - look what happened with prohibition... Yet many countries have banned alcohol. Govt has no will to do the right thing.

Odd how gambling has always been seen similar to smoking - in that it's extremely problematic. Yet we have seen that industry grow, more options to gamble than ever before.

Govt could ban the sale of smoking tomorrow if there was a will - but govt are addicted to the revenue.

I'm sceptical of the health stats on what smoking costs the community - compared to what... People living longer in care to 120? What does that cost us?

Smokers keep the health system running. That's why it will never be outlawed.

NSW, 4521 posts
29 Apr 2016 10:17PM
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Guess a lot of you have already seen this?

10 posts
29 Apr 2016 8:22PM
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only a Galah would suck tar ...

NSW, 1088 posts
29 Apr 2016 10:32PM
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going fishing tomorrow

1862 posts
29 Apr 2016 8:44PM
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ok said..
going fishing tomorrow

R U OK ok?

I don't want you to Kurt Cobain yourself

1156 posts
29 Apr 2016 9:15PM
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BS Adoliver. I bet that you are a 5 if not a pack of Winnies a day kinda guy, and a little peadofilic going by your avatar.

But I agree with what you say regarding the eat well, don't smoke, don't drink, live a long happy, healthy life and spend the next 30 years dying gig.

In my previous post on this topic, the lady mentioned is an aged care worker, looking after many that took care of themselves over the years and are now just wishing they could die, as their kids come to see them once a month at best and the grandkids etc can't wait to get the ^^^k outa there as rotting old person smell really messes with their sensibilities. And they all come down for their breakfast mush in the morning, and one might say " Where's Bob ?" "Oh he passed last nite" one other may reply", and the few who can remember who Bob was are probably thinking 'you lucky prick'.

Yes I am a smoker, but I'm a very considerate smoker, I stay downwind of others or don't smoke at all if kids are nearby or if it upsets the property owner that I'm on.

But being asked to move on as children could SEE us smoking ?

FFS. What are these people trying to hide from their kids from, REALITY ?

Any way, rant over, just got a txt from lady dog owner telling me she has a dodgy roller in one of her bedside drawers that needs a look at.

I hope she has a clean ashtray for the aftermath

Oh ,and when my time comes ( if so through smoking ), I'll be one of those old farts scribbling off his bucket list, and jumping out of a perfectly good aeroplane and making sure I have a boxcutter knife with me to take care of the main AND emergency chute, as I would hate to be an added burden on the health care system like all the long lifers are.

Keep smiling

log man
VIC, 8289 posts
29 Apr 2016 11:26PM
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adolf said..

ok said..
going fishing tomorrow

R U OK ok?

I don't want you to Kurt Cobain yourself

Oh Adolf, you've got such a "devil may care"....zany attitude to things. Your just so rad.

WA, 541 posts
30 Apr 2016 5:22AM
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You are so clever adolf you had us all fooled

1221 posts
30 Apr 2016 9:22AM
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bjw said..
So why do you care so much?

Let Adolf live how he wants to. He will with or against your approval.

Its probably because the average age of ex smoker on this thread is extremely mature (85yr), they forgot what its like to throw caution to the wind without judging someone else (two sugars in a cup of coffee went along time ago)
Besides the militant stance of the ex smokers here has me worried they have contracted hyperhypocryticaljudgemental syndrome which can prove fatal.
I have been visiting my Grandma in ICU over the past fortnight she has been touch and go the whole time...she doesn't hesitate to tell everyone she just wants to die "just let me die"...the amount of medical attention she has flustering around her 24/7 is ridiculous and ridiculously expensive yet she says let me die.

Like Adolph (and my grandma) hope I just fall off the perch at about 70yrs.
Don't have much say in it I might get hit by a bus or stabbed by a non smoker tomorrow.
If someone is going to approach me while Im smoking away they'd want to be prepared for at least a face full of nicotine.

NSW, 179 posts
30 Apr 2016 12:07PM
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Smokers suck

NSW, 4188 posts
30 Apr 2016 1:17PM
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ROMF said...
only a Galah would suck tar ...

Lol shh...

VIC, 1040 posts
30 Apr 2016 1:31PM
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adolf said..
I've got a confession to make....

I was pissed the other night and make the whole scenario up. I only wanted to put the word "turd" into a post. Had absolutely no idea that it would cause this much anger and hatred.

You muppets really do get fired up though - I reckon some of you ex smokers are a little pent up. Are you missing the darts that much? Each to their own.

If there is any burden to the health system It's going to be more about angry x-gen, whining muppets complaining about previous generations until they kick the bucket at 120 after 50+ years of care - that's the way I see it.

If more of you x-gen whiners Kurt Cobained yourself - the world would be a richer place.


I heard the version that Courtney did it.

Another words he was Courtney Loved.

2350 posts
30 Apr 2016 3:31PM
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You smokers have absolutely no idea how far that **** travels.

WA, 1305 posts
30 Apr 2016 6:16PM
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Can't believe this sh-t has gone on for 4 pages,

roll a fat one instead

NSW, 2215 posts
30 Apr 2016 9:19PM
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Please move this to heavy weather so it can just die quietly

WA, 541 posts
30 Apr 2016 8:38PM
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warwickl said...
Please move adolf to heavy weather so it can just die quietly

Fixed :-)

NSW, 1088 posts
1 May 2016 8:44AM
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Im not old enough to be an xgen so im defo ok , ok

QLD, 11 posts
1 May 2016 11:47AM
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Bring on the smokers
1 pack a day collects say $15 in taxes
Thats around $100 dollars a week or $5000 per year
lets say this can be done for fifty years till retielement that will mean $250 000 collected
They will live 10 years less on pension of about $20000 per year ,total saved there is $200, 000
Less $100,000 dollars for their last 3 months in hospital,that should make smokers about $350,000 better off for the tax system
The real contributors are the ones that can afford to drink, play the pokies and do a pack a smokes a day

1221 posts
1 May 2016 3:58PM
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Sounds like you have a disturbing money addiction Wos.
Count your pennies again it will be allright.
But tomorrow is a public holiday oh nooo

NSW, 2495 posts
3 May 2016 8:24AM
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WOS said...
Bring on the smokers
1 pack a day collects say $15 in taxes
Thats around $100 dollars a week or $5000 per year
lets say this can be done for fifty years till retielement that will mean $250 000 collected
They will live 10 years less on pension of about $20000 per year ,total saved there is $200, 000
Less $100,000 dollars for their last 3 months in hospital,that should make smokers about $350,000 better off for the tax system
The real contributors are the ones that can afford to drink, play the pokies and do a pack a smokes a day

100k for 3 months. Good luck with that.

QLD, 6123 posts
3 May 2016 10:37AM
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Harrow said..
Guess a lot of you have already seen this?

wow thats amazing. check out how naturally he wields the smokes.


Forums > General Discussion   Shooting the breeze...

"Smoking?" started by adolf